Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Interlinear Study Bible

Greek Language

Colossians 3

TapClick Verse Number to Study Verse In-Depth!
1487 Ei Εἰ If Conj
3767 oun οὖν then Conj
4891 synēgerthēte συνηγέρθητε you have been raised with V-AIP-2P
3588 τῷ  -  Art-DMS
5547 Christō Χριστῷ Christ N-DMS
3588 ta τὰ the things Art-ANP
507 anō ἄνω above Adv
2212 zēteite ζητεῖτε seek V-PMA-2P
3757 hou οὗ where Adv
3588 ho  -  Art-NMS
5547 Christos Χριστός Christ N-NMS
1510 estin ἐστιν is V-PIA-3S
1722 en ἐν at [the] Prep
1188 dexia δεξιᾷ right hand Adj-DFS
3588 tou τοῦ  -  Art-GMS
2316 Theou Θεοῦ of God N-GMS
2521 kathēmenos καθήμενος sitting V-PPM/P-NMS
3588 ta τὰ The things Art-ANP
507 anō ἄνω above Adv
5426 phroneite φρονεῖτε set [your] minds on V-PMA-2P
3361 μὴ not Adv
3588 ta τὰ the things Art-ANP
1909 epi ἐπὶ on Prep
3588 tēs τῆς the Art-GFS
1093 gēs γῆς earth N-GFS
599 apethanete ἀπεθάνετε you died V-AIA-2P
1063 gar γάρ indeed Conj
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3588 the Art-NFS
2222 zōē ζωὴ life N-NFS
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν of you PPro-G2P
2928 kekryptai κέκρυπται has been hidden V-RIM/P-3S
4862 syn σὺν with Prep
3588 τῷ  -  Art-DMS
5547 Christō Χριστῷ Christ N-DMS
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3588 τῷ  -  Art-DMS
2316 Theō Θεῷ God N-DMS
3752 hotan ὅταν When Conj
3588 ho  -  Art-NMS
5547 Christos Χριστὸς Christ N-NMS
5319 phanerōthē φανερωθῇ might be revealed V-ASP-3S
3588 the Art-NFS
2222 zōē ζωὴ life N-NFS
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν* of you PPro-G2P
5119 tote τότε then Adv
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
4771 hymeis ὑμεῖς you PPro-N2P
4862 syn σὺν with Prep
846 autō αὐτῷ him PPro-DM3S
5319 phanerōthēsesthe φανερωθήσεσθε will appear V-FIP-2P
1722 en ἐν in Prep
1391 doxē δόξῃ glory N-DFS
3499 Nekrōsate Νεκρώσατε Put to death V-AMA-2P
3767 oun οὖν therefore Conj
3588 ta τὰ the Art-ANP
3196 melē μέλη members N-ANP
3588 ta τὰ which [are] Art-ANP
1909 epi ἐπὶ on Prep
3588 tēs τῆς the Art-GFS
1093 gēs γῆς earth N-GFS
4202 porneian πορνείαν sexual immorality N-AFS
167 akatharsian ἀκαθαρσίαν impurity N-AFS
3806 pathos πάθος passion N-ANS
1939 epithymian ἐπιθυμίαν desire N-AFS
2556 kakēn κακήν evil Adj-AFS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3588 tēn τὴν  -  Art-AFS
4124 pleonexian πλεονεξίαν covetousness N-AFS
3748 hētis ἥτις which RelPro-NFS
1510 estin ἐστὶν is V-PIA-3S
1495 eidōlolatria εἰδωλολατρία* idolatry N-NFS
1223 di’ δι’ because of Prep
3739 ha which things RelPro-ANP
2064 erchetai ἔρχεται is coming V-PIM/P-3S
3588 the Art-NFS
3709 orgē ὀργὴ wrath N-NFS
3588 tou τοῦ  -  Art-GMS
2316 Theou Θεοῦ of God N-GMS
1909 epi ‹ἐπὶ on Prep
3588 tous τοὺς the Art-AMP
5207 huious υἱοὺς sons N-AMP
3588 tēs τῆς of Art-GFS
543 apeitheias ἀπειθείας› disobedience N-GFS
1722 en ἐν among Prep
3739 hois οἷς whom RelPro-DNP
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
4771 hymeis ὑμεῖς you PPro-N2P
4043 periepatēsate περιεπατήσατέ walked V-AIA-2P
4218 pote ποτε once Prtcl
3753 hote ὅτε when Adv
2198 ezēte ἐζῆτε you were living V-IIA-2P
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3778 toutois τούτοις these things DPro-DNP
