Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Interlinear Study Bible

Greek Language

Colossians 4

TapClick Verse Number to Study Verse In-Depth!
3588 Hoi Οἱ  -  Art-VMP
2962 kyrioi κύριοι Masters N-VMP
3588 to τὸ that which Art-ANS
1342 dikaion δίκαιον [is] righteous Adj-ANS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3588 tēn τὴν that which Art-AFS
2471 isotēta ἰσότητα [is] equal N-AFS
3588 tois τοῖς to [your] Art-DMP
1401 doulois δούλοις slaves N-DMP
3930 parechesthe παρέχεσθε give V-PMM-2P
1492 eidotes εἰδότες knowing V-RPA-NMP
3754 hoti ὅτι that Conj
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
4771 hymeis ὑμεῖς you PPro-N2P
2192 echete ἔχετε have V-PIA-2P
2962 Kyrion Κύριον a Master N-AMS
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3772 ouranō οὐρανῷ heaven N-DMS
3588 Τῇ  -  Art-DFS
4335 proseuchē προσευχῇ In prayer N-DFS
4342 proskartereite προσκαρτερεῖτε continue stedfastly V-PMA-2P
1127 grēgorountes γρηγοροῦντες watching V-PPA-NMP
1722 en ἐν in Prep
846 autē αὐτῇ it PPro-DF3S
1722 en ἐν with Prep
2169 eucharistia εὐχαριστίᾳ thanksgiving N-DFS
4336 proseuchomenoi προσευχόμενοι praying V-PPM/P-NMP
260 hama ἅμα at the same time Adv
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
4012 peri περὶ for Prep
1473 hēmōn ἡμῶν us PPro-G1P
2443 hina ἵνα that Conj
3588 ho  -  Art-NMS
2316 Theos Θεὸς God N-NMS
455 anoixē ἀνοίξῃ might open V-ASA-3S
1473 hēmin ἡμῖν to us PPro-D1P
2374 thyran θύραν a door N-AFS
3588 tou τοῦ for the Art-GMS
3056 logou λόγου word N-GMS
2980 lalēsai λαλῆσαι to declare V-ANA
3588 to τὸ the Art-ANS
3466 mystērion μυστήριον mystery N-ANS
3588 tou τοῦ  -  Art-GMS
5547 Christou Χριστοῦ of Christ N-GMS
1223 di’ δι’ on account of Prep
3739 ho which RelPro-ANS
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
1210 dedemai δέδεμαι I have been bound V-RIM/P-1S
2443 hina ἵνα that Conj
5319 phanerōsō φανερώσω I should make clear V-ASA-1S
846 auto αὐτὸ it PPro-AN3S
5613 hōs ὡς as Adv
1163 dei δεῖ it behoves V-PIA-3S
1473 me με me PPro-A1S
2980 lalēsai λαλῆσαι to speak V-ANA
1722 En Ἐν In Prep
4678 sophia σοφίᾳ wisdom N-DFS
4043 peripateite περιπατεῖτε walk V-PMA-2P
4314 pros πρὸς toward Prep
3588 tous τοὺς those Art-AMP
1854 exō ἔξω outside Adv
3588 ton τὸν the Art-AMS
2540 kairon καιρὸν time N-AMS
1805 exagorazomenoi ἐξαγοραζόμενοι redeeming V-PPM-NMP
3588 ho  -  Art-NMS
3056 logos λόγος [Let the] speech N-NMS
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν of you PPro-G2P
3842 pantote πάντοτε [be] always Adv
1722 en ἐν in Prep
5485 chariti χάριτι grace N-DFS
217 halati ἅλατι with salt N-DNS
741 ērtymenos ἠρτυμένος having been seasoned V-RPM/P-NMS
1492 eidenai εἰδέναι to know V-RNA
4459 pōs πῶς how Adv
1163 dei δεῖ it behoves V-PIA-3S
4771 hymas ὑμᾶς you PPro-A2P
1520 heni ἑνὶ one Adj-DMS
1538 hekastō ἑκάστῳ each Adj-DMS
611 apokrinesthai ἀποκρίνεσθαι to answer V-PNM/P
3588 Ta Τὰ The things Art-ANP
2596 kat’ κατ’ concerning Prep
1473 eme ἐμὲ me PPro-A1S
3956 panta πάντα all Adj-ANP
1107 gnōrisei γνωρίσει will make known V-FIA-3S
4771 hymin ὑμῖν to you PPro-D2P
5190 Tychikos Τυχικὸς Tychicus N-NMS
3588 ho the Art-NMS
27 agapētos ἀγαπητὸς beloved Adj-NMS
80 adelphos ἀδελφὸς brother N-NMS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
4103 pistos πιστὸς faithful Adj-NMS
1249 diakonos διάκονος servant N-NMS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
