the Week of Christ the King / Proper 29 / Ordinary 34
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Historical Writings
Church and Denominational History
Writings of James Craigie Robertson
Sketches of Church History
Book 1 Church History: A.D. 33 - 604
Chapter 1 The Age of the Apostles (AD 33 - 100)
Chapter 2 St. Ignatius (AD 116)
Chapter 3 St. Justin, Martyr (AD 166)
Chapter 4 St. Polycarp (AD 166)
Chapter 5 The Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne (AD 177)
Chapter 6 Tertullian--Perpetua and her Companions (AD 181 - 206)
Chapter 7 Origen (AD 185 - 254)
Chapter 8 St Cyprian (AD 200 - 253)
Chapter 9 The Last Persecution
Chapter 10 Constantine the Great (AD 313 - 337)
Chapter 11 The Council of Nicaea (AD 325)
Chapter 12 St. Athanasius AD 325 - 337)
Chapter 14 St. Basil and St. Gregory of Nazianzum
Chapter 15 St. Ambrose (AD 374 - 397)
Chapter 16 The Temple of Serapis (AD 391)
Chapter 17 Church Government
Chapter 18 Christian Worship
Chapter 19 Arcadius and Honorius (AD 395 - 423)
Chapter 20 St. John Chrysostom (AD 347 - 407)
Chapter 21 St. Augustine (AD 354 - 430)
Chapter 22 Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon (AD 431 - 451)
Chapter 23 Fall of the Western Empire (AD 451 - 476)
Chapter 24 Conversion of the Barbarians--Christianity in Britain
Chapter 25 Scotland and Ireland
Chapter 27 Justinian (AD 527 - 565)
Chapter 28 Nestorians and Monophysites
Chapter 29 St. Benedict (AD 480 - 529)
Chapter 30 End of the Sixth Century
Chapter 31 St. Gregory the Great (AD 540 - 604)
Book 2 Church History: A.D. 589 - 1517
Chapter 1 Mahometanism; Image worship (AD 612 - 794)
Chapter 2 The Church in England
Chapter 3 St. Boniface (AD 680 - 755)
Chapter 4 Pipin and Charles the Great(AD 741 - 814)
Chapter 5 Decay of Charles the Great's Empire (AD 814 - 887)
Chapter 6 State of the Papacy (AD 891 - 1046)
Chapter 7 Missions of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries
Chapter 9 The First Crusade (AD 1095 - 1099)
Chapter 10 New Orders of Monks--Military Orders
Chapter 11 St. Bernard (AD 1091 - 1153)
Chapter 13 Innocent The Third (AD 1198 - 1216)
Chapter 14 Frederick II--St. Lewis of France
Chapter 15 Peter of Murrone (AD 1294)
Chapter 17 The Popes at Avignon--Ruin of the Templars
Chapter 18 The Popes at Avignon (continued) (AD 1314 - 1352)
Chapter 19 Religious Sects and Parties
Chapter 20 John Wyclif (AD 1324 - 1384)
Chapter 21 The Popes return to Rome
Chapter 22 The Great Schism (AD 1378 - 1410)
Chapter 23 John Huss (AD 1369 - 1414)
Chapter 24 The Council of Constance (AD 1414 - 1418)
Chapter 25 The Hussites (AD 1418 - 1431)
Chapter 26 Councils of Basel and Florence (AD 1431 - 1439)
Chapter 27 Nicolas V and Pius II (AD 1447 - 1464)
Chapter 28 Jerome Savonarola (AD 1452 - 1498)