Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Interlinear Study Bible

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Ezekiel 1

TapClick Verse Number to Study Verse In-Depth!
2532 And kai καὶ C
1096 it came to pass egeneto ἐγένετο V.AMI3S
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
5145.1 thirtieth triakostō τριακοστῷ A.DSN
2094 year, etei ἔτει N.DSN
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
5067 fourth tetartō τετάρτῳ A.DSM
3376 month, mēni μηνὶ N.DSM
3991 the fifth pemptē πέμπτῃ A.DSF
3588 of the τῷ RA.DSN
3376 month, mēni μηνὶ N.DSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
1473 I egō ἐγὼ RP.NS
1510.7.1 was ēmēn ἤμην V.IAI1S
1722 in en ἐν P
3319 the midst mesō μέσῳ A.DSN
3588 of the τῷ RA.DSN
161 captivity aichmalōsias αἰχμαλωσίας N.GSF
1909 by epi ἐπὶ P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
4215 river potamou ποταμοῦ N.GSM
3588   τῷ RA.DSN
* Chebar,
2532 and kai καὶ C
455 were opened ēnoichthēsan ἠνοίχθησαν V.API3P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
3772 heavens, ouranoi οὐρανοί, N.NPM
2532 and kai καὶ C
1492 I beheld
3706 visions horaseis ὁράσεις N.APF
2316 of God. theou θεοῦ· N.GSM
3991 On the fifth pemptē πέμπτῃ A.DSF
3588 of the tou τοῦ RA.GSM
3376 month, mēnos μηνός N.GSM
3778 this is touto τοῦτο RD.NSN
3588 the tou τοῦ RA.GSM
2094 year etos ἔτος N.NSN
3588   tou τοῦ RA.GSM
3991 fifth pemptē πέμπτῃ A.DSF
3588 of the tou τοῦ RA.GSM
161 captivity aichmalōsias αἰχμαλωσίας N.GSF
3588   tou τοῦ RA.GSM
935 of king basileōs βασιλέως N.GSM
* Jehoiakim,
2532 and kai καὶ C
1096 came egeneto ἐγένετο V.AMI3S
3056 the word logos λόγος N.NSM
2962 of the lord kyriou κυρίου N.GSM
4314 to pros πρὸς P
* Ezekiel,
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
5207 son huion υἱὸν N.ASM
* of Buzi
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
2409 priest, hierea ἱερέα N.ASM
1722 in en ἐν P
1093 the land gē γῇ N.DSF
* of the Chaldeans
1909 by epi ἐπὶ P
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
4215 river potamou ποταμοῦ N.GSM
3588   ton τὸν RA.ASM
* Chebar;
2532 and kai καὶ C
1096 came egeneto ἐγένετο V.AMI3S
1909 upon epi ἐπὶ P
1473 me eme ἐμὲ RP.AS
5495 the hand cheir χεὶρ N.NSF
2962 of the lord kyriou κυρίου N.GSM
2532 And kai καὶ C
1492 I beheld,
2532 and kai καὶ C
2400 behold, idou ἰδοὺ I
4151 a wind pneuma πνεῦμα N.NSN
1808 lifting up exairon ἐξαῖρον V.PAPNSN
2064 came ērcheto ἤρχετο V.IMI3S
575 from apo ἀπὸ P
1005 the north, borra βορρᾶ, N.GSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
3507 cloud nephelē νεφέλη N.NSF
3173 a great megalē μεγάλη A.NSF
1722 with en ἐν P
1473 it, autō αὐτῷ, RD.DSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
5338 brightness phengos φέγγος N.NSN
2945 round about kyklō κύκλῳ N.DSM
1473 it, autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
4442 fire pyr πῦρ N.NSN
1823 flashing. exastrapton ἐξαστράπτον, V.PAPNSN
2532 And kai καὶ C
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSM
3319 midst mesō μέσῳ A.DSN
1473 of it autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
5613 was as hōs ὡς C
3706 the vision horasis ὅρασις N.NSF
2240.1 of molten bronze ēlektrou ἠλέκτρου N.GSN
1722 in en ἐν P
3319 the midst mesō μέσῳ A.DSN
3588 of the τῷ RA.DSM
4442 fire, pyr πῦρ N.NSN
2532 and kai καὶ C
5338 brightness phengos φέγγος N.NSN
1722 in en ἐν P
1473 it. autō αὐτῷ, RD.DSM
2532 And kai καὶ C
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
3319 midst mesō μέσῳ A.DSN
5613 was as hōs ὡς C
3667 a likeness homoiōma ὁμοίωμα N.NSN
5064 of four tessarōn τεσσάρων A.GPN
2226 living creatures. zōōn ζῴων· N.GPN
2532 And kai καὶ C
3778 this hautē αὕτη RD.NSF
3588 is τῷ RA.DSN
3706 horasis ὅρασις N.NSF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν· RD.GPN
their vision --
3667 a likeness homoiōma ὁμοίωμα N.NSN
444 of a man anthrōpou ἀνθρώπου N.GSM
