Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mga Gawa 28:30

30 Ug si Pablo mipuyo didto sulod sa tibuok duha ka tuig, nga migasto alang sa iyang kaugalingon, ug nag-abiabi sa tanang nangadto kaniya.

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- Nave's Topical Bible - Paul;   Prisoners;   Renting;   Zeal, Religious;   Scofield Reference Index - Paul;   Thompson Chain Reference - Leaders;   Paul;   Paul's;   Religious;   Self-Support, Paul's;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Houses;   Prisons;  


- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Acts, book of;   Aristarchus;   Colossians, letter to the;   Ephesians, letter to the;   Gospels;   Kingdom of god;   Luke;   Paul;   Philemon;   Philippians, letter to the;   Prison;   Rome;   Timothy;   Timothy, letters to;   Titus, letter to;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Rome;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Colossians, Epistle to the;   Paul;   Rome;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Ephesians, the Epistle to the;   Luke, the Gospel According to;   Palace;   Philippians, the Epistle to the;   Timothy, the Second Epistle to;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Acts;   Crete;   Lodge;   Luke, Gospel of;   Pastorals;   Philippians;   Prison, Prisoners;   Roman Law;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Acts of the Apostles;   Chronology of the New Testament;   Luke, Gospel According to;   Nero;   Paul the Apostle;   Prison;   Ships and Boats;   Vulgate;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Chain, Bonds;   Colossians, Epistle to the;   Debt, Debtor;   Ephesians Epistle to the;   House;   Palace ;   Paul;   Philemon Epistle to;   Prison;   Prison (2);   Salutations;   King James Dictionary - About;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians Written;   1910 New Catholic Dictionary - paul, saint evangelist;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Acts of the Apostles,;   Praeto'rium;   Rome,;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Bonds;   Timotheus;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Acts of the Apostles;   Bible, the;   Chronology of the New Testament;   Ephesians, Epistle to the;   Gospels, the Synoptic;   Teach;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

Paul: St. Paul, after his release, is supposed to have visited Judea, in the way to which he left Titus at Crete - Titus 1:5, and then returned through Syria, Cilicia, Asia Minor, and Greece, to Rome; where, according to primitive tradition, he was beheaded by order of Nero, ad 66, at Aquae Saiviae, three miles from Rome, and interred in the Via Ostensis, two miles from the city, where Constantine erected a church.

dwelt: Acts 28:16

Reciprocal: Jeremiah 37:21 - Thus Jeremiah 38:13 - Jeremiah John 1:39 - abode Acts 19:21 - I must Acts 23:11 - must Acts 24:27 - two Romans 15:32 - I may 2 Corinthians 6:5 - imprisonments 2 Corinthians 11:23 - in prisons 2 Timothy 1:17 - General 2 Timothy 4:2 - in

Gill's Notes on the Bible

And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house,.... In a house which he hired with his own money; in which his friends Luke, Aristarchus, and others, dwelt with him; where he was guarded by a soldier: whether at the expiration of these two years he was set at liberty, and for ten years afterwards travelled into Italy, France, and Spain, preaching the Gospel, as some think; or whether he then suffered martyrdom, is not certain; the latter is most probable:

and received all that came in unto him; there, as the Syriac version reads, that is, into his lodging, as the Ethiopic version expresses it; which is not to be understood of his hospitality, for it cannot be thought that he should provide food and lodging for all that came unto him; but that be admitted all that would to come and hear him, and freely preached the Gospel to them: it should seem by this, as well as by what is said Acts 28:23; that many of the Jews came into his lodging, and heard him expound, that it was a large house he had hired and dwelt in; and such an one Jerom y thinks it was, like that he supposes he would have Philemon provide for him, which he desires in his epistle to him, #Phm 22; namely, a house in the most noted place in the city, for the conveniency of those that came to him; large enough to hold many; free from noise and disturbance; and not situated in a scandalous neighbourhood, nor near to shows and plays; and that the lodging should rather be on the floor than in an upper room: and such a house, with all the conditions that Jerom mentions, the Papists pretend to show at Rome to this day; where, as their tradition is, Luke composed, or however finished this his history; which, as the above writer observes z, reaches to the two years of Paul's stay at Rome; that is, until the fourth year of Nero; from whence, adds he, we learn that in the same city this book was composed: and it is certain, that Luke was with him, when the apostle wrote his second epistle to Timothy from Rome, and when the time of his martyrdom seemed to himself to be at hand, 2 Timothy 4:7.

