the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes Bullinger's Companion Notes
The Blessed Man Meditates on God's Law.Chapter 2
God's Anointed King Reigns Over Nations.Chapter 3
David's Morning Prayer During Absalom's Rebellion.Chapter 4
Evening Prayer for Deliverance and Peace.Chapter 5
Morning Prayer for Guidance and Protection.Chapter 6
Prayer for Mercy During Illness and Distress.Chapter 7
Prayer for Deliverance From Persecution and False Accusations.Chapter 8
God's Majesty in Creation and Human Dignity.Chapter 9
Praise for God's Justice and Deliverance of the Oppressed.Chapter 10
Prayer for God to Act Against the Wicked.Chapter 11
Trust in God's Righteous Judgment.Chapter 12
Prayer for Deliverance From Lies and Oppression.Chapter 13
Cry for Help and Trust in God's Salvation.Chapter 14
The Folly of Denying God; God's Concern for the Righteous.Chapter 15
The Character of Those Who Dwell With God.Chapter 16
A Song of Trust in God's Protection and Guidance.Chapter 17
Prayer for Protection From Enemies and Vindication.Chapter 18
David's Song of Thanksgiving for Deliverance.Chapter 19
God's Glory in Creation and His Perfect Law.Chapter 20
Prayer for the King's Victory in Battle.Chapter 21
Thanksgiving for the King's Victories Granted by God.Chapter 22
A Cry of Anguish and a Song of Praise.Chapter 23
The Lord Is My Shepherd; A Psalm of Trust.Chapter 24
The King of Glory and His Righteous People.Chapter 25
Prayer for Guidance, Forgiveness, and Deliverance.Chapter 26
Declaration of Integrity and Trust in God.Chapter 27
Confidence in God Amid Adversity.Chapter 28
Prayer for Help and Thanksgiving for Deliverance.Chapter 29
The Voice of God in the Storm; A Psalm of Glory.Chapter 30
Thanksgiving for Healing and Deliverance From Death.Chapter 31
Prayer for Deliverance and Confidence in God.Chapter 32
The Joy of Forgiveness and Protection From Trouble.Chapter 33
Praise for God's Creative Power and Sovereign Rule.Chapter 34
Praise and Exhortation to Trust in God's Deliverance.Chapter 35
Prayer for Vindication and Protection From Enemies.Chapter 36
The Wickedness of Man and the Lovingkindness of God.Chapter 37
Exhortation to Trust in God and Do Good.Chapter 38
Prayer of Repentance for Sin and Plea for Healing.Chapter 39
Reflection on the Brevity of Life and Trust in God.Chapter 40
Thanksgiving for Deliverance and Prayer for Continued Help.Chapter 41
Blessing on the Righteous and Prayer for Mercy in Sickness.Chapter 42
Longing for God Amid Distress and Separation.Chapter 43
Prayer for Deliverance and Hope in God.Chapter 44
Communal Lament Over Defeat and Plea for God's Help.Chapter 45
A Royal Wedding Song Celebrating the King.Chapter 46
God Is Our Refuge and Strength, Even Amid Trouble.Chapter 47
Praise to God, the King of All the Earth.Chapter 48
Praise for the Beauty and Strength of Jerusalem.Chapter 49
Wisdom Psalm: The Folly of Trusting in Wealth.Chapter 50
God's Judgment on His People's Faithfulness.Chapter 51
David's Prayer of Repentance After His Sin With Bathsheba.Chapter 52
A Rebuke of the Wicked and Trust in God's Steadfast Love.Chapter 53
The Fool Says There Is No God; God's Judgment on the Wicked.Chapter 54
Prayer for Deliverance From Enemies.Chapter 55
Prayer for God's Help Amid Betrayal and Fear.Chapter 56
Trust in God Despite Persecution and Suffering.Chapter 57
Prayer for Mercy and Confidence in God's Protection.Chapter 58
Judgment on the Wicked and Confidence in God's Justice.Chapter 59
Prayer for Deliverance From Enemies Who Lie in Wait.Chapter 60
Lament Over Defeat in Battle and Prayer for Victory.Chapter 61
Prayer for God's Protection and Guidance.Chapter 62
Trust in God Alone for Salvation and Security.Chapter 63
A Psalm of Thirsting for God in the Wilderness.Chapter 64
Prayer for Protection From Secret Plots of Enemies.Chapter 65
Praise for God's Providence in Nature and Redemption.Chapter 66
Praise for God's Mighty Works and Deliverance.Chapter 67
Prayer for God's Blessing and Rule Over All Nations.Chapter 68
Praise for God's Power and Victories.Chapter 69
A Cry for Deliverance and Reproach From Enemies.Chapter 70
Prayer for Help and Speedy Deliverance.Chapter 71
Prayer for God's Help Throughout Life's Trials.Chapter 72
A Royal Psalm for the King's Justice and Righteousness.Chapter 73
The Prosperity of the Wicked and God's Ultimate Justice.Chapter 74
Lament Over the Destruction of the Temple and Plea for Help.Chapter 75
Thanksgiving for God's Justice and Judgment.Chapter 76
Praise for God's Power and Defense of Jerusalem.Chapter 77
A Lament and Meditation on God's Faithfulness.Chapter 78
A Recital of Israel's History and God's Faithfulness.Chapter 79
Lament Over the Destruction of Jerusalem.Chapter 80
Prayer for Restoration of God's People.Chapter 81
A Call to Listen to God and Avoid Idolatry.Chapter 82
God's Judgment of Unjust Rulers.Chapter 83
Prayer for God to Judge Israel's Enemies.Chapter 84
Longing for God's Presence in the Temple.Chapter 85
Prayer for Revival and Restoration.Chapter 86
David's Prayer for Mercy and Help.Chapter 87
Praise for Jerusalem, the City of God.Chapter 88
A Desperate Cry for God's Help Amid Suffering.Chapter 89
God's Covenant With David and Lament Over Its Apparent Failure.Chapter 90
Moses' Prayer for God's Mercy and Eternal Wisdom.Chapter 91
Confidence in God's Protection and Care.Chapter 92
A Song of Praise for God's Goodness and Righteousness.Chapter 93
God Reigns in Majesty and Power.Chapter 94
Prayer for God's Justice and Vengeance on the Wicked.Chapter 95
A Call to Worship and Obedience to God.Chapter 96
A New Song of Praise for God's Glory Among the Nations.Chapter 97
The Lord's Reign and Righteous Judgment Over the Earth.Chapter 98
A Song of Joy for God's Salvation and Justice.Chapter 99
God's Reign in Holiness and Justice.Chapter 100
A Psalm of Thanksgiving and Praise.Chapter 101
David's Commitment to Live Righteously as King.Chapter 102
A Lament for God's Mercy and Restoration of Zion.Chapter 103
Praise for God's Compassion and Forgiveness.Chapter 104
Praise for God's Creation and Sustaining Power.Chapter 105
Recital of God's Faithfulness to Israel.Chapter 106
Confession of Israel's Sins and God's Mercy.Chapter 107
Thanksgiving for God's Deliverance From Distress.Chapter 108
A Psalm of Confidence in God's Help and Victory.Chapter 109
Prayer for Vindication and Judgment on Enemies.Chapter 110
The Lord's Promised Victory and Eternal Priesthood.Chapter 111
Praise for God's Righteous Deeds and Faithfulness.Chapter 112
Blessings of the Righteous Who Fear the Lord.Chapter 113
Praise for God's Exaltation of the Lowly.Chapter 114
God's Power Displayed in the Exodus.Chapter 115
Glory to God Alone for His Help and Protection.Chapter 116
Thanksgiving for Deliverance From Death.Chapter 117
Praise the Lord, All Nations!Chapter 118
Thanksgiving for God's Steadfast Love and Deliverance.Chapter 119
A Meditation on God's Law and Its Blessings.Chapter 120
Prayer for Deliverance From Lies and Deceit.Chapter 121
Trust in God's Help and Protection.Chapter 122
Joy in Going to the House of the Lord.Chapter 123
Prayer for Mercy Amid Scorn and Contempt.Chapter 124
Thanksgiving for God's Help Against Enemies.Chapter 125
Trust in God's Protection and Peace for the Righteous.Chapter 126
Joyful Remembrance of God's Restoration.Chapter 127
Dependence on God for Life's Blessings.Chapter 128
Blessings of the God-Fearing Family.Chapter 129
Confidence in God's Justice Amid Persecution.Chapter 130
A Cry for God's Mercy and Redemption.Chapter 131
Humility and Trust in God's Care.Chapter 132
A Prayer for God to Remember David's Devotion.Chapter 133
The Blessing of Unity Among God's People.Chapter 134
A Call to Praise God in His Sanctuary.Chapter 135
Praise for God's Sovereignty and Deliverance.Chapter 136
A Recital of God's Steadfast Love and Deeds.Chapter 137
A Lament for Jerusalem's Destruction in Exile.Chapter 138
Thanksgiving for God's Faithfulness and Protection.Chapter 139
Praise for God's Omniscience and Omnipresence.Chapter 140
Prayer for Protection From Evil Men.Chapter 141
Prayer for God's Help and Guarding of Righteous Speech.Chapter 142
A Cry for Help When Trapped in a Cave.Chapter 143
Prayer for Deliverance and Guidance in Adversity.Chapter 144
Prayer for Deliverance and Blessing on the Nation.Chapter 145
Praise for God's Greatness, Mercy, and Kingdom.Chapter 146
Trust in God, not Princes; His Care for the Needy.Chapter 147
Praise for God's Restoration of Jerusalem and Care for Creation.Chapter 148
Call for All Creation to Praise the Lord.Chapter 149
Praise the Lord with Song and Dance, Celebrating His People.Chapter 150
Final Call to Praise God with All Instruments and Voices.
- Psalms
by E.W. Bullinger
Psa THE PSALMS. THE STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK AS A WHOLE. 1-150. THE FIVE BOOKS . 1-41. THE GENESIS BOOK :CONCERNING MAN. The counsels of God || concerning him. All blessing bound up in obedience (Cp. Psalms 1:1 with Genesis 1:28 ). Obedience is man''s "tree of life" (Cp. Psalms 1:3 with Genesis 2:16 ). Disobedience brought ruin (cp. Psalms 2:0 with Genesis 3:0 ). The ruin repaired only by the SON OF MAN in His atoning work as the seed of the woman (cp. Psalms 8:0 with Genesis 3:15 ). The book concludes with a Benediction and double Amen. 42-72. THE EXODUS BOOK : CONCERNING ISRAEL AS A NATION. The counsels of God || concerning ISRAEL''S RUIN, ISRAEL''S REDEEMER, and ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION (Exodus 15:13 ). Cp. Psalms 68:4 with Exodus 15:3 , "JAH". It begins with Israel''s cry for deliverance, and ends with Israel''s king reigning over the redeemed nation. The book concludes with a Benediction and a double Amen. 73-89. THE LEVITICUS BOOK : CONCERNING THE SANCTUARY . The counsels of God || concerning the Sanctuary in its relation to man, and the Sanctuary in relation to Jehovah. The Sanctuary, Congregation, Assembly, or Zion, &c, referred to in nearly every Psalm. The book concludes with a Benediction and a double Amen. 90-106. THE NUMBERS BOOK : CONCERNING ISRAEL AND THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH. The counsels of God || concerning the EARTH, showing that there is no hope or rest for the Earth apart from Jehovah. Its figures and similes are from this world as a wilderness (cp. the references to mountains, hills, floods, grass, trees, pestilence, &c.). It begins with the prayer of Moses (the Man of the Wilderness), Psalms 90:0 , and closes with a rehearsal of ISRAEL''S rebellions in the wilderness (Psalms 106:0 ). Note "the New Song" for "all the earth" in Psalms 96:11 , where the theme is contained in one sentence which gives an Acrostic, spelling the word "Jehovah":"Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad" (see note on Psalms 96:11 ). The book concludes with a Benediction and Amen, Hallelujah. 107-150. THE DEUTERONOMY BOOK : CONCERNING GOD AND HIS WORD. The counsels of God concerning His Word, showing that all blessings for MAN (Book I), all blessings for ISRAEL (Book II), all blessings for the EARTH and the NATIONS (Book IV), are bound up with living on the words of God (Deuteronomy 8:3 ). Disobedience to Jehovah''s words was the source of MAN''S sorrows, ISRAEL''S dispersion, the SANCTUARY''S ruin, and EARTH''S miseries. Blessing is to come from that Word written on the heart (cp. Jeremiah 31:33 , Jeremiah 31:34 .Hebrews 8:10-12 ; Hebrews 8:10 . Heb 8:16 , Heb 8:17 ). Psalms 119:0 is in this book. The Living Word (John 1:1 ) began His ministry by quoting Deuteronomy 6:13 , Deuteronomy 6:16 ; Deuteronomy 8:3 ; Deuteronomy 10:20 in Matthew 4:4 , Matthew 4:7 , Matthew 4:10 . The book begins with Psalms 107:20 , and in v. 20 we read, "He sent His WORD and healed them", and it concludes with five Psalms (one for each of the five books), each Psalm beginning and ending with "Hallelujah". * Manuscript and Massoretic authorities, the Talmud ( Kiddushin ) as well as the ancient versions, divide the Psalms into five books. The Midrash on Psalms 1:1 Says. "Moses gave to the Israelites the five books of the Law; and corresponding with these David gave them the five books of the Psalms." The Structure of each Psalm being perfect in itself, we may well expect to find the same perfection in the arrangement of the five books respectively as well as of the one hundred and fifty Psalms as a whole. Many attempts have been made from ancient times to discover the reason for the classification of the Psalms under these five books; but none of them is so satisfactory as to preclude this further attempt. It is certain that the present order in which we have the Psalms is the same as it was when they were in the hands of our Lord, and were quoted repeatedly by Him, and by the Holy Spirit through the Evangelists and Apostles. Indeed, in Acts 13:33 , the Holy Spirit by Paul expressly mentions "the second Psalm". This puts us upon sure ground. There must be a reason therefore why "the second Psalm" is not (for example) the seventy-second; and why the ninetieth (which is the most ancient of all the Psalms, being a prayer of Moses) is not the first. The similar endings to each book are noted above. There are in all seven "Amens", and twenty-four Hallelujahs. All the latter (except the four in Book IV) are in Book V. For the relation of the five books of the Pentateuch to each other see Appdx-1. For the relation of the five books of the Psalms to the Pentateuch, see above, and the Structures prefixed to each book. || For the Divine Names and Titles occurring in the Psalms see Appdx-63. V. Book I Notes (See chapter comments on chapters 42, 73, 90, and 107 for Notes on those Psalm Books) 1-41. THE FIRST OR GENESIS BOOK*. MAN. 1-8. "MAN", AND "THE SON OF MAN" (Psalms 8:4 ). Psa 8:9-15 . "THE MAN OF THE EARTH" (ANTICHRIST, 10:18). 