1909 was unto ep᾿ ἐπ᾿ P
1473 them. autois αὐτοῖς, RD.DPN
2532 And kai καὶ C
5064 there were four tessara τέσσαρα A.NPN
4383 faces prosōpa πρόσωπα N.NPN
3588 to the τῷ RA.DSN
1520 one, heni ἑνί, A.DSN
2532 and kai καὶ C
5064 four tessara τέσσαρα A.NPN
4420 wings pteryges πτέρυγες N.NPF
3588 to the τῷ RA.DSN
1520 one. heni ἑνί, A.DSN
2532 And kai καὶ C
3588   ta τὰ RA.NPN
4628 skelē σκέλη N.NPN
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their legs
3717 were straight; ortha ὀρθά, A.NPN
2532 and kai καὶ C
4420.2 feathered pteryges πτέρυγες N.NPF
3588   ta τὰ RA.NPN
4228 podes πόδες N.NPM
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their feet;
2532 and kai καὶ C
4696.1 there were sparks spinthēres σπινθῆρες N.NPM
5613 as hōs ὡς C
1823 flashing exastraptōn ἐξαστράπτων V.PAPNSM
5475 brass; chalkos χαλκός, N.NSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
1645 were light elaphrai ἐλαφραὶ A.NPF
3588   ta τὰ RA.NPN
4420 pteryges πτέρυγες N.NPF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their wings.
2532 And kai καὶ C
5495 the hand cheir χεὶρ N.NSF
444 of a man anthrōpou ἀνθρώπου N.GSM
5270.1 was beneath hypokatōthen ὑποκάτωθεν D
3588   tōn τῶν RA.GPF
4420 pterygōn πτερύγων N.GPF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their wings,
1909 upon epi ἐπὶ P
3588   tōn τῶν RA.GPF
5064 four tessara τέσσαρα A.APN
3313 parts merē μέρη N.APN
1473 their. autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
2532 And kai καὶ C
3588   tōn τῶν RA.GPF
4383 prosōpa πρόσωπα N.NPN
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their faces
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588   tōn τῶν RA.GPF
4420 pterygōn πτερύγων N.GPF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their wings,
3588 of the tōn τῶν RA.GPF
5064 four, tessara τέσσαρα A.APN
2192 were being next to
2087 the other
3588 of the tōn τῶν RA.GPF
2087 other.
2532 And
3588   τῷ RA.DSN
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their wings
3756 were not ouk οὐκ D
1994 turned epestrephonto ἐπεστρέφοντο V.IMI3P
1722 in en ἐν P
3588   τῷ RA.DSN
897.2-1473 their proceeding;
1538 each hekaston ἕκαστον A.NSN
2713 opposite katenanti κατέναντι D
3588   τῷ RA.DSN
4383 prosōpou προσώπου N.GSN
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their face
4198 went. eporeuonto ἐπορεύοντο. V.IMI3P
2532 And kai καὶ C
3669 the likeness homoiōsis ὁμοίωσις N.NSF
3588   tōn τῶν RA.GPN
4383 prosōpōn προσώπων N.GPN
1473 autōn αὐτῶν· RD.GPN
of their faces
4383 was as the face prosōpōn προσώπων N.GPN
444 of a man, anthrōpou ἀνθρώπου N.GSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
4383 a face prosōpōn προσώπων N.GPN
3023 of a lion leontos λέοντος N.GSM
1537 from out of ek ἐκ P
1188 the right dexiōn δεξιῶν A.GPN
3588 to the tōn τῶν RA.GPN
5064 four; tessarsin τέσσαρσιν A.DPN
2532 and kai καὶ C
4383 the face prosōpōn προσώπων N.GPN
3448 of a calf moschou μόσχου N.GSM
1537 from out of ek ἐκ P
710 the left aristerōn ἀριστερῶν A.GPN
3588 to the tōn τῶν RA.GPN
5064 four; tessarsin τέσσαρσιν A.DPN
2532 and kai καὶ C
4383 the face prosōpōn προσώπων N.GPN
105 of an eagle aetou ἀετοῦ N.GSM
3588 to the tōn τῶν RA.GPN
5064 four. tessarsin τέσσαρσιν A.DPN
2532 And kai καὶ C
3588   hai αἱ RA.NPF
4420 pteryges πτέρυγες N.NPF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their wings
1614 were stretching out ektetamenai ἐκτεταμέναι V.XMPNPF
509 above; anōthen ἄνωθεν D
3588 to the hai αἱ RA.NPF
5064 four tessarsin τέσσαρσιν, A.DPN
1538 each,
1417 two dyo δύο M
4801 being yoked together synezeugmenai συνεζευγμέναι V.XPPNPF
4314 to pros πρὸς P
240 one another, allēlas ἀλλήλας, RD.APF
2532 and kai καὶ C
1417 two dyo δύο M
1943 covered up epekalypton ἐπεκάλυπτον V.IAI3P
1883 upon epanō ἐπάνω D
3588   hai αἱ RA.NPF
4983 sōmatos σώματος N.GSN
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their body.
