Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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La Bible Ostervald

Exode 17:6

Voici, je me tiendrai devant toi, là, sur le rocher, en Horeb, et tu frapperas le rocher; et il en sortira de l'eau, et le peuple boira. Moïse fit donc ainsi aux yeux des anciens d'Israël.

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- Nave's Topical Bible - Backsliders;   Blessing;   Government;   Horeb;   Israel;   Meribah;   Prayer;   Symbols and Similitudes;   Water;   Scofield Reference Index - Christ;   Christ as Rock;   Christ Types of;   Thompson Chain Reference - Horeb, Mount;   Miracles;   Mountains;   Water;   The Topic Concordance - Foundation;   Jesus Christ;   Living Waters;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Desert, Journey of Israel through the;   Miracles Wrought through Servants of God;   Prayer, Answers to;   Rocks;   Types of Christ;   Water;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Aaron;   Exodus;   Meribah;   Miracle;   Rephidim;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Miracles;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Exodus, Theology of;   Fulfillment;   Lord's Supper, the;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Horeb;   Meribah;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Enhakkore;   Horeb;   Levi;   Rephidim;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Aaron's Rod;   Exodus, Book of;   Horeb;   Kadesh-Meribah;   Provocation;   Water;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Exodus;   Massah and Meribah;   Moses;   Numbers, Book of;   Rock;   Zin;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Living (2);   Moses ;   Rock ;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Horeb ;   Miracles;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Horeb;   Levi;   Mordecai;   Rebels;   Rock;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Elder;   Horeb;   Journeyings of israel from egypt to canaan;   Meribali;   Rephidim;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Rock;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Moses;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - On to Sinai;   Moses, the Man of God;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Criticism (the Graf-Wellhausen Hypothesis);   Exodus, the Book of;   Flint;   Massah and Meribah;   Moses;   Pentateuch;   Rock;   Sinai;   Wanderings of Israel;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Eleazar (Eliezer) B. Hisma;   Exodus, Book of;   Philo Judæus;   Rephidim;   Sinai, Mount;   Water;  

Parallel Translations

Louis Segond (1910)
Voici, je me tiendrai devant toi sur le rocher d'Horeb; tu frapperas le rocher, et il en sortira de l'eau, et le peuple boira. Et Mo�se fit ainsi, aux yeux des anciens d'Isra�l.
La Bible David Martin (1744)
Voici, je vais me tenir l� devant toi sur le rocher en Horeb, et tu frapperas le rocher, et il en sortira des eaux, et le peuple boira. Mo�se donc fit ainsi, les Anciens d'Isra�l le voyant.
Darby's French Translation
Voici, je me tiens l� devant toi, sur le rocher, en Horeb; et tu frapperas le rocher, et il en sortira des eaux, et le peuple boira. Et Mo�se fit ainsi devant les yeux des anciens d'Isra�l.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

I will: Exodus 16:10

the rock: This rock, which is a vast block of red granite, 15 feet long, 10 broad, and 12 high, lies in the wilderness of Rephidim, to the west of Mount Horeb, a part of Sinai. There are abundant traces of this wonderful miracle remaining at this day. This rock has been visited, drawn, and described by Dr. Shaw and others; and holes and channels appear in the stone, which could only have been formed by the bursting out and running of water.

in Horeb: Exodus 3:1-5

and thou: Numbers 20:9-11, Deuteronomy 8:15, Nehemiah 9:15, Psalms 78:15, Psalms 78:16, Psalms 78:20, Psalms 105:41, Psalms 114:8, Isaiah 48:21, 1 Corinthians 10:4

that the people: Psalms 46:4, Isaiah 41:17, Isaiah 41:18, Isaiah 43:19, Isaiah 43:20, John 4:10, John 4:14, John 7:37, John 7:38, Revelation 22:17

Reciprocal: Exodus 7:20 - he lifted Numbers 20:11 - the water Numbers 21:16 - Gather Deuteronomy 1:6 - in Horeb Deuteronomy 9:21 - the brook 2 Kings 3:17 - that ye may Nehemiah 9:20 - gavest Psalms 74:15 - cleave Psalms 81:7 - proved Proverbs 25:25 - cold Isaiah 35:6 - for Habakkuk 3:9 - Thou

