Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Interlinear Study Bible

Greek Language ⇌

Exodus 21

TapClick Verse Number to Study Verse In-Depth!
2532 And kai καὶ C
3778 these are tauta ταῦτα RD.NPN
3588 the ta τὰ RA.NPN
1345 ordinances dikaiōmata δικαιώματα, N.NPN
3739 which ha RR.APN
3908 you shall place parathēseis παραθήσεις V.FAI2S
1799 enōpion ἐνώπιον P
1473 autōn αὐτῶν. RD.GPM
before them.
1437 If ean ἐὰν C
2932 you should acquire ktēsē κτήσῃ V.AMS2S
3816 servant paida παῖδα N.ASM
* a Hebrew,
1803 six hex ἓξ M
2094 years etē ἔτη N.APN
1398 he shall serve douleusei δουλεύσει V.FAI3S
1473 to you, soi σοι· RP.DS
3588 τῷ RA.DSM
1161 de δὲ X
but the
1442 seventh hebdomō ἑβδόμῳ A.DSN
2094 year etē ἔτη N.APN
565 you shall send apeleusetai ἀπελεύσεται V.FMI3S
1658 him free eleutheros ἐλεύθερος A.NSM
1431 without charge. dōrean δωρεάν. N.ASF
1437 If ean ἐὰν C
1473 he autos αὐτὸς RD.NSM
3441 alone monos μόνος A.NSM
1525 should enter, eiselthē εἰσέλθῃ, V.AAS3S
2532 also kai καὶ C
3441 alone monos μόνος A.NSM
1831 he shall go forth; exeleusetai ἐξελεύσεται· V.FMI3S
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
but if
1135 a wife gynē γυνὴ N.NSF
4897 should enter together syneiselthē συνεισέλθῃ V.AAS3S
3326 with met᾿ μετ᾿ P
1473 him, autou αὐτοῦ, RD.GSM
2532 also kai καὶ C
3588 the hē RA.NSF
1135 wife gynē γυνὴ N.NSF
1831 shall go out together exeleusetai ἐξελεύσεται· V.FMI3S
3326 with met᾿ μετ᾿ P
1473 him. autou αὐτοῦ, RD.GSM
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
3588 the ho RA.NSM
2962 master kyrios κύριος N.NSM
1325 should give δῷ V.AAS3S
1473 to him autō αὐτῷ RD.DSM
1135 a wife, gynaika γυναῖκα, N.ASF
2532 and kai καὶ C
5088 she should bear tekē τέκῃ V.AAS3S
1473 to him, autō αὐτῷ RD.DSM
5207 sons huious υἱοὺς N.APM
2532 and kai καὶ C
2364 daughters, thygateras θυγατέρας, N.APF
3588 the ho RA.NSM
1135 wife gynaika γυναῖκα, N.ASF
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588 the ho RA.NSM
3813 children paidia παιδία N.NPN
1510.8.3 shall be estai ἔσται V.FMI3S
3588   ho RA.NSM
2962 kyrios κύριος N.NSM
1473 autou αὐτοῦ, RD.GSM
his masters,
1473 autos αὐτὸς RD.NSM
1161 de δὲ X
and he
3441 alone monos μόνος A.NSM
1831 shall go forth exeleusetai ἐξελεύσεται. V.FMI3S
3326 by
1473 himself. autou αὐτοῦ, RD.GSM
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
611 responding apokritheis ἀποκριθεὶς V.APPNSM
2036 should have said eipē εἴπῃ V.AAS3S
3588 the ho RA.NSM
3816 servant, pais παῖς N.NSM
25 I have loved ēgapēka ἠγάπηκα V.XAI1S
3588   ho RA.NSM
2962 kyrion κύριόν N.ASM
1473 mou μου RP.GS
my master,
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588   ho RA.NSM
1135 gynaika γυναῖκα N.ASF
1473 mou μου RP.GS
my wife,
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588 the ho RA.NSM
3813 children; paidia παιδία, N.APN
1658 free. eleutheros ἐλεύθερος· A.NSM
4317 shall lead prosaxei προσάξει V.FAI3S
1473 him auton αὐτὸν RD.ASM
3588   ho RA.NSM
2962 kyrios κύριος N.NSM
