Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 21st, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Read the Bible

World English Bible

Isaiah 5:11

Woe to those who rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; who stay late into the night, until wine inflames them!

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Amusements and Worldly Pleasures;   Drunkenness;   Happiness;   Isaiah;   Pleasure;   Rising;   Wicked (People);   Wine;   Thompson Chain Reference - Drink, Strong;   Drunkenness;   Early Rising;   Intemperance;   Intoxication;   Rising, Early;   Social Duties;   Temperance;   Temperance-Intemperance;   Wine;   The Topic Concordance - Consideration;   Drunkenness;   Israel/jews;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Amusements and Pleasures, Worldly;   Drunkenness;   Happiness of the Wicked, the;   Wine;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Drunkenness;   Wine;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Isaiah;   John the baptist;   Wealth;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Drink, Strong;   Music;   Wine;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Banquets;   Meals;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Government;   Isaiah;   Isaiah, Book of;   Vine, Vineyard;   Wealth;   Wine and Strong Drink;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Woe;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Wine;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Banquets;   Wine;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Palm Tree;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Drink, Strong;   Drunkenness;   Follow;   Inflame;   Isaiah;   Trade;   Wine;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Banquets;   City;   Day of the Lord;  

Parallel Translations

Legacy Standard Bible
Woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink,Who stay up late in the evening that wine may inflame them!
New American Standard Bible (1995)
Woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink, Who stay up late in the evening that wine may inflame them!
Bishop's Bible (1568)
Wo be vnto them that rise vp early to folowe drunkennesse, continuyng vntyll nyght, tyll they be set on fire with wine.
Darby Translation
Woe unto them that, rising early in the morning, run after strong drink; that linger till twilight, [till] wine inflameth them!
New King James Version
Woe to those who rise early in the morning, That they may follow intoxicating drink; Who continue until night, till wine inflames them!
Literal Translation
Woe to those who rise early in the morning to go after fermented drink, tarrying in the twilight while wine inflames them!
Easy-to-Read Version
How terrible it will be for you people who rise early in the morning and go looking for beer to drink. You stay awake late at night, getting drunk on wine.
King James Version (1611)
Woe vnto them that rise vp earely in the morning, that they may follow strong drink, that continue vntill night, till wine enflame them.
King James Version
Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!
Miles Coverdale Bible (1535)
Wo be vnto them that ryse vp early to vse them selues in dronkynnes, and yet at night are more superfluous with wyne.
Doom to those who get up early and start drinking booze before breakfast, Who stay up all hours of the night drinking themselves into a stupor. They make sure their banquets are well-furnished with harps and flutes and plenty of wine, But they'll have nothing to do with the work of God , pay no mind to what he is doing. Therefore my people will end up in exile because they don't know the score. Their "big men" will starve to death and the common people die of thirst. Sheol developed a huge appetite, swallowing people nonstop! Big people and little people alike down that gullet, to say nothing of all the drunks. The down-and-out on a par with the high-and-mighty, Windbag boasters crumpled, flaccid as a punctured bladder. But by working justice, God -of-the-Angel-Armies will be a mountain. By working righteousness, Holy God will show what "holy" is. And lambs will graze as if they owned the place, Kids and calves right at home in the ruins.
Amplified Bible
Woe (judgment is coming) to those who rise early in the morning to pursue intoxicating drink, Who stay up late in the night till wine inflames them!
American Standard Version
Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that tarry late into the night, till wine inflame them!
Bible in Basic English
Cursed are those who get up early in the morning to give themselves up to strong drink; who keep on drinking far into the night till they are heated with wine!
Update Bible Version
Woe to those that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that tarry late into the night, until wine inflames them!
Webster's Bible Translation
Woe to them that rise early in the morning, [that] they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, [till] wine inflameth them!
New English Translation
Those who get up early to drink beer are as good as dead, those who keep drinking long after dark until they are intoxicated with wine.
Contemporary English Version
You are in for trouble! You get up early to start drinking, and you keep it up late into the night.
Complete Jewish Bible
Woe to those who get up early to pursue intoxicating liquor; who stay up late at night, until wine inflames them.
Geneva Bible (1587)
Wo vnto them, that rise vp early to followe drunkennes, and to them that continue vntill night, till the wine doe inflame them.
George Lamsa Translation
Woe to them who rise up early in the morning, and run after strong drink; that continue drinking until night, till wine inflames them!
Hebrew Names Version
Woe to those who rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; who stay late into the night, until wine inflames them!
JPS Old Testament (1917)
Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that tarry late into the night, till wine inflame them!
New Living Translation
What sorrow for those who get up early in the morning looking for a drink of alcohol and spend long evenings drinking wine to make themselves flaming drunk.
New Life Bible
It is bad for those who get up early in the morning to run after strong drink! It is bad for those who stay up late in the evening that they may get drunk!
Brenton's Septuagint (LXX)
Woe to them that rise up in the morning, and follow strong drink; who wait at it till evening: for the wine shall inflame them.
English Revised Version
Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that tarry late into the night, till wine inflame them!
Berean Standard Bible
Woe to those who rise early in the morning in pursuit of strong drink, who linger into the evening, to be inflamed by wine.
New Revised Standard
Ah, you who rise early in the morning in pursuit of strong drink, who linger in the evening to be inflamed by wine,
J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
Alas, for them who rise early in the morning that strong drink, they may pursue, - Who follow on in the evening cool until with wine, they are heated;
Douay-Rheims Bible
Woe to you that rise up early in the morning to follow drunkenness, and to drink in the evening, to be inflamed with wine.
Lexham English Bible
Ah! Those who rise early in the morning, they pursue strong drink. Those who linger in the evening, wine inflames them.
English Standard Version
Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may run after strong drink, who tarry late into the evening as wine inflames them!
New American Standard Bible
Woe to those who rise early in the morning so that they may pursue intoxicating drink, Who stay up late in the evening so that wine may inflame them!
New Century Version
How terrible it will be for people who rise early in the morning to look for strong drink, who stay awake late at night, becoming drunk with wine.
Good News Translation
You are doomed! You get up early in the morning to start drinking, and you spend long evenings getting drunk.
Christian Standard Bible®
Woe to those who rise early in the morning in pursuit of beer, who linger into the evening, inflamed by wine.
Wycliffe Bible (1395)
Wo to you that risen togidere eerli to sue drunkennesse, and to drinke `til to euentid, that ye brenne with wyn.
Revised Standard Version
Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may run after strong drink, who tarry late into the evening till wine inflames them!
Young's Literal Translation
Wo [to] those rising early in the morning, Strong drink they pursue! Tarrying in twilight, wine inflameth them!

