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Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Nehemiah 4:23
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But when Sanvalat, Toviyah, the Arabs, the ‘Amonim and the Ashdodim heard that the repairs on the walls of Yerushalayim were going forward, and the breaks were being filled in, they became very angry. All of them together plotted to come and fight against Yerushalayim and thus throw us into confusion. However, we prayed to our God and, because of them, organized a watch against them day and night. Y'hudah was saying, "The strength of the people who carry loads away is starting to fail, and there is so much rubble that we can't build the wall." Our enemies were saying, "They won't know or see anything, until we have already infiltrated them and begun killing them and stopping the work." And even the Judeans living near them came and must have said to us ten times, "From every place you must come back to us." So in the lower parts of the space behind the wall, I stationed men according to their families, with their swords, spears and bows. After inspecting them, I stood up and addressed the nobles, leaders and the rest of the people: "Don't be afraid of them! Remember Adonai, who is great and fearful; and fight for your brothers, sons, daughters, wives and homes." When our enemies heard that the plot was known to us, and God had foiled their plans, we all returned to the wall, everyone to his work. From then on, half of my men would do the work; and half of them held the spears, shields, bows and armor; while the leaders stood guard behind the entire house of Y'hudah, as they continued building the wall. Those who carried loads held their loads with one hand and carried a weapon in the other. As for the construction-workers, each one had his sword sheathed at his side; that is how they built. The man to sound the alarm on the shofar stayed with me. I said to the nobles, the leaders and the rest of the people, "This is a great work, and it is spread out; we are separated on the wall, one far from another. But wherever you are, when you hear the sound of the shofar, come to that place, to us. Our God will fight for us!" So we kept doing the work. Half of them held spears from daybreak until the stars appeared. Also at that time I told the people, "Let everyone with a servant stay the night within Yerushalayim, so that at night they can be a guard for us, even as they work during the day." I, my kinsmen, my servants and my bodyguards never took off our clothes, and everyone who went to get water took his weapon.
Nehemiah 9:29
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You warned them, in order to bring them back to your Torah; yet they were arrogant. They paid no attention to your mitzvot, but sinned against your rulings, which, if a person does them, he will have life through them. However, they stubbornly turned their shoulders, stiffened their necks and refused to hear.
Nehemiah 9:38
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On the twenty-fourth day of this month the people of Isra'el, wearing sackcloth and with dirt on them, assembled for a fast. Those descended from Isra'el separated themselves from all foreigners; then they stood up and confessed their own sins and the iniquities of their ancestors. Standing where they were, they read in the scroll of the Torah of Adonai their God for one-quarter of the day. For another quarter they confessed and prostrated themselves before Adonai their God. On the platform of the L'vi'im stood Yeshua, Bani, Kadmi'el, Sh'vanyah, Buni, Sherevyah, Bani and K'nani; they cried out loudly to Adonai their God. Then the L'vi'im Yeshua, Kadmi'el, Bani, Hashavn'yah, Sherevyah, Hodiyah, Sh'vanyah and P'tachyah said, "Stand up, and bless Adonai your God from everlasting to everlasting; let them say: "‘Blessed be your glorious name, exalted above all blessing and praise! "‘You are Adonai , you alone. You made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their array, the earth and all the things that are in it, the seas and all that is in them; and you preserve them all. The army of heaven worships you. "‘You are Adonai , the God who chose Avram, brought him out of Ur-Kasdim and gave him the name of Avraham. Finding that he was faithful to you, you made a covenant with him to give the land of the Kena‘ani, the Hitti, Emori and P'rizi, the Y'vusi and the Girgashi, to give it to his descendants; and you have done what you promised, because you are just. "‘You saw the distress of our ancestors in Egypt and heard their cry by the Sea of Suf. You performed signs and wonders against Pharaoh, against all his servants and the people of the land; for you knew how arrogantly they treated them; and you won yourself a name which is yours to this day. You divided the sea ahead of them, so that they could pass through the sea on dry land; then you hurled their pursuers into the depths, like a stone into turbulent waters. "‘In a column of cloud you led them by day, and by night in a column of fire, so that they would have light ahead of them on the way that they were to go. "‘You descended on Mount Sinai and spoke with them from heaven. You gave them right rulings and true teachings, good laws and mitzvot. You revealed to them your holy Shabbat and gave them mitzvot, laws and the Torah through Moshe your servant. "‘For their hunger you gave them bread from heaven; for their thirst you brought forth for them water from the rock. You ordered them to enter and possess the land you had sworn with