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
Then his master
4314 to pros πρὸς P
3588 the ho RA.NSM
2922 judgment seat kritērion κριτήριον N.ASN
3588   ho RA.NSM
2316 of God, theou θεοῦ N.GSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
5119 then tote τότε D
4317 lead prosaxei προσάξει V.FAI3S
1473 him auton αὐτὸν RD.ASM
4314 to pros πρὸς P
3588 the ho RA.NSM
2374 door, thyran θύραν N.ASF
1909 unto epi ἐπὶ P
3588 the ho RA.NSM
4712.4 doorpost. stathmon σταθμόν, N.ASM
2532 And kai καὶ C
5168.1 shall make a hole in trypēsei τρυπήσει V.FAI3S
1473 his autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
3588   ho RA.NSM
2962 master kyrios κύριος N.NSM
3588 the ho RA.NSM
3775 ear ous οὖς N.ASN
3588 with the ho RA.NSM
3692.1 shoemaker's awl, opētiō ὀπητίῳ, N.DSN
2532 and kai καὶ C
1398 he shall serve douleusei δουλεύσει V.FAI3S
1473 to him autō αὐτῷ RD.DSM
1519 into eis εἰς P
3588 the ho RA.NSM
165 eon. aiōna αἰῶνα— N.ASM
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δέ X
But if
5100 any tis τις RI.NSM
591 should give over apodōtai ἀποδῶται V.AMS3S
3588   tēn τὴν RA.ASF
1438 his own heautou ἑαυτοῦ RD.GSM
2364 daughter thygatera θυγατέρα N.ASF
3610.1 as a domestic servant, oiketin οἰκέτιν, N.ASF
3756 ouk οὐκ D
565 apeleusetai ἀπελεύσεται V.FMI3S
she shall not go forth
5618 as hōsper ὥσπερ D
665.1 run forth apotrechousin ἀποτρέχουσιν V.PAI3P
3588 the tēn τὴν RA.ASF
1399 maidservants. doulai δοῦλαι. N.NPF
1437 If ean ἐὰν C
3361 mē μὴ D
2100 euarestēsē εὐαρεστήσῃ V.AAS3S
she should not be well-pleasing
3588 to τῷ RA.DSM
2962 kyriō κυρίῳ N.DSM
1473 autēs αὐτῆς RD.GSF
her master,
3739 who hēn ἣν RR.ASF
3756 did not ou οὐ D
2527.1 solemnly promise kathōmologēsato καθωμολογήσατο, V.AMI3S
1473 her; autēn αὐτήν· RD.ASF
628.1 on payment of ransom he shall release apolytrōsei ἀπολυτρώσει V.FAI3S
1473 her; autēn αὐτήν· RD.ASF
1484 nation ethnei ἔθνει N.DSN
1161 but de δὲ X
245 to an alien allotriō ἀλλοτρίῳ A.DSN
3756 not ou οὐ D
2962 the master kyriō κυρίῳ N.DSM
1510.2.3 is estin ἐστιν V.PAI3S
4453 to sell pōlein πωλεῖν V.PAN
1473 her, autēn αὐτήν· RD.ASF
3754 for hoti ὅτι C
114 he disrespected ēthetēsen ἠθέτησεν V.AAI3S
1722   en ἐν P
1473 her. autē αὐτῇ. RD.DSF
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
3588 to τῷ RA.DSM
5207 huiō υἱῷ N.DSM
his son
2527.1 he solemnly promised kathomologēsētai καθομολογήσηται V.AMS3S
1473 her, autēn αὐτήν, RD.ASF
2596 according to kata κατὰ P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSM
1345 ordinance dikaiōma δικαίωμα N.ASN
3588 of the τῷ RA.DSM
2364 daughters thygaterōn θυγατέρων N.GPF
4160 he shall commit poiēsei ποιήσει V.FAI3S
1473 to her. autē αὐτῇ. RD.DSF
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
243 another woman allēn ἄλλην RD.ASF
2983 he should take labē λάβῃ V.AAS3S
1438 to himself, heautō ἑαυτῷ, RD.DSM
3588 the ta τὰ RA.APN
1163 things necessary, deonta δέοντα V.PAPAPN
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588 the ta τὰ RA.APN
