Lectionary Calendar
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mateo 6:26

26 Tan-awa ninyo ang mga langgam sa kalangitan; wala sila magpugas ni mag-ani ni maghipos ngadto sa mga dapa; apan ginapakaon sila sa inyong langit-nong Amahan. Dili ba labaw pa man kamog bili kay kanila?

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Animals;   Barn;   Blessing;   Care;   Faith;   Instruction;   Readings, Select;   Religion;   Trouble;   Worldliness;   Scofield Reference Index - Forgiveness;   Thompson Chain Reference - Agriculture;   Agriculture-Horticulture;   Barns;   Birds;   Food;   Food, Physical-Spiritual;   Man;   Names;   Preeminence;   Providence, Divine;   Titles and Names;   Victuals;   The Topic Concordance - Anxiety;   Seeking;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Adoption;   Agriculture or Husbandry;   Birds;   Care, Overmuch;   Gifts of God, the;   Man;   Providence of God, the;   Righteousness;  


- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Anxiety;   Giving;   Nature;   Poor;   Providence;   Revelation;   Sermon on the mount;   Work;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Anxiety;   Image of God;   Jesus Christ;   Life;   Providence of God;   Vanity;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Lord's Prayer;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Agriculture;   Providence;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Ecclesiastes, the Book of;   Judas Iscariot;   Martha;   Pharisees;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Air;   Anxiety;   Birds;   Borrow;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Providence;   Soul;   Wealth and Materialism;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Agriculture;   Children (Sons) of God;   Contentment;   Ethics;   Love, Lover, Lovely, Beloved;   Mss;   Nature;   Thought;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Agriculture;   Angels (2);   Animals;   Barn;   Care ;   Children of God;   Communion (2);   Consciousness;   Covetousness;   Doctrines;   Eating and Drinking;   Evil (2);   Fowl;   God (2);   Good;   Gospel (2);   Guest;   Heaven ;   House;   Ideal;   Ideas (Leading);   Imagination;   Law of God;   Logia;   Man (2);   Matthew, Gospel According to;   Metaphors;   Nature and Natural Phenomena;   Necessity;   Omnipresence;   Organization (2);   Perplexity;   Physical ;   Poet;   Presence (2);   Property (2);   Prophet;   Providence;   Psalms (2);   Quotations (2);   Reflectiveness;   Renunciation;   Retribution (2);   Righteous, Righteousness;   Science (2);   Sermon on the Mount;   Simple, Simplicity ;   Socialism;   Sowing;   Trinity (2);   Uniqueness;   Wealth (2);   Winter ;   Worldliness (2);   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Kingdom of christ of heaven;   Kingdom of god;   Kingdom of heaven;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Fowl;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Barn;   Birds;   Children of God;   Consider;   Father, God the;   Fowl;   Garner;   Providence;   Reaping;   Sermon on the Mount, the;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Bread;   Lord's Prayer, the;   New Testament;  


- Daily Light on the Daily Path - Devotion for June 8;   Every Day Light - Devotion for May 9;   My Utmost for His Highest - Devotion for May 18;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

the fowls: Matthew 10:29-31, Genesis 1:29-31, Job 35:11, Job 38:41, Psalms 104:11, Psalms 104:12, Psalms 104:27, Psalms 104:28, Psalms 145:15, Psalms 145:16, Psalms 147:9, Luke 12:6, Luke 12:7, Luke 12:24-31

your: Matthew 6:32, Matthew 7:9, Luke 12:32

Reciprocal: Genesis 6:21 - General Deuteronomy 28:8 - storehouses 1 Kings 19:4 - better Psalms 50:11 - know Psalms 111:5 - hath given Proverbs 6:6 - the ant Matthew 10:31 - General Matthew 12:12 - is a Luke 4:4 - That Luke 12:15 - for Romans 12:16 - condescend to men of low estate 1 Corinthians 9:9 - Doth 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God 1 Peter 5:7 - for

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Behold the fowls of the air,.... Not such as are brought up in houses, but which fly abroad in the air, wild; and are not supported by their own, or any human care, but by the care of God:

Luke 12:24 particularly mentions the "ravens", referring probably to

Psalms 147:9, and because they are very voracious creatures: and there it is said, "consider the ravens"; look attentively upon them, and with observation,

for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns. This is not said, that men should not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns: but to reprove their diffidence and unbelief: who, though they have the opportunity of sowing, reaping, and gathering in, year by year, yet distrust the providence of God; when the fowls of the air do none of these,

yet your heavenly Father feedeth them; see Psalms 145:15. The Jews acknowledge this, that the least and meanest of creatures are fed by God.