y Comment in Philemon v. 22. Tom. 9. fol. 116. I. z Catalog. Script. Eccl. sect. 17. fol. 91. C.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Paul dwelt two whole years - Doubtless in the custody of the soldiers. Why he was not prosecuted before the emperor during this time is not known. It is evident, however Acts 28:21, that the Jews were not disposed to carry the case before Nero, and the matter, during this time, was suffered quietly to sleep. There is great probability that the Jews did not dare to prosecute him before the emperor. It is clear that they had never been in favor of the appeal to Rome, and that they had no hope of gaining their cause. Probably they might remember the former treatment of their people by the emperor (see the notes on Acts 18:2); they might remember that they were despised at the Roman capital, and not choose to encounter the scorn and indignation of the Roman court; and as there was no prosecution, Paul was suffered to live in quietness and safety. Lardner, however, supposed (vol. v. p. 528, 529, ed. 8vo, London, 1829) that the case of Paul was soon brought before Nero and decided, and that the method of confinement was ordered by the emperor himself. Lightfoot also supposes that Paul’s “accusers, who had come from Judea to lay their charge against him, would be urgent to get their business despatched, that they might be returning to their own home again, and so would bring him to trial as soon as they could.” But nothing certainly is known on the subject. It is evident, indeed, from 2 Timothy 4:16, that he was at some time arraigned before the emperor; but when it was, or what was the decision or why he was at last set at liberty, are all involved in impenetrable obscurity.

In his own hired house - In a house which he was permitted to hire and occupy as his own. Probably in this he was assisted by the kindness of his Roman friends.

And received all ... - Received all hospitably and kindly who came to him to listen to his instructions. It is evident from this that he was still a prisoner, and was not permitted to go at large.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Acts 28:30. Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house — As a state prisoner, he might have had an apartment in the common prison; but peculiar favour was showed him, and he was permitted to dwell alone, with the soldier that guarded him, Acts 28:16. Finding now an opportunity of preaching the Gospel, he hired a house for the purpose, and paid for it, St. Chrysostom observes, by the fruits of his own labour. Here he received all that came unto him, and preached the Gospel with glorious success; so that his bonds became the means of spreading the truth, and he became celebrated even in the palace of Nero, Philippians 1:12, Philippians 1:13; and we find that there were several saints, even in Caesar's household, Philippians 4:22, which were, no doubt, the fruits of the apostle's ministry. It is said that during his two years' residence here he became acquainted with Seneca, the philosopher, between whom and the apostle an epistolary correspondence took place. In an ancient MS. of Seneca's epistles in my own possession, these letters are extant, and are in number fourteen and have a prologue to them written by St. Jerome. That they are very ancient cannot be doubted; but learned men have long ago agreed that they are neither worthy of Paul nor of Seneca.

While he was in captivity, the Church at Philippi, to which he was exceedingly dear, sent him some pecuniary assistance by the hands of their minister, Epaphroditus, who, it appears, risked his life in the service of the apostle, and was taken with a dangerous malady. When he got well, he returned to Philippi, and, it is supposed, carried with him that epistle which is still extant; and from it we learn that Timothy was then at Rome with Paul, and that he had the prospect of being shortly delivered from his captivity. See Philippians 1:12-13; Philippians 2:25; Philippians 4:15-16, Philippians 4:18, &c.

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