2441 clothes, himatismon ἱματισμὸν N.ASM
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588   ta τὰ RA.APN
3657 homilian ὁμιλίαν N.ASF
1473 autēs αὐτῆς RD.GSF
her companionship
3756 he shall not ouk οὐκ D
650 deprive. aposterēsei ἀποστερήσει. V.FAI3S
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
3588   ta τὰ RA.APN
5140 tria τρία A.APN
3778 tauta ταῦτα RD.APN
these three things
3361 mē μὴ D
4160 poiēsē ποιήσῃ V.AAS3S
he should not do
1473 for her, autē αὐτῇ, RD.DSF
1831 she shall go forth exeleusetai ἐξελεύσεται V.FMI3S
1431 freely, dōrean δωρεὰν N.ASF
427 without aneu ἄνευ P
694 paying money. argyriou ἀργυρίου. N.GSN
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
3960 pataxē πατάξῃ V.AAS3S
5100 tina τινα, RI.ASM
any should strike
5100 any, tina τινα, RI.ASM
2532 and kai καὶ C
599 he should die, apothanē ἀποθάνῃ, V.AAS3S
2288 to death thanatō θανάτῳ N.DSM
2289 let him be put to death! thanatousthō θανατούσθω· V.PMD3S
1161 de δὲ X
But if it be done
3756 not ouch οὐχ D
1635 willingly, hekōn ἑκών, A.NSM
235 but alla ἀλλὰ C
3588   ho RA.NSM
2316 God theos θεὸς N.NSM
3860 delivered up paredōken παρέδωκεν V.AAI3S
1519 into eis εἰς P
3588   ho RA.NSM
5495 cheiras χεῖρας N.APF
1473 autou αὐτοῦ, RD.GSM
his hands,
1325 I will give dōsō δώσω V.FAI1S
1473 to you soi σοι RP.DS
5117 a place topon τόπον, N.ASM
3739 in which hou οὗ D
5343 he shall flee pheuxetai φεύξεται V.FMI3S
1563 there -- ekei ἐκεῖ D
3588 the ho RA.NSM
5407 one man-slaying. phoneusas φονεύσας. V.AAPNSM
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δέ X
But if
5100 any tis τις RI.NSM
2007 should set against epithētai ἐπιθῆται V.AMS3S
3588 the τῷ RA.DSM
4139 neighbor plēsion πλησίον D
3588   τῷ RA.DSM
615 to kill apokteinai ἀποκτεῖναι V.AAN
1473 him auton αὐτὸν RD.ASM
1388 by treachery, dolō δόλῳ N.DSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
2703 should take refuge; kataphygē καταφύγῃ, V.AAS3S
575 from apo ἀπὸ P
3588   τῷ RA.DSM
2379 thysiastēriou θυσιαστηρίου N.GSN
1473 mou μου RP.GS
my altar
2983 you shall take lēmpsē λήμψῃ V.FMI2S
1473 him auton αὐτὸν RD.ASM
2289 to be put to death. thanatōsai θανατῶσαι— V.AAN
3739 Whoever hos ὃς RR.NSM
5180 beats typtei τύπτει V.PAI3S
3962 patera πατέρα N.ASM
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
his father
2228 or C
3384 mētera μητέρα N.ASF
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
his mother,
2288 to death thanatō θανάτῳ N.DSM
2289 he should be put to death. thanatousthō θανατούσθω. V.PMD3S
3588 The one tōn τῶν RA.GPM
2551 speaking evil
of his father
2228 or
his mother,
2288 to death thanatō θανάτῳ N.DSM
5053 let him come to an end! teleutatō τελευτάτω— V.PAD3S
3739 Who
1437 ever
2813 should steal
5100 any
5100 of any one
3588 of the ho RA.NSM
5207 sons
* of Israel,
2532 and
2616 tyrannizing
1473 him,
591 should give him over,
2532 and
2147 should be found
1722 with
1473 him,
2288 to death thanatō θανάτῳ— N.DSM
5053 let him come to an end! teleutēsei τελευτήσει V.FAI3S