"Mar says c, the holy blessed God sits וזן, "and feeds", i.e. all creatures, and takes care of them.''

Are ye not much better than they? Do not you differ from them? are ye not much more excellent than they? And if God feeds and provides for inferior creatures, such as are very mean and contemptible, how much more will he not provide for you? There is a passage in the Talmud, which has great affinity to this of Christ's, and appears to have in it pretty much of the like kind of reasoning. In the Misna d it is said, that R. Simeon ben Eleazer should say,

"Did you ever see a beast, or a fowl, that had a trade? but they are fed without trouble.''

In the Gemara e is added,

"Did you ever see a lion bearing burdens, an hart gathering summer fruits, a fox a money changer, or a wolf selling pots? And yet מתפרנסין בלא צער, "they are nourished without labour", and wherefore are they created? To serve me, and I am created to serve my Maker: and lo! these things have in them an argument, "from the less to the greater"; for if these, which are created to serve me after this manner, are supported without trouble; I, who am created to serve my Maker, is it not fit that I should be supplied without trouble? And what is the reason that I am sustained with trouble? My sins.''

c T. Bab. Sabbat, fol. 107. 2. Avoda Zara, fol. 3. 2. d Kiddushin, c. 4. sect. 14. e T. Hieros. Kiddushin, fol. 66. 2. Vid. T. Bab. Kiddushin, fol. 82. 1, 2.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Behold the fowls of the air - The second argument for confidence in the providence of God is derived from a beautiful reference to the fowls or feathered tribes. See, said the Saviour, see the fowls of the air: they have no anxiety about the supply of their wants; they do not sow or reap; they fill the grove with music, and meet the coming light of the morning with their songs, and pour their notes on the zephyrs of the evening, unanxious about the supply of their needs; yet how few die with hunger! How regularly are they fed from the hand of God! How he ministers to their unnumbered wants! How cheerfully and regularly are their necessities supplied! You, said the Saviour to his disciples, you are of more consequence than they are; and shall God feed them in such numbers, and suffer you to want? It cannot be. Put confidence, then, in that Universal Parent that feeds all the fowls of the air, and do not fear but that he will also supply your needs.

Better than they - Of more consequence. Your lives are of more importance than theirs, and God will therefore provide for them.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 6:26. Behold the fowls of the air — The second reason why we should not be anxiously concerned about the future, is the example of the smaller animals, which the providence of God feeds without their own labour; though he be not their father. We never knew an earthly father take care of his fowls, and neglect his children; and shall we fear this from our heavenly Father? God forbid! That man is utterly unworthy to have God for his father, who depends less upon his goodness, wisdom, and power, than upon a crop of corn, which may be spoiled either in the field or in the barn. If our great Creator have made us capable of knowing, loving, and enjoying himself eternally, what may we not expect from him, after so great a gift?

They sow not, neither do they reap — There is a saying among the rabbins almost similar to this - "Hast thou ever seen a beast or a fowl that had a workshop? yet they are fed without labour and without anxiety. They were created for the service of man, and man was created that he might serve his Creator. Man also would have been supported without labour and anxiety, had he not corrupted his ways. Hast thou ever seen a lion carrying burthens, a stag gathering summer fruits, a fox selling merchandise, or a wolf selling oil, that they might thus gain their support? And yet they are fed without care or labour. Arguing therefore from the less to the greater, if they which were created that they might serve me, are nourished without labour and anxiety, how much more I, who have been created that I might serve my Maker! What therefore is the cause, why I should be obliged to labour in order to get my daily bread? Answer, SIN." This is a curious and important extract, and is highly worthy of the reader's attention. See Schoettgen.

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