the First Sunday of Lent
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J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
Hosea 13:9
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I will destroy you, Israel;you have no help but me.
You are destroyed, Yisra'el, because you are against me, Against your help.
O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help.
He destroys you, O Israel, for you are against me, against your helper.
It is to your own destruction, Israel, That you are against Me, against your help.
"Israel, I will destroy you. Who will be your helper then?
It is your destruction, O Israel, Because you are against Me, [and have rebelled] against your help.
O Israel, one hath destroyed thee, but in me is thine helpe.
It is your destruction, O Israel, That you are against Me, against your help.
It is your ruin, O Israel,That you are against Me, against your help.
It is your destruction, O Israel, because you are against Me-against your helper.
Israel, you are done for. Don't expect help from me.
It is your destruction, Isra'el, although your help is in me.
It is thy destruction, O Israel, that [thou art] against me, against thy help.
"Israel, I helped you, but you turned against me. So now I will destroy you.
O Israel, you have corrupted yourself; who can help you?
"I will destroy you, people of Israel! Then who can help you?
I will destroy you, O Israel; who will help you?
O Israel, you are destroyed, but your help is in Me.
It is thy destruction, O Israel, that thou art against me, against thy help.
I have sent destruction on you, O Israel; who will be your helper?
It is thy destruction, O Israel, that thou art against Me, against thy help.
O Israel, thou hast destroied thy selfe, but in me is thine helpe.
O Israel [thine iniquitie] hath destroyed thee: but in me [only is] thy helpe.
O Israel, who will aid thee in thy destruction?
It is thy destruction, O Israel, that thou art against me, against thy help.
You are destroyed, Israel, because you are against me, Against your help.
Israel, thi perdicioun is of thee; thin help is oneli of me.
It is your destruction, O Israel, that [you are] against me, against your help.
O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me [is] thy help.
I will destroy you, O Israel! Who is there to help you?
"O Israel, you are destroyed, [fn] But your help [fn] is from Me.
"You are about to be destroyed, O Israel— yes, by me, your only helper.
"I will destroy you, O Israel, because you are against Me, against your Helper.
I will destroy you, O Israel; who can help you?
Destruction is thy own, O Israel: thy help is only in me.
I will destroy you, O Israel; who can help you?
And I consume them there as a lioness, A beast of the field doth rend them.
O Israel, thou doest but destroyeth thyself, In me only is thy helpe.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
thou: Hosea 14:1, 2 Kings 17:7-17, Proverbs 6:32, Proverbs 8:36, Isaiah 3:9, Isaiah 3:11, Jeremiah 2:17, Jeremiah 2:19, Jeremiah 4:18, Jeremiah 5:25, Malachi 1:9
but: Hosea 13:4, Deuteronomy 33:26, Psalms 33:20, Psalms 46:1, Psalms 121:1, Psalms 121:2, Psalms 146:5, Ephesians 1:3-5, Titus 3:3-7
is thine help: Heb. in thy help
Reciprocal: Exodus 14:13 - see the 2 Chronicles 28:23 - But they were Psalms 22:29 - and none Hosea 8:4 - that they James 1:14 - when
So then Abram said unto Lot Pray let not cause of strife arise betwixt me and thee, or betwixt my herdmen and thy herdmen; for brethren, are we.
Abram, fixed his dwelling in the land of Canaan, - but, Lot, fixed his dwelling among the cities, of the circuit, and moved his tent as far as Sodom.
Now, the men of Sodom were base and sinful, - against Yahweh, exceedingly.
So Abram moved his tent and came in and dwelt among the oaks of Mamre, which were in Hebron, - and built there an altar to Yahweh.
And Abimelech, said, Lo! my land is before thee, - wherever it may seem good in thine eyes, dwell.
And with us, stroll ye dwell, - and, the land, shall be before you, tarry, and go through it, and get possessions therein.
I, am for peace, and verily I speak, They, are for war!
If possible - so far as dependeth on you, with all men being at peace:
Already, indeed, it is an utter defeat for you, that ye are having, law-suits, one with another. Wherefore are ye not rather taking wrong? Wherefore are ye not rather suffering yourselves to be defrauded?