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
3058 revile each other loidorōntai λοιδορῶνται V.PMS3P
1417 two dyo δύο M
435 men, andres ἄνδρες N.NPM
2532 and kai καὶ C
3960 one should strike pataxē πατάξῃ V.AAS3S
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
4139 neighbor plēsion πλησίον D
3037 with a stone lithō λίθῳ N.DSM
2228 or C
4435 fist, pygmē πυγμῇ, N.DSF
2532 and kai καὶ C
3361 mē μὴ D
599 apothanē ἀποθάνῃ, V.AAS3S
he should not die,
2625 kataklithē κατακλιθῇ V.APS3S
1161 de δὲ X
but lies down
1909 upon epi ἐπὶ P
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
2845 bed; koitēn κοίτην, N.ASF
1437 if ean ἐὰν C
1817 in arising, exanastas ἐξαναστὰς V.AAPNSM
3588 the ho RA.NSM
444 man anthrōpos ἄνθρωπος N.NSM
4043 should walk peripatēsē περιπατήσῃ V.AAS3S
1854 outside exō ἔξω D
1909 upon epi ἐπὶ P
4464 rhabdou ῥάβδου, N.GSF
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
his cane,
3588 the one ho RA.NSM
3960 striking; pataxas πατάξας· V.AAPNSM
4133 except plēn πλὴν D
3588   ho RA.NSM
691.1-1473 for his idleness
661 he shall pay, apoteisei ἀποτείσει V.FAI3S
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588 the ho RA.NSM
2394.3 physician's fee. iatreia ἰατρεῖα— N.APN
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δέ X
But if
5100 any tis τις RI.NSM
3960 strike pataxē πατάξῃ V.AAS3S
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
3816 paida παῖδα N.ASM
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
his servant
2228 or C
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
3814 paidiskēn παιδίσκην N.ASF
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
his maidservant
1722 with en ἐν P
4464 a rod, rhabdō ῥάβδῳ, N.DSF
2532 and kai καὶ C
599 one should die apothanē ἀποθάνῃ V.AAS3S
5259 by hypo ὑπὸ P
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
5495 cheiras χεῖρας N.APF
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
his hand,
1349 with punishment dikē δίκῃ N.DSF
1556 let him be punished! ekdikēthētō ἐκδικηθήτω. V.APD3S
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
1226.4 the one should continue to live diabiōsē διαβιώσῃ V.FMI2S
2250 day hēmeran ἡμέραν N.ASF
1520 one mian μίαν A.ASF
2228 or C
1417 two, dyo δύο, M
3756 he shall not ouk οὐκ D
1556 be punished, ekdikēthēsetai ἐκδικηθήσεται· V.FPI3S
3588   to τὸ RA.NSN
1063 for gar γὰρ X
694 argyrion ἀργύριον N.NSN
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
his money
1510.2.3 he is. estin ἐστιν— V.PAI3S
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
3164 should do combat machōntai μάχωνται V.PMS3P
1417 two dyo δύο M
435 men, andres ἄνδρες N.NPM
2532 and kai καὶ C
3960 should strike pataxōsin πατάξωσιν V.AAS3P
1135 a woman gynaika γυναῖκα N.ASF
1722 in en ἐν P
1064 the womb gastri γαστρὶ N.DSF
2192 having one, echousan ἔχουσαν, V.PAPASF
2532 and kai καὶ C
1831 should come forth exelthē ἐξέλθῃ V.AAS3S
3588   to τὸ RA.NSN
3813 paidion παιδίον N.NSN
1473 autēs αὐτῆς RD.GSF
her child
