Transfiguration Sunday / the Last Sunday after Epiphany
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Daily Devotionals
The Believer's Daily Remembrancer
"Resist the devil." James 4:7
EVERY believer must expect to be visited by Satan; he is our adversary; he is always watching for an opportunity to injure us. He first tempts us to sin, and then accuses us of sinning. He misrepresents every subject. He endeavours to make the world appear lovely, sin trifling, death terrible; he generates hard thoughts of God, perverts His holy word and leads believers into bondage. His fiery darts are very terrible. Thoughts the most blasphemous, horrible, and unnatural, are often thrown into the mind by him; and then he lays them to our charge, and distresses our souls on account of them. But we are called upon to resist him steadfast in the faith, believing what God is to us; what Christ has done for us; what He has promised to give us; and that God will bruise him under our feet shortly. The triumph of this wicked one is but short; for we shall overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of His testimony. Look to Jesus, call upon thy God, and oppose the blood and righteousness of Jesus to all his charges. He is mighty, but thy Jesus is ALMIGHTY. Take this shield of faith, and thou shalt quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
Temptations everywhere annoy;
And sins and snares my peace destroy;
Lord, let Thy presence be my stay,
And guard me in this dangerous way.