the First Week of Lent
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Bible Lexicons
Trench's Synonyms of the New Testament Trench's NT Synonyms
phero (Strong's #5342) Bring, Bear
phoreo (Strong's #5409) Wear
Lobeck distinguishes phero and phoreo in this way:
Between phero and phoreo it is agreed that there is this difference, that the former indicates a simple and transitory act, while the latter signifies a continuation of the same act; for example, to bear [pherein] a message is to bring news of something (Herodotus353,122; 514), while to repeatedly bear [phoreein] a message is to perform a duty for someone (Herodotus334). Hence we also are said to wear [phorein] those things which we carry around, with which we are clothed and have put on, so that we wear [phorein] a cloak, garment, ring, and whatever pertains to the attire of the body.
Lobeck acknowledged that this distinction is not consistently observed, even by the best Greek authors. The New Testament authors, however, always followed this ruleanother example of their accuracy that so often takes us by surprise.
Phorein occurs six times in the New Testament and invariably expresses not an accidental and temporary bearing but a habitual and continuous one. "For thus phorein differs from pherein so that the latter is 'to bear' and the former is 'to be accustomed to bear.'" A sentence in Plutarch where both phero and phoreo occur provides an excellent illustration of their differences. Plutarch described Xerxes as "angered at the Babylonian defectors, he overpowered them and commanded them not to bear [pherein] arms, but to play string instruments and flutes, to keep brothels and engage in trade, and to wear [phorein] elaborate garments." Arms are only borne occasionally, therefore pherein; but since garments are habitually worn, phorein replaces pherein in the second clause.