3570 nyni νυνὶ now Adv
1161 de δὲ however Conj
659 apothesthe ἀπόθεσθε put off V-AMM-2P
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
4771 hymeis ὑμεῖς you PPro-N2P
3588 ta τὰ  -  Art-ANP
3956 panta πάντα all [these] things Adj-ANP
3709 orgēn ὀργήν anger N-AFS
2372 thymon θυμόν rage N-AMS
2549 kakian κακίαν malice N-AFS
988 blasphēmian βλασφημίαν slander N-AFS
148 aischrologian αἰσχρολογίαν foul language N-AFS
1537 ek ἐκ out of Prep
3588 tou τοῦ the Art-GNS
4750 stomatos στόματος mouth N-GNS
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν of you PPro-G2P
3361 μὴ not Adv
5574 pseudesthe ψεύδεσθε Do lie V-PMM-2P
1519 eis εἰς to Prep
240 allēlous ἀλλήλους one another RecPro-AMP
554 apekdysamenoi ἀπεκδυσάμενοι having put off V-APM-NMP
3588 ton τὸν the Art-AMS
3820 palaion παλαιὸν old Adj-AMS
444 anthrōpon ἄνθρωπον man N-AMS
4862 syn σὺν with Prep
3588 tais ταῖς the Art-DFP
4234 praxesin πράξεσιν practices N-DFP
846 autou αὐτοῦ of him PPro-GM3S
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
1746 endysamenoi ἐνδυσάμενοι having put on V-APM-NMP
3588 ton τὸν the Art-AMS
3501 neon νέον new Adj-AMS
3588 ton τὸν the [one] Art-AMS
341 anakainoumenon ἀνακαινούμενον being renewed V-PPM/P-AMS
1519 eis εἰς in Prep
1922 epignōsin ἐπίγνωσιν knowledge N-AFS
2596 kat’ κατ’ according to Prep
1504 eikona εἰκόνα [the] image N-AFS
3588 tou τοῦ of the [one] Art-GMS
2936 ktisantos κτίσαντος having created V-APA-GMS
846 auton αὐτόν him PPro-AM3S
3699 hopou ὅπου where Adv
3756 ouk οὐκ not Adv
1762 eni ἔνι there is V-PIA-3S
1672 Hellēn Ἕλλην Greek N-NMS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
2453 Ioudaios Ἰουδαῖος Jew Adj-NMS
4061 peritomē περιτομὴ circumcision N-NFS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
203 akrobystia ἀκροβυστία uncircumcision N-NFS
915 barbaros βάρβαρος Barbarian Adj-NMS
4658 Skythēs Σκύθης Scythian N-NMS
1401 doulos δοῦλος slave N-NMS
1658 eleutheros ἐλεύθερος [and] free Adj-NMS
235 alla ἀλλὰ but Conj
3588 ta ‹τὰ›  -  Art-NNP
3956 panta πάντα all Adj-NNP
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3956 pasin πᾶσιν all Adj-DNP
5547 Christos Χριστός [is] Christ N-NMS
1746 Endysasthe Ἐνδύσασθε Put on V-AMM-2P
3767 oun οὖν therefore Conj
5613 hōs ὡς as Adv
1588 eklektoi ἐκλεκτοὶ [the] elect Adj-NMP
3588 tou τοῦ  -  Art-GMS
2316 Theou Θεοῦ of God N-GMS
40 hagioi ἅγιοι holy Adj-NMP
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
25 ēgapēmenoi ἠγαπημένοι beloved V-RPM/P-NMP
4698 splanchna σπλάγχνα hearts N-ANP
3628 oiktirmou οἰκτιρμοῦ of compassion N-GMS
5544 chrēstotēta χρηστότητα kindess N-AFS
5012 tapeinophrosynēn ταπεινοφροσύνην humility N-AFS
4240 prautēta πραΰτητα gentleness N-AFS
3115 makrothymian μακροθυμίαν [and] patience N-AFS
430 anechomenoi ἀνεχόμενοι bearing with V-PPM/P-NMP
240 allēlōn ἀλλήλων one another RecPro-GMP
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
5483 charizomenoi χαριζόμενοι forgiving V-PPM/P-NMP
1438 heautois ἑαυτοῖς each other RefPro-DM3P
1437 ean ἐάν if Conj
5100 tis τις anyone IPro-NMS
4314 pros πρός against Prep
5100 tina τινα another IPro-AMS
2192 echē ἔχῃ should have V-PSA-3S
3437 momphēn μομφήν a complaint N-AFS
2531 kathōs καθὼς even as Adv