2532 And kai καὶ C
1539.1 each to the other hekateron ἑκάτερον A.NSN
2596 kata κατὰ P
4383 prosōpon πρόσωπον N.ASN
in front
1473 of him autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSN
4198 went. eporeueto ἐπορεύετο· V.IMI3S
3739 Where hou οὗ RR.GSN
302 ever an ἂν X
1510.7.3 was ēn ἦν V.IAI3S
3588 the to τὸ RA.NSN
4151 spirit pneuma πνεῦμα N.NSN
4198 going, eporeueto ἐπορεύετο· V.IMI3S
4198 they went, eporeueto ἐπορεύετο· V.IMI3S
2532 and kai καὶ C
3756 they did not ouk οὐκ D
1994 turn. epestrephon ἐπέστρεφον. V.IAI3P
2532 And kai καὶ C
1722 in en ἐν P
3319 the midst mesō μέσῳ A.DSN
3588 of the tōn τῶν RA.GPN
2226 living creatures zōōn ζῴων N.GPN
3706 was a vision horasis ὅρασις N.NSF
5613 as hōs ὡς C
440 of coals anthrakōn ἀνθράκων N.GPM
4442 of fire pyros πυρὸς N.GSN
2545 burning, kaiomenōn καιομένων, V.PMPGPM
5613 as hōs ὡς C
3799 the appearance opsis ὄψις N.NSF
2985 of lamps lampadōn λαμπάδων N.GPF
4962 twisting systrephomenōn συστρεφομένων V.PPPGPF
303.1 in the midst ana ἀνὰ P
3588 of the tōn τῶν RA.GPN
2226 living creatures. zōōn ζῴων N.GPN
2532 And kai καὶ C
5338 brightness phengos φέγγος N.ASN
3588 was of the tōn τῶν RA.GPN
4442 fire, pyros πυρὸς N.GSN
2532 and kai καὶ C
1537 from out of ek ἐκ P
3588 the tōn τῶν RA.GPN
4442 fire pyros πυρὸς N.GSN
1607 went forth exeporeueto ἐξεπορεύετο V.IMI3S
5613 as hōs ὡς C
796 lightning. astrapē ἀστραπή. N.NSF
2532 And
3588 the
2226 living creatures
5143 were running
2532 and
344 returning
5613 as
1491 the appearance
3588 of the
953.3 lightning.
2532 And kai καὶ C
1492 I beheld,
2532 and kai καὶ C
2400 behold, there was idou ἰδοὺ I
5164 wheel trochos τροχὸς N.NSM
1520 one heis εἷς A.NSM
1909 upon epi ἐπὶ P
3588 the tēs τῆς RA.GSF
1093 earth gēs γῆς N.GSF
2192 being next to echomenos ἐχόμενος V.PMPNSM
3588 the tēs τῆς RA.GSF
2226 living creatures, zōōn ζῴων N.GPN
3588 next to the tēs τῆς RA.GSF
5064 four. tessarsin τέσσαρσιν· A.DPN
2532 And kai καὶ C
3588 the to τὸ RA.NSN
1491 sight eidos εἶδος N.NSN
3588 of the to τὸ RA.NSN
5164 wheels trochōn τροχῶν N.GPM
2532 and kai καὶ C
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPM
their action
5613 was as hōs ὡς C
1491 the sight eidos εἶδος N.NSN
2292.1 of Tharsis stone.
