the First Sunday of Lent
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Read the Bible
Bishop's Bible
Ezekiel 13:1
Bible Study Resources
- Nave'sDictionaries:
- BridgewayEncyclopedias:
- InternationalParallel Translations
The word of the Lord came to me:
The word of the LORD came to me, saying,
And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
The word of the Lord came to me:
Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
The Lord spoke his word to me, saying:
And the word of the LORD came to me saying,
The word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
And ye word of ye Lord came vnto me, saying,
Then the word of the LORD came to me saying,
Then the word of Yahweh came to me saying,
Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
The Lord said:
The word of Adonai came to me:
And the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying:
Then the word of the Lord came to me. He said,
AND the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
The Lord spoke to me.
And the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
And the Word of Jehovah was to me, saying,
The worde of the LORDE came vnto me, sayege:
And the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying,
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying:
And the worde of the Lord came vnto mee, saying;
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
And the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
And the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Then the word of the Lord came to me:
And the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Then this message came to me from the Lord :
Then the Word of the Lord came to me saying,
The word of the Lord came to me:
And the word of Yahweh came unto me, saying:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
The word of the LORD came to me:
And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,
God 's Message came to me: "Son of man, preach against the prophets of Israel who are making things up out of their own heads and calling it ‘prophesying.' "Preach to them the real thing. Tell them, ‘Listen to God's Message!' God , the Master, pronounces doom on the empty-headed prophets who do their own thing and know nothing of what's going on! Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals scavenging through the ruins. They haven't lifted a finger to repair the defenses of the city and have risked nothing to help Israel stand on God 's Day of Judgment. All they do is fantasize comforting illusions and preach lying sermons. They say ‘ God says...' when God hasn't so much as breathed in their direction. And yet they stand around thinking that something they said is going to happen. "Haven't you fantasized sheer nonsense? Aren't your sermons tissues of lies, saying ‘ God says...' when I've done nothing of the kind? Therefore—and this is the Message of God , the Master, remember—I'm dead set against prophets who substitute illusions for visions and use sermons to tell lies. I'm going to ban them from the council of my people, remove them from membership in Israel, and outlaw them from the land of Israel. Then you'll realize that I am God , the Master. "The fact is that they've lied to my people. They've said, ‘No problem; everything's just fine,' when things are not at all fine. When people build a wall, they're right behind them slapping on whitewash. Tell those who are slapping on the whitewash, ‘When a torrent of rain comes and the hailstones crash down and the hurricane sweeps in and the wall collapses, what's the good of the whitewash that you slapped on so liberally, making it look so good?' "And that's exactly what will happen. I, God , the Master, say so: ‘I'll let the hurricane of my wrath loose, a torrent of my hailstone-anger. I'll make that wall you've slapped with whitewash collapse. I'll level it to the ground so that only the foundation stones will be left. And in the ruin you'll all die. You'll realize then that I am God . "‘I'll dump my wrath on that wall, all of it, and on those who plastered it with whitewash. I will say to them, There is no wall, and those who did such a good job of whitewashing it wasted their time, those prophets of Israel who preached to Jerusalem and announced all their visions telling us things were just fine when they weren't at all fine. Decree of God , the Master.' "And the women prophets—son of man, take your stand against the women prophets who make up stuff out of their own minds. Oppose them. Say ‘Doom' to the women who sew magic bracelets and head scarves to suit every taste, devices to trap souls. Say, ‘Will you kill the souls of my people, use living souls to make yourselves rich and popular? You have profaned me among my people just to get ahead yourselves, used me to make yourselves look good—killing souls who should never have died and coddling souls who shouldn't live. You've lied to people who love listening to lies.' "Therefore God says, ‘I am against all the devices and techniques you use to hunt down souls. I'll rip them out of your hands. I'll free the souls you're trying to catch. I'll rip your magic bracelets and scarves to shreds and deliver my people from your influence so they'll no longer be victimized by you. That's how you'll come to realize that I am God . "‘Because you've confounded and confused good people, unsuspecting and innocent people, with your lies, and because you've made it easy for others to persist in evil so that it wouldn't even dawn on them to turn to me so I could save them, as of now you're finished. No more delusion-mongering from you, no more sermonic lies. I'm going to rescue my people from your clutches. And you'll realize that I am God .'"
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 22:10 - all the prophets Isaiah 9:15 - the prophet
Is not the whole lande before thee? Seperate thy selfe I pray thee from me: yf thou wilt take the left hande, I wyll go to the ryght: or yf thou depart to the ryght hande, I wyll go to the left.
And Abraham departed thence towarde the south countrey, & dwelled betweene Cades and Sur, and soiourned in Gerar.
And Abraham planted a wood in Beer seba, and called there on the name of the Lorde the euerlasting God.
Iosuah therfore smote al the hil countreyes, and the south countreyes, & the valleyes, and the downes, and al their kinges, and let none remayne of them, but vtterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lorde God of Israel commaunded.
And let them deuide it vnto them into seuen partes: And (Iuda shall abide in their coast on the south, and the house of Ioseph shall stande in their coastes on the north.)
And Achis saide: Where haue ye ben a rouing this day? And Dauid aunswered: Against the south of Iuda, and against the south of the Ierameelites, and against the south of the Kenites.
And came to the strong hould of Tyre, and to all the cities of the Heuites and of the Chanaanites: & then went out to the south of Iuda, euen to Beerseba.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying. Giving orders to prophesy against the false prophets and prophetesses, which were either in the land of Israel, of whom the prophet had notice; or rather who were among the captives in Babylon, where Ezekiel now was.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
The identity of phrases and ideas of this chapter with Jeremiah 23:0 leads to the conclusion that Ezekiel took up a well-known prophecy to enforce and apply it to his companions in exile. They probably had read Jeremiah’s words as referring to others than themselves.
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
This chapter denounces heavy judgments against the lying
prophets who flattered the people, in the midst of their sin
and danger, with false hopes of peace and security, 1-9.
The work of these deceivers is beautifully compared to a frail
and insolent piece of building, which can never stand against
the battering elements of heaven, (the Chaldean forces,) which
God will commission against it, 10-16.
In the remaining part of the chapter woes are denounced against
false prophetesses who practiced vain rites and divinations,
with the view of promoting their own gain by deceiving the
people, 17-23.