4889 syndoulos σύνδουλος fellow bond-servant N-NMS
1722 en ἐν in Prep
2962 Kyriō Κυρίῳ [the] Lord N-DMS
3739 hon ὃν whom RelPro-AMS
3992 epempsa ἔπεμψα I sent V-AIA-1S
4314 pros πρὸς to Prep
4771 hymas ὑμᾶς you PPro-A2P
1519 eis εἰς for Prep
846 auto αὐτὸ this very PPro-AN3S
3778 touto τοῦτο purpose DPro-ANS
2443 hina ἵνα that Conj
1097 gnōte γνῶτε you might know V-ASA-2P
3588 ta τὰ the things Art-ANP
4012 peri περὶ concerning Prep
1473 hēmōn ἡμῶν us PPro-G1P
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3870 parakalesē παρακαλέσῃ he might encourage V-PSA-3S
3588 tas τὰς the Art-AFP
2588 kardias καρδίας hearts N-AFP
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν of you PPro-G2P
4862 syn σὺν with Prep
3682 Onēsimō Ὀνησίμῳ Onesimus N-DMS
3588 τῷ the Art-DMS
4103 pistō πιστῷ faithful Adj-DMS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
27 agapētō ἀγαπητῷ beloved Adj-DMS
80 adelphō ἀδελφῷ brother N-DMS
3739 hos ὅς who RelPro-NMS
1510 estin ἐστιν is V-PIA-3S
1537 ex ἐξ [one] of Prep
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν you PPro-G2P
3956 panta πάντα All things Adj-ANP
4771 hymin ὑμῖν to you PPro-D2P
1107 gnōrisousin γνωρίσουσιν they will make known V-FIA-3P
3588 ta τὰ  -  Art-ANP
5602 hōde ὧδε here Adv
782 Aspazetai Ἀσπάζεται Greets V-PIM/P-3S
4771 hymas ὑμᾶς you PPro-A2P
708 Aristarchos Ἀρίσταρχος Aristarchus N-NMS
3588 ho  -  Art-NMS
4869 synaichmalōtos συναιχμάλωτός fellow prisoner N-NMS
1473 mou μου of me PPro-G1S
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3138 Markos Μᾶρκος Mark N-NMS
3588 ho the Art-NMS
431 anepsios ἀνεψιὸς cousin N-NMS
921 Barnaba Βαρνάβα of Barnabas N-GMS
4012 peri περὶ concerning Prep
3739 hou οὗ whom RelPro-GMS
2983 elabete ἐλάβετε you have received V-AIA-2P
1785 entolas ἐντολάς instructions N-AFP
1437 ean ἐὰν if Conj
2064 elthē ἔλθῃ he comes V-ASA-3S
4314 pros πρὸς to Prep
4771 hymas ὑμᾶς you PPro-A2P
1209 dexasthe δέξασθε welcome V-AMM-2P
846 auton αὐτόν him PPro-AM3S
2532 kai καὶ and also Conj
2424 Iēsous Ἰησοῦς Jesus N-NMS
3588 ho  -  Art-NMS
3004 legomenos λεγόμενος called V-PPM/P-NMS
2459 Ioustos Ἰοῦστος Justus N-NMS
3588 hoi οἱ the Art-NMP
1510 ontes ὄντες being V-PPA-NMP
1537 ek ἐκ among Prep
4061 peritomēs περιτομῆς [the] circumcision N-GFS
3778 houtoi οὗτοι these DPro-NMP
3441 monoi μόνοι only Adj-NMP
4904 synergoi συνεργοὶ fellow workers Adj-NMP
1519 eis εἰς for Prep
3588 tēn τὴν the Art-AFS
932 basileian βασιλείαν kingdom N-AFS
3588 tou τοῦ  -  Art-GMS
2316 Theou Θεοῦ of God N-GMS
3748 hoitines οἵτινες who RelPro-NMP
1096 egenēthēsan ἐγενήθησάν have been V-AIP-3P
1473 moi μοι to me PPro-D1S
3931 parēgoria παρηγορία a comfort N-NFS
782 aspazetai ἀσπάζεται Greets V-PIM/P-3S
4771 hymas ὑμᾶς you PPro-A2P
1889 Epaphras Ἐπαφρᾶς Epaphras N-NMS
3588 ho who [is] Art-NMS
1537 ex ἐξ [one] of Prep
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν you PPro-G2P
1401 doulos δοῦλος a servant N-NMS
5547 Christou Χριστοῦ of Christ N-GMS
2424 Iēsou Ἰησοῦ Jesus N-GMS
3842 pantote πάντοτε always Adv
75 agōnizomenos ἀγωνιζόμενος struggling V-PPM/P-NMS
5228 hyper ὑπὲρ for Prep
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν you PPro-G2P
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3588 tais ταῖς the Art-DFP
4335 proseuchais προσευχαῖς prayers N-DFP