Peace, be pursuing, with all, and the obtaining of holiness, - without which no one shall see the Lord:
Gill's Notes on the Bible
O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself,.... Though the Lord was a lion, a leopard, and a bear to them, yet their destruction was not owing to him, but to themselves; he was not chargeable with it, but they only; the fault and blame was theirs; their own sins brought it on them, and provoked him to such righteous wrath and vengeance before expressed: this is said to clear the Lord from any imputation of this kind, and to lay it where it should be It may be rendered, "it hath destroyed thee" k; either the calf, as Kimchi, and the worshipping of that, their idolatry; or their king, as others, taking it from the following verse by way of anticipation; or rather it may refer to all their sins before observed, their idolatry, luxury, and ingratitude. Gussetius l thinks the word בי has the signification of "burning", as in Isaiah 3:24; and renders it, "burning in me hath destroyed thee, [even] in him who is thy help"; that is, by their sins they had made God their enemy, who is a consuming fire, and whose burning wrath destroyed them, in whom otherwise they would have had help. Now though this may primarily regard the destruction of the civil state and kingdom of Israel for their sins, yet it may be applied to the spiritual and eternal state of men. Man is a lost, ruined, and undone creature; he is depraved and corrupted in his whole nature, soul and body; the image of God in him is marred and spoiled; there is no holiness in him, nor any righteousness upon him; no will nor power to that which is good; though he has not lost the natural liberty of his will, he has lost the moral liberty of it, and is a slave to his lusts, and a vassal to Satan; he has no true knowledge of that which is good, no inclination to it, nor strength to perform it he is dead in sin, and dead in law; he is under the curse of it, and in the open way to everlasting ruin and destruction; and is in himself both helpless and lifeless; and he is a self-destroyed creature; his destruction is not owing to Satan only, though he was an instrument of the ruin of mankind; nor to the first parents of human nature only, in whom all men naturally and federally were, in whom they sinned, and with whom they fell; but to their own actual sins and transgressions. However, their destruction is not to be charged upon God, or ascribed to any decree of his, which is no cause of man's damnation, but sin only; nor to any sentence of condemnation passed by him, or the execution of it, which both belong to him as a righteous Judge; but to themselves and their sins, as is owned both by good men, who under true and saving convictions acknowledge their damnation would be just, if God should execute it on them; and by bad men, even the damned in hell; this will be the never dying worm, the remorse of a guilty conscience, that they have brought all this ruin on themselves;
but in me [is] thine help; not in themselves, not in any creature, but in the Lord alone; the Word of the Lord, as the Targum; the essential Word, the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, on whom his divine Father has laid the help of his people; and who has helped them, and saved them from their sins, the cause of their destruction, and from wrath, which they deserved by reason of them; and has brought them out of a wretched state, a pit wherein is no water, into a comfortable, glorious, and happy one, and delivered them out of the hands of all their enemies; and helps them to what they want, to holiness, righteousness, and strength; to all supplies of grace here, and glory hereafter. Some render the particle as causal, "for in me", c. m and so make it to be a reason either proving that God could not be the cause of their destruction, because in him was their help, and in him only or that their destruction was owing to themselves; "for in" or "against me, against thine help"; thou hast transgressed and rebelled; so Jarchi.
k שחתך "perdidit te", Vatablus, Calvin, Junius Tremellius, Piscator, Zanchius, De Dieu, Rivet "corrupit te", Cocceius. l Comment, Ebr. p. 367. m כי בי "quia in me", Montanus, Calvin, Schmidt.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thy help - This is one of the concise sayings of Hosea, which is capable of many shades of meaning. The five words, one by one, are literally, “Israel, thy destruction, for” or “that, in” or “against Me, in” or “against thy help.” Something must be supplied any way; the simplest seems; “O Israel, thy destruction” is, “that” thou hast been, hast rebelled “against Me, against thy help” . Yet, in whatever way the words are filled up, the general sense is the same, that God alone is our help, we are the sources of our own destruction; and “that,” in separating ourselves from God, or rebelling against Him who is our help until we depart from Him, who alone could be, and who if we return, will be, our help. The sum of the meaning is, all our destruction is from ourselves; all our salvation is from God. : “Perdition, reprobation, obduration, damnation, are not, properly and in themselves, from God, dooming to perdition, reprobating, obdurating, damning, but from man sinning, and obduring or hardening himself in sin to the end of life. Contrariwise, predestination, calling, grace, are not from the foreseen merits of the predestinate, but from God, predestinating, calling, and, by His grace, forecoming the predestinate. Wherefore although the cause or ground, why they are predestinated, does not lie in the predestinate, yet in the not-predestinated does lie the ground or cause why they are not predestinated.”
“This saying then, ‘O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thy help,’ may be thus unfolded;
Thy captivity, Israel, is from thee; thy redemption from Me.
Thy perishing is from thee; thy salvation from Me.
Thy death from thee; thy life from Me.
Thy evil from thee; thy good from Me.
Thy reprobation from thee; thy predestination from Me, who ever stand at the door of thy heart and in mercy knock.
Thy dereliction from thee; thy calling from Me.
Thy misery from thee; thy bliss from Me.
Thy damnation from thee, thy salvation and beatifying from Me.”
For “ many good things doeth God in man, which man doeth not, but none doeth man, which God endueth not man to do.” : “The first cause of the defect of grace is from us; but the first cause of the gift of grace is from God.” : “Rightly is God called, not the Father of judgments or of vengence, but the “Father of mercies,” because from Himself is the cause and origin of His mercy, from us the cause of His judging or avenging.”
“Blessed the soul which comprehendeth this, not with the understanding only, but with the heart. Nothing can destroy us before God, but sin, the only real evil; and sin is wholly from us, God can have no part in it. But every aid to withdraw us from sin, or to hinder us from falling into it, comes from God alone, the sole Source of our salvation. The soul then must ever bless God, in its ills and its good; in its ills, by confessing that itself is the only cause of its suffering; in its good, owning that, when altogether unworthy of it, God prevented it by His grace, and preserves it each instant by His Almighty goodness.”
: “No power, then, of the enemy could harm thee, unless, by thy sins, thou calledst forth the anger of God against thee to thy destruction. Ascribe it to thyself, not to the enemy. So let each sinful city or sinful soul say, which by its guilt draws on it the vengeance of God.”
This truth, that in Him alone is help, He confirms by what follows:
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Hosea 13:9. O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself — These evils come not by my immediate infliction; they are the consequences of thy own crimes. In the above terrifying figures of the ferocious beasts, the prophet only shows what they would meet with from the hand of the Assyrians in the war, the famine, and the captivity; God being represented as doing what he only permits to be done.
But in me is thine help. — "Though thou hast destroyed thyself, yet in me alone can thy help be found" - Newcome. And others read, And who will help thee? reading מי mi, who, for בי bi, in me. Though this is countenanced by the Syriac, yet there is no evidence of it in any of the MSS. yet collated, nor do I think it to be the true reading.