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb,.... Or "upon that rock" k, a particular rock which was pointed unto, where the Lord in the pillar of cloud would stand; not as a mere spectator of this affair, but as a director of Moses where to smite the rock; and to exert his power in producing water from it, and by his presence to encourage Moses to do it, and to expect and believe the issue of it:

and thou shalt smite the rock: or "on the rock", or "in it" l; which made Jarchi fancy that the rod of Moses was something very hard, that it was a sapphire by which the rock was cleft:

and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink, they, their children, and their cattle, ready to die for thirst. Thus God showed himself gracious and merciful to a murmuring and ungrateful people:

and Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel; he smote the rock with his rod, and the waters gushed out in great abundance, like streams and rivers, for the refreshment of the people, and their flocks, Psalms 78:20. The Heathens have preserved some footsteps of this miracle in their writings, though disguised. Pausanias m speaks of a fountain of cold water springing out of a rock, and reports how Atalantes, coming from hunting thirsty, smote a rock with his spear, and water flowed out. This rock at Rephidim, and the apertures through which the waters flowed, are to be seen to this day, as travellers of veracity relate. Monsieur Thevenot n says the rock at Rephidim is only a stone of a prodigious height and thickness, rising out of the ground: on the two sides of that stone we saw several holes, by which the water hath run, as may be easily known by the prints of the water, which hath much hollowed it, but at present no water issues out of them. A later traveller o gives us a more distinct account of it: after we had descended the western side of this Mount (Sinai), says he, we came into the plain or wilderness of Rephidim, where we saw that extraordinary antiquity, the rock of Meribah, which was continued to this day, without the least injury from time or accidents. This is rightly called, from its hardness, Deuteronomy 8:15, צור החלמיש, "a rock of flint", though, from the purple or reddish colour of it, it may be rather rendered the rock of חלם or אחלמה, amethyst, or the amethystine, or granite rock. It is about six yards square, lying tottering as it were, and loose, near the middle of the valley, and seems to have been formerly a cliff of Mount Sinai, which hangs in a variety of precipices all over this plain; the water which gushed out, and the stream which flowed withal, Psalms 78:20 have hollowed across one corner of this rock, a channel about two inches deep, and twenty wide, all over incrusted like the inside of a tea kettle that has been long used. Besides several mossy productions that are still preserved by the dew, we see all over this channel a great number of holes, some of them four or five inches deep, and one or two in diameter, the lively and demonstrative tokens of their having been formerly so many fountains. Neither could art nor chance be concerned in the contrivance, inasmuch as every circumstance points out to us a miracle; and, in the same manner with the rent in the rock of Mount Calvary at Jerusalem, never fails to produce the greatest seriousness and devotion in all who see it. The Arabs, who were our guards, were ready to stone me in attempting to break off a corner of it: and another late traveller p informs us, that the stone called the stone of the fountains, or the solitary rock, is about twelve feet high, and about eight or ten feet broad, though it is not all of one equal breadth. It is a granite marble, of a kind of brick colour, composed of red and white spots, which are both dusky in their kind; and it stands by itself in the fore mentioned valley (the valley of Rephidim) as if it had grown out of the earth, on the right hand of the road toward the northeast: there remains on it to this day the lively impression of the miracle then wrought; for there are still to be seen the places where the water gushed out, six openings towards the southwest, and six towards the northeast; and in those places where the water flowed the clefts are still to be seen in the rock, as it were with lips. The account Dr. Pocock q gives of it is this,

"it is on the foot of Mount Seriah, and is a red granite stone, fifteen feet long, ten wide, and about twelve high: on both sides of it toward the south end, and at the top of it for about the breadth of eight inches, it is discoloured as by the running of water; and all down this part, and both sides, and at top, are a sort of openings and mouths, some of which resemble the lion's mouth that is sometimes cut in stone spouts, but appear not to be the work of a tool. There are about twelve on each side, and within everyone is an horizontal crack, and in some also a crack down perpendicularly. There is also a crack from one of the mouths next to the hill, that extends two or three feet to the north, and all round to the south. The Arabs call this the stone of Moses; and other late travellers r say, that about a mile and a half, in the vale of Rephidim, is this rock; this, say they, is a vast stone, of a very compact and hard granite, and as it were projecting out of the ground; on both sides are twelve fissures, which the monk our guide applied to the twelve apostles, and possibly not amiss, had he joined the twelve tribes of Israel with them: as we were observing these fissures, out of which the water gushed, one would be tempted to think, added he, it is no longer ago than yesterday the water flowed out; and indeed there is such an appearance, that at a distance one would think it to be a small waterfall lately dried up: and one s that travelled hither in the beginning of the sixteenth century says, that to this day out of one of the marks or holes there sweats a sort of moisture, which we saw and licked.''