3361 not mē μὴ D
1825.2 completely formed, exeikonismenon ἐξεικονισμένον, V.XPPNSN
1933.3 with a fine epizēmion ἐπιζήμιον N.ASN
2210 he shall be penalized, zēmiōthēsetai ζημιωθήσεται· V.FPI3S
2530 in so far kathoti καθότι D
302 as an ἂν X
1911 should put upon him epibalē ἐπιβάλῃ V.AAS3S
3588 the to τὸ RA.NSN
435 husband andres ἄνδρες N.NPM
3588 of the to τὸ RA.NSN
1135 woman, gynaika γυναῖκα N.ASF
2532 and kai καὶ C
1325 he shall give dōsei δώσει V.FAI3S
3326 by means of meta μετὰ P
515.1 what is fit. axiōmatos ἀξιώματος· N.GSN
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
1825.2 completely formed exeikonismenon ἐξεικονισμένον V.XPPNSN
1510.3 it should be, ēn ἦν, V.IAI3S
1325 he shall give dōsei δώσει V.FAI3S
5590 life psychēn ψυχὴν N.ASF
473 for anti ἀντὶ P
5590 life, psychēn ψυχὴν N.ASF
3788 eye ophthalmon ὀφθαλμὸν N.ASM
473 for anti ἀντὶ P
3788 eye, ophthalmon ὀφθαλμὸν N.ASM
3599 tooth odonta ὀδόντα N.ASM
473 for anti ἀντὶ P
3599 tooth, odonta ὀδόντα N.ASM
5495 hand cheira χεῖρα N.ASF
473 for anti ἀντὶ P
5495 hand, cheira χεῖρα N.ASF
4228 foot poda πόδα N.ASM
473 for anti ἀντὶ P
4228 foot, poda πόδα N.ASM
2619.5 burning katakauma κατάκαυμα N.ASN
473 for anti ἀντὶ P
2619.5 burning, katakaumatos κατακαύματος, N.GSN
5134 wound trauma τραῦμα N.ASN
473 for anti ἀντὶ P
5134 wound, trauma τραῦμα N.ASN
3468 stripe mōlōpa μώλωπα N.ASM
473 for anti ἀντὶ P
3468 stripe. mōlōpa μώλωπα N.ASM
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δέ X
And if
5100 any tis τις RI.NSM
3960 should strike pataxē πατάξῃ V.AAS3S
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
3788 eye ophthalmon ὀφθαλμὸν N.ASM
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
3610 oiketou οἰκέτου N.GSM
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
of his man-servant,
2228 or C
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
3788 eye ophthalmon ὀφθαλμὸν N.ASM
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
2321.1-1473 of his female attendant,
2532 and kai καὶ C
1626.4 he should blind; ektyphlōsē ἐκτυφλώσῃ, V.AAS3S
1658 free eleutherous ἐλευθέρους A.APM
1821 he shall send exapostelei ἐξαποστελεῖ V.FAI3S
1473 them autous αὐτοὺς RD.APM
473 on account anti ἀντὶ P
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
3788 ophthalmon ὀφθαλμὸν N.ASM
1473 autōn αὐτῶν. RD.GPM
of their eye.
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
3599 tooth odonta ὀδόντα N.ASM
3588 of the ton τὸν RA.ASM
3610 man-servant, oiketou οἰκέτου N.GSM
2228 or C
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
3599 tooth odonta ὀδόντα N.ASM
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
2321.1-1473 of his female attendant
1581 he should knock out; ekkopsē ἐκκόψῃ, V.AAS3S
1658 free eleutherous ἐλευθέρους A.APM
1821 he shall send exapostelei ἐξαποστελεῖ V.FAI3S
1473 them autous αὐτοὺς RD.APM
473 on account of anti ἀντὶ P
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
3599 odonta ὀδόντα N.ASM
1473 autōn αὐτῶν. RD.GPM
their tooth.
