Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Nehemiah 5:2
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For there were that said, We, our sonnes & our daughters are many, therefore we take vp corne, that we may eate and liue.
Nehemiah 6:3
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Therefore I sent messengers vnto them, saying, I haue a great worke to doe, and I can not come downe: why should the worke cease, whiles I leaue it, and come downe to you?
Nehemiah 6:7
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Thou hast also ordeyned the Prophets to preach of thee at Ierusalem, saying, There is a King in Iudah: and nowe according to these wordes it shall come to the Kings eares: come now therefore, and let vs take counsell together.
Nehemiah 6:9
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For all they afrayed vs, saying, Their handes shalbe weakened from the worke, and it shall not be done: nowe therefore incourage thou me.
Nehemiah 6:13
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Therefore was he hyred, that I might be afrayde, and doe thus, and sinne, and that they might haue an euill report that they might reproche me.
Nehemiah 7:64
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These sought their writing of the genealogies, but it was not founde: therefore they were put from the Priesthood.
Nehemiah 8:10
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He saide also vnto the, Go, and eate of the fat, & drinke the sweete, & send part vnto them, for whome none is prepared: for this day is holie vnto our Lorde: be ye not sorie therefore: for the ioy of the Lord is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:11
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And the Leuites made silence throughout all the people, saying, Holde your peace: for the day is holy, be not sad therefore.
Nehemiah 9:10
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And shewed tokens & wonders vpon Pharaoh, and on all his seruants, and on all the people of his land: for thou knewest that they dealt proudely against them: therefore thou madest thee a Name, as appeareth this day.
Nehemiah 9:27
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Therefore thou deliueredst them into the hande of their enemies that vexed them: yet in the time of their affliction, when they cryed vnto thee, thou heardest them from the heauen, & through thy great mercies thou gauest them sauiours, who saued them out of the hande of their aduersaries.
Nehemiah 9:28
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But when they had rest, they returned to doe euill before thee: therefore leftest thou them in the hande of their enemies, so that they had the dominion ouer them, yet when they conuerted and cryed vnto thee, thou heardest them from heauen, and deliueredst them according to thy great mercies many times,
Nehemiah 9:30
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Yet thou diddest forbeare them many yeeres, and protestedst among them by thy Spirite, euen by the hande of thy Prophets, but they woulde not heare: therefore gauest thou them into the hande of the people of the lands.
Nehemiah 9:32
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Nowe therefore our God, thou great God, mightie and terrible, that keepest couenant and mercie, let not all the affliction that hath come vnto vs, seeme a litle before thee, that is, to our Kings, to our princes, and to our Priests, and to our Prophets, and to our fathers, and to all thy people since the time of the Kings of Asshur vnto this day.
Nehemiah 13:8
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And it grieued me sore: therefore I cast forth all the vessels of the house of Tobiah out of the chamber.
Esther 1:12
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But the Queene Vashti refused to come at the Kings worde, which he had giuen in charge to the eunuches: therefore the King was very angry, and his wrath kindled in him.
Esther 2:9
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And the mayde pleased him, & she founde fauour in his sight: therefore he caused her things for purification to be giuen her speedily, and her state, and seuen comely maides to be giuer her out of the Kings house, and he gaue change to her and to her maydes of the best in the house of the women.
Esther 2:23
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and when inquisition was made, it was found so: therefore they were both hanged on a tree: and it was written in the booke of the Chronicles before the King.
Esther 3:4
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And albeit they spake dayly vnto him, yet he would not heare them: therefore they tolde Haman, that they might see how Mordecais matters would stande: for he had tolde them, that he was a Iewe.
Esther 3:8
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Then Haman said vnto King Ahashuerosh, There is a people scattered, and dispersed among the people in all the prouinces of thy kingdome, and their lawes are diuers from all people, and they doe not obserue the Kings lawes: therefore it is not the Kings profite to suffer them.
Esther 4:4
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Then Esters maydes and her eunuches came and tolde it her: therefore the Queene was very heauie, and she sent raiment to clothe Mordecai, and to take away his sackecloth from him, but he receiued it not.
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