the First Week of Lent
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Bible Dictionaries
Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types
Exodus 17:6 (a) This is a type of the Lord JESUS CHRIST who was smitten at Calvary and from whose precious sacrifice there flows to all mankind the gift of salvation, redemption and pardon. Because of Calvary, CHRIST also gives the Holy Spirit.
Exodus 33:21-22 (a) This rock represents the Lord JESUS CHRIST. When we sing "Rock of Ages, Cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee," that is the thought which we find in this passage of Scripture. GOD the Father can only look upon us as we are in CHRIST. It is only as we are in CHRIST that we can see or understand or enjoy the glory of GOD.
Numbers 20:8,11 (a) In the first instance GOD told Moses to strike the rock. That represents the stroke of GOD on CHRIST JESUS at Calvary. ( Exodus 17:6). In this instance GOD told him to speak to the rock. That rock is CHRIST ( 1 Corinthians 10:4). CHRIST is not to be smitten again, once was sufficient. This completely condemns the Catholic mass. Those who celebrate mass will be shut out of the promised land, as Moses was shut out of Canaan. The rock was to be spoken to the second time, which indicates that we are only to come to Him m prayer and praise With our petitions and receive again the abundance of forgiveness, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Numbers 24:21 (a) This figure is used to represent the Lord JESUS as the hiding place from the storm, the tempest, the wind, and the enemy. (See also Jeremiah 48:28).
Deuteronomy 32:4 (a) This type represents the sure foundation which we have for our faith. It represents the character of GOD, His stability, security and firmness. It represents that He is our place of protection and of refuge. (See Psalm 94:22).
Deuteronomy 32:13 (a) Both honey and water are described as coming out of "the Rock" (CHRIST!). The honey is for rich food value, and the water is for refreshing, inspiration and life- giving virtue. (See Psalm 81:16).
Deuteronomy 32:15 - GOD is the source of our salvation (See Psalm 89:26). Deuteronomy 32:18 - GOD is the source of our life Deuteronomy 32:30 - GOD is our owner
Deuteronomy 32:31 - GOD is eternally perfect and unchanging Deuteronomy 32:37 - The ungodly are not trusting the true Rock
1 Samuel 2:2 (a) Our GOD and our Saviour can be trusted fully. No one else is dependable except them.
2 Samuel 22:2 (a) David uses this as a type of the strength and stability of the Lord who never changes, never sinks, but is always dependable and safe. (See also Psalm 31:3). Psalm 18:2, Psalm 18:31 and Psalm 92:15).
Psalm 27:5 (a) Whenever David was in trouble he turned to the Lord for security, safety and rest. (See also Psalm 40:2; Psalm 28:1).
Psalm 62:2 (a) The Psalmist learned by experience that there is no hiding place that is secure from trouble except in the presence, the care and the fellowship of his Lord. (See also Psalm 61:2; Psalm 78:35).
Psalm 114:8 (a) CHRIST never seems to be attractive until after we are saved. Then our Lord becomes the source of all joy and blessing, and the giver of the Holy Spirit.
Proverbs 30:26 (c) We are reminded by this that the Rock, CHRIST JESUS, is a place of refuge for weak, feeble Christians who are unable to resist the enemy, nor stand in the storm.
Isaiah 8:14 (a) The Lord JESUS is an offense to all the house of Israel. They resent Him, they reject Him, they crucified Him, and today they will not have Him. He is also an offense to most Gentiles who prefer a false religion, or worldliness, or sinful pleasure rather than to own Him as their Lord, trust in Him as the Redeemer, and follow Him as their Guide.
Isaiah 32:2 (a) This describes the sweet, restful experience of the child of GOD who retires from his busy life, the cares of the home, the distress of business, to rest in the Lord, and to enjoy His fellowship.
Isaiah 51:1 (b) CHRIST JESUS is the Rock and each believer is a chip from that Rock, a very part of CHRIST. (See Isaiah 17:10). It may mean that each sinner is a part and character of this wicked world (which is compared to a rock, with no life), and that only the Divine power of GOD in the Gospel can blast him loose from it, and make him free.
Jeremiah 23:29 (b) In this passage the rock represents the hardened heart of the sinner. It may represent the hard soil in a church, or the hard feelings in a family. The Word of GOD is able to break up any of these and make the ground safe for the entrance of His Word.
Jeremiah 48:28 (b) This is a call for sinners to leave their state of wickedness and give themselves over to CHRIST JESUS, the Rock of ages, to make Him their dwelling place and their habitation.
Amos 6:12 (b) This verse contains a truth which every Christian worker should observe. The rock represents a hardened condition of the heart which has no desire to receive the Word of GOD. It represents a class that is being well taught, but does not respond to the teaching. The ground is barren, the minds are not receptive. It represents a church group which resists the teaching of the Word of GOD, has no interest in the Son of GOD, and will not listen to the Spirit of GOD. In every such case, this verse is telling us plainly to move away, find a different location, cease the labor, and find a field or a person who does want the Word of GOD, and will listen.
Matthew 7:24 (b) Here we see a type of CHRIST JESUS, the foundation stone for every true believer, a resting place for those who build for eternity. (See also Luke 6:48).
Matthew 16:18 (a) This rock is a type of the Lord JESUS Himself, and is not a type of the Catholic church, nor any other human thing. GOD never builds anything on the failures of men. He never builds on anything that is not Jewish. The Catholic Popes are Italian, and not Jewish. Most of the officials are Italian or Irish. GOD never builds anything on men outside the Jewish faith. CHRIST JESUS is the Rock, He is the foundation, He is the Stone which builders have rejected, and no one else is the Rock. Peter never claimed to be this rock, nor is he ever referred to in the Bible as this rock. "Salvation is of the Jews" ( John 4:22).
Matthew 27:51 (c) This is probably a picture of the fate that awaits the foundation of every false religion in the world. Everything upon which men build, every false faith will be utterly broken by the power of our Lord, and only CHRIST, the eternal Rock, will remain.
Luke 8:6 (a) This rock represents the heart that is hardened by the Devil, so that the seed of the Word of GOD cannot take root, finds no substance with which to grow, and therefore brings forth no fruit. (See Luke 8:13 for the explanation).
Romans 9:33 (a) Again CHRIST JESUS is the Stone. He is an offense to both Jew and Gentile. When they come in contact with Him, through preaching, or through the Scriptures, they stumble and fall. They oppose CHRIST, but He stands firm while they disappear. It describes the permanent character of CHRIST. The failure of Israel to receive CHRIST did not change Him from His purpose, nor remove Him from His place as the Lord and Saviour of the soul. The ungodly might butt their heads against this Rock, might seek to injure or destroy Him, but like the Rock of Gibraltar He stands firm through the ages. He remains on the field of battle to see the burial of His enemies.
1 Corinthians 10:4 (a) This passage very clearly states that the Rock which Moses struck the first time, and should have spoken to the second time (but he struck it). was CHRIST JESUS the Lord. We, too, find that in this desert world where there is so little for the soul of the Christian to enjoy, CHRIST JESUS is still the Rock from which the Holy Spirit, the Living Water, and the Word of GOD, the Living Water, flow freely to refresh our hearts and souls.
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Watson, Walter. Entry for 'Rock'. Wilson's Dictoinary of Bible Types.​dictionaries/​eng/​wdt/​r/rock.html. 1957.