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
2768.3 should gore keratisē κερατίσῃ V.AAS3S
5022 a bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
435 a man andra ἄνδρα N.ASM
2228 or C
1135 woman, gynaika γυναῖκα, N.ASF
2532 and kai καὶ C
599 either die; apothanē ἀποθάνῃ, V.AAS3S
3037 with stones lithois λίθοις N.DPM
3036 you shall stone lithobolēthēsetai λιθοβοληθήσεται V.FPI3S
3588 the ho RA.NSM
5022 bull, tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
3756 you shall not ou οὐ D
977 eat brōthēsetai βρωθήσεται V.FPI3S
3588   ho RA.NSM
2907 krea κρέα N.NPN
1473 autou αὐτοῦ· RD.GSM
of its meats;
3588 ho RA.NSM
1161 de δὲ X
but the
2962 owner kyrios κύριος N.NSM
3588 of the ho RA.NSM
5022 bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
But if
3588 the ho RA.NSM
5022 bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
2769.1 goring keratistēs κερατιστὴς N.NSM
1510.7.1 was V.PAS3S
4253 before pro πρὸ P
3588   ho RA.NSM
5504 yesterday echthes ἐχθὲς D
2532 and kai καὶ C
4253 before pro πρὸ P
3588 the ho RA.NSM
5154 third day before, tritēs τρίτης, A.GSF
2532 and kai καὶ C
1263 men testified diamartyrōntai διαμαρτύρωνται V.PMS3P
3588 to ho RA.NSM
2962 kyriō κυρίῳ N.DSM
1473 autou αὐτοῦ, RD.GSM
its owner,
2532 and kai καὶ C
3361 he should not mē μὴ D
853 remove aphanisē ἀφανίσῃ V.AAS3S
1473 it; auton αὐτόν, RD.ASM
337 anelē ἀνέλῃ V.AAS3S
1161 de δὲ X
and if it should have done away with
435 a man andra ἄνδρα N.ASM
2228 or V.PAS3S
1135 a woman, gynaika γυναῖκα, N.ASF
3036 they shall stone lithobolēthēsetai λιθοβοληθήσεται, V.FPI3S
3588 the ho RA.NSM
5022 bull, tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588 the ho RA.NSM
2962 owner kyriō κυρίῳ N.DSM
1473 of it autou αὐτοῦ, RD.GSM
4325.1 shall die in addition. prosapothaneitai προσαποθανεῖται. V.FMI3S
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
3083 ransoms lytra λύτρα N.NPN
1911 should be put epiblēthē ἐπιβληθῇ V.APS3S
1473 to him, autō αὐτῷ, RD.DSM
1325 he shall give dōsei δώσει V.FAI3S
3083 ransoms lytra λύτρα N.NPN
3588 for the tēs τῆς RA.GSF
5590 life psychēs ψυχῆς N.GSF
1473 of it, autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
3745 as much hosa ὅσα A.APN
1437 as ean ἐὰν C
1911 should be put upon epiblēthē ἐπιβληθῇ V.APS3S
1473 him. autō αὐτῷ, RD.DSM
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
5207 a son huion υἱὸν N.ASM
2228 or C
2364 daughter thygatera θυγατέρα N.ASF
2768.3 should be gored, keratisē κερατίσῃ, V.AAS3S
2596 according to kata κατὰ P
3588   to τὸ RA.ASN
1345 dikaiōma δικαίωμα N.ASN
3778 touto τοῦτο RD.ASN
this ordinance
4160 they shall observe poiēsousin ποιήσουσιν V.FAI3P
1473 it. autō αὐτῷ. RD.DSM
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
3816 a manservant paida παῖδα N.ASM
2768.3 should have gored keratisē κερατίσῃ V.AAS3S
3588 the ho RA.NSM
5022 bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
2228 or C
3814 a maidservant, paidiskēn παιδίσκην, N.ASF
694 of silver argyriou ἀργυρίου N.GSN
5144 thirty triakonta τριάκοντα M
1323 double-drachmas didrachma δίδραχμα N.APN
1325 he shall give dōsei δώσει V.FAI3S
3588 to ho RA.NSM
2962 kyriō κυρίῳ N.DSM
1473 autōn αὐτῶν, RD.GPM
