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Old & New Testament Greek Lexical DictionaryGreek Lexicon

Strong's #4317 - προσάγω

from (G4314) and (G71)
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  1. to lead, to bring
    1. to open a way of access, for one to God
      1. to render one acceptable to God
    2. in a forensic sense, to summon (to trial or punishment)
  2. to draw near to, approach
    1. the land which a sailor is approaching seeming to approach him
Hebrew Equivalent Words:
Strong #: 622 ‑ אָסַף (aw‑saf');  935 ‑ בּוֹא (bo);  3947 ‑ לָקַח (law‑kakh');  5060 ‑ נָגַע (naw‑gah');  5065 ‑ נָגַשׂ (naw‑gas');  5066 ‑ נָגַשׁ (naw‑gash');  5437 ‑ סָבַב (saw‑bab');  5493 ‑ שׂוּר (soor, soor);  5564 ‑ סָמַךְ (saw‑mak');  5674 ‑ עָבַר (aw‑bar');  7126 ‑ קָרַב (kaw‑rab');  7725 ‑ שׁוּב (shoob);  
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Liddell-Scott-Jones Definitions

προσάγω [ ], aor. 2 προσήγᾰγον: for aor. 1 προσῆξα v. infr. A. 11.3 fin.: fut. Med. (in pass. sense), Th. 4.115: once ποσάγω (q.v.):

bring to or upon, τίς δαίμων τόδε πῆμα προσήγαγε; Od. 17.446, cf. E. Med. 993 (lyr.); π. δῶρά τινι h.Ap. 272; ἄστει κόσμον Pi. I. 6(5).69; θυσίας τινί Hdt. 3.24; βοσκήματα S. Tr. 762; τῳ θεῶν ὕμνους ἢ χορείας Pl. Lg. 799b; ἱερεῖα τοῖς βωμοῖς Poll. 1.27; ποταγόντω . . τὰ ἱερεῖα . . ποτὶ τὸν βωμόν SIG 1010 ( Chalcedon ); π. πάντα ἱκανά furnish, supply, X. Cyr. 5.2.5; ἁρμαμάξας ib. 4.3.1; λίθους PCair.Zen. 34.13 (iii B. C.) .

2. put to, add, ἅμα ἠγόρευε καὶ ἔργον προσῆγε (v.l. προῆγεν ) Hdt. 9.92; of exercises and food, ἐξ ὀλίγου π. Hp. Insomn. 89; cf. προσαγωγή 11.5 .

3. bring to, move towards, apply, τὴν ἄνω γνάθον π. τῇ κάτω Hdt. 2.68; μὴ π. τὴν χεῖρά μοι lay it not on me, Ar. Lys. 893; π. κεγχρώμασιν ὀφθαλμόν apply it closely, E. Ph. 1386; π. τὴν ῥῖνά τινι Diod.Com. 2.39; πρὸς τὸ στόμα τὰς χεῖρας Arist. HA 587a27: esp. of medical applications, ἤπια [ἰήματα] μετὰ τὰ ἰσχυρά Hdt. 3.130; προσαχθέντος φαρμάκου Orib. 46.1.125: metaph., [ παιδιὰς] π. φαρμακείας χάριν Arist. Pol. 1337b41; παρρησίαν καὶ δηγμὸν ἀνθρώπῳ δυστυχοῦντι Plu. 2.69a .

4. of meats, etc., set before, βρώματά τινι X. Cyr. 1.3.4, cf. Plu. 2.126a, etc.

5. metaph., π. ὅρκους σφι put oaths to them, make them take oaths, Hdt. 6.74 .

6. in military sense, bring up for the attack, move on towards, π. πύλαις λόχον E. Ph. 1104; τῇ Ποτειδαίᾳ τὸν στρατόν Th. 1.64; τὸ στράτευμα ἀντίπρῳρον π. X. HG 7.5.23; [ στρατιὰν] π. πρὸς πολεμίους Id. Cyr. 1.6.43; v. infr. 11: so also π. μηχανὰς πόλει Th. 2.76, cf. X. HG 2.4.27, etc.; μηχανῆς μελλούσης προσάξεσθαι (in pass. sense) Th. 4.115; π. βίαν τοῖς τείχεσι, τῇ πόλει, etc., D.S. 11.32, 12.46, etc.