Contextual Overview

8 Woe to those who join house to house, Who lay field to field, until there is no room, And you are made to dwell alone in the midst of the land! 9 In my ears, Yahweh of Hosts says: "Surely many houses will be desolate, Even great and beautiful, unoccupied. 10 For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, And a homer of seed shall yield an ephah. 11 Woe to those who rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; who stay late into the night, until wine inflames them! 12 The harp and the lute, the tambourine and the pipe, and wine, are [in] their feasts; but they don't regard the work of Yahweh, neither have they considered the operation of his hands. 13 Therefore my people are gone into captivity for lack of knowledge; and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude are parched with thirst. 14 Therefore Sheol has enlarged its desire, and opened its mouth without measure; and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he who rejoices among them, descend [into it]. 15 The mean man is bowed down, and the great man is humbled, and the eyes of the lofty are humbled: 16 but Yahweh of Hosts is exalted in justice, and God the Holy One is sanctified in righteousness. 17 Then shall the lambs feed as in their pasture, and the waste places of the fat ones shall wanderers eat.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

rise: Isaiah 5:22, Isaiah 28:1, Proverbs 23:29, Proverbs 23:30, Ecclesiastes 10:16, Ecclesiastes 10:17, Hosea 7:5, Hosea 7:6, Habakkuk 2:15, Luke 21:34, Romans 13:13, 1 Corinthians 6:10, Galatians 5:21, 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:7

inflame: or, pursue, Isaiah 28:7, Isaiah 28:8, Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs 23:32

Reciprocal: Proverbs 19:10 - Delight Proverbs 23:20 - not Ecclesiastes 7:2 - better Isaiah 10:1 - Woe Isaiah 21:4 - the night Isaiah 24:9 - General Amos 6:4 - lie Habakkuk 2:5 - he transgresseth Luke 12:19 - take Ephesians 5:18 - be not 1 Timothy 3:3 - Not given to wine James 5:5 - have lived 1 Peter 4:3 - excess

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning,.... To rise up early in the morning is healthful, and to rise to do business is commendable; but to spend the day in drunkenness and intemperance is very criminal, which is here meant:

[that] they may follow, strong drink; not only drink it, but follow on to drink; diligently seek after it, where the best is to be had; go from house to house till they have found it; closely follow the drinking of it, till inebriated with it:

that continue until night; at their pots, with their drinking companions, even all the day till night comes, the twilight either of the evening or of the morning:

[till] wine inflame them; their bodies with heat, and their souls with lust.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Wo unto them - The prophet, having denounced “avarice,” proceeds now to another vice - that of “intemperance, or dissipation.”

