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Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Lexicons

Old Testament Hebrew Lexical DictionaryHebrew Lexicon

Strong's #4339 - מֵישָׁרִים

from (H3474)
Parts of Speech
masculine noun
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Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition

  1. evenness, uprightness, straightness, equity
    1. evenness, level, smoothness
    2. uprightness, equity
    3. rightly (as adv)

Greek Equivalent Words:
Strong #: 2112 ‑ εὐθέως (yoo‑theh'‑oce);  1343 ‑ δικαιοσύνη (dik‑ah‑yos‑oo'‑nay);  2117 ‑ εὐθύς (yoo‑thoos');  
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Proverbs 7
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1 Chronicles 1
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Song of Solomon 2
Isaiah 3
Daniel 1
Ancient Hebrew Lexicon Definitions

1480) rs (סהר ShR) AC: Tie CO: Cord AB: ?: The pictograph s is a picture of the teeth representing pressure, the r is a picture of the head representing the top or beginning. Combined these mean "press the beginning". Ropes and cords were usually made of bark strips such as from the cedar or from the sinew (tendon) of an animal. The rope is made by twisting two fibers together. A single fiber is attached to a fixed point (top) , and the two ends of the fiber are brought together. One fiber is twisted in a clockwise direction and wrapped over the other fiber in counter clockwise direction. The second fiber is then twisted in clockwise direction then wrapped around the first fiber in a counter clockwise direction. The process is repeated through the length of the rope. The twisting of the fibers in opposite directions causes the fibers to lock (press) onto each other making a stronger rope. The rope is used to tightly secure or support something, such as a load to a cart or the poles of the tent.

A) rs (סהר ShR) AC: ? CO: Cord AB: ?: Sinews were used for making cords by twisting them together. The umbilical cord, and navel, as a cord that binds the infant to the mother.

Nm) rs (סהר ShR) - Cord: The navel cord. KJV (2): navel - Strongs: H8270 (שֹׁר)

Nf1) ers (סהרה ShRH) - I. Bracelet:A cord around the wrist. II. Wall:As encircling a city. KJV (2): bracelet, wall - Strongs: H8284 (שָׁרָה), H8285 (שֵׁרָה)

hf1) ersm (מסהרה MShRH) - Juice: As loosened from the fruit. KJV (1): liquor - Strongs: H4952 (מִשְׁרָה)

mm) nrs (סהרנ ShRN) - Wall: As an armor around the city. [df: anrsa]KJV (2): wall - Strongs: H846 (אֻשַּׁרְנָא)

efjm/f ) nfiris (סהיריונ ShYRYWN) - Harness: An armor made from tightly wound cords of leather. KJV (11): habergeon, coat, harness, breastplate, brigadine - Strongs: H5630 (סִרְיוֹן), H8302 (שִׁרְיֹנָה)

B) rrs (סהרר ShRR) AC: ? CO: Cord AB: ?: Sinews were used for making cords by twisting them together. The umbilical cord, and navel, as a cord that binds the infant to the mother.

V) rrs (סהרר ShRR) - Enemy: As one who is to be tied up. KJV (5): (vf: Paal) enemy - Strongs: H8324 (שׁוֹרֵר)

Nm) rrs (סהרר ShRR) - Cord: KJV (1): navel - Strongs: H8326 (שֹׁרֶר)

bm) rirs (סהריר ShRYR) - Navel: KJV (1): navel - Strongs: H8306 (שָׁרִיר)

bf3) tfrirs (סהרירות ShRYRWT) - Imagination: A twisting together of thoughts. KJV (10): imagination, lust - Strongs: H8307 (שְׁרִרוּת)

C) rsa (אסהר AShR) AC: ? CO: Straight AB: ?: A cord pulled tight is straight.