7. metaph., π. βίαν τοῖς πολεμίοις Id. 15.68, cf. PTeb. 61 ( b ). 33 ( ii B.C., Pass. ), etc.; τὰς ἀνάγκας Th. 1.99; συκοφαντίαν π. τοῖς πράγμασι D. 19.98; δεινὰν π. τόλμαν apply or put forth daring, E. Med. 859 (lyr.); γράψας . . τίνα οἰκονομίαν προσαγήγοχας what steps you have taken, PCair.Zen. 240.10 (iii B. C.); πολλῶν φόβων προσαγομένων X. An. 4.1.23; π. ἡδονάς Pl. Lg. 798e .

8. bring to or before, τῷ Κύρῳ τοὺς αἰχμαλώτους X. Cyr. 3.2.12, cf. HG 3.4.8, etc.; bring in, bring with one, Is. 8.16; introduce, πρὸς τὸν δῆμον Th. 5.61; πρὸς τὴν βουλήν And. 1.111, cf. Lys. 6.29; π. τοὺς πρέσβεις (i. e. before the assembly) D. 18.28, cf. 213; πρεσβείαν ἐλθοῦσαν π. πρὸς βουλὴν καὶ δῆμον IG 12.39.12; introduce at court, X. Cyr. 1.3.8; bring a person into a law-court as defendant or as witness, PHal. 8.5 (iii B. C.), etc. introduce in writing, λόγῳ π. ὅτι . . introduce the statement . ., Arist. Cael. 304a13; π. [ἡλικίαν] πρὸς μάθησιν Id. Pol. 1336a24; [ παιδάριον] π. πρὸς τὰ μαθήματα PSI 4.340.24 (iii B. C.); τὰ λοιπὰ μυθικῶς προσῆκται have been introduced, Arist. Metaph. 1074b4 .

9. bring hither, lead on, τίς [σε] προσήγαγεν χρεία; S. Ph. 236; ἐλπίς μ' ἀεὶ προσῆγε E. Andr. 27: Pass., οἴκτῳ καὶ ἐπιεικείᾳ π. Th. 3.48; βίᾳ ib. 95; ἄκοντες π. ὑπ' Ἀθηναίων ib. 63, cf. X. HG 6.1.7 .

10. Pass., to be brought over, attached to the cause of, c. dat., εἴ πως σφίσιν προσαχθείη Th. 2.77: abs., προσήγεσθε ὑπ' Ἀθηναίων Id. 3.63; cf. B. 1.

11. increase a rent or other charge, PTeb. 72.187 ( Pass. ), 200 (ii B. C.); προσηγμένων τοῖς ἀπαιτησίμοις ib.217; ᾧ προσάγω ὑπὲρ ἐπιθέματος ἄλλας δραχμὰς ἑξήκοντα PRyl. 99.7 (iii A. D.) .

12. = προσαγγέλλω, announce, report, PTeb. 60.69 (ii B. C.), etc.

13. debit a person with an amount, charge it to him, συνέβη ναῦλον ἡμῖν προσάγεσθαι τοῦ πλοίου PCair.Zen. 368.28, cf. 326.16 (iii B. C.) .

II seemingly intr. (sc. ἑαυτόν, στρατόν, etc.), draw near, approach, X. HG 3.5.22; πρός τινας LXX 3 Ki. 18.21; esp. in a hostile sense, advance against, attack, π. πρὸς τὸ κέρας X. An. 1.10.9, etc.; κώμῃ τινί Arr. An. 2.3.4; δι' ἀπάτης τοῖς βασιλεῦσι Plu. 2.800a; ἐγγυτέρω ταῖς ἐλπίσιν Id. Galb. 9; τοῖς τετταράκοντα [ἔτεσι ] Id. Pomp. 46; πόταγε ( Dor. for πρόσαγε ) come on! Theoc. 1.62, 15.78; μαλακῶς π. [γυναικί ] make advances to a woman in an effeminate manner, Plu. 2.240e; of Time, τῆς προσαγούσης τρύγης the approaching vintage, Sammelb. 5810.16 (iv A.D.) .