That rise up early ... - That rise “for this purpose,” when nothing else would rouse them. It may illustrate this somewhat, to remark, that it was not common among the ancients to become intoxicated at an early hour of the day; see the note at Acts 2:15; compare 1 Thessalonians 5:7. It indicated then, as it does now, a confirmed and habitual state of intemperance when a man would do this early in the morning. ‘The Persians, when they commit a debauch, arise betimes, and esteem the morning as the best time for beginning to drink wine, by which means they carry on their excess until night.’ - “Morier.”

That they may follow strong drink - - שׁכר shêkār, or sichar. This word is derived from a verb signifying to drink, to become intoxicated. All nations have found out some intoxicating drink. That which was used by the Hebrews was made from grain, fruit, honey, dates, etc., prepared by fermentation. The word sometimes means the same as wine Numbers 28:7, but more commonly it refers to a stronger drink, and is distinguished from it, as in the common phrase, ‘wine and strong drink;’ Leviticus 10:9; Numbers 6:3; Judges 13:4, Judges 13:7. Sometimes it may be used for “spiced wine” - a mixture of wine with spices, that would also speedily produce intoxication. The Chaldee renders the words עתיק חמר chămar ‛atı̂yq, ‘old fermented liquor;’ denoting the “mode” in which strong drink was usually prepared. It may be remarked here, that whatever may be the “form” in which intoxicating drink is prepared, it is substantially the same in all nations. Intoxication is caused by “alcohol,” and that is produced by fermentation. It is never created or increased by distillation. The only effect of distillation is, to collect and preserve the alcohol which existed in the beer, the wine, or the cider. Consequently, the same substance produces intoxication when wine is drank, which does when brandy is drank; the same in cider or other fermented liquor, as in ardent spirits.

That continue until night - That drink all day. This shows that the “strong drink” intended here, did not produce “sudden,” intoxication. This is an exact description of what occurs constantly in oriental nations. The custom of sitting long at the wine, when they have the means of indulgence, prevails everywhere. D’Ar-vieux says, that while he was staying among the Arabs on mount Carmel, a wreck took place on the coast, from which one of the emirs obtained two large casks of wine. He immediately sent to the neighboring emirs, inviting them to come and drink it. They gladly came, and continued drinking for two days and two nights, until not a drop of the wine was left. In like manner, Tavernier relates that the king of Persia sent for him early one morning to the palace, when, with other persons, he was obliged to sit all the day, and late at night, drinking wine with the shah; but at last, ‘the king growing sleepy, gave us leave to depart, which we did very willingly, having had hard labor for seventeen hours together.’

Inflame them - Excite them; or stimulate them. We have the same phrase - denoting the “burning” tendency of strong drink. The American Indians appropriately call “fire-water.”

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Isaiah 5:11. Wo unto them that rise up early — There is a likeness between this and the following passage of the prophet Amos, Amos 6:3-6, who probably wrote before Isaiah. If the latter be the copier, he seems hardly to have equalled the elegance of the original: -

"Ye that put far away the evil day

And affect the seat of violence;

Who lie upon beds of ivory,

And stretch yourselves upon your couches;

And eat the lambs from the flock,

And calves from the midst of the stall;

Who chant to the sound of the viol,

And like David invent for yourselves instruments of music;

Who quaff wine in large bowls,

And are anointed with the choicest ointments:

But are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph."

Kimchi says, "they consider not the heavens nor their hosts: they pray not the morning nor the evening prayer unto the Lord."

Follow strong drinkTheodoret and Chrysostom on this place, both Syrians, and unexceptionable witnesses in what belongs to their own country, inform us that שכר shechar (σικερα in the Greek of both Testaments, rendered by us by the general term strong drink) meant properly palm wine, or date wine, which was and is still much in use in the Eastern countries. Judea was famous for the abundance and excellence of its palm trees; and consequently had plenty of this wine. "Fiunt (vina) et e pomis; primumque e palmis, quo Parthi et Indi utun tur, et oriens totus: maturarum modio in aquae congiis tribus macerato expressoque." Plin. lib. xiv. 19. "Ab his cariotae [palmae] maxime celebrantur; et cibo quidem, sed et succo, uberrimae. Ex quibus praecipua vina orienti; iniqua capiti, unde porno nomen." Id. xiii. 9. Καρος signifies stupefaction: and in Hebrew likewise the wine has its name from its remarkably inebriating quality.

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