16-41. "THE MAN CHRIST JESUS." 1-8. "MAN", AND "THE SON OF MAN." 1 MAN BLESSED. THE LAW OF JEHOVAH HIS DELIGHT (Refers To Paradise). 2 REBELLIOUS MAN. VAINLY MEDITATING AGAINST THE SON OF GOD, Through Whom Alone Universal Dominion can be Restored 1-150. THE FIVE BOOKS . 1-41. THE GENESIS BOOK (v. 3). 4 PRAYER IN VIEW OF THIS REBELLION (Night). "How Long?" ( v. 2). 5 PRAYER IN VIEW OF THIS REBELLION (Morning). "Jehovah My King" ( v. 2). 6 PRAYER IN VIEW OF THIS REBELLION (Night). "How Long?" ( v. 3). 7 MAN BLESSED. TRUST IN JEHOVAH HIS DEFENSE. 8 REBELLIOUS SUBDUED. THE SON OF MAN EXALTED WITH DOMINION IN THE EARTH. 9-15. "THE MAN OF THE EARTH." 9-10 "THE MAN OF THE EARTH." THE ANTICHRIST. His Days, Character, and End. "The Times of Trouble" (Psalms 9:9 ; Psalms 10:1 ). The Great Tribulation. The Two Psalms Linked Together By an Acrostic Alphabet, Broken, Like Those "Times". 11 PRAYER IN VIEW OF (9 and 10) THOSE "TIMES OF TROUBLE". 12 THE VANITY OF MAN. 13 PRAYER IN VIEW OF (9 and 10) THOSE "TIMES OF TROUBLE". 14 THE DEPRAVITY OF MAN. 15 THE PERFECT MAN. His Character and Eternal Abiding. Leading Up To 16 41. "THE MAN CHRIST JESUS." 16-41. "THE MAN CHRIST JESUS." 16 Taking His Place of Suffering. Jehovah Apportioning His Lot. 17 Prayer and Appeal in View of Psalms 16:0 . 18 Answer to The Prayer of Psalms 17:0 , and Promise of Deliverance and Triumph. 19 His People Acknowledging God''s Glory in Creation and Revelation. 20 Their Prayer as They See in Messiah Their Own Salvation. 21 Their Exultation in Messiah''s Exaltation. 22 The Good Shepherd In Death (John 10:11 ). Atonement The Basis of All Blessing. 23 The Great Shepherd In Resurrection (Hebrews 13:20 ). Resurrection The Basis Of Present Blessing. 24 The Chief Shepherd In Glory (1 Peter 5:4 ). Advent The Basis Of All Future Blessing. 25 Prayer with Reference to Psalms 16:0 . The "Path" and the "Way" (cp. vv. 1-41. THE GENESIS BOOK :4, 8-10, 12 with Psalms 16:11 ). 26 Prayer with Reference to Psalms 17:0 . Appeal To Integrity (Cp. Psalms 17:1 , Psalms 17:3 , Psalms 17:4 ). Psa 17:27-28 Prayers with Reference To Psalms 18:0 . Answer From Jehovah, as His "Rock" and "Deliverer". 29 His People''s Praise For God''s Glory in Creation. Cp. 19. 30-31, 33 Their Praise as They See The Answer to Psalms 20:0 (Psalms 33:0 Being The First "New Song" in the Psalter). 34 Their Exultation in Messiah''s Exaltation. As in Psalms 21:0 . 35-36 Prayer and Praise with Reference to Atonement as Being The Basis Of All Blessing. Cp. 22. 37 Instruction As To Present Blessing, In View Of Psalms 23:0 . 38-39-40-41 Prayer and Praise with Reference To Future Blessing. Cp. Psalms 41:12 The Divine Answer To Psalms 24:3 . * For notes, see p. 722. Enemies Without. Sorrows Within. * In the first Book of the Psalms the leading thought corresponds with that of the first Book of the Pentateuch. The counsels of God are shown from the beginning to the end in relation to MAN. As Genesis begins with the Divine blessing on Man ( Psa 1:28 ), so Psalms 1:0 opens with "Blessed is the man". All blessedness for man is shown to consist in subjection to, and occupation with, God''s Law. It is the Tree of Life to him; and, meditating on this, he becomes like a well-watered tree in the Paradise of God. But, in Genesis 3:0 , Man rebelled against that Law:and Psalms 2:0 describes the consequences of that rebellion; while Psalms 3:0 takes its title from one who rebelled against God''s King. The ruin can be repaired only by "THEMAN Christ Jesus" (the Seed of the woman, Genesis 3:15 ):and in the Psalms of this first Book (the third section) we see Him in His atoning work, which alone sets man again in the blessedness which he had lost. The first Book consists of forty-one Psalms. The central Psalm Isaiah 21:0 , which sets forth the eternal life and blessedness of God''s King. All that have titles (37) are David''s the man of God''s choice. Of the Divine Titles, Jehovah occurs 279 times, and Elohim only 48 times, 9 of which are joined with Jehovah. (See Appdx-4.) Note also the references to the events, &c, of Genesis in this first Book. (See Appdx-63. V.) Psalms 1:0 and 2 are linked together by having no Titles; and by Psalms 1:0 opening, and Psalms 2:0 closing with "Blessed". The first or GENESIS book is divided into three sections, which (on p. 721) are stated thus: 1. The First (Pss. 1-8) concerning "MAN". 2. The Second (Pss. 9-15) concerning "THE MAN OF THE EARTH" (the Antichrist). 3. The Third (Pss. 16-41) concerning "THE MAN CHRIST JESUS''" (the Messiah). Psalms 9:0 and 10 are linked together by having an irregular alphabet running acrostically through the two. The alphabet is broken and irregular, like the "times of trouble", "the great tribulation", of which they speak. || Psalms 16:0 is the first Mictam Psalm. The others are Ps. 56-60. See Appdx-65. xii. Psalms 32:0 is the first Maschil Psalm, denoting instruction. TITLE. Psalms. See Appdx-63, and the Structures, pp. 720, 721. Cp. Luke 20:42 ; Luke 24:44 .Acts 1:20 . 1-8. MAN, AND THE SON OF MAN. ps 1: . MAN BLESSED. LAW OF JEHOVAH. Psalms 1:1-3 . The godly. Psalms 1:4-5 . The ungodly (lawless). Psalms 1:6 -. The godly. - Psalms 1:6 . The ungodly (lawless). Psalms 1:1 . Godly. Not standing with ungodly. Now. The Psalms 1:2 . Their character. Their godly. Psalms 1:3 . Comparison. way Psalms 1:4 -. Their character. Their - Psalms 1:4 . Comparison. way. The Psalms 1:5 . Ungodly. Not standing ungodly. with godly. Then. ps 2: . REBELLIOUS MAN. Psalms 2:1-3 . Mankind. Speaking. Psalms 2:4-5 . Jehovah. Fig. Chleuasmos. Appdx-6. Psalms 2:6-9 . The Son. His rule. Psalms 2:10 . Mankind. Spoken to. Psalms 2:11 . Jehovah. Fig. Apostrophe. Appdx-6. Psalms 2:12 . The Son. His judgment. ps 3: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF Psalms 2:0 (MORNING). Psalms 3:1 . Numbers of enemies against me Psalms 3:2 . No deliverance (they say). Psalms 3:3 . Thou my help. (Experience. 2nd person. Psalms 3:4 . Prayer answered. Psalms 3:5 . Confidence justified. Psalms 3:6 . Numbers of enemies against me. Psalms 3:7 -. Save me (I say). - Psalms 3:7-8 . Thou my help. (Experience. 2nd person. ps 4: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF Psalms 2:0 (EVENING). Psalms 4:1 . Prayer to Jehovah. Psalms 4:2 -. The sons of men. (David.) - Psalms 4:2 . The sons of men. (Themselves.) Psalms 4:3 . The sons of men. (David.) Psalms 4:4-5 . The sons of men. (Themselves.) Psalms 4:6-8 . Prayer to Jehovah. ps 5: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF Psalms 2:0 (MORNING). Psalms 5:1-3 . Prayer to Jehovah. Psalms 5:4 . "For":Reason. Character of Jehovah. Psalms 5:5-6 . The lawless and their wickedness. Psalms 5:7 . "But":The true worshippers. (Sheminith.) Psalms 5:8 . Prayer to Jehovah. Psalms 5:9 . "For":Reason. Character of the wicked. Psalms 5:10 . The wicked and their judgment. Psalms 5:11-12 . "But":The true worshippers. (Sheminith.) ps 6: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF Psalms 2:0 (NIGHT). Psalms 6:1-5 . Prayer offered. Psalms 6:6 -. Exhaustion. - Psalms 6:6 -. Tears. - Psalms 6:6 . Tears. Psalms 6:7 . Exhaustion. Psalms 6:8-10 . Prayer answered. ps 7: . MAN BLESSED. TRUST IN JEHOVAH. Psalms 7:1 -. Trust in Jehovah for defense. - Psalms 7:1 . Prayer for deliverance. Psalms 7:2 . The evil to be delivered from. Psalms 7:3-4 -. Demerit. Psalms 7:5 . The evil to be delivered from. Psalms 7:6-9 . Prayer for deliverance. Psalms 7:10-17 . Trust in Jehovah for defense. ps 8: . REBELLIOUS MAN. SUBDUED. Psalms 8:1 -. Greatness of Jehovah in the earth. - Psalms 8:1 . Glory to Jehovah in the heavens. Psalms 8:2 . His condescension to man. Psalms 8:3 . Glory of Jehovah in the heavens. Psalms 8:4-8 . His condescension to man. Psalms 8:9 . Greatness of Jehovah in the earth. Psalms 9:15 . "THE MAN OF THE EARTH". Psalms 9:9 . The Lawless one. (General.) Psalms 9:10 . The Lawless one. (Particular.) ps 9: . THE LAWLESS ONE. (GENERAL.) Psalms 9:1-2 . Thanksgiving. Psalms 9:3-10 . Excision of the wicked. Psalms 9:11 . Thanksgiving. Psalms 9:12-20 . Excision of the wicked. Psalms 9:3-10 . EXCISION OF THE WICKED. Psalms 9:3 . The wicked. Excision. Psalms 9:4 -. Deliverance. - Psalms 9:4-5 . Judgment. Psalms 9:6 . The wicked. Apostrophe. Psalms 9:7-8 . Judgment. Psalms 9:9-10 . Deliverance. Psalms 9:11-20 . EXCISION OF THE LAWLESS. Psalms 9:12 . Remembrance of oppressed. Psalms 9:13 . Prayer. Psalms 9:14 . Effect of this prayer. Psalms 9:15 . The nations. Psalms 9:16 . The wicked. Psalms 9:17 -. The wicked. - Psalms 9:17 . The nations. Psalms 9:18 . Remembrance of oppressed. Psalms 9:19-20 -. Prayer. - Psalms 9:20 . Effect of the prayer. ps 10: . THE MAN OF THE EARTH. (PARTICULAR.) Psalms 10:1 . Appeal to Jehovah. Psalms 10:2-5 . The lawless one. His acts. Psalms 10:6 . His thoughts (concerning himself.) Psalms 10:7-10 . The lawless one. His acts. Psalms 10:11 . His thought (concerning God.) Psalms 10:12-18 . Appeal to Jehovah. Psalms 10:7-10 . THE LAWLESS ONE. ACTS. Psalms 10:7 . His mouth and tongue. Psalms 10:8 -. Comparison to beast of prey. - Psalms 10:8 . His eyes. Psalms 10:9-10 . Comparison to beast of prey. ps 11: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF Psalms 9:0 and 10. Psalms 11:1 . Trust in Jehovah. Defender of the righteous. Psalms 11:2 . The lawless. Violence manifested. Psalms 11:3 . The righteous. Tried. Psalms 11:4 -. Jehovah''s temple and throne in heaven. - Psalms 11:4 . Jehovah''s eyes and eyelids on earth. Psalms 11:5 -. The righteous. Tried. - Psalms 11:5-6 . The lawless. Violence revenged. Psalms 11:7 . Trust in Jehovah. Lover of the righteous. ps 12: . THE VANITY OF MAN. Psalms 12:1 . Decrease of the godly and faithful. Psalms 12:2 . Man''s words. Psalms 12:3-4 . The speakers. "Cut off." Psalms 12:5 -. The oppression of the humble. - Psalms 12:5 . Deliverance from the oppression. Psalms 12:6 . Jehovah''s words. Psalms 12:7 . The hearers. "preserved." Psalms 12:8 . Increase of the lawless and vile. ps 13: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF PSALMS 9-10. Psalms 13:1-4 . Prayer. Psalms 13:5-6 . Praise. Psalms 13:1-4 . PRAYER. Psalms 13:1-2 . For himself. - Psalms 13:2 . Against the enemy. Psalms 13:3 . For himself. Psalms 13:4 . Against the enemy. Psalms 13:5-6 . PRAISE. Psalms 13:5 -. Past. - Psalms 13:5 . Future. Psalms 13:6 -. Future. - Psalms 13:6 . Past. ps 14: . THE DEPRAVITY OF MAN. Psalms 14:1 . The lawless. Their words. Psalms 14:2 . Jehovah. His inspection. Psalms 14:3 . The lawless. Their deeds. Psalms 14:4 . Jehovah. His expostulation. Psalms 14:5-6 . The lawless. Their feelings. Psalms 14:7 . Jehovah. His interposition. ps 15: . THE PERFECT MAN. Psalms 15:1 . His eternal abiding. Question. Psalms 15:2 . Positive. Psalms 15:3 . Negative. Psalms 15:4 -. Positive. - Psalms 15:4-5 -. Negative. - Psalms 15:5 . His eternal abiding.. Question. 16 41. "THE MAN CHRIST JESUS". Psalms 16:1-7 . HIMSELF. HIS TRUST. Psalms 16:1-7 . David speaketh to Jehovah and to the saints. Psalms 16:8-11 . "David speaketh concerning" Messiah (Acts 2:25-28 ). Psalms 16:1-7 . HIMSELF. HIS TRUST. Psalms 16:1 . Prayer. For preservation. David Psalms 16:2 -. My Adonai. My good. to - Psalms 16:2-3 . The saints. Jehovah. Psalms 16:4 . The apostates. David Psalms 16:5-6 . My portion. My heritage. to Psalms 16:7 . Praise. For counsel. saints. Psalms 16:8-11 . HIS MISSION AND WORK. Psalms 16:8 . Jehovah at My right hand. (Life.) Psalms 16:9 . Rest in hope. Positive. (Death.) Psalms 16:10 . Not left in Sheol. Negative. (Resurrection.) Psalms 16:11 . I at His right hand. (Ascension.) ps 17: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF Psalms 16:0 . Psalms 17:1-6 . I ( ani) = As for me. The righteous suffer. Psalms 17:7-8 . Prayer for deliverance. Psalms 17:9 . From enemies. Psalms 17:10-11 . Description of them. Psalms 17:12 -. Comparison. Lion. - Psalms 17:12 . Comparison. Young lion. Psalms 17:13 -. Prayer for deliverance. - Psalms 17:13-14 -. From enemies. - Psalms 17:14 . Description of them. Psalms 17:15 . I ( ani = As for me). The righteous suffer. Psalms 17:1-6 . THE RIGHTEOUS SUFFER. Psalms 17:1-2 . Prayer. "Hear me". ("Thine eyes".) Psalms 17:3-4 . Purpose. Mouth not transgress. Psalms 17:5 . Purpose. Footsteps not slip. Psalms 17:6 . Prayer. "Hear me". ("Thine ear".) ps 18: . ANSWER TO PRAYER. Psalms 18:1 . Jehovah spoken To. Love. Psalms 18:2 . Jehovah spoken Of. Deliverer. Psalms 18:3-19 . Enemies. Deliverance from. Psalms 18:20-24 . Equity of Jehovah''s dealings. Me. Psalms 18:25-27 . Equity of Jehovah''s dealings. Others. Psalms 18:28-48 . Enemies. Victory over. Psalms 18:49 . Jehovah spoken To. Praise. Psalms 18:50 . Jehovah spoken To. Deliverer. Psalms 18:3-19 . ENEMIES. DELIVERANCE FROM. Psalms 18:3-6 . David''s call for deliverance. Psalms 18:7-15 . Deliverance effected. Psalms 18:16-19 . Jehovah the deliverer. Psalms 18:3-6 . DAVID''S CALL FOR DELIVERANCE. Psalms 18:3 . David''s call and confidence. Psalms 18:4 . Compassed by enemies. Psalms 18:5 . Compassed by danger. Psalms 18:6 . David''s call and answer. Psalms 18:7-15 . DELIVERANCE EFFECTED. Psalms 18:7 . Wonders on earth. Psalms 18:8 . Fire from heaven. Psalms 18:9 . Darkness in the heavens. Psalms 18:10 -. Jehovah''s speedy succour. - Psalms 18:10 . Jehovah''s speedy succour. Psalms 18:11 . Darkness in the heavens. Psalms 18:12-14 . Fire from heaven. Psalms 18:15 . Wonders on earth. Psalms 18:16-19 . JEHOVAH THE DELIVERER. Psalms 18:16-17 -. Jehovah''s deliverance. - Psalms 18:17 . Compassed by enemies. Psalms 18:18 -. Compassed by enemies. - Psalms 18:18-19 . Jehovah''s deliverance. Psalms 18:28-48 . ENEMIES. VICTORY OVER. Psalms 18:28-31 . Help. General. Psalms 18:32-39 -. Vengeance on enemies. - Psalms 18:39-42 . Subjugation of enemies. Psalms 18:43-45 . Deliverance. Psalms 18:46 . Help. General. Psalms 18:47 -. Vengeance on enemies. - Psalms 18:47 . Subjugation of enemies. Psalms 18:48 . Deliverance. ps 19: . ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CHRIST''S GLORY IN CREATION, AND REVELATION. Psalms 19:1-4 -. The heavens. The word written there:(eight lines). - Psalms 19:4-6 . In them (bahem) the sun (six lines). Psalms 19:7-10 . The Scriptures. The word written therein (eight lines). Psalms 19:11-14 In them (bahem) Thy servant (six lines). Psalms 19:1-6 . THE HEAVENS. Psalms 19:1 . The heavens. Psalms 19:2 . Their testimony. Incessant. (Pos.) Psalms 19:3 . Their words. Inaudible. (Neg.) Psalms 19:4 -. Their testimony. Universal. (Pos.) - Psalms 19:4-6 . The heavens. ps 20: . HIS PEOPLE''S PRAYER IN VIEW OF "THE MAN CHRIST JESUS." Psalms 20:1-4 . Prayer. Psalms 20:5 -. We. His People''s trust. - Psalms 20:5 . Jehovah''s Messiah. Psalms 20:6 . Jehovah''s Messiah. Psalms 20:7-8 . We. His People''s trust.. Psalms 20:9 . Prayer. ps 21: . HIS PEOPLE''S JOY IN VIEW OF:THE CORONATION OF THEIR KING. Psalms 21:1 . Messiah. Strong in Jehovah''s strength. Psalms 21:2-5 .. Jehovah''s dealings with the king. Psalms 21:6 . His reward. Rea- Psalms 21:7 . His merit. sons. Psalms 21:8-10 . The king''s dealings with his enemies. Psalms 21:11 . Their guilt. Rea- Psalms 21:12 . Their defeat. sons. Psalms 21:13 . Messiah. Strong in His own strength. ps 22: . MESSIAH THE GOOD SHEPHERD, IN DEATH. Psalms 22:1-21 . Messiah. His "sufferings." See Psalms 22:22-31 . Messiah. His "glory." Appdx-71. Psalms 22:1-21 . MESSIAH. HIS "SUFFERINGS" Psalms 22:1-6 . The "Sufferings" Messiah''s prayer. Desertion. Psalms 22:7-21 . The "Sufferings." Messiah''s plea. Enemies. Psalms 22:1-6 . MESSIAH''S PRAYER. DESERTION. Psalms 22:1-2 . His desertion. Mourned. Psalms 22:3 . Jehovah''s holiness. Declared. Psalms 22:4-5 . Jehovah''s goodness. Experienced. Psalms 22:6 . His desertion. Experienced. Psalms 22:7-21 . MESSIAH''S PLEA. ENEMIES. Psalms 22:7-8 . Enemies. Psalms 22:9-11 . "But Thou". Psalms 22:12-13 . "Bulls" (pl.). "Lion" (sing.). Psalms 22:14-15 . " I ". Psalms 22:16 . "Dogs" (pl.). "Lion" (sing.). Psalms 22:17 -. " I ". - Psalms 22:17-18 . Enemies. Psalms 22:19-21 . "But Thou". Psalms 22:22-31 . MESSIAH''S GLORY. Psalms 22:22 . " I".Messiah''s praise. Promised. Psalms 22:23 -. Praise to Jehovah. - Psalms 22:23 . Israel to praise. Psalms 22:24 . The reason. " For ". Psalms 22:25 . " I".Messiah''s praise. Awarded. Psalms 22:26 . Praise to Jehovah. Psalms 22:27 . The nations to praise. Psalms 22:28 . The reason. " For ". Psalms 22:29-31 -. All to praise. - Psalms 22:31 . The reason. " For ". ps 23: . MESSIAH. THE GREAT SHEPHERD, IN RESURRECTION. Psalms 23:1-3 . Jehovah. Supply. "Pastures and waters"Spoken of " He ". 4. Danger. "Death". "Rod and staff". Spoken to. "Thou". Psalms 23:5 . Danger. "Enemies". "Table and Cup". Spoken to. "Thou". Psalms 23:6 . Jehovah. Supply. "Goodness and Mercy". Spoken of. "His". ps 24: . MESSIAH. THE CHIEF SHEPHERD IN GLORY. Psalms 24:1-2 . Right to the earth. Psalms 24:3 . Question. Who...? Psalms 24:4-6 . Answer. Selah. Psalms 24:7 . His Own right. Right to Psalms 24:8 -. Question. Who...? millennial Psalms 24:9 . His right with His People. kingdom. Psalms 24:10 - Question. Who...? - Psalms 24:10 . Answer. ps 25: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF Psalms 16:0 . Psalms 25:1-7 . Prayer and worship. Psalms 25:8-10 . Teaching. Worshippers. Psalms 25:11 . Prayer and worship. Psalms 25:12-14 . Teaching. Worshippers. Psalms 25:15-22 . Prayer and worship. ps 26: . PRAYER WITH REFERENCE TO Psalms 17:0 . Psalms 26:1 -. Prayer. - Psalms 26:1 . Plea. "For". Psalms 26:2 . Prayer. Psalms 26:3-8 . Plea. "For". Psalms 26:9-10 . Prayer. Psalms 26:11 -. Plea. Profession. - Psalms 26:11 . Prayer. Psalms 26:12 . Plea. Profession. ps 27: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF Psalms 18:0 . Psalms 27:1-3 . Confidence. The basis of the prayer. Psalms 27:4-14 . Prayer. Resulting from the confidence. Psalms 27:4-14 . PRAYER RESULTING FROM THE CONFIDENCE. Psalms 27:4 . Seeking. Psalms 27:5 . Hiding. Prayer meditated. Psalms 27:6 -. Enemies. - Psalms 27:6 . Joy. Psalms 27:7-8 . Seeking. Psalms 27:9-10 . Hiding. Prayer offered. Psalms 27:11-12 . Enemies. Psalms 27:13-14 . Hope. ps 28: . PRAYER IN VIEW OF Psalms 18:0 . Psalms 28:1-2 . For audience. Psalms 28:3 . For discrimination. Psalms 28:4-5 . Enemies. Imprecation. Psalms 28:6 . For audience. Psalms 28:7-8 . For help. Psalms 28:9 . Enemies. ps 29: . HIS PEOPLES PRAISE OF GOD''S GLORY IN CREATION. IN VIEW OF Psalms 19:0 . Psalms 29:1-2 . Praise promised. Psalms 29:3-11 . Praise rendered. Psalms 29:3-11 . PRAISE RENDERED. Psalms 29:3-9 -. Nature. - Psalms 29:9 . Grace. Psalms 29:10 . Nature. Psalms 29:11 Grace. Psalms 29:3-9 -. NATURE. Psalms 29:3-4 . Waters. Psalms 29:5 . Cedars. Psalms 29:6 . Mountains. Psalms 29:7 . Waters. Psalms 29:8 . Wilderness. Psalms 29:9 -. Forest. ps 30: . HIS PEOPLE''S PRAISE IN VIEW OF Psalms 20:0 . Psalms 30:1 . Thanksgiving promised. Psalms 30:2 -. David''s cry to Jehovah. - Psalms 30:2-3 . The relief obtained. Psalms 30:4 . Songs of praise. Psalms 30:5 . Joy succeeds weeping. Psalms 30:6-7 . Prosperity precedes trouble. Psalms 30:8-10 . David''s cry to Jehovah. Psalms 30:11 . The relief obtained. Psalms 30:12 -. Songs of praise. - Psalms 30:12 . Thanksgiving promised. ps 31: . HIS PEOPLE''S PRAYER AND PRAISE IN VIEW OF Psalms 20:0 . Psalms 31:1-2 . Let me not be ashamed. "Thine ear". Psalms 31:3-4 . Reason. "For". [Thrice.] Psalms 31:5 . "Into Thine hand". Psalms 31:6 . "I trust". Psalms 31:7-8 . Praise for benefits received. Psalms 31:9-13 . Reason "For". [Thrice.] Psalms 31:14 . "I trusted". Psalms 31:15 . "In Thine hand". Psalms 31:16-18 . Let me not be ashamed. "Thy face". Psalms 31:19-24 . Praise for benefits received. ps 32: . HIS PEOPLE''S PRAYER AND PRAISE IN VIEW OF Psalms 20:0 . Psalms 32:1-2 -. The justified. - Psalms 32:2 . The sanctified. David Psalms 32:3-4 . Trouble. speaks. Psalms 32:5-7 . Deliverance. Psalms 32:8 . Promise. Psalms 32:9 . Injunction. Psalms 32:10 -. Trouble. - Psalms 32:10 . Deliverance. David Psalms 32:11 -. The justified. speaks. - Psalms 32:11 . The sanctified. ps 33: . HIS PEOPLE''S NEW SONG IN VIEW OF Psalms 20:0 . Psalms 33:1-8 . Exhortation to praise Jehovah. Psalms 33:10-22 . Declarations concerning Jehovah. Psalms 33:1-9 . EXHORTATION TO PRAISE JEHOVAH. Psalms 33:1-3 . Exhortation for righteous to praise Jehovah. Psalms 33:4-7 . Reason. "For". (The word and works of Jehovah.) Psalms 33:8 . Exhortation to all to fear Jehovah. Psalms 33:9 . Reason. "For". (The word and works of Jehovah.) Psalms 33:10-22 . DECLARATIONS CONCERNING JEHOVAH. Psalms 33:10-11 . Mankind''s relation to Jehovah. Psalms 33:12 . Relation of Jehovah to His People. Psalms 33:13-17 . Results of Psalms 33:10-11 . Psalms 33:18-22 . Results of Psalms 33:12 . ps 34: . HIS PEOPLE''S EXULTATION IN VIEW OF Psalms 21:0 . Psalms 34:1-10 . Praise. Psalms 34:11-22 . Instruction. Psalms 34:1-10 . PRAISE. Psalms 34:1-2 . The oppressed. "I" and "they". Psalms 34:3 . Invitation. "O magnify". "Ye". Psalms 34:4 . Acknowledgment. "I". Psalms 34:5-7 . The oppressed. "I" and "they". Psalms 34:8-10 . Invitation. ("O taste...see...fear"). "Ye". Psalms 34:11-22 . INSTRUCTION. Psalms 34:11-15 . The righteous. Psalms 34:16 . The evil-doers. Psalms 34:17-20 . The righteous. Psalms 34:21 . The evil-doers. Psalms 34:22 . The righteous. ps 35: . MESSIAH''S PRAYER AND PRAISE IN VIEW OF Psalms 22:0 . Psalms 35:1-3 . Appeal for help. Psalms 35:4-8 . Imprecation. Psalms 35:9-10 . Praise. Psalms 35:11 . Evildoers. Words. Psalms 35:12 . Their evil for good. Psalms 35:13 . His good for evil. Psalms 35:14 . His good for evil. Psalms 35:15 . Their evil for good. Psalms 35:16 . Evildoers. Words. Psalms 35:17-18 . Appeal for help. Psalms 35:19-26 . Deprecation. Psalms 35:27-28 . Praise. Psalms 35:1-3 . APPEAL FOR HELP. Psalms 35:1 -. Defensive. - Psalms 35:1 . Offensive. Psalms 35:2 . Defensive. Psalms 35:3 -. Offensive. - Psalms 35:3 . Defensive. ps 36: . MESSIAH''S PRAYER AND PRAISE IN VIEW OF Psalms 22:0 . Psalms 36:1-4 . The wicked. Their misdeeds. Psalms 36:5-9 . The lovingkindness of Jehovah. Declaration. Psalms 36:10 . The lovingkindness of Jehovah Prayer. Psalms 36:11-12 . The wicked. Their end. Psalms 36:5-9 . THE LOVINGKINDNESS OF JEHOVAH DECLARED. Psalms 36:5-6 -. His attributes. - Psalms 36:6 . Their effects. Psalms 36:7 -. His attributes. - Psalms 36:7-8 . Their effects. Psalms 36:9 -. His attributes. - Psalms 36:9 . Their effects. ps 37: . INSTRUCTION AS TO PRESENT BLESSING IN VIEW OF Psalms 23:0 . Psalms 37:1-11 . Admonitions and reasons. Psalms 37:12-26 . Contrasts. Lawless and righteous. Psalms 37:27-29 . Admonition and reason. Psalms 37:30-33 . Contrasts. Righteous and lawless. Psalms 37:34 . Admonition and reason. Psalms 37:35-40 . Contrasts. Lawless and righteous. Psalms 37:1-11 . ADMONITIONS AND REASONS. Psalms 37:1 . Trust. Heat not thyself. Psalms 37:2 . Reason. "For". Psalms 37:3-8 . Trust. Delight. Commit. Psalms 37:9-11 . Reason. "For". Psalms 37:12-26 . CONTRASTS. LAWLESS AND RIGHTEOUS. Psalms 37:35-40 . CONTRASTS. THE LAWLESS AND THE RIGHTEOUS. Psalms 37:35-36 . The lawless. Psalms 37:37 . The righteous. Psalms 37:38 . The lawless. Psalms 37:39-40 . The righteous. ps 38: . PRAYER AND PRAISE IN VIEW OF FUTURE BLESSING (Psalms 24:0 ). Psalms 38:1 . Prayer. "Not rebuke". Psalms 38:11-16 . Treatment from friends. Psalms 38:17-18 . Sin and suffering. "For". Psalms 38:19-20 . Treatment from enemies. Psalms 38:21-22 . Prayer. "Not forsake". ps 39: . PRAYER AND PRAISE IN VIEW OF FUTURE BLESSING (Psalms 24:0 ). Psalms 39:1-3 . Silent meditation. Psalms 39:4 . Speech. Prayer. Psalms 39:5 -. The fading life. "I". - Psalms 39:5-6 . Vanity of man. Selah. Psalms 39:7 -. Departure. - Psalms 39:7 . Hope in Thee. Psalms 39:8 -. Supplication. - Psalms 39:8 . Deprecation. Psalms 39:9 . Silent meditation. Psalms 39:10 -. Speech. Prayer. - Psalms 39:10 . The fading of beauty. "I". Psalms 39:11 . Vanity of man. Selah. Psalms 39:12 -. Supplication - Psalms 39:12 -. Deprecation. - Psalms 39:12 . Hope in Thee. Psalms 39:13 . Departure. ps 40: . MESSIAH''S PRAYER AND PRAISE IN VIEW OF FUTURE BLESSING (Psalms 24:0 ).. Psalms 40:1-5 . Deliverance by Jehovah. Psalms 40:6-10 . Address to Jehovah. Psalms 40:11-17 . Prayer to Jehovah. Psalms 40:1-5 . DELIVERANCE BY JEHOVAH. Psalms 40:6-10 . ADDRESS TO JEHOVAH. Psalms 40:6 . What Jehovah had done, and not done. Psalms 40:7 -. Messiah''s delighted obedience. - Psalms 40:7 . Reason. Written in the Book. Psalms 40:8 -. Messiah''s delighted obedience. - Psalms 40:8 . Reason. Written in His heart. Psalms 40:9-10 . What Messiah had done-and not done. Psalms 40:11-17 . PRAYER TO JEHOVAH. Psalms 40:11 . Jehovah''s care for Messiah. Psalms 40:12 . Messiah''s distress. Psalms 40:13 . His prayer. "Make haste". Psalms 40:14-15 . Against enemies. Psalms 40:16 . For friends. Psalms 40:17 -. Messiah''s distress. - Psalms 40:17 -. Jehovah''s care for Messiah. - Psalms 40:17 . His prayer. "Make no tarrying". ps 41: . MESSIAH''S PRAYER AND PRAISE IN VIEW OF FUTURE BLESSING (Psalms 24:0 ). Psalms 41:1-3 . Jehovah''s favour to Messiah. Psalms 41:4 . Prayer. Psalms 41:5 -. Enemies. What they do. - Psalms 41:5 . Enemies. What they say. Psalms 41:6 . The Traitor. Psalms 41:7 . Enemies. What they do. Psalms 41:8 . Enemies. What they say. Psalms 41:9 . The Traitor. Psalms 41:10 . Prayer. Psalms 41:11-12 . Jehovah''s favour to Messiah. Psalms 41:13 . The concluding Doxology to Messiah. 