their owner,
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588 the ho RA.NSM
5022 bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
3036 shall be stoned. lithobolēthēsetai λιθοβοληθήσεται— V.FPI3S
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δέ X
And if
5100 any tis τις RI.NSM
455 should open anoixē ἀνοίξῃ V.AAS3S
2978.1 a pit, lakkon λάκκον N.ASM
2228 or C
2998 a quarry latomēsē λατομήσῃ V.AAS3S
2978.1 pit, lakkon λάκκον N.ASM
2532 and kai καὶ C
3361 should not mē μὴ D
2572 cover kalypsē καλύψῃ V.AAS3S
1473 it, auton αὐτόν, RD.ASM
2532 and kai καὶ C
1706 should fall in empesē ἐμπέσῃ V.AAS3S
1563 there ekei ἐκεῖ D
3448 a calf moschos μόσχος N.NSM
2228 or C
3688 donkey, onos ὄνος, N.NSM
3588 the ho RA.NSM
2962 owner kyrios κύριος N.NSM
3588 of the ho RA.NSM
2978.1 pit lakkou λάκκου N.GSM
661 shall pay; apoteisei ἀποτείσει· V.FAI3S
694 money argyrion ἀργύριον N.ASN
1325 he shall give dōsei δώσει V.FAI3S
3588 to ho RA.NSM
2962 kyrios κύριος N.NSM
1473 autōn αὐτῶν, RD.GPM
their owner,
3588 ho RA.NSM
1161 de δὲ X
and the
5053 animal coming to an end teteleutēkos τετελευτηκὸς V.XAPNSN
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
2768.3 should gore keratisē κερατίσῃ V.AAS3S
5100 any tinos τινὸς RI.GSM
5022 bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
5022 bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
3588 of the ton τὸν RA.ASM
4139 neighbor, plēsion πλησίον, D
2532 and kai καὶ C
5053 it should come to an end, teleutēsē τελευτήσῃ, V.AAS3S
591 they shall give over apodōsontai ἀποδώσονται V.FMI3P
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
5022 bull for sale tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
2198 living, zōnta ζῶντα V.PAPASM
2532 and kai καὶ C
1244 divide dielountai διελοῦνται V.FMI3P
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
694 money argyrion ἀργύριον N.ASN
1473 from it, autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
5022 bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
2348 having died tethnēkota τεθνηκότα V.XAPASM
1244 they shall divide. dielountai διελοῦνται V.FMI3P
1437 ean ἐὰν C
1161 de δὲ X
And if
1107 it is made known gnōrizētai γνωρίζηται V.PMS3S
3588 the ho RA.NSM
5022 bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
3754 that hoti ὅτι C
2769.1 given to goring keratistēs κερατιστής N.NSM
1510.2.3 is estin ἐστιν V.PAI3S
4253 before pro πρὸ P
3588   ho RA.NSM
5504 yesterday echthes ἐχθὲς D
2532 and kai καὶ C
4253 before pro πρὸ P
3588 the ho RA.NSM
5154 third tritēs τρίτης A.GSF
2250 day, hēmeras ἡμέρας, N.GSF
2532 and kai καὶ C
1263 have been testifying diamemartyrēmenoi διαμεμαρτυρημένοι V.XMPNPM
1510.3 they should estin ἐστιν V.PAI3S
3588 to ho RA.NSM
2962 kyriō κυρίῳ N.DSM
1473 autou αὐτοῦ, RD.GSM
its owner,
2532 and kai καὶ C
3361 he did not mē μὴ D
853 remove aphanisē ἀφανίσῃ V.AAS3S
1473 it, auton αὐτόν, RD.ASM
661 he shall pay apoteisei ἀποτείσει V.FAI3S
5022 bull tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
473 for anti ἀντὶ P
5022 bull, tauros ταῦρος N.NSM
3588 ho RA.NSM
1161 de δὲ X
but the
5053 bull coming to an end teteleutēkōs τετελευτηκὼς V.XAPNSM
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