2443 hina ἵνα that Conj
2476 stathēte σταθῆτε you might stand V-ASP-2P
5046 teleioi τέλειοι mature Adj-NMP
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
4135 peplērophorēmenoi πεπληροφορημένοι fully assured V-RPM/P-NMP
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3956 panti παντὶ all Adj-DNS
2307 thelēmati θελήματι [the] will N-DNS
3588 tou τοῦ  -  Art-GMS
2316 Theou Θεοῦ of God N-GMS
3140 martyrō μαρτυρῶ I bear witness V-PIA-1S
1063 gar γὰρ indeed Conj
846 autō αὐτῷ to him PPro-DM3S
3754 hoti ὅτι that Conj
2192 echei ἔχει he has V-PIA-3S
4183 polyn πολὺν great Adj-AMS
4192 ponon πόνον concern N-AMS
5228 hyper ὑπὲρ for Prep
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν you PPro-G2P
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3588 tōn τῶν those Art-GMP
1722 en ἐν in Prep
2993 Laodikeia Λαοδικείᾳ* Laodicea N-DFS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3588 tōn τῶν them Art-GMP
1722 en ἐν in Prep
2413 Hiera Ἱερα‿ Hiera N-DFS
4172 polei πόλει polis N-DFS
782 aspazetai ἀσπάζεται Greets V-PIM/P-3S
4771 hymas ὑμᾶς you PPro-A2P
3065 Loukas Λουκᾶς Luke N-NMS
3588 ho the Art-NMS
2395 iatros ἰατρὸς physician N-NMS
3588 ho  -  Art-NMS
27 agapētos ἀγαπητὸς beloved Adj-NMS
2532 kai καὶ and also Conj
1214 Dēmas Δημᾶς Demas N-NMS
782 Aspasasthe Ἀσπάσασθε greet V-AMM-2P
3588 tous τοὺς the Art-AMP
1722 en ἐν in Prep
2993 Laodikeia Λαοδικείᾳ* Laodicea N-DFS
80 adelphous ἀδελφοὺς brothers N-AMP
2532 kai καὶ and also Conj
3564 Nymphan Νύμφαν Nympha N-AFS
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3588 tēn τὴν the Art-AFS
2596 kat’ κατ’ in Prep
3624 oikon οἶκον house N-AMS
846 autēs αὐτῆς of her PPro-GF3S
1577 ekklēsian ἐκκλησίαν church N-AFS
2532 kai καὶ And Conj
3752 hotan ὅταν when Conj
314 anagnōsthē ἀναγνωσθῇ shall be read V-ASP-3S
3844 par’ παρ’ among Prep
4771 hymin ὑμῖν you PPro-D2P
3588 the Art-NFS
1992 epistolē ἐπιστολή letter N-NFS
4160 poiēsate ποιήσατε cause V-AMA-2P
2443 hina ἵνα that Conj
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
1722 en ἐν in Prep
3588 τῇ the Art-DFS
2994 Laodikeōn Λαοδικέων of [the] Laodiceans N-GMP
1577 ekklēsia ἐκκλησίᾳ church N-DFS
314 anagnōsthē ἀναγνωσθῇ it might be read V-ASP-3S
2532 kai καὶ and Conj
3588 tēn τὴν the [one] Art-AFS
1537 ek ἐκ from Prep
2993 Laodikeias Λαοδικείας* Laodicea N-GFS
2443 hina ἵνα that Conj
2532 kai καὶ also Conj
4771 hymeis ὑμεῖς you PPro-N2P
314 anagnōte ἀναγνῶτε might read V-ASA-2P
2532 kai καὶ And Conj
3004 eipate εἴπατε say V-AMA-2P
751 Archippō Ἀρχίππῳ to Archippus N-DMS
991 Blepe Βλέπε Take heed to V-PMA-2S
3588 tēn τὴν the Art-AFS
1248 diakonian διακονίαν ministry N-AFS
3739 hēn ἣν that RelPro-AFS
3880 parelabes παρέλαβες you have received V-AIA-2S
1722 en ἐν in Prep
2962 Kyriō Κυρίῳ [the] Lord N-DMS
2443 hina ἵνα that Conj
846 autēn αὐτὴν it PPro-AF3S
4137 plērois πληροῖς you might fulfill V-PSA-2S
3588 HO The Art-NMS
783 aspasmos ἀσπασμὸς greeting N-NMS
3588 τῇ [my] Art-DFS
1699 emē ἐμῇ own PPro-DF1S
5495 cheiri χειρὶ hand N-DFS
3972 Paulou Παύλου Paul N-GMS
3421 mnēmoneuete μνημονεύετέ Remember V-PMA-2P
1473 mou μου my PPro-G1S
3588 tōn τῶν  -  Art-GMP
1199 desmōn δεσμῶν chains N-GMP
3588  -  Art-NFS
5485 charis χάρις Grace [be] N-NFS
3326 meth’ μεθ’ with Prep
4771 hymōn ὑμῶν you PPro-G2P
281 Amēn ⧼Ἀμήν⧽ Amen Heb
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