We are taught by the Apostle Paul the mystical and spiritual meaning of this rock, which he says was Christ, that is, a type of him,

1 Corinthians 10:4 as it was for his external unpromising appearance among men at his birth, in his life and death; for his height, being higher than the kings of the earth, than the angels of heaven, and than the heavens themselves, and for strength, firmness, and solidity. The water that flowed from this rock was typical of the grace of Christ, and the blessings of it, which flow from him in great abundance to the refreshment and comfort of his people, and to be had freely; and of the blood of Christ, which flowed from him when stricken and smitten. And the rock being smitten with the rod of Moses, typified Christ being smitten by the rod of the law in the hand of justice, for the transgressions of his people; and how that through his having being made sin, and a curse for them, whereby the law and justice of God are satisfied, the blessings of grace flow freely to them, and follow them all the days of their lives, as the waters of the rock followed the Israelites through the wilderness.

k על הצור "super illam petram", Junius Tremellius "super illa petra", Piscator. l בצור "in petram", Pagninus, Montanus, "in petra seu rupe"; so Jarchi, and the Targums. m Laconic sive, l. 3. p. 209. n Travels into the Levant, par. 1. B. 2. ch. 26. p. 167. o Dr. Shaw's Travels, p. 317. Ed. 2. p Journal from Cairo to Mount Sinai, A. D. 1722, 35, 36, 37. Ed. 2. q Travels, p. 148. r Egmont and Heyman's Travels, vol. 2. p. 174, 175. s Baumgarten. Peregrinatio, l. 1. c. 24. p. 62.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

The rock in Horeb - (a rock situated, according to Arab tradition, in Wady Feiran. Horeb was a name given to the whole desert of Sinai and subsequently attached to the mountain. Palmer).

It is questioned whether the water thus supplied ceased with the immediate occasion; see 1 Corinthians 10:4, the general meaning of which appears to be that their wants were ever supplied from Him, of whom the rock was but a symbol, and who accompanied them in all their wanderings.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Exodus 17:6. I will stand before thee there, upon the rock in Horeb — THE rock, הצור hatstsur. It seems as if God had directed the attention of Moses to a particular rock, with which he was well acquainted; for every part of the mount and its vicinity must have been well known to Moses during the time he kept Jethro's flocks in those quarters. Dr. Priestley has left the following sensible observations upon this miracle: -

"The luminous cloud, the symbol of the Divine presence, would appear on the rock, and Horeb was probably a part of the same mountain with Sinai. This supply of water, on Moses only striking the rock, where no water had been before nor has been since, was a most wonderful display of the Divine power. The water must have been in great abundance to supply two millions of persons, which excluded all possibility of artifice or imposture in the case. The miracle must also have been of some continuance, no doubt so long as they continued in that neighbourhood, which was more than a year. There are sufficient traces of this extraordinary miracle remaining at this day. This rock has been visited, drawn, and described by Dr. Shaw, Dr. Pocock, and others; and holes and channels appear in the stone, which could only have been formed by the bursting out and running of the water. No art of man could have done it, if any motive could be supposed for the undertaking in such a place as this."

This miracle has not escaped the notice of the ancient Greek poets. Callimachus represents Rhea bringing forth water from a rock in the same way, after the birth of Jupiter.

Πληξεν ορος σκηπτρῳ, το δε οἱ δεχα πουλυ διεστη.

Εκ δ' εχεεν μεγα χευμα.

Hymn ad Jov., ver. 31.

_____________ With her sceptre struck

The yawning cliff; from its disparted height

Adown the mount the gushing torrent ran.


The rock mentioned above has been seen and described by Norden, p. 144, 8vo.; Dr. Shaw, p. 314, 4to., where there is an accurate drawing of it; Dr. Pocock, vol. i., p. 143, &c., where the reader may find some fine plates of Mount Horeb and Sinai, and four different views of the wonderful rock of Meribah. It is a vast block of red granite, fifteen feet long, ten broad, and twelve high. See Dr. Shaw's account at the end of Exodus. My nephew, who visited this rock in 1823, confirms the account of the preceding travellers, and has brought a piece of this wonderful stone. The granite is fine, and the quartz mica, and feldspar equally mixed in it. This rock or block of granite is the only type of Christ now existing.

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