42 72. THE EXODUS BOOK. 42 49. ISRAEL''S RUIN. 42 43. THE RUIN REALIZED. Psalms 42:1-3 . Cry from afar. Psalms 42:4 . Hope. "I remember". Psalms 42:5 . Appeal. "Why cast down?" Praise. Psalms 42:6-7 . Cry from afar. Psalms 42:8-10 . Hope. "Jehovah will command", &c. Psalms 42:11 . Appeal "Why cast down?" Praise. Psalms 43:1-2 . Cry from afar. Psalms 43:3-4 . Hope. "I will go". Psalms 43:5 . Appeal. "Why cast down?" Praise. ps 44: . THE CRY FOR DELIVERANCE. Psalms 44:1-8 . God our help. Psalms 44:9-14 . Us. Psalms 44:15 . Me. Thy reproach. Trouble. Psalms 44:16 . Me. The Reason. Psalms 44:17-22 . Us. Psalms 44:23-26 . Jehovah our help. Psalms 44:1-8 . GOD OUR HELP.. Psalms 44:1-2 . By Thee our fathers cast out. Psalms 44:3 -. Not their own sword. - Psalms 44:3 . But Thy right hand. Psalms 44:4 . Thou our confidence. Psalms 44:5 . By Thee will we put down. Psalms 44:6 . Not my own sword. Psalms 44:7 . But Thou. Psalms 44:8 . Thou our confidence. Psalms 44:9-14 . US. TROUBLE. Psalms 44:9 . Thou hast cast us off. (Pos. and Neg.) Psalms 44:10-11 . Enemies'' acts. Psalms 44:12 . Thou hast cast us off. (Pos. and Neg.) Psalms 44:13-14 . Enemies'' words. Psalms 44:17-22 . US. TROUBLE.. Psalms 44:17-18 . Righteousness. Psalms 44:19 . Calamities. Psalms 44:20-21 . Righteousness. Psalms 44:22 . Calamities. Psa 44:23-36 . JEHOVAH OUR HELP. Psalms 44:23-24 . Prayer. "Awake". Psalms 44:25 -. Affliction. - Psalms 44:25 . Affliction. Psalms 44:26 . Prayer. "Arise". ps 45: . THE DELIVERER. PRAISED. Psalms 45:1 . The Psalmist. Psalms 45:2-8 . The king. Psalms 45:9-16 . The queen. Psalms 45:17 . The Psalmist. Psalms 45:2-8 . THE KING. Psalms 45:2 -. The kings merits. - Psalms 45:2 . His reward. "Therefore" ( al ken). Psalms 45:3-4 . His weapon, and its effects. Psalms 45:5 . His weapons, and their effects. Psalms 45:6-7 -. The kings merits. - Psalms 45:7-8 . His reward. "Therefore" ( al ken). Psalms 45:9-16 . THE QUEEN.. Psalms 45:9 -. Maids of honour. - Psalms 45:9 . The queen''s apparel. Psalms 45:10-11 . The queen addressed. Psalms 45:12 -. Suppliant. - Psalms 45:12 . Suppliants. Psalms 45:13-14 -. The queen''s apparel. - Psalms 45:14-15 . Maids of honour. Psalms 45:16 . The queen addressed. ps 46: . THE HELP OF THE DELIVERER. Psalms 46:1 . God our refuge. Psalms 46:2 . The earth moved. Psalms 46:3 . The waters raged. Psalms 46:4 . The holy city. Psalms 46:5 . The holy city. Psalms 46:6 -. The nations rage. - Psalms 46:6 . The earth melted. Psalms 46:7 . God our refuge. Selah. Psalms 46:8 -. Gaze on God, in His works. - Psalms 46:8 . The earth. His desolations. Psalms 46:9 -. The world. War. - Psalms 46:9 . The world. Weapons. Psalms 46:10 -. Know God in Himself. - Psalms 46:10 . The earth. God''s exaltation. Psalms 46:11 . God our refuge. ps 47: . PRAISE TO THE DELIVERER. Psalms 47:1 . Call to praise. Psalms 47:2 . The reason. Psalms 47:3-4 . The nations, and Israel. Psalms 47:5 . God exalted. Psalms 47:6 . A call to praise. Psalms 47:7-8 . The reason. Psalms 47:9 -. The nations, and Israel. - Psalms 47:9 . God exalted. ps 48: . PRAISE TO THE DELIVERER. Psalms 48:1 -. Praise. - Psalms 48:1-3 . Zion a joy. In her palaces, God known. Psalms 48:4-8 . The reason. "For". God''s power shown in her establishment "For ever". Selah. Psalms 48:9-10 . Praise. Psalms 48:11-13 . Zion to rejoice. In her towers, strength surveyed. Psalms 48:14 . The reason. "For". God''s favour shown in guidance "For evermore". ps 49: . NEED OF REDEMPTION REALIZED. INTRODUCTION. I. Psa 49:1-2 . All to hear. II. Psa 49:3-4 . I will speak. The Theme announces an Enigma, and the solution is the Incarnation and work of the Redeemer. I. vv. Psalms 49:1-2 . II. vv. Psalms 49:3-4 . Hear. Low. Mouth. Ear. Peoples. High. Wisdom. Parable. Give ear. Rich. Heart. Dark saying. Inhabitants. Poor. Understanding. Harp. Psalms 49:5 . Why fear? (two lines). Psalms 49:6-9 . No redemption from man (four lines. Alt.). Psalms 49:10 -. Death (two lines). - Psalms 49:10-11 . Worldly wisdom (four lines. Int.). Psalms 49:12 . Man like the beasts (two lines). Psalms 49:13 . Worldly wisdom (two lines). Selah. Psalms 49:14 . Death (two lines. Int.). Psalms 49:15 . Redemption for me (two lines). Selah. Psalms 49:16-19 . Fear not ! (four lines. Alt.). Psalms 49:20 . Man like the beasts (two lines. NOTE. In the first and third members the Introversion is alternated, the couplets in one being answered by quatrains in the other. If written by Hezekiah after his recovery the date would be about 602 B. c. 50 60. ISRAEL''S REDEEMER. ps 50: . HE BREAKS SILENCE. Psalms 50:1-6 . The Psalmist. Psalms 50:7-13 . Reproof. Neg. Owns them His Psalms 50:14-15 -. Duty. Praise and people prayer. addressed. - Psalms 50:15 . Promise. I will deliver. Psalms 50:16 -. The Psalmist. - Psalms 50:16-22 . Reproof. Pos. Disowns The them. wicked Psalms 50:23 -. Duty. Praise. addressed. - Psalms 50:23 . Promise. I will show. ps 51: . THE RESPONSE OF HIS PEOPLE. Psalms 51:1-2 . Prayer. 3-5. Transgression. Confession. Psalms 51:6 . What God desires. Psalms 51:7-8 . Prayer and resulting praise. Psalms 51:9-12 . Prayer. Psalms 51:13 . Transgressors. Instruction. Psalms 51:14-15 . What God desires. Psalms 51:16-19 . Prayer and resulting praise. ps 52: . INSTRUCTION AS TO THE DEFEAT OF ENEMIES. Psalms 52:1-5 . The enemies apostrophized (Doeg.) Psalms 52:6 . The righteous ones. (Pl = Israel.) Psalms 52:7 . The enemies apostrophized. (Doeg.) Psalms 52:8-9 . The righteous one. (Sing. = David.) ps 53: . INSTRUCTION AS TO DEFEAT OF ENEMIES. Psalms 53:1 -. The fool. God no-where. - Psalms 53:1 . Man. Depravity. Psalms 53:2 . God. Inspection. Psalms 53:3 . Man. Depravity. Psalms 53:4 . God. Expostulation. Psalms 53:5-6 . The righteous. God now-here. ps 54: . INSTRUCTION AS TO THE DEFEAT OF ENEMIES. Psalms 54:1-2 . Prayer. Psalms 54:3 . Reason. Enemies assemble. Psalms 54:4 . Jehovah my helper. Psalms 54:5 . Jehovah my helper. Psalms 54:6 . Praise. Psalms 54:7 . Reason. Enemies scattered. ps 55: . INSTRUCTION AS TO DEFEAT OF ENEMIES. Psalms 55:1-2 . Prayer. Despondency. Psalms 55:3-5 . Reason. "For". Psalms 55:6-9 -. Prayer. Encouragement. - Psalms 55:9-11 . Reason. "For". Psalms 55:12-14 . Treachery of Ahithophel. Psalms 55:15 -. Prayer. Imprecatory. - Psalms 55:15 . Reason. "For". Psalms 55:20-21 . Treachery of Ahithophel. Psalms 55:22 -. Prayer. Encouragement. - Psalms 55:22 . Reason. Assurance. Psalms 55:23 -. Prayer. Imprecatory. - Psalms 55:23 . Reason. Assurance. ps 56: . ISRAEL''S REDEEMER, AND HIS WORK Psalms 56:1-2 . Complaint. Psalms 56:3 . Trust. Psalms 56:4 . Praise. Psalms 56:5-8 . Complaint. Psalms 56:9 . Trust. Psalms 56:10-13 . Praise. ps 57: . ISRAEL''S REDEEMER, AND HIS WORK. Psalms 57:1 . Repetition. Prayer. Psalms 57:2-3 -. Resolve. "I will cry". - Psalms 57:3 . Grace and truth. Sent. Psalms 57:4 . Enemies. Psalms 57:5 . "Be Thou exalted". Psalms 57:6 . Enemies. Psalms 57:7 -. Repetition. Praise. - Psalms 57:7-9 . Resolve. "I will sing". Psalms 57:10 . "Grace and truth". Great. Psalms 57:11 . "Be Thou exalted". ps 58: . ISRAEL''S REDEEMER, AND HIS WORK. Psalms 58:1-2 . Man''s judgment. Unrighteous. Psalms 58:3-5 . The wicked. Their character. Psalms 58:6-9 . Imprecation. Psalms 58:10 . The righteous. Their rejoicing. Psalms 58:11 . God''s judgment. Righteous. ps 59: . ISRAEL''S REDEEMER, AND HIS WORK Psalms 59:1-5 . Prayer. Enemies in the land. Selah. Psalms 59:6 . Comparison to a dog. Psalms 59:7 . Doggish characteristic. Barking. Psalms 59:8-9 -. Psalmist''s trust in God. - Psalms 59:9-10 . Reason. "God my defence". Psalms 59:11-13 . Prayer. Enemies with them in land. Selah. Psalms 59:14 . Comparison to a dog. Psalms 59:15 . Doggish characteristic. Greediness. Psalms 59:16 -. Psalmist''s trust in God. - Psalms 59:16-17 . Reason. "God my defence". ps 60: . ISRAEL''S REDEEMER, AND HIS WORK. Psalms 60:1-5 . Prayer. (God, the object.) Psalms 60:6-7 . Israel. (God the subject.) Psalms 60:8-9 . Heathen. (God the subject.) Psalms 60:10-11 . Prayer. (God, the object.) Psalms 60:12 -. Israel. (God the subject.) - Psalms 60:12 . Heathen. (God the subject.) 61-72. ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION. ps 61: . WAITED FOR BY ISRAEL. Psalms 61:1-2 . Prayer. Psalms 61:3-4 . Confidence. Psalms 61:5 . reason. Psalms 61:6-7 . Confidence. Psalms 61:8 . Praise. ps 62: . ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION WAITED FOR. Psalms 62:1-2 . Trust in God. Psalms 62:3-4 . Enmity of foes. Psalms 62:5-7 . Trust in God. Psalms 62:8-10 . Enmity of foes. Psalms 62:11-12 . Trust in God. ps 63: . ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION WAITED FOR. Psalms 63:1-2 . Assurance. Psalms 63:3 . Reason for praise. Psalms 63:4-6 . Assurance. Psalms 63:7 . Reason for praise. 8-10. Assurance. (Enemies.) Psalms 63:11 -. Reason for praise. - Psalms 63:11 . Assurance. (Enemies.) ps 64: . ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION WAITED FOR. Psalms 64:1-8 . Enemies. Psalms 64:9 . Mankind in general. Psalms 64:10 . The righteous in particular. Psalms 64:1-8 . ENEMIES. Psalms 64:1 . The enemies. (Sing.) Psalms 64:2 . Enemies. (Pl.) Psalms 64:3-4 . Their attempt to wound. Psalms 64:5-6 -. Enemies. (Pl.) - Psalms 64:6 . The enemy. (Sing.) Psalms 64:7-8 . Their wounding. ps 65: . ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION. ZION. WAITS. Psalms 65:1 . Israel. Zion. Psalms 65:2 . Mankind. Psalms 65:3-5 -. Israel. Zion. - Psalms 65:5-13 . Mankind. Psalms 65:3-5 -. ISRAEL. ZION. Psalms 65:3 -. Singular. "Me". - Psalms 65:3 . Plural. "Our". Psalms 65:4 . Singular. "He". Psalms 65:5 -. Plural. "We". - Psalms 65:5-13 . MANKIND. - Psalms 65:5 . God the confidence of all God afar off. spoken of. Psalms 65:6-7 . The power of God. Psalms 65:8 -. God the fear of all afar off. God - Psalms 65:8-13 . The goodness of God. - Psalms 65:8-13 . THE GOODNESS OF GOD. - Psalms 65:8 . Times. Morning and evening. Psalms 65:9-10 . Places. Earth and water. Psalms 65:11 . Time. The year. Psalms 65:12-13 . Places. Hills and valleys. ps 66: . PRAISE PROMISED. TROUBLE REMEMBERED. Psalms 66:1-2 . Exhortation to praise. Psalms 66:3 . Address. God''s works in the world. Selah. Psalms 66:4 . Address. Promise for the world. Selah. Psalms 66:5-7 . Invitation. "Come and see," &c. Selah. Psalms 66:8-9 . Exhortation to praise. Psalms 66:10-12 . Address. God''s dealings with His People. Psalms 66:13-15 . Address. Promise for Psalmist. Selah. Psalms 66:16-20 . Invitation. "Come and hear," &c. Psalms 66:13-15 .ADDRESS PROMISE OF PSALMIST. Psalms 66:13 -. Offerings. - Psalms 66:13 . Vows. Psalms 66:14 . Vows. Psalms 66:15 . Offerings. Psalms 66:16-20 . INVITATION: "COME AND HEAR." Psalms 66:16 . God. Psalms 66:17 . I. Psalms 66:18 . I. Psalms 66:19-20 . God. ps 67: . PRAISE PROMISED. TROUBLE REMEMBERED. Psalms 67:1 . Prayer. "God be gracious". Psalms 67:2 . Object. Way known on earth. Psalms 67:3 . Injunction. "Let peoples praise". Psalms 67:4 -. Effect. Peoples glad. - Psalms 67:4 -. Address. Nations gently lead. Psalms 67:5 . Injunction. "Let peoples praise". Psalms 67:6 -. Effect. Earth fruitful. - Psalms 67:6 . Prayer. "God be merciful". Psalms 67:7 . Object. God feared on earth. Psalms 67:6-7 . PRAYER. EFFECT AND OBJECT. x The earth shall yield. y God will bless us. z Our own God (Jehovah). y God will bless us. x All the inhabitants of the earth shall fear. ps 68: . ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION. THE ANSWER TO PSALMS 61-67. Psalms 68:1-3 . Introduction to psalm. Psalms 68:4-35 . The psalm itself. Psalms 68:1-3 . THE INTRODUCTION. Psalms 68:1-2 . The wicked scattered. Psalms 68:3 . The righteous made glad. Psalms 68:4-35 . THE PSALM ITSELF. Psalms 68:4 . Exhortation to praise (four lines). Psalms 68:5-6 -. Mercies to His People. - Psalms 68:6 . Enemies judged. Psalms 68:7-10 . Going in the wilderness (nine lines). Psalms 68:11-14 . Jehovah''s word. History (four verses). Psalms 68:15-16 . Zion. Jehovah''s chosen dwelling-place. Psalms 68:17-18 . Zion. Jehovah''s chosen dwelling-place. Psalms 68:19-20 . Mercies to His People. Psalms 68:21-23 . Enemies judged. Psalms 68:24-27 . Goings in the sanctuary (nine lines). Psalms 68:28-31 . God''s command. Prophecy (four verses). Psalms 68:32-35 . Exhortation to praise (four verses). Psalms 68:7-10 ; Psalms 68:24-27 . GOINGS. Psalms 68:7 . Goings in the wilderness. Psalms 68:8 . Accompaniments. In the Psalms 68:9 . Address. wilderness. Psalms 68:10 . Thy congregation. Psalms 68:24 . Accompaniments. Into the Psalms 68:26 . Address. sanctuary. Psalms 68:27 . The congregation. ps 69: . ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION. THEIR REDEEMER WAITS FOR HIS DELIVERANCE. Psalms 69:1-21 . Prayer. Psalms 69:22-29 . Imprecation. Psalms 69:30-36 . Praise. Psalms 69:1-21 . PRAYER. Psalms 69:1 -. Salvation. - Psalms 69:1-4 . Trouble. Psalms 69:5-6 . Appeal. Psalms 69:7-12 . Reproach. Treatment received. Psalms 69:13 . Salvation. Psalms 69:14-18 . Trouble. Psalms 69:19 . Appeal. Psalms 69:20-21 . Reproach. Treatment received. - Psalms 69:1-4 ; Psalms 69:14-18 . TROUBLE. - Psalms 69:1-2 . Great troubles. Psalms 69:3 . Desire after God. Psalms 69:4 . Enemies. Psalms 69:15 . Mire and waters. Psalms 69:16-18 -. Desire after God. - Psalms 69:18 . Enemies. Psalms 69:7-12 . REPROACHES. Psalms 69:7 . I. Reproached. Psalms 69:8-10 . Desolation. Psalms 69:11-12 -. "I gave", &c. - Psalms 69:12 . Drunkards. Psalms 69:20 -. I. Reproached. - Psalms 69:20 . Desolation. Psalms 69:21 -. "They gave", &c. - Psalms 69:21 . Drink. Psalms 69:22-29 . IMPRECATION. Psalms 69:22-25 . Imprecation. "They". Psalms 69:26 . Reason. They hurt Thine afflicted. Psalms 69:27-28 . Imprecation. Psalms 69:29 . Contrast. Thou savest Thine oppressed. Psalms 69:30-36 . PRAISE. Psalms 69:30-31 . "I will praise". Psalms 69:32 . Promise to God''s servants. Psalms 69:33 . Reason. Jehovah''s dealings. Psalms 69:34 . Let creation praise. Psalms 69:35 . Reason. God''s dealings. Psalms 69:36 . Promise to God''s servants. ps 70: . ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION. THEIR REDEEMER WAITS FOR HIS DELIVERANCE. Psalms 70:1 . David. Psalms 70:2-3 . Imprecation. Psalms 70:4 . Intercession. Psalms 70:5 . David. ps 71: . ISRAEL''S REDEEMER.. PRAISE PROMISED. Psalms 71:1-5 -. Declaration of trust. - Psalms 71:5-6 -. Youth. Care. (Past.) - Psalms 71:6-8 . Promise of praise. (Present.) Psalms 71:9-12 . Prayer for old age. (Future.) Psalms 71:13 . Confusion of enemies. Psalms 71:14-16 . Return for mercies. Psalms 71:17 -. Youth. Teaching. (Past.) - Psalms 71:17 . Promise of praise. (Present.) Psalms 71:18 . Prayer for old age. (Future.) Psalms 71:19-21 . Declaration of trust. Psalms 71:22-24 -. Return for mercies. - Psalms 71:24 . Confusion of enemies. ps 72: . ISRAEL''S REDEMPTION. THE ANSWER TO PSALMS 69-71. Psalms 72:1 . Prayer and theme of Psalm. Psalms 72:2-4 . Messiah''s goodness to the poor. Psalms 72:5-10 . Other attributes. Psalms 72:11 . General adoration. Psalms 72:18-20 . Praise and doxology to Book II. Psalms 72:5-10 ; Psalms 72:15-17 -. OTHER ATTRIBUTES. Psalms 72:5 . Eternity. Psalms 72:6-7 . Agricultural prosperity. (Moon.) Psalms 72:8-9 . The world. Dominion. Psalms 72:10 . Gifts. - Psalms 72:15 -. Gifts. - Psalms 72:15 . His People. Worship. Psalms 72:16 . Agricultural prosperity. (Sun.) Psalms 72:17 -. Eternity.