2532 And there was kai καὶ C
3667 likeness homoiōma ὁμοίωμα N.NSN
1520 one hen ἓν A.NSN
3588 to the to τὸ RA.NSN
5064 four; tessarsin τέσσαρσιν, A.DPN
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588   to τὸ RA.NSN
2041 ergon ἔργον N.NSN
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPM
their work
1510.7.3 was ēn ἦν V.IAI3S
2531 as kathōs καθὼς D
302 if an ἂν X
1510.4 it may be ēn ἦν V.IAI3S
5164 a wheel trochōn τροχῶν N.GPM
1722 in hen ἓν A.NSN
5164 a wheel. trochōn τροχῶν N.GPM
1909 Upon epi ἐπὶ P
3588   ta τὰ RA.APN
5064 four tessara τέσσαρα A.APN
3313 parts merē μέρη N.APN
1473 their autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPM
4198 they went; eporeuonto ἐπορεύοντο, V.IMI3P
3756 they did not ouk οὐκ D
1994 turn epestrephon ἐπέστρεφον V.IAI3P
1722 in en ἐν P
3588   ta τὰ RA.APN
4198 eporeuonto ἐπορεύοντο, V.IMI3P
1473 auta αὐτὰ RD.APN
their going,
2532 and kai καὶ C
1161 yet
3588   hoi οἱ RA.NPM
3577 nōtoi νῶτοι N.NPM
1473 autōn αὐτῶν, RD.GPM
their backs
2532 and kai καὶ C
5311 height hypsos ὕψος N.NSN
1510.7.3 was ēn ἦν V.IAI3S
1473 to them. autois αὐτοῖς· RD.DPM
2532 And kai καὶ C
1492 I beheld
1473 them, auta αὐτά, RD.APN
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588   hoi οἱ RA.NPM
3577 their backs nōtoi νῶτοι N.NPM
4134 full plēreis πλήρεις A.NPM
3788 of eyes, ophthalmōn ὀφθαλμῶν N.GPM
2943 round about kyklothen κυκλόθεν D
3588 to the hoi οἱ RA.NPM
5064 four. tessarsin τέσσαρσιν. A.DPM
2532 And kai καὶ C
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
4198 going, poreuesthai πορεύεσθαι V.PMN
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
2226 living creatures zōa ζῷα N.APN
4198 went, poreuesthai πορεύεσθαι V.PMN
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
5164 wheels trochoi τροχοὶ N.NPM
2192 being next to echomenoi ἐχόμενοι V.PMPNPM
1473 them. autōn αὐτῶν, RD.GPN
2532 And kai καὶ C
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
1808 lifting away exairein ἐξαίρειν V.PAN
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
2226 living creatures zōa ζῷα N.APN
575 from apo ἀπὸ P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
1093 earth gēs γῆς N.GSF
1808 lifted away exairein ἐξαίρειν V.PAN
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
5164 wheels. trochoi τροχοὶ N.NPM
3739 Where hou οὗ RR.GSM
302 ever an ἂν X
1510.7.3 was ēn ἦν V.IAI3S
3588 the hē RA.NSF
3507 cloud nephelē νεφέλη, N.NSF
1563 there ekei ἐκεῖ D
3588 the hē RA.NSF
4151 spirit pneuma πνεῦμα N.NSN
3588   hē RA.NSF
4198 was to go; poreuesthai πορεύεσθαι· V.PMN
4198 went poreuesthai πορεύεσθαι· V.PMN
3588 the hē RA.NSF
2226 living creatures, zōa ζῷα N.NPN
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588 the hē RA.NSF
5164 wheels trochoi τροχοὶ N.NPM
2532 also kai καὶ C
1808 lifted away exēronto ἐξῄροντο V.IMI3P
4862 with syn σὺν P
1473 them; autois αὐτοῖς, RD.DPM
1360 because dioti διότι C
4151 spirit pneuma πνεῦμα N.NSN
2222 of life zōēs ζωῆς N.GSF
1722 was in en ἐν P
3588 the hē RA.NSF
5164 wheels. trochoi τροχοὶ N.NPM
1722 In en ἐν P
3588   τῷ RA.DSN
4198 poreuesthai πορεύεσθαι V.PMN