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
3588 ho the Art-NMS
2962 Kyrios Κύριος Lord N-NMS
5483 echarisato ἐχαρίσατο has forgiven V-AIM-3S
4771 hymin ὑμῖν you PPro-D2P
3779 houtōs οὕτως so Adv
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
4771 hymeis ὑμεῖς [do] you PPro-N2P
1909 epi ἐπὶ beyond Prep
3956 pasin πᾶσιν all Adj-DNP
1161 de δὲ moreover Conj
3778 toutois τούτοις these DPro-DNP
3588 tēn τὴν the Art-AFS
26 agapēn ἀγάπην [put on] love N-AFS
3739 ho which RelPro-NNS
1510 estin ἐστιν is V-PIA-3S
4886 syndesmos σύνδεσμος [the] bond N-NMS
3588 tēs τῆς  -  Art-GFS
5047 teleiotētos τελειότητος of perfect unity N-GFS
2532 kai καὶ And Conj
3588 the Art-NFS
1515 eirēnē εἰρήνη peace N-NFS
3588 tou τοῦ  -  Art-GMS
5547 Christou Χριστοῦ of Christ N-GMS
1018 brabeuetō βραβευέτω let rule V-PMA-3S
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3588 tais ταῖς the Art-DFP
2588 kardiais καρδίαις hearts N-DFP
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν of you PPro-G2P
1519 eis εἰς to Prep
3739 hēn ἣν which RelPro-AFS
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
2564 eklēthēte ἐκλήθητε you were called V-AIP-2P
1722 en ἐν in Prep
1520 heni ἑνὶ one Adj-DNS
4983 sōmati σώματι body N-DNS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
2170 eucharistoi εὐχάριστοι thankful Adj-NMP
1096 ginesthe γίνεσθε be V-PMM/P-2P
3588 ho The Art-NMS
3056 logos λόγος word N-NMS
3588 tou τοῦ  -  Art-GMS
5547 Christou Χριστοῦ of Christ N-GMS
1774 enoikeitō ἐνοικείτω let dwell V-PMA-3S
1722 en ἐν in Prep
4771 hymin ὑμῖν you PPro-D2P
4146 plousiōs πλουσίως richly Adv
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3956 pasē πάσῃ all Adj-DFS
4678 sophia σοφίᾳ wisdom N-DFS
1321 didaskontes διδάσκοντες teaching V-PPA-NMP
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3560 nouthetountes νουθετοῦντες admonishing V-PPA-NMP
1438 heautous ἑαυτοὺς each other RefPro-AM3P
5568 psalmois ψαλμοῖς in psalms N-DMP
5215 hymnois ὕμνοις hymns N-DMP
5603 ōdais ᾠδαῖς [and] songs N-DFP
4152 pneumatikais πνευματικαῖς spiritual Adj-DFP
1722 en ἐν with Prep
3588 τῇ  -  Art-DFS
5485 chariti χάριτι gratitude N-DFS
103 adontes ᾄδοντες singing V-PPA-NMP
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3588 tais ταῖς the Art-DFP
2588 kardiais καρδίαις heart N-DFP
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν of you PPro-G2P
3588 τῷ to Art-DMS
2316 Theō Θεῷ God N-DMS
2532 kai καὶ And Conj
3956 pan πᾶν everything Adj-ANS
3739 ho which RelPro-ANS
5101 ti τι what IPro-ANS
1437 ean ἐὰν if Conj
4160 poiēte ποιῆτε you might do V-PSA-2P
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3056 logō λόγῳ word N-DMS
2228 ē or Conj
1722 en ἐν in Prep
2041 ergō ἔργῳ deed N-DNS
3956 panta πάντα [do] all Adj-ANP
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3686 onomati ὀνόματι [the] name N-DNS
2962 Kyriou Κυρίου of [the] Lord N-GMS
2424 Iēsou Ἰησοῦ Jesus N-GMS
2168 eucharistountes εὐχαριστοῦντες giving thanks V-PPA-NMP
3588 τῷ  -  Art-DMS
2316 Theō Θεῷ to God N-DMS
3962 Patri Πατρὶ [the] Father N-DMS
1223 di’ δι’ through Prep
846 autou αὐτοῦ him PPro-GM3S
3588 Hai Αἱ  -  Art-VFP
1135 gynaikes γυναῖκες Wives N-VFP
5293 hypotassesthe ὑποτάσσεσθε submit yourselves V-PMP-2P