your hand to give them. "‘But they and our ancestors were arrogant; they stiffened their necks and ignored your mitzvot; they refused to listen and paid no attention to the wonders you had done among them. No, they stiffened their necks, and in their rebellion appointed a leader to return them to their slavery. But because you are a God of forgiveness, merciful, full of compassion, slow to grow angry and full of grace, you did not abandon them. Even when they cast themselves a metal calf, saying of it, "This is your god that brought you up from Egypt," and committing other gross provocations; still, you, in your great compassion, did not abandon them in the desert. The column of cloud did not leave them by day; it kept leading them along the way. By night the column of fire kept showing them light and the path to take. You also gave your good Spirit to teach them, did not withhold man from their mouths and provided them water to quench their thirst. Yes, forty years you sustained them in the desert; they lacked nothing — their clothes did not wear out; their feet did not swell up. "‘You gave them kingdoms and peoples; you even gave them extra land, so that they took possession of the land of Sichon, also the land of the king of Heshbon and the land of ‘Og king of Bashan. You made their children as numerous as the countless stars in the sky. "‘Then you brought them into the land about which you had said to their fathers that they should go in and take possession of it. So the children went in and possessed the land, as you subdued ahead of them the Kena‘ani living in the land, and handed them over to them, along with their kings and the peoples of the land, for them to do with as they wished. They took fortified cities and fertile land, possessed houses full of all kinds of good things, dug-out cisterns, vineyards, olive groves, fruit trees in plenty; so they ate their fill and grew robust, luxuriating in your great goodness. "‘Yet they disobeyed and rebelled against you, throwing your Torah behind their backs. They killed your prophets for warning them that they should return to you and committed other gross provocations. So you handed them over to the power of their adversaries, who oppressed them. Yet in the time of their trouble, when they cried out to you, you heard from heaven, and in keeping with your great compassion, you gave them saviors to save them from the power of their adversaries. But as soon as they had gotten some relief, they went back to do evil before you. So you left them in the power of their enemies, who came down hard on them. Yet when they returned and cried out to you, you heard from heaven many times and saved them, according to your compassion. You warned them, in order to bring them back to your Torah; yet they were arrogant. They paid no attention to your mitzvot, but sinned against your rulings, which, if a person does them, he will have life through them. However, they stubbornly turned their shoulders, stiffened their necks and refused to hear. Many years you extended them mercy and warned them by your Spirit through your prophets; yet they would not listen. Therefore you handed them over to the peoples of the lands. Even so, in your great compassion, you didn't completely destroy them; nor did you abandon them, for you are a compassionate and merciful God. "‘Now therefore, our God, great, mighty, fearsome God, who keeps both covenant and grace: let not all this suffering seem little to you that has come on us, our kings, our leaders, our cohanim, our prophets, our ancestors, and on all your people, from the times of the kings of Ashur until this very day. There is no question that you are just in all that has come upon us; for you have treated us fairly. It is we who have acted wickedly. Our kings, our leaders, our cohanim and ancestors did not keep your Torah, pay attention to your mitzvot or heed the warnings you gave them. Even when they ruled their own kingdom, even when you prospered them greatly, in the great, rich land you gave them, they did not serve you; nor did they turn from their wicked deeds. "‘So here we are today, slaves. Yes, in the land you gave our ancestors, so that they could eat what it produces and enjoy its good — here we are in it, slaves! Its rich yield now goes to the kings you have set over us because of our sins; they have power over our bodies, they can do what they please to our livestock, and we are in great distress!
Esther 3:6
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However, on learning what people Mordekhai belonged to, it seemed to him a waste to lay hands on Mordekhai alone. Rather, he decided to destroy all of Mordekhai's people, the Jews, throughout the whole of Achashverosh's kingdom.
Esther 9:18
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However, the Jews of Shushan assembled on both the thirteenth and fourteenth days of Adar, so it was on the fifteenth that they rested and made it a holiday for celebrating and rejoicing.
Job 13:3
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However, it's Shaddai I want to speak with; I want to prove my case to God.
Job 24:23
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However, even if God lets them rest in safety, his eyes are on their ways.
Job 32:5
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however, when Elihu saw that these three had no answer, his anger flared up.
Isaiah 63:10
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However, they rebelled, they grieved his Holy Spirit; so he became their enemy and himself fought against them.