2. (sc. ναῦν ) bring to, come to land, τόποις Plb. 1.54.5, etc.; Ῥόδῳ Apollod. 2.1.4c odd.

3. δυσχερῶς προσῆγον πρὸς τὰς εἰσφοράς dub.l. in Plb. 5.30.5 ( πως εἶχον πρὸς Hultsch): ὅσων προσῆξαν is f.l. in Th. 2.97 ( ὅσωνπερ ἦρξαν Dobree). Med., bring or draw to oneself, attach to oneself, bring over to one's side, σοφίῃ αὐτούς, οὐκ ἀγνωμοσύνῃ προσηγάγετο Hdt. 2.172; ἀνάγκῃ προσάγεσθαί τινα Id. 6.25, cf. Th. 1.99; τἀρετῇ π. πόσιν E. Andr. 226; ἀπάτῃ π. τὸ πλῆθος Th. 3.43; χρήμασι καὶ δωρεαῖς τὸν δῆμον προσάγεσθαι Pl. Lg. 695d; τῷ ποιεῖν εὖ π. τὰς πόλεις Isoc. 4.80; θεραπείαις Id. 3.22; so [ ἵππον] ἠρεμαίως π. τῷ χαλινῷ X. Eq. 9.5; συμμάχους καὶ βοηθοὺς π. Id. Mem. 3.4.9; τὴν τῶν Ἀθηναίων ξυμμαχίαν Th. 5.82; πάντων π. ὄμματα

draw all eyes upon oneself, X. Smp. 1.9 .

2. abs., draw to oneself, embrace, Ar. Av. 141, X. Cyr. 7.5.39, Pl. R. 439b; ἥ γ' ἐμὴν γενειάδα προσήγετ' ἀεὶ στόματι E. Supp. 1100 .

3. c. inf., ἡ Σφὶγξ τὸ πρὸς ποσὶ σκοπεῖν . . ἡμᾶς . . προσήγετο put us upon considering, S. OT 131; προσάξομαι δάμαρτ' ἐᾶν σε . . will induce her to suffer thee . ., E. Ion 659 .

II take to oneself, take up, ὀστᾶ Id. Supp. 949; τὰ ναυάγια Th. 8.106 .

2. get for oneself, procure, import, ὧν δεῖται X. Vect. 1.7; τὰ προσαχθέντα imports, ib. 4.18 .

3. αἷς [ταῖς προβοσκίσι] π. εἰς τὸ στόμα τὴν τροφήν with which they bring it to their mouths, Arist. HA 523b31, cf. 526a28, PA 685b10 .

4. μηδὲ προσάγου τῷ πράγματι χειμῶνας ἑτέρους do not add further troubles, Men. 187; π. τὸν χρόνον καὶ τὸν πόνον employ it for one's own advantage, Plb. 29.17.4 .

5. μάρτυρα π. cite as witness, Plu. 2.1049b.

Thayer's Expanded Definition

προσάγω; 2 aorist προσήγαγον; 1 aorist passive προσηχθην (Matthew 18:24 L Tr WH); from Homer down; the Sept. for הִקְרִיב, הִגִּישׁ, sometimes for הֵבִיא;

1. transitively, to lead to, bring (see πρός, IV. 1): τινα ὧδε, Luke 9:41; τινα τίνι, one to one (cf. Winer's Grammar, § 52, 4, 14), Matthew 18:24 L Tr WH; Acts 16:20; to open a way of access, τινα τῷ Θεῷ, for (A. V. to bring) one to God, i. e. to render one acceptable to God and assured of his grace (a figure borrowed from those who secure for one the privilege of an interview with the sovereign), 1 Peter 3:18 (noteworthy is the use, without specification of the goal, in a forensic sense, to summon (to trial or punishment), Acts 12:6 WH text (where others προάγω, which see 1)).

2. intransitively (see ἄγω, 4), to draw near to, approach (Joshua 3:9; Jeremiah 26:3 (), etc.): τίνι, Acts 27:27 ((not WH marginal reading)), where Luke speaks in nautical style phenomenally, the land which the sailor is approaching seeming to approach him; cf. Kuinoel (or Wetstein) at the passage; (see προσανέχω 2, and προσαχέω).