V) rsa (אסהר AShR) - Happy: One who is happy is one whose life is lived straightly. KJV (16): (vf: Paal, Pual, Piel) blessed, lead, go, guide, happy, leader, relieve - Strongs: H833 (אָשֵׁר)

Nm) rsa (אסהר AShR) - I. Happy:One who is happy is one whose life is lived straightly. II. Which:Or who, what or that. As a rope attaches two objects together, this word links the action of the sentence to the one doing the action. [The short form " s " is used as a prefix meaning "who" or "which"] KJV (156): blessed, happy, which, wherewith, because, when, soon, as, that, until much, whosoever, whom, whose - Strongs: H834 (אֲשֶׁר), H835 (אֶשֶׁר)

df ) rfsa (אסהור AShWR) - Step: A walking in straight line. KJV (9): step, going - Strongs: H838 (אשׁר)

gm) rsfa (אוסהר AWShR) - Happy: One who is happy is one whose life is lived straightly. KJV (1): happy - Strongs: H837 (אֹשֶׁר)

idf) rfsat (תאסהור TAShWR) - Teashur: An unknown tree. Possibly a type of cedar from its bark strips which can be used for making cords. KJV (2): box - Strongs: H8391 (תְּאַשּׁוּר)

D) ras (סהאר ShAR) AC: Remain CO: Relative AB: ?: When the nomadic tribe was larger than could be maintained the family divided in the sense of severing the umbilical cord.

V) ras (סהאר ShAR) - Remain: KJV (133): (vf: Paal, Niphal, Hiphil, Participle) leave, remain, remnant, let, rest - Strongs: H7604 (שָׁאַר)

Nm) ras (סהאר ShAR) - I. Remnant:What is left behind. II. Kin:A near relative of another tribe. KJV (54): flesh, kinswoman, food, near, nigh, kin, body, kinsman, remnant, rest, residue, other - Strongs: H7605 (שְׁאָר), H7606 (שְׁאָר), H7607 (שְׁאֵר)

Nf1) eras (סהארה ShARH) - Kin: A near female relative. KJV (1): kinswoman - Strongs: H7608 (שַׁאֲרָה)

Nf4) tiras (סהארית ShARYT) - Remnant: KJV (66): remnant, residue, rest, remainder, escaped - Strongs: H7611 (שְׁאֵרִית)

lf1) ersrs (סהרסהרה ShRShRH) - Cord: KJV (7): chain - Strongs: H8333 (שַׁרְשְׁרָה)

H) ers (סהרה ShRH) AC: Loose CO: Cord AB: ?: The tying around of something with a cord, or the loosening of it.

V) ers (סהרה ShRH) - Loose: To untie something or to let something go. [Hebrew and Aramaic] KJV (9): (vf: Paal, Piel) loose, dissolve, dwell, began - Strongs: H8271 (שְׁרָא), H8281 (שָׁרָה), H8293 (שֵׁרוּת)

J) rfs (סהור ShWR) AC: ? CO: Caravan AB: ?: A group that travels around an area carrying loads. The bull is used as a beast of burden to carry loads.

V) rfs (סהור ShWR) - I. Caravan:To travel as a group of merchants with loads. II. See:[Unknown connection to root] KJV (18): (vf: Paal, Participle) went, sing, behold, see, look, observe, wait, regard, perceive - Strongs: H7788 (שׁוּר), H7789 (שׁוּר)

Nm) rfs (סהור ShWR) - I. Ox:Used for pulling heavy loads. [Hebrew and Aramaic] II. Wall:As tied around a city. [Hebrew and Aramaic] III. Enemy:As one who is to be tied up. KJV (93): ox, bullock, cow, bull, enemy, wall - Strongs: H7790 (שׁוּר), H7791 (שׁוּרָה), H7792 (שׁוּר), H7794 (שׁוֹר), H8450 (תּוֹר)

Nf1) erfs (סהורה ShWRH) - Row: As a wall. [df: hrwV] KJV (1): principle - Strongs: H7795 (שׂוֹרָה)

if1 ) erfst (תסהורה TShWRH) - Gift: As brought by a traveler. KJV (1): present - Strongs: H8670 (תְּשׁוּרָה)

L) rsi (יסהר YShR) AC: ? CO: Cord AB: ?: A tight rope is straight. A righteous one is one who is straight and firmly holds up truth just as the cord is straight and firmly holds the wall of the tent upright.