3588 tois τοῖς to [your] Art-DMP
435 andrasin ἀνδράσιν husbands N-DMP
5613 hōs ὡς as Adv
433 anēken ἀνῆκεν is fitting V-IIA-3S
1722 en ἐν in Prep
2962 Kyriō Κυρίῳ [the] Lord N-DMS
3588 Hoi Οἱ  -  Art-VMP
435 andres ἄνδρες Husbands N-VMP
25 agapate ἀγαπᾶτε love V-PMA-2P
3588 tas τὰς [your] Art-AFP
1135 gynaikas γυναῖκας wives N-AFP
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3361 μὴ not Adv
4087 pikrainesthe πικραίνεσθε be harsh V-PMM/P-2P
4314 pros πρὸς toward Prep
846 autas αὐτάς them PPro-AF3P
3588 Ta Τὰ  -  Art-VNP
5043 tekna τέκνα Children N-VNP
5219 hypakouete ὑπακούετε obey V-PMA-2P
3588 tois τοῖς the Art-DMP
1118 goneusin γονεῦσιν parents N-DMP
2596 kata κατὰ in Prep
3956 panta πάντα all things Adj-ANP
3778 touto τοῦτο this DPro-NNS
1063 gar γὰρ indeed Conj
2101 euareston εὐάρεστόν well-pleasing Adj-NNS
1510 estin ἐστιν is V-PIA-3S
1722 en ἐν to Prep
2962 Kyriō Κυρίῳ [the] Lord N-DMS
3588 Hoi Οἱ  -  Art-VMP
3962 pateres πατέρες Fathers N-VMP
3361 μὴ not Adv
2042 erethizete ἐρεθίζετε do provoke V-PMA-2P
3588 ta τὰ the Art-ANP
5043 tekna τέκνα children N-ANP
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν of you PPro-G2P
2443 hina ἵνα that Conj
3361 μὴ not Adv
120 athymōsin ἀθυμῶσιν they might become discouraged V-PSA-3P
3588 Hoi Οἱ  -  Art-VMP
1401 douloi δοῦλοι Slaves N-VMP
5219 hypakouete ὑπακούετε obey V-PMA-2P
2596 kata κατὰ in Prep
3956 panta πάντα all things Adj-ANP
3588 tois τοῖς the Art-DMP
2596 kata κατὰ according to Prep
4561 sarka σάρκα flesh N-AFS
2962 kyriois κυρίοις masters N-DMP
3361 μὴ not Adv
1722 en ἐν with Prep
3787 ophthalmodouliais ὀφθαλμοδουλίαις eye-services N-DFP
5613 hōs ὡς as Adv
441 anthrōpareskoi ἀνθρωπάρεσκοι men-pleasers Adj-NMP
235 all’ ἀλλ’ but Conj
1722 en ἐν in Prep
572 haplotēti ἁπλότητι sincerity N-DFS
2588 kardias καρδίας of heart N-GFS
5399 phoboumenoi φοβούμενοι fearing V-PPM/P-NMP
3588 ton τὸν the Art-AMS
2962 Kyrion Κύριον Lord N-AMS
3739 ho whatever RelPro-ANS
1437 ean ἐὰν if Conj
4160 poiēte ποιῆτε you might do V-PSA-2P
1537 ek ἐκ with Prep
5590 psychēs ψυχῆς all [your] heart N-GFS
2038 ergazesthe ἐργάζεσθε work V-PMM/P-2P
5613 hōs ὡς as Adv
3588 τῷ to the Art-DMS
2962 Kyriō Κυρίῳ Lord N-DMS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3756 ouk οὐκ not Adv
444 anthrōpois ἀνθρώποις to men N-DMP
1492 eidotes εἰδότες knowing V-RPA-NMP
3754 hoti ὅτι that Conj
575 apo ἀπὸ from Prep
2962 Kyriou Κυρίου [the] Lord N-GMS
618 apolēmpsesthe ἀπολήμψεσθε you will receive V-FIM-2P
3588 tēn τὴν the Art-AFS
469 antapodosin ἀνταπόδοσιν reward N-AFS
3588 tēs τῆς of [your] Art-GFS
2817 klēronomias κληρονομίας inheritance N-GFS
3588 τῷ the Art-DMS
2962 Kyriō Κυρίῳ Lord N-DMS
5547 Christō Χριστῷ Christ N-DMS
1398 douleuete δουλεύετε you serve V-PMA-2P
3588 ho the [one] Art-NMS
1063 gar γὰρ indeed Conj
91 adikōn ἀδικῶν doing wrong V-PPA-NMS
2865 komisetai κομίσεται will be repaid [for] V-FIM-3S
3739 ho what RelPro-ANS
91 ēdikēsen ἠδίκησεν he has done wrong V-AIA-3S
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3756 ouk οὐκ not Adv
1510 estin ἔστιν there is V-PIA-3S
4382 prosōpolēmpsia προσωπολημψία partiality N-NFS
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