1473 auta αὐτὰ RD.APN
their going,
4198 the wheels went; poreuesthai πορεύεσθαι V.PMN
2532 and kai καὶ C
1722 in en ἐν P
3588   τῷ RA.DSN
2476 hestanai ἑστάναι V.XAN
1473 auta αὐτὰ RD.APN
their standing,
2476 the wheels stood; hestanai ἑστάναι V.XAN
2532 and kai καὶ C
1722 in en ἐν P
3588   τῷ RA.DSN
1808 exairein ἐξαίρειν V.PAN
1473 auta αὐτὰ RD.APN
their lifting away
575 from apo ἀπὸ P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
1093 earth, gēs γῆς N.GSF
1808 the wheels lifted away exairein ἐξαίρειν V.PAN
4862 with syn σὺν P
1473 them; autois αὐτοῖς, RD.DPN
3754 for hoti ὅτι C
4151 spirit pneuma πνεῦμα N.NSN
2222 of life zōēs ζωῆς N.GSF
1510.7.3 was ēn ἦν V.IAI3S
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the τῷ RA.DSN
5164 wheels. trochois τροχοῖς. N.DPM
2532 And kai καὶ C
3667 the likeness homoiōma ὁμοίωμα N.NSN
5228 above hyper ὑπὲρ P
2776 the head kephalēs κεφαλῆς N.GSF
3588 of the tōn τῶν RA.GPN
2226 living creatures zōōn ζῴων N.GPN
5616 was as hōsei ὡσεὶ C
4733 a firmament, stereōma στερέωμα N.NSN
5613 as hōs ὡς C
3706 the vision horasis ὅρασις N.NSF
2930 of ice krystallou κρυστάλλου N.GSM
1614 being stretched out ektetamenon ἐκτεταμένον V.XPPNSN
1909 over epi ἐπὶ P
3588   tōn τῶν RA.GPN
4420 pterygōn πτερύγων N.GPF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their wings
1883.1 on top. epanōthen ἐπάνωθεν· D
2532 And kai καὶ C
5270 under hypokatō ὑποκάτω P
3588 the tou τοῦ RA.GSN
4733 firmament stereōmatos στερεώματος N.GSN
3588   tou τοῦ RA.GSN
4420 pteryges πτέρυγες N.NPF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their wings
1614 were stretching out ektetamenai ἐκτεταμέναι, V.XMPNPF
4420.1 flapping, pteryges πτέρυγες N.NPF
2087 the other hetera ἑτέρα A.NSF
3588 to the tou τοῦ RA.GSN
2087 other; hetera ἑτέρα A.NSF
1538 to each hekastō ἑκάστῳ A.DSM
1417 two dyo δύο M
1943 covering epikalyptousai ἐπικαλύπτουσαι V.PAPNPF
3588   tou τοῦ RA.GSN
4983 sōmata σώματα N.APN
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their bodies.
2532 And kai καὶ C
191 I heard ēkouon ἤκουον V.IAI1S
3588 the tēn τὴν RA.ASF
5456 sound phōnēn φωνὴν N.ASF
3588   tēn τὴν RA.ASF
4420 pterygōn πτερύγων N.GPF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
of their wings
1722 in en ἐν P
3588   tēn τὴν RA.ASF
4198 poreuesthai πορεύεσθαι V.PMN
1473 auta αὐτὰ RD.APN
their going,
5613 as hōs ὡς C
5456 the sound phōnēn φωνὴν N.ASF
5204 water hydatos ὕδατος N.GSN
4183 of much, pollou πολλοῦ· A.GSN
5613 as hōs ὡς C
5456 the sound phōnēn φωνὴν N.ASF
2425 of a worthy one
1722 in en ἐν P
3588   tēn τὴν RA.ASF
4198 poreuesthai πορεύεσθαι V.PMN
1473 auta αὐτὰ RD.APN
their going;
5456 a sound phōnēn φωνὴν N.ASF
3588 of the tēn τὴν RA.ASF
3056 word
5613 as hōs ὡς C
5456 a sound phōnēn φωνὴν N.ASF
3925 of a camp;
2532 and kai καὶ C
1722 in en ἐν P
3588   tēn τὴν RA.ASF
2476 hestanai ἑστάναι V.XAN
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their standing
2664 rested katepauon κατέπαυον V.IAI3P
3588   tēn τὴν RA.ASF
4420 pterygōn πτερύγων N.GPF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPN
their wings.