STRONGS NT 4317: προσανέχω προσανέχω;

1. to hold up besides.

2. intransitive, to rise up so as to approach, rise up toward: Acts 27:27 Lachmann stereotyped edition (see προσάγω, and προσαχέω) — a sense found nowhere else.

STRONGS NT 4317: προσαχέω [προσαχέω, προσάχω, Doric for προσηχέω, to resound: Acts 27:27 WH marginal reading (see their Appendix, p. 151; others προσάγειν, which see), of the roar of the surf as indicating nearness to land to sailors at night.]

Thayer's Expanded Greek Definition, Electronic Database.
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011 by Biblesoft, Inc.
All rights rserved. Used by permission. BibleSoft.com
Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament

προσ -άγω ,

[in LXX chiefly for = H7126 hi., also for H5066 etc.;]

1. trans., to bring or lead: c. acc et dat., Acts 16:20; metaph., τ . θεῷ , 1 Peter 3:18; seq. ὧδε , Luke 9:41; pass., c. dat., Matthew 18:24 (προσηνέχθη , T); in forensic sense, to summon: Acts 12:6 (προαγαγεῖν , T, WH, mg., R).

2. Intrans., to draw near, approach (Joshua 3:9, Jeremiah 26:3 (Jeremiah 46:3), al.): c. dat., Acts 27:27 (WH, προσαχεῖν ).†

* προσ -αν -έχω ,

to approach: v.l. for προσαχέω , Acts 27:27 L.†

προσ -αχέω , - ,

Doric for προσηχέω ,

to resound: of land perceived by the roar of the surf, Acts 27:27 (WH, mg., cf. προσάγω ).†

Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament.
Copyright © 1922 by G. Abbott-Smith, D.D., D.C.L.. T & T Clarke, London.
Vocabulary of the Greek NT

The metaph. use of πταίω, ";stumble,"; in the NT (Romans 11:11 al.) may be illustrated from the vi/A.D. letter of an advocate, complaining about the treatment of certain cultivators in his employ—P Oxy VIII. 1165.11 παρακληθῆτε οὖν, εἴτε ἔπταισαν εἴτε οὐκ ἔπταισαν, ποιῆσαι αὐτοὺς ἀπολυθῆναι, ";be persuaded, whether they made an error or whether they did not, to have them released"; (Ed.). The verb is also found in PSI VII. 767.38 (A.D. 331 ?) πτέ (= αί)σαντας τὴν τυχήν, and Syll 350 (=.8768).10 (B.C. 31) πταῖσαι, and a subst. πταῖμα (for πταῖσμα) in ib..3456.40 (c. B.C. 250) πταίματός [τι ]νος γενομένου. Cf. M. Anton, vii. 22 ἴδιον ἀνθρώπου φιλεἷν καὶ τοὺς πταίοντας, ";it is a man’s especial privilege to love even those who Stumble"; (Haines), and Menander Fragm. p. 195 fr. 672.2. See also Deissmann BS, p. 68.


The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.
Copyright © 1914, 1929, 1930 by James Hope Moulton and George Milligan. Hodder and Stoughton, London.
Derivative Copyright © 2015 by Allan Loder.
List of Word Forms
προαγαγεῖν προσαγαγε προσαγάγε προσάγαγε προσάγαγέ προσαγαγειν προσαγαγεῖν προσαγάγετε προσαγάγετέ προσαγαγη προσαγάγη προσαγάγῃ προσαγάγης προσαγάγητε προσαγαγοντες προσαγαγόντες προσαγάγου προσάγει προσαγειν προσάγειν προσάγεται προσαγηόχασι προσάγοντες προσαγόντων προσάγων προσάξει προσάξεις προσάξετε προσάξομεν προσάξουσι προσάξουσιν προσάξω προσαχθήσεται προσήγαγε προσήγαγεν προσήγαγες προσηγάγετε προσηγάγετο προσηγάγετό προσήγαγον προσήγε προσήγεν προσήγον προσηνέχθη προσηχθη προσήχθη proagagein proagageîn prosagage prosagagē proságage prosagágei prosagágēi prosagagontes prosagagóntes prosagein proságein prosenechthe prosenéchthe prosēnechthē prosēnéchthē
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