ps 73: . OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY. EFFECT. DISTRACTION. Psalms 73:1 . Occupation with God. Peace. Psalms 73:2 . Occupation with others. My error. Psalms 73:3 . Result. My discontent. Psalms 73:4-12 . The wicked. Their prosperity. Psalms 73:13-16 . Result. Distraction. Psalms 73:17 . Remedy. The Sanctuary. Psalms 73:18-20 . The wicked. Their end. Psalms 73:21 . Result. My discontent. Psalms 73:22 . Occupation with others. My error. Psalms 73:23-28 . Occupation with God. Peace. Psalms 73:4-12 . THE WICKED. THEIR PROSPERITY. Psalms 73:4-5 . Their prosperity. (Negative.) Psalms 73:6-7 . Their pride and fulness. Psalms 73:8-9 . Their speech. Psalms 73:10 . Their pride and fulness. Psalms 73:11 . Their speech. Psalms 73:12 . Their prosperity. (Positive.) Psalms 73:23-28 . OCCUPATION WITH GOD. Psalms 73:23-26 . I (emphatic). Psalms 73:27 -. They. Far from Thee. - Psalms 73:27 . They. Departing from Thee. Psalms 73:28 . I (emphatic). ps 74: . THE ENEMY IN THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 74:1-11 . Prayer. The enemy in the Sanctuary. Psalms 74:12 . Plea. Former merciful deliverance. Psalms 74:13-17 . Plea. Former merciful deliverance. Psalms 74:18-23 . Prayer. The enemy in the Sanctuary. Psalms 74:1-11 . PRAYER. Psalms 74:1 . Expostulation. Psalms 74:2 . Prayer. Memory. "Of old". Psalms 74:3 . Enemies. Psalms 74:4-8 . Enemies. Psalms 74:9 . Prayer. Inquiry. "How long ?" Psalms 74:10-11 . Expostulation. Psalms 74:13-17 . PLEA. FORMER MERCIFUL DELIVERANCES. Psalms 74:13 -. Dividing the sea. - Psalms 74:13 . The breaking of Egypt. Psalms 74:14 . The breaking of Egypt. Psalms 74:15 . Dividing the Jordan. Psalms 74:16 -. Day and night. - Psalms 74:16 . Heavens. Psalms 74:17 -. Earth. - Psalms 74:17 . Summer and winter. Psalms 74:18-23 . PRAYER. THE ENEMY IN THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 74:18 . Remember the enemies'' reproach. Psalms 74:19 . Deprecation. The oppressed. Psalms 74:20 . Prayer. "Thy covenant". Psalms 74:21 . Deprecation. The oppressed. Psalms 74:22-23 . Prayer. "Thy cause". - Psalms 74:22 . Remember the enemies'' reproach. ps 75: . GOD''S ANOINTED IN THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 75:1 . Praise. offered. Psalms 75:2-8 . Judgment. Upright. Psalms 75:9 . Praise. Promised. Psalms 75:10 . Judgment. Upright. Psalms 75:2-8 . JUDGMENT. UPRIGHT. Psalms 75:2-3 -. The earth. - Psalms 75:3 -. Its inhabitants. - Psalms 75:3 . The earth. Psalms 75:4-8 . Its inhabitants. ps 76: . DESTRUCTION OF THE ENEMIES OF THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 76:1-3 . The Jebusites'' defeat. Selah. Psalms 76:4 . God. Thou art glorious. Psalms 76:5-6 . The Jebusites'' defeat. Psalms 76:7 . God. Thou art feared. Psalms 76:8-9 . The Jebusites'' defeat. Selah. Psalms 76:10 . God. Thou art to be praised. Psalms 76:11-12 . The Jebusites'' defeat. ps 77: . OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY. EFFECT. MISERY. Psalms 77:1-6 . Occupation with self. Psalms 77:7-9 . Its sure result. Misery. Psalms 77:10-12 . Occupation with God. Psalms 77:13-20 . Its sure result. Happiness. Psalms 77:13-20 . THE SURE RESULT. HAPPINESS. Psalms 77:13 . God''s way in the Sanctuary. Psalms 77:14-15 . His people. Redeemed. Jacob and Joseph. Psalms 77:16 . The waters beneath. (Fear and trouble.) Psalms 77:17 . The heavens. (Clouds and skies.) Psalms 77:18 -. The heavens. (Thunder and lightning.) - Psalms 77:18 . The earth beneath. (Trembling and shaking.) Psalms 77:19 . God''s way in the sea. Psalms 77:20 . His People. Led by Moses and Aaron. ps 78: . OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 78:1-7 . Mosiac Institution. Giving of the Law. Psalms 78:8 . Provocation. General. Psalms 78:9 . Turning back. Psalms 78:10-11 . Forgetfulness. Psalms 78:12 . Wonders in Egypt and Zoan. Psalms 78:13-16 . "Led" with mercies in wilderness. Psalms 78:17-20 . Provocation in wilderness. Psalms 78:21 . Wrath in wilderness. Psalms 78:22-33 . Unbelief in spite of wrath. Psalms 78:34-39 . Insincerity in spite of mercies. Psalms 78:40 . Provocation. General. Psalms 78:41 . Turning back. Psalms 78:42 . Forgetfulness. Psalms 78:43-51 . Wonders in Egypt and Zoan. Psalms 78:52-55 . "Led forth" from Egypt to wilderness. Psalms 78:56-58 . Provocation in the land. Psalms 78:59-64 . Wrath in the land. Psalms 78:65-72 . Davidic Institution. Giving the Temple and monarchy. Psalms 78:1-7 . MOSIAC INSTITUTION. Psalms 78:1-2 . The Law. Psalms 78:3 . Taught us by our fathers. Psalms 78:4 . To be taught by us. Psalms 78:5 -. The Law. - Psalms 78:5 . Taught us by our fathers. Psalms 78:6-7 . To be taught by us. Psalms 78:22-23 . UNBELIEF IN SPITE OF WRATH. Psalms 78:22 . Israel. Sin. Unbelief. Psalms 78:23-28 . Jehovah. Mercies. Psalms 78:29-30 -. Israel. Sin. Lust. - Psalms 78:30-31 . Jehovah. Wrath. Psalms 78:32 . Israel. Sin. Unbelief. Psalms 78:33 . Jehovah. Wrath. Psalms 78:34-39 . INSINCERITY IN SPITE OF MERCIES. Psalms 78:34 . Repentance of Israel. Psalms 78:35 . Remembrance of Israel. Psalms 78:36 -. Mouth. - Psalms 78:36 . Lied. Psalms 78:37 -. Heart. - Psalms 78:37 . Unsteadfast. ps 78 38. Repentance of Jehovah. Psalms 78:39 . Remembrance of Jehovah. ps 79: . THE ENEMY IN THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 79:1-3 . Complaint. Psalms 79:4 . Our neighbours. Reproach. Psalms 79:5 . Question. Psalms 79:6-7 . Prayer against nations. Psalms 79:8-9 . Prayer for selves. Psalms 79:12 . Our neighbours. Reproach. Psalms 79:13 . Praise. ps 80: . GOD IN THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 80:1-3 . Prayer. Turn us. Shine. Psalms 80:4-6 . Representation. The People. Psalms 80:7 . Prayer. Turn us. Shine. Psalms 80:8-13 . Representation. The People. Psalms 80:14-15 . Prayer. Turn Thou. Psalms 80:16 . Representation. Vine and People. Psalms 80:17-19 . Prayer. Turn us. Shine. ps 81: . GOD IN THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 81:1-10 . Israel. God''s call to praise and hearken. Psalms 81:11-16 . Israel. Refusal and consequence. Psalms 81:1-10 . ISRAEL. GOD CALL TO PRAISE AND HEARKEN. Psalms 81:1-3 . Call to praise. (Positive.) Psalms 81:4-6 . Deliverance from Egypt. Reason. Psalms 81:7 -. Israel. Prayer. - Psalms 81:7 . God''s answer. Psalms 81:8-9 . Call to hear. (Negative.) Psalms 81:10 -. Deliverance from Egypt. Reason. - Psalms 81:10 -. Israel. Command. - Psalms 81:10 . God''s promise. Psalms 81:11-16 . ISRAEL. REFUSAL, AND CONSEQUENCES. Psalms 81:11 . Refusal to hear. Psalms 81:12 . Consequence. The worst possible. Psalms 81:13 . If they had heard. Psalms 81:14-16 . Consequence. The most blessed. ps 82: . GOD IN THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 82:1 . God, the righteous Judge. Psalms 82:2-4 . Earthly judges indicted. Psalms 82:5 -. Their wrong judgment. (Negative.) - Psalms 82:5 . Their wrong judgment. (Positive.) Psalms 82:6-7 . Earthly judges condemned. Psalms 82:8 . God, the righteous Judge. ps 83: . DESTRUCTION OF THE ENEMIES OF THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 83:1 . Appeal against enemies. Psalms 83:2-3 . Their combination. "For". Psalms 83:4 . Their words. Psalms 83:5-8 . Their combination. "For". Psalms 83:9-11 . Enemies. Their punishment. Psalms 83:12 . Their words. Psalms 83:13-15 . Enemies. Their punishment. Psalms 83:16-18 . Appeal against enemies. 84-89. THE SANCTUARY IN ITS RELATION TO JEHOVAH. ps 84: . THE BLESSEDNESS OF ITS WORSHIPPERS. Psalms 84:1-4 . Blessedness of dwellers. Psalms 84:5-7 . Blessedness of appraochers. Psalms 84:8 . Prayer. Psalms 84:9 . Prayer. Psalms 84:10 . Blessedness of dwellers. "For". (Reason of Psalms 84:1-4 .) Psalms 84:11-12 . Blessedness of approachers. "For". (Reason of Psalms 84:5-7 .) Psalms 84:1-4 . BLESSEDNESS OF ITS DWELLERS. Psalms 84:1 . "Thy habitations". Psalms 84:2 . Desire for the courts of Jehovah. Psalms 84:3 -. As the sparrow. - Psalms 84:3 -. As the swallow. - Psalms 84:3 . Desire for the altars of Jehovah. Psalms 84:4 . "Thy house". Psalms 84:5-7 . BLESSEDNESS OF APPROACHERS. Psalms 84:5 -. Blessed any one whose strength in in Thee. - Psalms 84:5 . [They] in whose heart are [Thy] ways. (Plural.) Psalms 84:6 -. Those passing through the valley of the weeping, make it a place of springs. The Psalms 84:7 -. The early rain filleth its pools. Valley. - Psalms 84:7 . He (the "any one" of Psalms 73:5 ) appeareth before God in Zion. (Singular.) ps 85: . PRAYER FOR THE LAND OF THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 85:1-3 . Mercies to the Land. Psalms 85:4 . Prayer. Psalms 85:5-6 . Questions. Psalms 85:7 . Prayer. Psalms 85:8 . Answer. Psalms 85:9-13 . Mercies to the Land. ps 86: . PRAYER IN THE SANCTUARY. MESSIAH''S HUMILIATION. THE SECRET OF THE BLESSING. Psalms 86:1-6 . Prayer. Psalms 86:7 -. "I will call". - Psalms 86:7 . Reason. "For". Psalms 86:8 -. Jehovah incomparable. - Psalms 86:8 . His works incomparable. Psalms 86:9 . "All nations shall worship". Psalms 86:10 . Reason. "For". Psalms 86:11-17 . Prayer. Psalms 86:11-17 . PRAYER. Psalms 86:11-12 . Prayer, and consequence. Psalms 86:13 . Plea. Goodness of God. Psalms 86:14 -. Man''s wickedness. Man-ward. - Psalms 86:14 . Man''s wickedness. God-ward. Psalms 86:15 . Pleas. Goodness of God. Psalms 86:16-17 . Prayer, and object. ps 87: . THE BLESSEDNESS OF THE DWELLERS IN ZION. Psalms 87:1-2 . Other dwellings spoken of. Psalms 87:3 . Zion spoken to. Psalms 87:4 . Other nations spoken of. Psalms 87:5 . Zion spoken of. Psalms 87:6 . Other peoples spoken of. Psalms 87:7 . Zion spoken to. ps 88: . INSTRUCTION. MESSIAH''S HUMILIATION, THE SECRET SOURCE OF THE BLESSING. Psalms 88:1-2 . Prayer. Psalms 88:3-6 . Dissolution near. Psalms 88:7 . Wrath. Waves. Psalms 88:8-9 -. Desolation. - Psalms 88:9-14 . Prayer. Psalms 88:15 . Dissolution near. Psalms 88:16-17 . Wrath. Waves. Psalms 88:18 . Desolation. 9-14. PRAYER. ps 89: . INSTRUCTION AS TO BLESSING IN THE SANCTUARY. Psalms 89:1 . Eternal praises. Psalms 89:2-4 . Ethan reminds Jehovah of His covenant with David Psalms 89:5-18 . Ethan praises Jehovah''s faithfulness. Psalms 89:19-37 . Ethan reminds Jehovah of His covenant with David. Psalms 89:38-51 . Ethan deplores Jehovah''s visitation. Psalms 89:52 . Eternal praises. Psalms 89:5-18 . PRAISE FOR JEHOVAH''S FAITHFULNESS. Psalms 89:5 . Jehovah addressed. Psalms 89:6-7 . Reason. "For". Psalms 89:8-17 . Jehovah addressed. Psalms 89:18 . Reason. "For". Psalms 89:19-37 . ETHAN REMINDS JEHOVAH OF HIS COVENANT WITH DAVID. Psalms 89:19-27 . David. "Faithfulness" (v. Psalms 89:2 ). Psalms 89:28 . Covenant (v. Psalms 89:3 ). Psalms 89:29-32 . Seed. (v. Psalms 89:4 ). Psalms 89:33 . David. "Faithfulness" (v. Psalms 89:2 ). Psalms 89:34-35 . Covenant. (v. Psalms 89:3 ). Psalms 89:36-37 . Seed (v. Psalms 89:4 ). Psalms 89:38-51 . ETHAN DEPLORES THE DIVINE VISITATION. Psalms 89:38-45 . Visitation. Psalms 89:46-51 . Expostulation. Psalms 89:38-45 . VISITATION. Psalms 89:38 . Rejection. Psalms 89:39 . Degradation. Psalms 89:40 . Desolation. Psalms 89:41 . Enemies. Spoil. Psalms 89:42 . Enemies. Rejoice. Psalms 89:43 . Desolation. Psalms 89:44 . Degradation. Psalms 89:45 . Rejection. Psalms 89:46-51 . EXPOSTULATION. Psalms 89:46 . Complaint. Psalms 89:47-48 . "Remember". Frailty. Psalms 89:49 . Complaint. Psalms 89:50-51 . "Remember". Reproach.