V) rsi (יסהר YShR) - I. Straight:To be in a straight line, path or thought. II. Remnant:[df: rty] KJV (134): (vf: Paal, Niphal, Hiphil, Pual, Piel, Participle) please, straight, direct, right, well, fit, good, meet, upright, remain, leave, rest, remainder, remnant, reserve, residue, plenteous, behind, excel, preserve - Strongs: H3474 (יָשַׁר), H3498 (יָתַר)

Nm ) rsi (יסהר YShR) - I. Cord:The cord of the bow. [df: rty]II. Straight:A straight line, path or thought. III. Remnant:[df: rty] KJV (220): cord, string, right, upright, righteous, straight, convenient, equity, just, meet, well, rest, remnant, residue, leave, excellency, exceeding, excellent, plentifully - Strongs: H3477 (יָשָׁר), H3499 (יֶתֶר)

gm ) rsfi (יוסהר YWShR) - Straightness: KJV (14): uprightness, right, upright, meet - Strongs: H3476 (יֹשֶׁר)

km) rsim (מיסהר MYShR) - I. Cord: II. Straight:What is straight. [df: rtym] KJV (28): cord, string, equity, uprightly, uprightness, right, agreement, aright, equal, sweetly - Strongs: H4339 (מֵישָׁרִים), H4340 (מֵיתָר)

hcm ) rfsim (מיסהור MYShWR) - Plain: A level, or straight, place. KJV (23): plain, equity, straight, even, right, righteously, uprightness - Strongs: H4334 (מִישֹׁר)

M) ris (סהיר ShYR) AC: Sing CO: Music AB: ?: A stringed musical instrument uses thin cords for making music.

V) ris (סהיר ShYR) - Sing: [df: rws] KJV (87): (vf: Paal, Hophal, Participle) sing, singer, behold - Strongs: H7891 (שׁוּר)

Nf ) ris (סהיר ShYR) - Song: KJV (90): song, musick, singing, musical, sing, singers - Strongs: H7892 (שִׁירָה)

Adopted Roots:

AHL Definitions Copyright: ©1999-2024
Jeff Benner, Ancient Hebrew Research Center Used by permission of the author.
Brown-Driver-Briggs Expanded Definition
 [מֵישָׁר] noun masculine evenness, uprightness, equity; — only plural: מֵשָׁרִים Proverbs 1:3; elsewhere מֵישָׁרִים Isaiah 26:7 17t.; —

1 evenness, level Isaiah 26:7, of path of righteous (in the future), figurative for free from difficulties; smoothness, of the flow of wine, ׳בְּמ Proverbs 23:31; ׳למ Song of Solomon 7:10.

2 in ethical sense, uprightness, equity, as taught in the school of wisdom Proverbs 8:6, "" צֶדֶק Proverbs 1:3; Proverbs 2:9; of government ׳(ב)מ Psalm 9:9; Psalm 58:2; Psalm 75:3; Psalm 96:10; Psalm 99:4; of speech Isaiah 33:15; Proverbs 23:16; of Yahweh's promises Isaiah 45:19; ׳רצה מ 1 Chronicles 29:17 have pleasure in equity; ׳עשׂה מ Daniel 11:6 make an equitable arrangement.

3 adverb rightly, with חזה Psalm 17:2; אהב Song of Solomon 1:4.

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, Unabridged, Electronic Database.All rights reserved. Used by permission. BibleSoft.com
List of Word Forms
בְּמֵישָׁרִֽים׃ במישרים׃ וּ֝מֵישָׁרִ֗ים וּמֵישָׁרִ֖ים וּמֵישָׁרִֽים׃ ומישרים ומישרים׃ לְמֵישָׁרִ֑ים למישרים מֵֽישָׁרִ֑ים מֵישָׁרִ֑ים מֵישָׁרִ֖ים מֵישָׁרִ֥ים מֵישָׁרִֽים׃ מישרים מישרים׃ bə·mê·šā·rîm bemeishaRim bəmêšārîm lə·mê·šā·rîm lemeishaRim ləmêšārîm mê·šā·rîm meishaRim mêšārîm ū·mê·šā·rîm umeishaRim ūmêšārîm
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