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Daily Devotionals
Voice of the Lord
He [Saul] stood head and shoulders taller than anyone else in Isra'el (1 Samuel 9:2).
King Sha'ul (Saul) collapsed with fear when he saw Goliath. He had never faced an enemy in combat who was taller than he. Sha'ul's confidence was shaken and he was unprepared for even the idea of battle with Galyat (Goliath). Galyat was a missile aimed directly at the heart of King Sha'ul.
On the other hand, nestled away from the spotlight was young David ben-Yishai (son of Jesse). In the wilderness of Judah, when his sheep were being attacked by one predator after another, the young king-to-be was training for battles against overwhelming odds. He had killed a bear and wrestled a lion to death, grabbing it forcefully by the mane. Upon seeing Galyat, David had the faith to instantly proclaim, "Your servant has defeated both lions and bears, and this uncircumcised P'lishti [Philistine] will be like one of them" (1 Samuel 17:36).
Our most precious time in life is when we are being trained by the living God for our calling; becoming molded by the Master Potter into a royal vessel. Often during this process we can see no more clearly into the future than king David did, as he cared for his sheep in the sleepy grazing fields of the Judean wilderness.
...ask God to keep my heart free of fear and my confidence firmly in him, knowing that God has made all thingseven my attackers (Isaiah 54:16).
The Voice of the Lord, Copyright © 1998 by the Lewis and Harriet Lederer Foundation, Inc. Published by Messianic Jewish Publishers, Distributed by Messianic Jewish Resources, All rights reserved. Used by permission. No part of this article may be reproduced in print or on the web, or transmitted in any form, without the written permission of the publisher.