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Bible Encyclopedias
Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
(Heb. Chul, חוּל , a circle; Sept. Οὔλ), the name of the second son of Aram (B.C. cir. 2414), who appears to have given name to an Aramsean region settled by him (Genesis 10:23; 1 Chronicles 1:17). Josephus (Ant. 1, 6, 4) places it (Ουλον, as Havercamp corrects- for ῎Οτρος ) in Armenia, comparing it with the district Cholobotene, according to the conjecture of Bochart (Phaleg, 2:9). Michaelis, taking the word in the sense of a hollow or valley (Spicileg. 2:135) understands Caele-Syris (comp, Josephus, Ant. 12, 7, 1; 1 Maccabees 3:13); and Schultens (Parad. p. 282) refers it to the southern part of Mesopotamia, from the signification sand. More probable seems the identification proposed by Rosenmü ller (Aterthum. 1, 2, p. 253) with the district now called Huleh, around the lake Merom, at the upper sources of the Jordan (Burckhardt, Tray. 1, 87), which, although a small tract and no proper part of Aramaea, seems to be supported by the rendering of Saadias (compare Schwarz, Palestine, p. 41, note), According to Dr. Robinson, the name el-Huleh, as used by the present inhabitants, belongs strictly to the northern part of the basin in which the lake lies, but is commonly extended to embrace the whole; its different quarters fall within various jurisdictions, and have special names (Researches, 3:342). A great portion of this northern tract near the lake is now an impassable marsh, probably in consequence of the choking up of the streams by rubbish (Bibliotheca Sacra, 1846, p. 200, 201). The remainder is a very fertile plain, forming a valley near Banias (Robinson's Researches, new ed. 3:396-398). Traces of the name Hul or Huleh appear in the district Ulatha Οὐλάθα around Paneas, mentioned by Josephus as originally belonging to Zenodorns, and bestowed by Augustus upon Herod (Ant. 15:10, 3, comp. Wars, 1, 20, 4) (See MEROM).