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Thursday, September 26th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Judges 3:2
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onely because yt the trybes of the childre of Israel might knowe & lerne to warre, which afore had no knowlege therof,
Judges 3:12
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But the children of Israel dyd yet more euell before the LORDE. Then the LORDE strengthed Eglon the kynge of ye Moabites agaynst ye childre of Israel, because they wrought wickednesse before ye LORDE.
Judges 5:16
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Why abodest thou betwixte the borders, whan thou herdest the noyse of the flockes? because Ruben stode hye in his awne cosayte, and separated him selfe from vs.
Judges 5:23
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Curse the cite of Meros (sayde ye angell of the LORDE) curse the citesyns therof, because they come not to helpe ye LORDE, to helpe the LORDE to the giauntes.
Judges 6:7
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But whan they cried vnto the LORDE because of ye Madianites,
Judges 6:30
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The sayde the people of ye cite vnto Ioas: Brynge forth yi sonne, He must dye, because he hath broken Baals altare, and hewen downe the groue therby.
Judges 6:31
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But Ioas sayde vnto all them that stode by him: Wyl ye stryue for Baal? Wil ye delyuer him? He yt stryueth for him, shal dye this mornynge. Yf he be God, let him auege him selfe, because his altare is broken downe.
Judges 6:32
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From yt daye forth was he called Ierubaal, because it was sayde: Let Baal auenge him selfe, that his altare is broken downe.
Judges 9:21
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And Iotha (whan he had spoken this out) fled, and gat him out of the waye, and wente vnto Ber, and dwelt there because of his brother Abimelech.
Judges 11:13
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The kynge of the childre of Ammo answered Iephthaes messaungers Because that Israel toke awaye my londe (whan they departed out of Egipte) from Arnon vnto Iabock, and vnto Iordane: geue it me agayne now therfore peaceably.
Judges 12:4
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And Iephthae gathered all the men in Gilead, & foughte agaynst Ephraim. And the men in Gilead smote Ephraim, because they sayde: Ye Gileadites are as they yt fle awaye before Ephraim, (and dwell) amoge Ephraim & Manasse.
Judges 13:22
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and he sayde vnto his wife: We must dye the death, because we haue sene God.
Judges 15:6
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Then sayde the Philistynes: Who hath done this? And they sayde: Samson the husbande of the Thimnites doughter, because he toke awaye his wife from him, and gaue hir vnto his frende. Then wente the Philistynes vp, and brent her and hir father also with fyre.
1 Samuel 1:6
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& hir aduersary cast her in the tethe with hir vnfrutefulnes, because the LORDE had closed hir wombe:
1 Samuel 3:13
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for I haue tolde him, yt I wilbe Iudge ouer his house for euer, because of the wickednes, yt he knewe how shamefully his childre behaued the selues, and hath not once loked sowerly therto.
1 Samuel 4:21
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and she called the childe Icabod, and sayde: The glory is gone from Israel, because the Arke of God was taken awaye, and hir brother in lawe and hir hußbande.
1 Samuel 6:19
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And certaine of BethSames were slaine because they had sene ye Arke of the LORDE, and he slewe fyftye thousande and seuentye men of the people. Then mourned the people, because the LORDE had done so greate a slaughter in the people.
1 Samuel 9:12
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They answered them and sayde: Yee. Beholde, he is there, make haist, for he came in to the cite this daye, because the people haue a sacrifice to do to daye in the hye place.
1 Samuel 12:22
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For the LORDE shall not forsake his people because of his greate names sake: for the LORDE hath begonne to make you a people vnto him selfe.
1 Samuel 14:26
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and whan the people came in to the wodd, beholde, the hony flowed, but no man put of it to his mouth with his hade: for the people were afraied because of the ooth.
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