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Saturday, September 7th, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Deliver, Deliverance, Deliverer

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words

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A — 1: δίδωμι

(Strong's #1325 — Verb — didomi — did'-o-mee )

"to give," is translated "delivered" in Luke 7:15; RV, "gave;" so Luke 19:13 . See GIVE.

A — 2: ἀναδίδωμι

(Strong's #325 — Verb — anadidomi — an-ad-eed'-om-ee )

ana, "up," and No. 1, "to deliver over, give up," is used of "delivering" the letter mentioned in Acts 23:33 .

Note: For the different verb in Acts 15:30 , see No. 4.

A — 3: ἀποδίδωμι

(Strong's #591 — Verb — apodidomi — ap-od-eed'-o-mee )

apo, "from," and No. 1, lit., "to give away," hence, "to give back or up," is used in Pilate's command for the Lord's body to be "given up," Matthew 27:58; in the sense of "giving back," of the Lord's act in giving a healed boy back to his father, Luke 9:42 . See GIVE , PAY , PAYMENT , PERFORM , RECOMPENSE , RENDER , REPAY , REQUITE , RESTORE , REWARD , SELL , YIELD.

A — 4: ἐπιδίδωμι

(Strong's #1929 — Verb — epididomi — ep-ee-did'-o-mee )

lit., "to give upon or in addition," as from oneself to another, hence, "to deliver over," is used of the "delivering" of the roll of Isaiah to Christ in the synagogue, Luke 4:17; of the "delivering" of the epistle from the elders at Jerusalem to the church at Antioch, Acts 15:30 . See DRIVE (let), GIVE , OFFER.

A — 5: παραδίδωμι

(Strong's #3860 — Verb — paradidomi — par-ad-id'-o-mee )

"to deliver over," in Romans 6:17 , RV, "that form of teaching whereunto ye were delivered," the figure being that of a mold which gives its shape to what is cast in it (not as the AV). In Romans 8:32 it is used of God in "delivering" His Son to expiatory death; so Romans 4:25; see Mark 9:31; of Christ in "delivering" Himself up, Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 5:2,25 . See BETRAY , A. In Mark 1:14 , RV, it is used of "delivering" John the Baptist to prison. See PUT , No. 12.

A — 6: ἀπαλλάσσω

(Strong's #525 — Verb — apallasso — ap-al-las'-so )

lit., "to change from" (apo, "from," allasso, "to change"), "to free from, release," is translated "might deliver" in Hebrews 2:15; in Luke 12:58 , it is used in a legal sense of being quit of a person, i.e., the opponent being appeased and withdrawing his suit. For its other meaning, "to depart," in Acts 19:12 , see DEPART.

A — 7: ἐλευθερόω

(Strong's #1659 — Verb — eleutheroo — el-yoo-ther-o'-o )

"to set free," is translated "deliver" in Romans 8:21 . In six other places it is translated "make free," John 8:32,36; Romans 6:18,22; 8:2; Galatians 5:1 , RV, "set free." See FREE.

A — 8: ἐξαιρέω

(Strong's #1807 — Verb — exaireo — ex-ahee-reh'-o )

lit., "to take out," denotes, in the Middle Voice, "to take out for oneself," hence, "to deliver, to rescue," the person who does so having a special interest in the result of his act. Thus it is used, in Galatians 1:4 , of the act of God in "delivering" believers "out of this present evil world," the Middle Voice indicating His pleasure in the issue of their "deliverance." It signifies to "deliver" by rescuing from danger, in Acts 12:11; 23:27; 26:17; from bondage, Acts 7:10,34 . For its other meaning, "to pluck out of," Matthew 5:29; 18:9 , see PLUCK.

A — 9: καταργέω

(Strong's #2673 — Verb — katargeo — kat-arg-eh'-o )


A — 10: ῥύομαι

(Strong's #4506 — Verb — rhuomai — rhoo'-om-ahee )

"to resuce from, to preserve from," and so, "to deliver," the word by which it is regularly translated, is largely synonymous with sozo, "to save." though the idea of "rescue from" is predominant in rhuomai (see Matthew 27:43 ), that of "preservation from," in sozo. In Romans 11:26 the present participle is used with the article, as a noun, "the Deliverer." This is the construction in 1 Thessalonians 1:10 , where Christ is similarly spoken of. Here the AV wrongly has "which delivered" (the tense is not past); RV, "which delivereth;" the translation might well be (as in Romans 11:26 ), "our Deliverer," that is, from the retributive calamities with which God will visit men at the end of the present age. From that wrath believers are to be "delivered." The verb is used with apo, "away from," in Matthew 6:13; Luke 11:4 (in some mss.); so also in Luke 11:4; Romans 15:31; 2 Thessalonians 3:2; 2 Timothy 4:18; and with ek, "from, out of," in Luke 1:74; Romans 7:24; 2 Corinthians 1:10; Colossians 1:13 , from bondage; in 2 Peter 2:9 , from temptation; in 2 Timothy 3:11 , from persecution; but ek is used of ills impending, in 2 Corinthians 1:10; in 2 Timothy 4:17 , ek indicates that the danger was more imminent than in ver. 18, where apo is used. Accordingly the meaning "out of the midst of" cannot be pressed in 1 Thessalonians 1:10 .

A — 11: χαρίζομαι

(Strong's #5483 — Verb — charizomai — khar-id'-zom-ahee )

"to gratify, to do what is pleasing to anyone," is translated "deliver" in the AV of Acts 25:11,16; RV, "give up" (marg., "grant by favor," i.e., to give over to the Jews so as to gratify their wishes). See FORGIVE , GIVE , GRANT.

Note: For gennao and tikto, "to bear, to be delivered" (said of women at childbirth), see BEGET.

B — 1: ἀπολύτρωσις

(Strong's #629 — Noun Feminine — apolutrosis — ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis )

denotes "redemption" (apo, "from," lutron, "a price of release"). In Hebrews 11:35 it is translated "deliverance;" usually the release is effected by the payment of a ransom, or the required price, the lutron (ransom). See REDEMPTION.

B — 2: ἄφεσις

(Strong's #859 — Noun Feminine — aphesis — af'-es-is )

denotes "a release, from bondage, imprisonment, etc." (the corresponding verb is aphiemi, "to send away, let go"); in Luke 4:18 it is used of "liberation" from captivity (AV, "deliverance," RV, "release"). See FORGIVENESS , REMISSION.

B — 3: λυτρωτής

(Strong's #3086 — Noun Masculine — lutrotes — loo-tro-tace' )

"a redeemer, one who releases" (see No. 1), is translated "deliverer" in Acts 7:35 (RV marg., "redeemer").

Note: See also DELIVER , A, No. 10.

C — 1: ἔκδοτος

(Strong's #1560 — Adjective — ekdotos — ek'-dot-os )

lit., "given up" (ek, "out of," didomi, "to give"), "delivered up" (to enemies, or to the power or will of someone), is used of Christ in Acts 2:23 .

Bibliography Information
Vines, W. E., M. A. Entry for 'Deliver, Deliverance, Deliverer'. Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words. https://www.studylight.org/​dictionaries/​eng/​ved/​d/deliver-deliverance-deliverer.html. 1940.
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