Jeremiah 17:24
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However, if you will pay careful heed to me," says Adonai "and carry nothing through the gates of this city on Shabbat, but instead make Shabbat a day which is holy and not for doing work;
Jeremiah 30:11
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"For I am with you to save you," says Adonai , "I will finish off all the nations where I have scattered you. However, you I will not finish off, but will discipline only as you deserve; I will not completely destroy you."
Jeremiah 33:6
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However, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them peace and truth in plenty.
Jeremiah 41:8
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However, ten of them said to Yishma‘el, "Don't kill us, for we have stores of wheat, barley, olive oil and honey hidden in the field." So he relented, and did not kill them along with their comrades.
Jeremiah 46:28
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Don't be afraid, Ya‘akov my servant," says Adonai , "for I am with you. I will finish off all the nations where I have scattered you. However, you I will not finish off, I will discipline you as you deserve, but not completely destroy you."
Ezekiel 3:8
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However, I am making you as defiant and obstinate as they are.
Ezekiel 18:21
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"However, if the wicked person repents of all the sins he committed, keeps my laws and does what is lawful and right; then he will certainly live, he will not die.
Ezekiel 20:17
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However, I spared them from complete destruction; I did not completely finish them off in the desert.
Ezekiel 20:45
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On the tenth day of the fifth month of the seventh year, some of Isra'el's leaders came to consult Adonai and sat with me; and the word of Adonai came to me: "Human being, speak to Isra'el's leaders; tell them that Adonai Elohim asks, ‘Have you come to consult me? As I live,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘I swear that I will not let you consult me.' "Are you going to judge them? Human being, are you going to judge them? Then have them realize how disgusting their ancestors' practices were. Tell them that Adonai Elohim says this: ‘Back on the day when I chose Isra'el, I raised my hand to the descendants of the house of Ya‘akov. I revealed myself to them in the land of Egypt when I raised my hand to them and said, "I am Adonai your God." On the day I raised my hand to them, pledging to bring them out of the land of Egypt into a land I had reconnoitered for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands, I told them, "Each of you is to throw away the detestable things that draw your eyes. Do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am Adonai your God." "‘But they rebelled against me and wouldn't listen to me; they did not, each of them, throw away the detestable things that drew their eyes; and they did not abandon the idols of Egypt. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them and spend my anger on them there in the land of Egypt. But concern for my own reputation kept me from letting it be profaned in the sight of the nations among whom they were living, in the sight of whom I had made myself known to them, in order to bring them out of the land of Egypt. So I had them leave the land of Egypt and brought them into the desert. I gave them my laws and showed them my rulings; if a person obeys them, he will have life through them. I gave them my shabbats as a sign between me and them, so that they would know that I, Adonai , am the one who makes them holy. "‘But the house of Isra'el rebelled against me in the desert. They did not live by my laws; and they rejected my rulings, which, if a person does, he will have life through them; moreover, they greatly profaned my shabbats. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them in the desert, in order to destroy them. But concern for my own reputation kept me from letting it be profaned in the sight of the nations who had seen when I brought them out. Yet I also raised my hand and swore to them in the desert that I would not bring them into the land I was giving them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands; because they had rejected my rulings, did not live by my laws and profaned my shabbats; since their hearts went after their idols. However, I spared them from complete destruction; I did not completely finish them off in the desert. "‘I said to their children in the desert, "Don't live by the laws of your fathers, observe their rulings or defile yourselves with their idols. I am Adonai your God; live by my laws, observe my rulings, and obey them, and keep my shabbats holy; and they will be a sign between me and you, so that you will know that I am Adonai your God." "‘But the children too rebelled against me. They did not live by my laws or observe my rulings, to obey them, which, if a person does, he will have life by them; and they profaned my shabbats. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them and spend my anger on them in the desert. Nevertheless, I withdrew my hand and allowed concern for my own reputation to keep me from letting it be profaned in the sight of the nations who had seen when I brought them out. "‘I also raised my hand and swore to them in the desert that I would scatter them among the nations and disperse them through the countries; because they hadn't obeyed my rulings but had rejected my laws and profaned my shabbats, and their eyes had turned toward their fathers' idols. I also gave them laws which did them no good and rulings by which they did not live; and I let them become defiled by their own gifts, in that they offered up their firstborn sons, so that I could fill them with revulsion, so that they would [finally] realize that I am Adonai .' "Therefore, human being, speak to the house of Isra'el; tell them that Adonai Elohim says, ‘Moreover, your ancestors blasphemed me by breaking faith with me in still another way: for after I had brought them into the land, which I had raised my hand in pledge to give them, they noted all its high hills and leafy trees and offered there their sacrifices; there they made offerings that provoked my anger, there they set out their sweet aromas, and there they poured out their drink offerings. When I asked them, "This high place where you go, what is the meaning of it?" they gave it the name Bamah* which it retains to this day.' "So tell the house of Isra'el that Adonai Elohim says, ‘You are defiling yourselves in the same way as your ancestors, following their abominations and fornicating with them; and when offering your gifts, you make your children pass through the fire and defile yourselves with all your idols — to this day. So, am I supposed to allow you to consult me, house of Isra'el? As I live,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘I swear that I won't have you consult me, and that what you have in mind when you say, "We will be like the Goyim, like the families of the other countries, serving wood and stone," will certainly not happen. As I live,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘I swear that surely with a mighty hand, with a stretched-out arm and with poured-out fury I myself will be king over you. I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered, with a mighty hand, with a stretched-out arm and with poured-out fury; then I will bring you into the desert of the peoples and judge you face to face. Just as I judged your ancestors in the desert of the land of Egypt, so will I judge you,' says Adonai Elohim . ‘I will make you pass under the crook and bring you into the obligations of the covenant. I will rid you of the rebels who are in revolt against me — I will bring them out from the land where they are living, but they will not enter the land of Isra'el; then you will know that I am Adonai .' "As for you, house of Isra'el, here is what Adonai Elohim says: ‘Go on serving your idols, every one of you! But afterwards, [I swear that] you will listen to me, and you will no longer profane my holy name with your gifts and with your idols. For on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Isra'el,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘the whole house of Isra'el, all of them, will serve me in the land. I will accept them there, and there I will require your contributions, your best gifts and all your consecrated things. I will accept you with your sweet aroma when I bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered; and through you I will manifest my holiness in the sight of the nations. "‘You will know that I am Adonai when I bring you into the land of Isra'el, into the country which I pledged, by raising my hand, to give to your ancestors. There you will remember your behavior and all the things you did by which you defiled yourselves, and you will loathe yourselves for all the evils you committed. You will know that I am Adonai when I have dealt with you in a manner that preserves my reputation, and not according to your evil ways and corrupt actions, house of Isra'el' says Adonai Elohim ."
Ezekiel 20:46
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On the tenth day of the fifth month of the seventh year, some of Isra'el's leaders came to consult Adonai and sat with me; and the word of Adonai came to me: "Human being, speak to Isra'el's leaders; tell them that Adonai Elohim asks, ‘Have you come to consult me? As I live,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘I swear that I will not let you consult me.' "Are you going to judge them? Human being, are you going to judge them? Then have them realize how disgusting their ancestors' practices were. Tell them that Adonai Elohim says this: ‘Back on the day when I chose Isra'el, I raised my hand to the descendants of the house of Ya‘akov. I revealed myself to them in the land of Egypt when I raised my hand to them and said, "I am Adonai your God." On the day I raised my hand to them, pledging to bring them out of the land of Egypt into a land I had reconnoitered for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands, I told them, "Each of you is to throw away the detestable things that draw your eyes. Do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am Adonai your God." "‘But they rebelled against me and wouldn't listen to me; they did not, each of them, throw away the detestable things that drew their eyes; and they did not abandon the idols of Egypt. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them and spend my anger on them there in the land of Egypt. But concern for my own reputation kept me from letting it be profaned in the sight of the nations among whom they were living, in the sight of whom I had made myself known to them, in order to bring them out of the land of Egypt. So I had them leave the land of Egypt and brought them into the desert. I gave them my laws and showed them my rulings; if a person obeys them, he will have life through them. I gave them my shabbats as a sign between me and them, so that they would know that I, Adonai , am the one who makes them holy. "‘But the house of Isra'el rebelled against me in the desert. They did not live by my laws; and they rejected my rulings, which, if a person does, he will have life through them; moreover, they greatly profaned my shabbats. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them in the desert, in order to destroy them. But concern for my own reputation kept me from letting it be profaned in the sight of the nations who had seen when I brought them out. Yet I also raised my hand and swore to them in the desert that I would not bring them into the land I was giving them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands; because they had rejected my rulings, did not live by my laws and profaned my shabbats; since their hearts went after their idols. However, I spared them from complete destruction; I did not completely finish them off in the desert. "‘I said to their children in the desert, "Don't live by the laws of your fathers, observe their rulings or defile yourselves with their idols. I am Adonai your God; live by my laws, observe my rulings, and obey them, and keep my shabbats holy; and they will be a sign between me and you, so that you will know that I am Adonai your God." "‘But the children too rebelled against me. They did not live by my laws or observe my rulings, to obey them, which, if a person does, he will have life by them; and they profaned my shabbats. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them and spend my anger on them in the desert. Nevertheless, I withdrew my hand and allowed concern for my own reputation to keep me from letting it be profaned in the sight of the nations who had seen when I brought them out. "‘I also raised my hand and swore to them in the desert that I would scatter them among the nations and disperse them through the countries; because they hadn't obeyed my rulings but had rejected my laws and profaned my shabbats, and their eyes had turned toward their fathers' idols. I also gave them laws which did them no good and rulings by which they did not live; and I let them become defiled by their own gifts, in that they offered up their firstborn sons, so that I could fill them with revulsion, so that they would [finally] realize that I am Adonai .' "Therefore, human being, speak to the house of Isra'el; tell them that Adonai Elohim says, ‘Moreover, your ancestors blasphemed me by breaking faith with me in still another way: for after I had brought them into the land, which I had raised my hand in pledge to give them, they noted all its high hills and leafy trees and offered there their sacrifices; there they made offerings that provoked my anger, there they set out their sweet aromas, and there they poured out their drink offerings. When I asked them, "This high place where you go, what is the meaning of it?" they gave it the name Bamah* which it retains to this day.' "So tell the house of Isra'el that Adonai Elohim says, ‘You are defiling yourselves in the same way as your ancestors, following their abominations and fornicating with them; and when offering your gifts, you make your children pass through the fire and defile yourselves with all your idols — to this day. So, am I supposed to allow you to consult me, house of Isra'el? As I live,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘I swear that I won't have you consult me, and that what you have in mind when you say, "We will be like the Goyim, like the families of the other countries, serving wood and stone," will certainly not happen. As I live,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘I swear that surely with a mighty hand, with a stretched-out arm and with poured-out fury I myself will be king over you. I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered, with a mighty hand, with a stretched-out arm and with poured-out fury; then I will bring you into the desert of the peoples and judge you face to face. Just as I judged your ancestors in the desert of the land of Egypt, so will I judge you,' says Adonai Elohim . ‘I will make you pass under the crook and bring you into the obligations of the covenant. I will rid you of the rebels who are in revolt against me — I will bring them out from the land where they are living, but they will not enter the land of Isra'el; then you will know that I am Adonai .' "As for you, house of Isra'el, here is what Adonai Elohim says: ‘Go on serving your idols, every one of you! But afterwards, [I swear that] you will listen to me, and you will no longer profane my holy name with your gifts and with your idols. For on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Isra'el,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘the whole house of Isra'el, all of them, will serve me in the land. I will accept them there, and there I will require your contributions, your best gifts and all your consecrated things. I will accept you with your sweet aroma when I bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered; and through you I will manifest my holiness in the sight of the nations. "‘You will know that I am Adonai when I bring you into the land of Isra'el, into the country which I pledged, by raising my hand, to give to your ancestors. There you will remember your behavior and all the things you did by which you defiled yourselves, and you will loathe yourselves for all the evils you committed. You will know that I am Adonai when I have dealt with you in a manner that preserves my reputation, and not according to your evil ways and corrupt actions, house of Isra'el' says Adonai Elohim ."