ps 90: . PROLOGUE. REST. LOST, AND NEEDED. Psalms 90:1-2 . The eternity of Jehovah-El. Psalms 90:3-11 . The frailty of man. Psalms 90:12-17 . The application of both. Psalms 90:1-2 . THE ETERNITY OF JEHOVAH-EL. Psalms 90:1 -. Jehovah our dwelling-place. - Psalms 90:1 . In time. Psalms 90:2 -. Before the mountains. - Psalms 90:2 -. Before the earth and the world. - Psalms 90:2 -. In eternity. - Psalms 90:2 . Thou art El. Psalms 90:3-11 . THE FRAILTY OF MAN. Psalms 90:12-17 . THE APPLICATION. Psalms 90:12 . Us. Our days. Numeration. Psalms 90:13 . Thy servants. Favour. Psalms 90:14-15 . Us. Our days. Exhilaration. Psalms 90:16 . Thy servants. Favour. Psalms 90:17 . Us. Our works. Establishment. ps 91: . REST PROVIDED IN, AND FOR MESSIAH. Psalms 91:1 . Address re the dweller. "He" (the Spirit speaks). Psalms 91:2 . His response. "My" (Messiah speaks). Psalms 91:3-8 . Address to dweller. "Thee" (the Spirit speaks). Psalms 91:9 -. His response. "My" (Messiah speaks). - Psalms 91:9-13 . Address to dweller. "Thee" (the Spirit speaks). Psalms 91:14-16 . Jehovah''s response. "I". ps 92: . PRAYER AND PRAISE FOR SABBATH REST. Psalms 92:1-3 . The praise of Jehovah. Psalms 92:4 . What He is to me. Psalms 92:5 . His attributes. Greatness. Psalms 92:6 . A wicked individual. (Sing.) Psalms 92:7-8 . The wicked. (Plural.) Psalms 92:9 -. Thine enemies. - Psalms 92:9 . Workers of iniquity. Psalms 92:10 -. Favour to me. (Future.) - Psalms 92:10 . Favour to me. (Past.) Psalms 92:11 -. Mine enemies. - Psalms 92:11 . Doers of evil. Psalms 92:12 . A righteous individual. (Sing.) Psalms 92:13-14 . The righteous. (Plural.) Psalms 92:15 -. What He is to me. - Psalms 92:15 . His attributes. Righteousness. ps 93: . THE REST DESIRED. Psalms 93:1-2 . Attributes of Jehovah. Psalms 93:3 . The floods. High. Psalms 93:4 . Jehovah. Higher. Psalms 93:5 . Attributes of Jehovah. ps 94: . PRAYER FOR REST FOR THE EARTH. Psalms 94:1-7 . Address to Jehovah. Psalms 94:8-11 . Declaration concerning Him. Psalms 94:12-13 . Address to Jehovah. Psalms 94:14-17 . Declaration concerning Him. Psalms 94:18-21 . Address to Jehovah. Psalms 94:22-23 . Declaration concerning Him. 95-100. REST FOR THE EARTH ANTICIPATED. ps 95: . WORSHIP IN VIEW OF REST ANTICIPATED Psalms 95:1-7 -. Rest to be found in true worship. People speak. - Psalms 95:7-11 . Rest lost through unbelief. God speaks. Psalms 95:1-7 -. REST TO BE FOUND IN TRUE WORSHIP Psalms 95:1-2 . Exhortation to praise. Psalms 95:3 . Reason. "For". Psalms 95:4 . The earth is His. Psalms 95:5 -. He made the sea. - Psalms 95:5 . He formed the earth. Psalms 95:6 . Exhortation to praise. Psalms 95:7 -. Reason. "For". - Psalms 95:7-11 . REST LOST THROUGH UNBELIEF. - Psalms 95:7-8 . Time. "To-day". Psalms 95:9 . Sin. Committal. Place ( asher = where). Psalms 95:10 . Time. "Forty years". Psalms 95:11 . Sin. Punishment. Place ( asher = where). ps 96: . SUMMONS TO SING THE NEW SONG. Psalms 96:1-3 . Exhortation to sing the New Song. Psalms 96:4-6 . Reasons. "For". Psalms 96:7-13 -. Exhortation to sing the New Song. - Psalms 96:13 . Reasons. "For". ps 97: . THE NEW SONG. Psalms 97:1 -. Jehovah hath taken a kingdom. - Psalms 97:1 . Joy and gladness. Psalms 97:2 -. Clouds, &c. - Psalms 97:2 -. Righteousness. - Psalms 97:2 . Judgment. Psalms 97:3-5 . Lightnings, &c. Psalms 97:6-7 . Righteousness. Psalms 97:8 . Judgment. Psalms 97:9-10 . Jehovah reigneth. Psalms 97:11-12 . Joy and gladness. ps 98: . SUMMONS TO SING THE NEW SONG. Psalms 98:1 -. Exhortation to praise. - Psalms 98:1-3 . Reason. "For". Psalms 98:4-9 -. Exhortation to praise. - Psalms 98:9 . Reason. "For". ps 99: . THE NEW SONG. Psalms 99:1-4 -. Of Jehovah. - Psalms 99:4 . To Jehovah. Psalms 99:5 . Exalt ye, &c. Psalms 99:6-7 . Of Jehovah. Psalms 99:8 . To Jehovah. Psalms 99:9 . Exalt ye, &c. ps 100: . WORSHIP, IN VIEW OF REST ANTICIPATED. Psalms 100:1-2 -. Exhortation to worship. - Psalms 100:2 . Entrance into His presence. Psalms 100:3 . What Jehovah is. (Three declarations.) Psalms 100:4 -. Entrance into His presence. - Psalms 100:4 . Exhortation to worship. Psalms 100:5 . What Jehovah is. (Three declarations.) 101-105. REST FOR THE EARTH CELEBRATED. ps 101: . THE COMING KING AND HIS RULE. Psalms 101:1-2 . I. My. "The perfect way". "Grace". Psalms 101:3-5 . Them that "turn aside" "destroyed". "Judgment". Psalms 101:6 . I. Me, mine. "Perfect way". "Mercy". Psalms 101:7-8 . He that "worketh deceit" "destroyed". "judgment". ps 102: . THE KING, IN HIS HUMILIATION. Psalms 102:1-2 . Prayer. Psalms 102:3-11 . Humiliation. "Days cut short". Psalms 102:12 . Jehovah everlasting. Psalms 102:13-22 . Favour to His People. Psalms 102:23 . Humiliation. "Days cut short". Psalms 102:24 -. Prayer. - Psalms 102:24-27 . Jehovah everlasting. Psalms 102:28 . Favour to His People. Psalms 102:13-22 . FAVOUR TO HIS PEOPLE. Psalms 102:13-14 . Favour to Zion. Psalms 102:15 . Favour to the nations. Psalms 102:16 . Jehovah''s glory in Zion. Psalms 102:17 . Jehovah''s grace to the needy. Psalms 102:18 -. For a future People. - Psalms 102:18 . For a future People. Psalms 102:19 . Jehovah''s glory in Zion. Psalms 102:20 . Jehovah''s grace to the needy. Psalms 102:21 . Favour to Zion. Psalms 102:22 . Favour to the peoples. ps 103: . THE COMING KINGDOM. Psalms 103:1-5 . Exhortation to bless. Psalms 103:6-7 . Jehovah''s kingdom. Israel. Psalms 103:8 . Merciful goodness. Psalms 103:9 . Sparing goodness. Time. Psalms 103:10 . Pardoning goodness. Psalms 103:11-13 . Pardoning goodness. Psalms 103:14-16 . Sparing goodness. Time. Psalms 103:17-18 . Merciful goodness. Psalms 103:19 . Jehovah''s kingdom. Universal. Psalms 103:20-22 . Exhortation to bless. ps 104: . THE KING IN HIS COMING POWER AND GLORY. Psalms 104:1 -. Jehovah to be praised. - Psalms 104:1-2 . Thou. Psalms 104:3-5 . He. Who. Day I. Earth Psalms 104:6-9 . Thou. Day II. Waters. Psalms 104:10-19 . He. Who. Psalms 104:20 -. Thou. - Psalms 104:20-23 . They. Psalms 104:24-30 . Thou. Day V, VI. Water. Sun. Psalms 104:31-32 . He. Psalms 104:33-35 . Jehovah to be praised. ps 105: . THE COMING KINGDOM, AS BASED ON THE PAST. Psalms 105:1-7 . Exhortation to praise (2nd person pl.). Psalms 105:8-12 . Basis for praise. The Covenant in promise. Psalms 105:13 . Journeyings. Psalms 105:14-15 . Favour. History Psalms 105:16 . Affliction. of Psalms 105:17-22 . Mission of deliv- Patriarchs. erance. Joseph. Psalms 105:23 . Journeyings. Psalms 105:24 . Favour. History Psalms 105:25 . Affliction. of Psalms 105:26-41 . Mission of deliv- Nation. erance. Moses and Aaron. Psalms 105:42-45 -. Basis of the praise. The Covenant in performance. - Psalms 105:45 . Exhortation to praise (2nd person pl.). Psalms 105:8-12 . COVENANT IN PROMISE. Psalms 105:42-45 -. COVENANT IN PERFORMANCE. Psalms 105:8-10 . The Covenant remembered. Psalms 105:11 . The Land given. Psalms 105:12 . The People described. Psalms 105:42-43 . The Covenant remembered. Psalms 105:44 . The Land possessed. Psalms 105:45 -. The People described. Psalms 105:17-22 . THE MISSION OF JOSEPH. Psalms 105:26-41 . THE MISSION OF MOSES AND AARON. Psalms 105:17 . The sending of the Deliverer. Psalms 105:18-19 . Trail by the Word. (Joseph). Psalms 105:20-22 . The deliverance. Psalms 105:26 . The sending of the Deliverers. Psalms 105:27-36 . Trial by the Word (Egypt''s). Psalms 105:37-41 . The deliverance. ps 106: . EPILOGUE. REST. HOW LOST, AND VALUED. Psalms 106:1 -. Hallelujah. - Psalms 106:1-3 . Exhortation to praise. Psalms 106:4-5 . Prayer. Psalms 106:6-7 . Sin. Psalms 106:8-12 . NEVERTHELESS. Psalms 106:13-16 . Sin. Psalms 106:17-18 . Punishment. Psalms 106:19-22 . Sin. Psalms 106:23 -. Punishment. - Psalms 106:23 . DELIVERANCE. Moses. Psalms 106:24-25 . Sin. Psalms 106:26-27 . Punishment. Psalms 106:28-29 -. Sin. - Psalms 106:29 . Punishment. Psalms 106:30-31 . DELIVERANCE. Phinehas. Psalms 106:32 -. Sin. - Psalms 106:32-33 . Punishment. Psalms 106:34-39 . Sin. Psalms 106:40-42 . Punishment. Psalms 106:43 -. DELIVERANCE. "He". - Psalms 106:43 . Sin. Psalms 106:44-46 . NEVERTHELESS. Psalms 106:47 . Prayer. Psalms 106:48 -. Exhortation to praise. - Psalms 106:48 . Hallelujah. 107 150 Deuteronomy 3:15 ? . THE DEUTERONOMY BOOK. GOD''S WORD:THE ONLY GOOD. ps 107: . THE DELIVERANCE AND HEALING, OR LIVING WORD. Psalms 107:1-3 . Praise for Jehovah''s grace. Psalms 107:4-32 . Distress and deliverance. Psalms 107:33-41 . Judgment and Blessing. Psalms 107:42-43 . Praise for Jehovah''s grace. Psalms 107:4-32 . DISTRESS AND DELIVERANCE. Psalms 107:4-5 . Trouble. Wanderers. (Wilderness.) Psalms 107:6 -. Cry. - Psalms 107:6-7 . Deliverance. Psalms 107:8-9 . Praise, and Reason. Psalms 107:10-12 . Trouble. Rebels. Psalms 107:13 -. Cry. - Psalms 107:13-14 . Deliverance. Psalms 107:15-16 . Praise, and Reason. Psalms 107:17-18 . Trouble. the Perverse. Psalms 107:19 -. Cry. - Psalms 107:19-20 . Deliverance. Psalms 107:21-22 . Praise, and Injunction. Psalms 107:23-27 . Trouble. Wanderers on Deep. Psalms 107:28 -. Cry. - Psalms 107:28-30 . Deliverance. Psalms 107:31-32 . Praise, and Injunction. Psalms 107:33-41 . JUDGMENT AND BLESSING. Psalms 107:33-34 . Judgment. Psalms 107:35-38 . Lovingkindness. Psalms 107:39-40 . Judgment. Psalms 107:41 . Lovingkindness. 108-110. THE TRUE DAVID''S HUMILIATION, DELIVERANCE, AND TRIUMPH. ps 108: . THE TRUE DAVID''S DELIVERANCE. Psalms 108:1-6 . God spoken to. Prayer. Psalms 108:7-8 . Israel. God spoken of. Psalms 108:9-10 . Enemies. Psalms 108:11-12 . God spoken to. Prayer. Psalms 108:13 -. Israel. God spoken of. - Psalms 108:13 . Enemies. ps 109: . THE TRUE DAVID''S HUMILIATION AND DELIVERANCE. Psalms 109:1-5 . Prayer for himself. Psalms 109:6-15 . Enemies. Their cursing. Psalms 109:16-20 . Reward of those who curse his soul. Psalms 109:21-27 . Prayer for himself. Psalms 109:28-29 . Enemies. Their cursing. Psalms 109:30-31 . Deliverance from those who condemn his soul. Psalms 109:21-27 . PRAYER FOR HIMSELF. Psalms 109:21 -. "Thou". - Psalms 109:21 . "Thy mercy". Psalms 109:22 -. My humiliation. - Psalms 109:22 . My heart wounded. Psalms 109:23 -. Comparison to shadow. - Psalms 109:23 . Comparison to locusts. Psalms 109:24 . My body weakened. Psalms 109:25 . My emaciation. Psalms 109:26 . "Thy mercy". Psalms 109:27 . "Thou". ps 110: . THE TRUE DAVID''S EXALTATION. Psalms 110:1 . What Jehovah has uttered. Psalms 110:2 -. What He will do. - Psalms 110:2 . Messiah''s enemies. Psalms 110:3 . Refreshment. Dew. Psalms 110:4 . What Jehovah has uttered. Psalms 110:5 . What He will do. Psalms 110:6 . Messiah''s enemies. Psalms 110:7 . Refreshment. Brook. ps 111: . PRAISE FOR JEHOVAH''S WORKS. Psalms 111:1 . Praise to Jehovah. Psalms 111:2-4 . For His works. Psalms 111:5-6 . His bounty, and objects of it. Psalms 111:7-8 . For His works. Psalms 111:9-10 -. His bounty, and objects of it. - Psalms 111:10 . Praise to Jehovah. The first of three Hallelujah Psalms; the first two being a pair of Acrostic Psalms, linked together by a corresponding arrangement. Psalms 111:1-8 . Eight couplets. Psalms 111:9-10 . Two triplets. Psalms 112:1-8 . Eight couplets. Psalms 112:9-10 . Two