2532 And kai καὶ C
2400 behold, idou ἰδοὺ I
5456 a sound phōnē φωνὴ N.NSF
5231.1 far above hyperanōthen ὑπεράνωθεν D
3588 the tou τοῦ RA.GSN
4733 firmament, stereōmatos στερεώματος N.GSN
2532 of the one kai καὶ C
1510.6 being
5228 above
2776 their head,
5613 as hōs ὡς C
3706 a vision horasis ὅρασις N.NSF
3037 of stone lithou λίθου N.GSM
4552 of sapphire sappheirou σαπφείρου N.GSF
3667 with a likeness homoiōma ὁμοίωμα N.NSN
2362 of a throne thronou θρόνου N.GSM
1909 upon ep᾿ ἐπ᾿ P
1473 it; autou αὐτοῦ, RD.GSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
1909 upon ep᾿ ἐπ᾿ P
3588 the tou τοῦ RA.GSN
3667 likeness homoiōma ὁμοίωμα N.NSN
3588 of the tou τοῦ RA.GSN
2362 throne thronou θρόνου N.GSM
3667 was a likeness homoiōma ὁμοίωμα N.NSN
5613 as hōs ὡς C
1491 a form eidos εἶδος N.NSN
444 of a man anthrōpou ἀνθρώπου N.GSM
509 from above. anōthen ἄνωθεν. D
2532 And kai καὶ C
1492 I beheld
5613 as hōs ὡς C
3799 an appearance opsin ὄψιν N.ASF
2240.1 of molten bronze, ēlektrou ἠλέκτρου N.GSN
5613 as hōs ὡς C
3706 a vision horaseōs ὁράσεως N.GSF
4442 of fire pyros πυρὸς N.GSN
2081 within
1473 it autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
2945 round about kyklō κύκλῳ. N.DSM
575 from apo ἀπὸ P
3706 the vision horaseōs ὁράσεως N.GSF
3751 of the loin osphyos ὀσφύος N.GSF
2532 and kai καὶ C
1883 up; epanō ἐπάνω, D
2532 and kai καὶ C
575 from apo ἀπὸ P
3706 the vision horaseōs ὁράσεως N.GSF
3751 of the loin osphyos ὀσφύος N.GSF
2193 unto heōs ἕως D
2736 below katō κάτω D
1492 I beheld
5613 as hōs ὡς C
3706 a vision horaseōs ὁράσεως N.GSF
5613 as hōs ὡς C
4442 of fire, pyros πυρὸς N.GSN
2532 and kai καὶ C
3588   to τὸ RA.ASN
5338 phengos φέγγος N.ASN
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
its brightness
2945 round about. kyklō κύκλῳ. N.DSM
5613 As hōs ὡς C
3706 the vision horasis ὅρασις N.NSF
5115 of a bow toxou τόξου, N.GSN
3752 whenever hotan ὅταν D
1510.3 it might be V.PAS3S
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the V.PAS3S
3507 cloud nephelē νεφέλῃ N.DSF
1722 in en ἐν P
2250 a day hēmera ἡμέρᾳ N.DSF
5205 of rain, hyetou ὑετοῦ, N.GSM
3779 thus houtōs οὕτως D
3588 was the tē τῇ RA.DSF
4714 position stasis στάσις N.NSF
3588 of the V.PAS3S
5338 brightness phengous φέγγους N.GSN
2943 round about. kyklothen κυκλόθεν. D
3778 This hautē αὕτη RD.NSF
3588 is the tē τῇ RA.DSF
3706 vision horasis ὅρασις N.NSF
3667 of the likeness homoiōmatos ὁμοιώματος N.GSN
3588 of the tē τῇ RA.DSF
1391 glory doxēs δόξης N.GSF
2962 of the lord kyriou κυρίου· N.GSM
2532 And kai καὶ C
1492 I beheld,
2532 and kai καὶ C
4098 I fell piptō πίπτω V.PAI1S
1909 upon epi ἐπὶ P
4383 prosōpon πρόσωπόν N.ASN
1473 mou μου RP.GS
my face,
2532 and kai καὶ C
191 I heard ēkousa ἤκουσα V.AAI1S
5456 a voice phōnēn φωνὴν N.ASF
2980 speaking. lalountos λαλοῦντος. V.PAPGSM
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