Ezekiel 20:47
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On the tenth day of the fifth month of the seventh year, some of Isra'el's leaders came to consult Adonai and sat with me; and the word of Adonai came to me: "Human being, speak to Isra'el's leaders; tell them that Adonai Elohim asks, ‘Have you come to consult me? As I live,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘I swear that I will not let you consult me.' "Are you going to judge them? Human being, are you going to judge them? Then have them realize how disgusting their ancestors' practices were. Tell them that Adonai Elohim says this: ‘Back on the day when I chose Isra'el, I raised my hand to the descendants of the house of Ya‘akov. I revealed myself to them in the land of Egypt when I raised my hand to them and said, "I am Adonai your God." On the day I raised my hand to them, pledging to bring them out of the land of Egypt into a land I had reconnoitered for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands, I told them, "Each of you is to throw away the detestable things that draw your eyes. Do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am Adonai your God." "‘But they rebelled against me and wouldn't listen to me; they did not, each of them, throw away the detestable things that drew their eyes; and they did not abandon the idols of Egypt. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them and spend my anger on them there in the land of Egypt. But concern for my own reputation kept me from letting it be profaned in the sight of the nations among whom they were living, in the sight of whom I had made myself known to them, in order to bring them out of the land of Egypt. So I had them leave the land of Egypt and brought them into the desert. I gave them my laws and showed them my rulings; if a person obeys them, he will have life through them. I gave them my shabbats as a sign between me and them, so that they would know that I, Adonai , am the one who makes them holy. "‘But the house of Isra'el rebelled against me in the desert. They did not live by my laws; and they rejected my rulings, which, if a person does, he will have life through them; moreover, they greatly profaned my shabbats. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them in the desert, in order to destroy them. But concern for my own reputation kept me from letting it be profaned in the sight of the nations who had seen when I brought them out. Yet I also raised my hand and swore to them in the desert that I would not bring them into the land I was giving them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands; because they had rejected my rulings, did not live by my laws and profaned my shabbats; since their hearts went after their idols. However, I spared them from complete destruction; I did not completely finish them off in the desert. "‘I said to their children in the desert, "Don't live by the laws of your fathers, observe their rulings or defile yourselves with their idols. I am Adonai your God; live by my laws, observe my rulings, and obey them, and keep my shabbats holy; and they will be a sign between me and you, so that you will know that I am Adonai your God." "‘But the children too rebelled against me. They did not live by my laws or observe my rulings, to obey them, which, if a person does, he will have life by them; and they profaned my shabbats. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them and spend my anger on them in the desert. Nevertheless, I withdrew my hand and allowed concern for my own reputation to keep me from letting it be profaned in the sight of the nations who had seen when I brought them out. "‘I also raised my hand and swore to them in the desert that I would scatter them among the nations and disperse them through the countries; because they hadn't obeyed my rulings but had rejected my laws and profaned my shabbats, and their eyes had turned toward their fathers' idols. I also gave them laws which did them no good and rulings by which they did not live; and I let them become defiled by their own gifts, in that they offered up their firstborn sons, so that I could fill them with revulsion, so that they would [finally] realize that I am Adonai .' "Therefore, human being, speak to the house of Isra'el; tell them that Adonai Elohim says, ‘Moreover, your ancestors blasphemed me by breaking faith with me in still another way: for after I had brought them into the land, which I had raised my hand in pledge to give them, they noted all its high hills and leafy trees and offered there their sacrifices; there they made offerings that provoked my anger, there they set out their sweet aromas, and there they poured out their drink offerings. When I asked them, "This high place where you go, what is the meaning of it?" they gave it the name Bamah* which it retains to this day.' "So tell the house of Isra'el that Adonai Elohim says, ‘You are defiling yourselves in the same way as your ancestors, following their abominations and fornicating with them; and when offering your gifts, you make your children pass through the fire and defile yourselves with all your idols — to this day. So, am I supposed to allow you to consult me, house of Isra'el? As I live,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘I swear that I won't have you consult me, and that what you have in mind when you say, "We will be like the Goyim, like the families of the other countries, serving wood and stone," will certainly not happen. As I live,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘I swear that surely with a mighty hand, with a stretched-out arm and with poured-out fury I myself will be king over you. I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered, with a mighty hand, with a stretched-out arm and with poured-out fury; then I will bring you into the desert of the peoples and judge you face to face. Just as I judged your ancestors in the desert of the land of Egypt, so will I judge you,' says Adonai Elohim . ‘I will make you pass under the crook and bring you into the obligations of the covenant. I will rid you of the rebels who are in revolt against me — I will bring them out from the land where they are living, but they will not enter the land of Isra'el; then you will know that I am Adonai .' "As for you, house of Isra'el, here is what Adonai Elohim says: ‘Go on serving your idols, every one of you! But afterwards, [I swear that] you will listen to me, and you will no longer profane my holy name with your gifts and with your idols. For on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Isra'el,' says Adonai Elohim , ‘the whole house of Isra'el, all of them, will serve me in the land. I will accept them there, and there I will require your contributions, your best gifts and all your consecrated things. I will accept you with your sweet aroma when I bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered; and through you I will manifest my holiness in the sight of the nations. "‘You will know that I am Adonai when I bring you into the land of Isra'el, into the country which I pledged, by raising my hand, to give to your ancestors. There you will remember your behavior and all the things you did by which you defiled yourselves, and you will loathe yourselves for all the evils you committed. You will know that I am Adonai when I have dealt with you in a manner that preserves my reputation, and not according to your evil ways and corrupt actions, house of Isra'el' says Adonai Elohim ."
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