triplets. ps 112: . PRAISE FOR JEHOVAH''S WAYS. Psalms 112:1 -. HALLELUJAH. - Psalms 112:1-3 -. Happiness. - Psalms 112:3-4 -. Righteousness. - Psalms 112:4-5 . Goodness. Psalms 112:6-8 . Shall stand. Psalms 112:9 -. Goodness. - Psalms 112:9 -. Righteousness. - Psalms 112:9 . Happiness. Psalms 112:10 . Shall fall. ps 113: . PRAISE TO JEHOVAH HIMSELF. Psalms 113:1 -. HALLELUJAH. - Psalms 113:1 -. Praise Jehovah. - Psalms 113:1 . Praise His name. Psalms 113:2-3 . Bless His name. Psalms 113:4-9 -. Praise Jehovah. - Psalms 113:9 . HALLELUJAH. ps 114: . ISRAEL''S DELIVERANCE FROM EGYPT. Psalms 114:1-2 . God''s mercies to Jacob. Psalms 114:3 . By water. Psalms 114:4 . On land. Psalms 114:5 . Water. Psalms 114:6 . Land. Psalms 114:7-8 . God''s mercies to Jacob. ps 115: . ISRAEL''S DELIVERANCE FROM EGYPT''S IDOLATRY. Psalms 115:1 -. Negative. - Psalms 115:1 . Positive. The praise given. Psalms 115:2 . Heathen theology. Psalms 115:3 . Israelitish. Psalms 115:4-8 . Heathen theology. Psalms 115:9-16 . Israelitish. Psalms 115:17 . Negative. Psalms 115:18 . Positive. The praise givers Psalms 115:4-8 . HEATHEN THEOLOGY. Psalms 115:4 -. The idols. - Psalms 115:4 . Their fabrication. Psalms 115:5 -. Mouth without speech. (Sing.) - Psalms 115:5 . Eyes without ears. (Pl.) Psalms 115:6 -. Ears without hearing. (Pl.) - Psalms 115:6 . Nose without smell. (Sing.) Psalms 115:7 -. Hands without handling. (Pl.) - Psalms 115:7 -. Feet without walking. (Pl.) - Psalms 115:7 . Throat without voice. (Sing.) Psalms 115:8 -. The fabricators. - Psalms 115:8 . The idolaters. ps 116: . PRAISE FOR DELIVERANCE. Psalms 116:1-2 . Resolve to praise. Psalms 116:3 . Afflictions. Psalms 116:4 -. Prayer. Psalms 116:5-6 -. The Lord''s goodness to others. - Psalms 116:6 . His goodness to me. Psalms 116:7-9 . Resolve to praise. Psalms 116:10-11 . Afflictions. Psalms 116:12-14 . Promise. Psalms 116:15 . The Lord''s goodness to others. Psalms 116:16 -. Prayer. - Psalms 116:16 . His goodness to me. Psalms 116:17-19 . Resolve to praise. ps 117: . PRAISE. Psalms 117:1 . Praise. Psalms 117:2 -. His lovingkindness. - Psalms 117:2 -. His truth. - Psalms 117:2 . Praise. ps 118: . PRAISE. Psalms 118:1-4 . O give thanks. Psalms 118:5 . Acknowledgement. My deliverer. Psalms 118:6-7 . Help. Psalms 118:8-9 . Trust. Psalms 118:10-12 . Trust. Psalms 118:13 . Help. Psalms 118:14 . Acknowledgment. My strength. Psalms 118:15 -. Tents of the righteous. - Psalms 118:15-16 . Cause. Hand. Psalms 118:17-18 . Effect. Life. Psalms 118:19-20 . Gates of righteousness. Psalms 118:21 . Acknowledgment. My salvation. Psalms 118:22-24 . Messiah. Matthew 21:42 . Psalms 118:25 -. Prayer. - Psalms 118:25 . Prayer. Psalms 118:26-28 . Messiah. Matthew 21:9 . Matthew 21:29 . "O give thanks". Psalms 119:1-8 . QUICKENING BY THE WRITTEN WORD. Psalms 119:1 . The way. Psalms 119:2 . Condition. Happy. Third Psalms 119:3 . They, upright. Person. Psalms 119:4 . Command. (General.) Psalms 119:5 . My ways. Psalms 119:6 . Condition. Not ashamed. First Person. Psalms 119:7 . I, upright. (Individual.) Psalms 119:8 . Promise. Psalms 119:9-16 . CLEANSING OF THE WAY. Psalms 119:9 . The way to be cleansed. (Future.) Psalms 119:10 -. What I have done. My heart. - Psalms 119:10 . Prayer. (Negative.) Psalms 119:11 . What I have done. My heart. Psalms 119:12 . Prayer. (Positive.) Psalms 119:13-14 . The way to be cleansed. (Future.) Psalms 119:17-24 . PRAYER FOR STRENGTHENING. Psalms 119:17-19 . Prayer and Reasons. Psalms 119:20-21 . Twofold statement. Himself and wicked. Psalms 119:22 . Prayer and Reasons. Psalms 119:23-24 . Twofold statement. Himself and wicked. Psalms 119:25-32 . PRAYER. PRESERVATION. Psalms 119:25 -. Depression. - Psalms 119:25 . "Keep me alive" Psalms 119:26 -. Profession. (Past.) - Psalms 119:26 . Prayer. "Teach me". Psalms 119:27 -. Prayer. (Future.) - Psalms 119:27 . Profession. "I will talk". Psalms 119:28 -. Depression. - Psalms 119:28 . "Strengthen me". Psalms 119:29 . Prayer. "Remove". Psalms 119:30-31 -. Profession. (Past.) Psalms 119:32 . Profession. (Future.) Psalms 119:33-40 . PRAYER. TEACHING. Psalms 119:33 . Eyes. Make me to see. Psalms 119:34 -. Mind. Its comprehension. - Psalms 119:34 . Heart. Psalms 119:35 . Feet. Practical walking. Psalms 119:36 . Heart. Psalms 119:37-39 . Eyes. Turn them away. Psalms 119:40 . Mind. Its desires. Psalms 119:41-48 . PRAYER. STRENGTHENING. Psalms 119:41-42 -. Prayer. (Positive.) - Psalms 119:42 . Reason and Plea. Psalms 119:43 -. Prayer. (Negative.) - Psalms 119:43-48 . Reasons and Pleas. Psalms 119:49-56 . PRAYER. COMFORT AND REMEMBRANCE. Psalms 119:49 . "Remember...Thou". Psalms 119:50-51 . Statement as to consequences. Psalms 119:52 . "I remember". Psalms 119:53-54 . Statement as to consequences. Psalms 119:55 . "I have remembered". Psalms 119:56 . Statement as to consequences. Psalms 119:57-64 . PRAYER AND PROFESSION. Psalms 119:57-60 . Jehovah my portion. Psalms 119:61 . Statement re the work of the lawless. Psalms 119:62-63 . Jehovah my praise. Psalms 119:64 . Statement re the devour of Jehovah. Psalms 119:65-72 . PRAYER. JEHOVAH''S DEALINGS. Psalms 119:65 . Thy dealings good. Psalms 119:66 . Thy judgments good. Teach me. Psalms 119:67 . Affliction good. Result. Psalms 119:68 . Thou art good. Teach me. Psalms 119:69-71 . Affliction good. Result. Psalms 119:72 . Thy law good. Psalms 119:73-80 . PRAYER. INSTRUCTION AND DELIVERANCE. Psalms 119:73 . Prayer. "I". Psalms 119:74 . "They that revere Thee". Psalms 119:75 . Affliction. "I". Psalms 119:76 . Lovingkindness. Psalms 119:77 . Tender mercies. Psalms 119:78 . Affliction. "I". Psalms 119:79 . "They that fear Thee". Psalms 119:80 . Prayer. "I". Psalms 119:81-88 . PRAYER IN DISTRESS. Psalms 119:81-84 . Distress. Complaints and Pleas. Psalms 119:85-88 . Distress. Causes, Contrasts, and Prayers. Psalms 119:81-84 . COMPLAINTS AND PLEAS. Psalms 119:81-82 -. Two complaints, with plea between. - Psalms 119:82 . Question. When comfort? Psalms 119:83-84 -. Two complaints, with plea between. - Psalms 119:84 . Question. When vindicate? Psalms 119:85-88 . CAUSES, CONTRASTS, AND PRAYERS. Psalms 119:85 . Enemies. "". Psalms 119:86 -. Statement. "Thy". - Psalms 119:86 -. Enemies. "". - Psalms 119:86 . Statement. "Thou". Psalms 119:87 -. Enemies. "". - Psalms 119:87-88 . Statement. "Thy". Psalms 119:89-96 . JEHOVAH AND HIS WORD. Psalms 119:89-91 . Jehovah''s Word settled and eternal. Psalms 119:92 . Affliction cannot destroy my delight in it. Psalms 119:93 . Statement and reason. "For". Psalms 119:94 . Statement and reason. "For". Psalms 119:95 . The wicked cannot destroy my meditation. Psalms 119:96 . Jehovah''s Word perfect and eternal. Psalms 119:89-91 . JEHOVAH''S WORD. Psalms 119:89 -. Jehovah eternal. The heavens. - Psalms 119:89 . His Word established. (Psalms 89:37 ). Psalms 119:90 -. Jehovah''s faithfulness eternal. The earth. - Psalms 119:90-91 . The earth established. (Psalms 89:4 ). Psalms 119:97-104 . JEHOVAH''S WORD THE SOURCE OF WISDOM. Psalms 119:97 . The Word of Jehovah. Precious. Psalms 119:98-100 . The source of Understanding and Reason. Psalms 119:101 . The Psalmist''s practice (Pos.) and Motive. Psalms 119:102 . The Psalmist''s practice (Neg.) and Reason. Psalms 119:103 . The Word of Jehovah. Precious. Psalms 119:104 . The source of Understanding and Consequences. Psalms 119:98-100 . THE SOURCE OF UNDERSTANDING. Psalms 119:98 -. Wiser than mine enemies. - Psalms 119:98 . Reason. Psalms 119:99 -. Wiser than my teachers. - Psalms 119:99 . Reason. Psalms 119:100 -. Wiser than the aged. - Psalms 119:100 . Reason. Psalms 119:105-112 . JEHOVAH''S WORD THE SOURCE OF LIGHT AND JOY. Psalms 119:105 . The Word my light. Psalms 119:106 . Purpose to keep it. Psalms 119:107-108 . Affliction and Prayer. Psalms 119:109-110 . Danger and Protestations. Psalms 119:111 . The Word my Heritage and Joy. Psalms 119:112 . Purpose to keep it. Psalms 119:113-120 . JEHOVAH''S LAW. THE SECURITY GIVEN BY IT. Psalms 119:113-114 . Protestations. "I". Psalms 119:115 . Evildoers. Addressed concerning God. Psalms 119:116 . Uphold me. From above and without. Psalms 119:117 . Uphold me. From beneath and within. Psalms 119:118-119 . Evildoers. God addressed concerning them. Psalms 119:121-128 . JEHOVAH''S SERVANTS CONFIDENCE. Psalms 119:121-122 . What I have done, and Prayer (Neg.). Psalms 119:123 . The Word. Desire for it. Psalms 119:124-125 . Thy servants prayer. Psalms 119:126 . What Jehovah should do, and Plea (Pos.). Psalms 119:127-128 -. The Word. Love for it. - Psalms 119:128 . Thy servant''s resolve. Psalms 119:129-136 . GUIDANCE BY THE WORD. Psalms 119:129-131 . Statements concerning the Word. Psalms 119:132 . Prayer concerning the Righteous. Psalms 119:133-135 . Prayer concerning the wicked. Psalms 119:136 . Statement concerning the Word. Psalms 119:137-144 . JEHOVAH''S WORD AND THE PSALMIST. Psalms 119:137-138 . Thy Word. Righteous. Psalms 119:139 . I. Consumed. Psalms 119:140 . Thy Word. Pure. Psalms 119:141 . I. Despised. Psalms 119:142 . Thy Word. Truth. Psalms 119:143 . I. Despised. Psalms 119:144 . Thy Word. Righteous. Psalms 119:145-152 . Psalms 119:153-160 . PRAYER FOR FAITHFULNESS IN DISTRESS. Psalms 119:145-149 . The Psalmist''s cry. Psalms 119:130-151 . Jehovah near Psalmist. Foes nigh. Psalms 119:152 . The Word established for ever. Psalms 119:153-154 . The Psalmist''s cry. Psalms 119:155-159 . Jehovah far from wicked. Foes many. Psalms 119:160 . The Word established for ever. Psalms 119:161-168 . JEHOVAH''S WORD GIVES PEACE AND COMFORT. Psalms 119:161 . Contrastive Statement. Psalms 119:162 . Praise. "Thy". Psalms 119:163 . Contrastive Statement. Psalms 119:164 . Praise. "Thy". Psalms 119:165 . Contrastive Statement. Psalms 119:166-168 . Prayer. "Thy". Psalms 119:169-176 . PETITIONS AND STATEMENTS. Psalms 119:169-170 . Prayer ("Let") and Plea. Psalms 119:171-172 . Statements. "I". Praise. Psalms 119:173 . Prayer ("Let) and Plea ("For"). Psalms 119:174 . Statements. "I". Psalms 119:175 . Prayers ("Let"). Psalms 119:176 -. Statements. "I". Confession. - Psalms 119:176 . Prayer and Plea ("For"). ps 120: . GROUP I. PSALM (FIRST). DISTRESS. Psalms 120:1 . Hezekiah and Jehovah. Psalms 120:2 . His prayer to Jehovah. Psalms 120:3-4 . His apostrophe to Rab-shakeh. Psalms 120:5-7 . Hezekiah and Jehovah. ps 121: . GROUP I. PSALM (SECOND). TRUST. Psalms 121:1-2 . Jehovah''s help proclaimed. Psalms 121:3-8 . Jehovah''s help promised. Psalms 121:1-2 . JEHOVAH''S HELP PROCLAIMED. Psalms 121:1 -. Contemplation of Creation. - Psalms 121:1 . Whence can help come? Question. Psalms 121:2 -. Whence help cometh. Answer. - Psalms 121:2 . Contemplation of the Creator. Psalms 121:3-8 . JEHOVAH''S HELP. PROMISED. Psalms 121:3-4 . What Jehovah will not suffer. (Neg.) Psalms 121:5 . What He will do as the Keeper. (Pos.) Psalms 121:6 . What Jehovah will not do. (Neg.) Psalms 121:7-8 . What He will do as the Keeper. (Pos.) ps 122: . GROUP I. PSALM (THIRD). DELIVERANCE, BLESSING, AND PEACE IN ZION. Psalms 122:1 . The house of Jehovah. Psalms 122:2 . Jerusalem spoken to. Psalms 122:3 . Jerusalem spoken of. Psalms 122:4 . Description. Psalms 122:5 . Description. Psalms 122:6 -. Jerusalem spoken of. - Psalms 122:6-8 . Jerusalem spoken to. Psalms 122:9 . The house of Jehovah. ps 123: . GROUP II. PSALM (FIRST). DISTRESS. Psalms 123:1 . Prayer to Jehovah. Psalms 123:2 -. As to the eyes...look. - Psalms 123:2 . So our eyes look. Psalms 123:3-4 . Prayer to Jehovah. ps 124: . GROUP II. PSALM (SECOND). TRUST. Psalms 124:1-2 . Jehovah our help. Psalms 124:3 . Voracity of enemies. Psalms 124:4-5 . Comparison. Waters. Psalms 124:6 -. Blessed be Jehovah. - Psalms 124:6 . Voracity of enemies. Psalms 124:7 . Comparison. Fowlers. Psalms 124:8 . Jehovah our help. ps 125: . GROUP II. PSALM (THIRD). BLESSING AND PEACE IN ZION. Psalms 125:1-3 . Israel''s security. Psalms 125:4 -. Jehovah''s goodness. - Psalms 125:4 . The upright. Psalms 125:5 -. The evildoers. - Psalms 125:5 -. Jehovah''s judgment. - Psalms 125:5 . Israel''s security. ps 126: . GROUP III. PSALM (FIRST). DISTRESS. Psalms 126:1 -. Distress. - Psalms 126:1 . Its ending. As dreams. Psalms 126:2-3 . Joy. Psalms 126:4 -. Distress. - Psalms 126:4 . Its ending. As streams. Psalms 126:5-6 . Joy. ps 127: . GROUP III. PSALM (SECOND). TRUST. Psalms 127:1 -. Human builders. Vain. - Psalms 127:1 . Human defenders of city. Vain. Psalms 127:2 -. Human labours. Vain. Psalms 127:2 -. Divine gifts. Psalms 127:3 . Divine provision of builders. Vain. Psalms 127:4-5 . Divine provision of defenders. . Psalms 127:1 . Blessedness of those who revere Jehovah. (Third person.) Psalms 127:2 . Thou. Psalms 127:3 -. Thy house and thy wife. Second Person. - Psalms 127:3 . Thy sons. Peace. Psalms 127:4 . Blessedness of those who revere Jehovah. Third Person.) - Psalms 127:5 . Thou. - Psalms 127:5 . Thy city and thy life. Second Person. Psa 127:6 . Thy sons. Peace ps 129: . GROUP IV. PSALM (FIRST). DISTRESS. Psalms 129:1-2 -. Distress. Caused by enemies. - Psalms 129:2 . Failure of enemies. Stated. Psalms 129:3 . Distress. Caused by enemies. Psalms 129:4-8 . Failure of enemies. Prayed for. ps 130: . GROUP IV. PSALM (SECOND). TRUST. Psalms 130:1-3 . Waiting on Jehovah. Psalms 130:4 . Reason. "For". Psalms 130:5-7 -. Waiting for Jehovah. - Psalms 130:7 :8 . Reason. "For". ps 131: . GROUP IV. PSALM (THIRD) DELIVERANCE, BLESSING, AND PEACE. Psalms 131:1 . Jehovah. My comfort and peace. Psalms 131:2 -. I have comforted myself in Thee. - Psalms 131:2 . I have comforted myself in Thee. Psalms 131:3 . Jehovah. Israel''s comfort and peace. ps 132: . GROUP V. PSALM (FIRST). DISTRESS. BLESSING FOR THE HOUSE OF JEHOVAH. The Theme. David''s Distress. Psalms 132:2 . David sware unto Jehovah. Psalms 132:3-5 . What David sware. Psalms 132:6-7 . Dwelling-place for the Ark. Search. Psalms 132:8 . Prayer for the Ark''s rest. Psalms 132:9 -. Prayer for the Priests. - Psalms 132:9 . Prayer for the Saints. Psalms 132:10 . Prayer for Messiah. Psalms 132:11 -. Jehovah sware unto David. - Psalms 132:11-12 . What Jehovah sware. Psalms 132:13 . Dwelling-place for the Ark. Designation. Psalms 132:14-15 . Answer to Prayer (v. Psalms 132:8 ). Psalms 132:16 -. Answer to Prayer for Priests (v. Psalms 132:9 ). - Psalms 132:16 . Answer to Prayer for Saints (v. Psalms 132:9 ). Psalms 132:17-18 . Answer to Prayer for Messiah (v. Psalms 132:10 ). ps 133: . GROUP V. PSALM (SECOND). TRUST. BLESSING IN THE HOUSE OF JEHOVAH. Psalms 133:1 . The blessing enjoyed. Unity. Psalms 133:2 -. Comparison to the anointing oil. - Psalms 133:2 . Descent of the oil. Psalms 133:3 -. Comparison to Hermon''s dew. - Psalms 133:3 -. Descent of the dew. - Psalms 133:3 . The blessing enjoyed. Life. ps 134: . GROUP V. PSALM (THIRD). BLESSING FROM THE HOUSE OF JEHOVAH. Psalms 134:1 -. Blessing given to Jehovah. - Psalms 134:1 . The Servants. Their Watch. Psalms 134:2 . The Servants. Their Service. Psalms 134:3 . Blessing given by Jehovah. ps 135: . PRAISE. Psalms 135:1 -. Hallelujah. - Psalms 135:1-3 . Exhortation to praise. Servants. Psalms 135:4 . Jehovah''s choice of Israel. Psalms 135:5-12 . Superiority over idols. Psalms 135:13 -. Jehovah addressed. Name. - Psalms 135:13 . Jehovah addressed. Memorial. Psalms 135:14 . Jehovah''s vindication of Israel. Psalms 135:19-21 . Exhortation to praise. Israel. - Psalms 135:21 . Hallelujah. Psalms 135:15-18 . SUPERIORITY OVER IDOLS. Psalms 135:15 -. The idols. - Psalms 135:15 . Their fabrication. Psalms 135:16 -. Mouth without speech. (Sing.) - Psalms 135:16 . Eyes without sight. (Pl.) Psalms 135:17 -. Ears without hearing. (Pl.) - Psalms 135:17 . Mouth without breath. (Sing.) Psalms 135:18 -. Their fabricators. - Psalms 135:18 . The idolaters. ps 136: . PRAISE. Psalms 136:1-3 . Exhortation to praise. Psalms 136:4-9 . General dealings. Creation. Psalms 136:10 . Smote Egyptians. Psalms 136:11-12 . Brought Israel out of Egypt. Psalms 136:13-14 . Israel''s rescue. Psalms 136:15 . Overthrow of Enemies. Sea. Psalms 136:16 . Guidance of His People. Desert. Psalms 136:17-20 . Smote kings. Psalms 136:21-22 . Brought Israel into Canaan. Psalms 136:23-24 . Israel''s rescue. Psalms 136:25 . General dealings. Grace. Psalms 136:26 . Exhortation to praise. Psalms 135:0 AND 136 COMPARED. Psalms 135:1-5 . Exhortation to praise. Psalms 135:6-7 . Creative wonders. Psalms 135:8-9 . Deliverance from Egypt. Psalms 135:10-11 . Deliverance on Journey. Psalms 135:12-13 . Gift of the Land. Psalms 135:14 . Goodness to His People. Psalms 135:15-18 . False gods. Psalms 135:19-21 . Praise. Psalms 136:1-3 . Exhortation to praise. Psalms 136:4-9 . Creative wonders. Psalms 136:10-15 . Deliverance from Egypt. Psalms 136:16-20 . Deliverance on Journey. Psalms 136:21-22 . Gift of the Land. Psalms 136:23-24 . Goodness to His People. Psalms 136:25 . The True God. Psalms 136:26 . Praise. ps 137: . ISRAEL. DELIVERANCE FROM BABYLON. Psalms 137:1 -. Babylon. Weeping. - Psalms 137:1 . Zion. Remembrance. Psalms 137:2-4 . Babylon. Weeping. Psalms 137:5-6 . Jerusalem. Remembrance. "I". Psalms 137:7 -. Edom. Remembrance. - Psalms 137:7 . Jerusalem. Destruction. Psalms 137:8 . Babylon. Destruction. ps 138: . PRAISE. Psalms 138:1-4 . To Jehovah. Praise. (Second Person.) Psalms 138:5-6 . Of Jehovah. (Third Person.) Psalms 138:7 . To Jehovah. (Second Person.) Psalms 138:8 -. Of Jehovah. (Third Person.) - Psalms 138:8 . To Jehovah. (Second Person.) ps 139: . DELIVERANCE FROM SELF. Psalms 139:1 . Divine searching. Psalms 139:2-5 . Omniscience. Psalms 139:6 . Admiration. Psalms 139:7-16 . Omnipresence. Psalms 139:17-18 . Admiration. Psalms 139:19 -. Omnipotence. - Psalms 139:19-22 . Detestation. Psalms 139:23-24 . Divine searching. ps 140: . PRAYER AND PRAISE. Psalms 140:1 . Prayer. Preservation from enemies. Psalms 140:2-3 . The evil man. Purposes. (Selah.) Psalms 140:4 -. Prayer. Preservation from enemies. - Psalms 140:4-5 . The evil man. Purposes. (Selah.). Psalms 140:6-7 . Prayer. Preservation from enemies. Psalms 140:8 . The evil man. Desires. (Selah.) Psalms 140:9-11 . Prayer. Destruction of enemies. EPILOGUE (12-13). Trust and Praise. ps 141: . PRAYER AND PRAISE. Psalms 141:1-2 . I cry unto Thee. Help me. Psalms 141:3-5 -. Prayer for preventing grace (Shamar). - Psalms 141:5 . Yet, I. Psalms 141:6 . Punishment of wicked. Psalms 141:7 -. Bones scattered. - Psalms 141:7 . Wood cleaved. Psalms 141:8 . I look to Thee. Help me. Psalms 141:9 . Prayer for preventing grace (Shamar). Psalms 141:10 -. Punishment of lawless ones. - Psalms 141:10 . Yet, I. ps 142: . PRAYER AND PRAISE. Psalms 142:1-2 . I cried unto Jehovah. Psalms 142:3 -. Trouble. Comfort in. - Psalms 142:3 . Enemies. Psalms 142:4 . Friends. Desertion of. Psalms 142:5 . I cried unto Jehovah. Psalms 142:6 -. Trouble. Deliverance from. - Psalms 142:6 . Enemies. Psalms 142:7 . Friends. Surrounded by. ps 143: . PRAYER. Psalms 143:1-2 . Prayer. Psalms 143:3-4 . Enemy. Action. Psalms 143:5 . Conduct. Past. Remembrance. Psalms 143:6 . Conduct. Present. Desire. Psalms 143:7-11 . Prayer. Psalms 143:12 . Enemies. Excision. ps 144: . PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING. Psalms 144:1-7 . David''s words. Praise and Prayer. Psalms 144:8 . Word''s of foreigners. Vain and false. Psalms 144:9-11 . David''s words. Praise and Prayer. Psalms 144:12-15 -. Words of foreigners. Vain and false. - Psalms 144:15 . David''s words. Right and true. ps 145: . DAVID''S [PSALM] OF PRAISE. Psalms 145:1-2 . Praise promised. For Jehovah. (David.) Psalms 145:3 . Praise offered. Psalms 145:4-7 . Praise promised. For His work. (David and others.) Psalms 145:8-9 . Praise offered. Psalms 145:10-12 . Praise promised. For His kingdom. (The works.) Psalms 145:13-20 . Praise offered. Psalms 145:21 . Praise promised. David and all others. Psalms 145:1-2 . DAVID ALONE. Psalms 145:1 -. Thee. - Psalms 145:1 . Thy name. Psalms 145:2 -. Thee. - Psalms 145:2 . Thy name. Psalms 145:4-7 . DAVID WITH OTHERS. PRAISE. Psalms 145:4 . They shall. Psalms 145:5 . I will. Psalms 145:6 -. They shall. - Psalms 145:6 . I will. Psalms 145:7 . They shall. Psalms 145:10-12 . THE WORKS PRAISE. Psalms 145:10-11 -. Glory. - Psalms 145:11 . Might. Psalms 145:12 -. Might. - Psalms 145:12 . Glory. 13-12. PRAISE OFFERED.
ps 146: . FIRST HALLELUJAH PSALM. Psalms 146:1-2 . Hallelujah. Psalms 146:3 -. Wrong trust. - Psalms 146:3 . Powerless. Man. Psalms 146:4 . Mortal. Psalms 146:5 . Right trust. Psalms 146:6-9 . Powerful. Jehovah. Psalms 146:10 -. Eternal. - Psalms 146:10 . Hallelujah. ps 147: . THE SECOND HALLELUJAH PSALM. (EXODUS.) Psalms 147:1 -. Hallelujah. - Psalms 147:1-3 . Praise. Kindness to Israel. Psalms 147:4-5 . General operations. Nature. Psalms 147:6 . Contrast. What Jehovah does. Psalms 147:7 . Praise. Kindness to Israel. Psalms 147:8-9 . General operations. Nature. Psalms 147:10-11 . Contrast. What Jehovah delights in. Psalms 147:12-14 . Praise. Kindness to Israel. Psalms 147:15-18 . General operations. Nature. Psalms 147:19-20 -. Contrast. What Jehovah has shown. - Psalms 147:20 . Hallelujah. ps 148: . THE THIRD HALLELUJAH PSALM. (LEVITICUS.) Psalms 148:1 -. Hallelujah. - Psalms 148:1 . Praise from the heavens. (2nd Person.) Psalms 148:2-4 . Things in the heavens. Psalms 148:5 -. Injunction. "Let them praise". - Psalms 148:5-6 . Reasons. "For". Psalms 148:7 -. Praise from the earth. (2nd Person.) - Psalms 148:7-12 . Things in the earth. Psalms 148:13 -. Injunction. "Let them praise". - Psalms 148:13-14 -. Reasons. "For". - Psalms 148:14 . Hallelujah. ps 149: . THE FOURTH HALLELUJAH PSALM. (NUMBERS.) Psalms 149:1 -. Hallelujah. - Psalms 149:1 . Saints to praise. Psalms 149:2 . Israel to rejoice in Jehovah. Psalms 149:3 -. Praise. In A.V. - Psalms 149:3 -. How. For Heb. - Psalms 149:3 -. Praise. see note - Psalms 149:3 . How. below. Psalms 149:4 . Jehovah taketh pleasure in Israel. Psalms 149:5-9 -. Saints to praise. - Psalms 149:9 . Hallelujah. Ps 150: . THE FIFTH HALLELUJAH PSALM. (DEUTERONOMY.) Psalms 150:1 -. Hallelujah. - Psalms 150:1 -. The Sanctuary. - Psalms 150:1 . Praise of Jehovah''s power. Psalms 150:2 . Praise of Jehovah''s might. Psalms 150:3-6 -. Instruments of the Sanctuary. - Psalms 150:6 . Hallelujah.