the First Week of Lent
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Acts 7:4
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“Then he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. From there, after his father died, God had him move to this land in which you are now living.
Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he remoued him into this lande wherein ye now dwell.
Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell.
Then he went out from the land of the Chaldeans and lived in Haran. And after his father died, God removed him from there into this land in which you are now living.
"Then he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. And from there, after his father died, God had him move to this country in which you are now living.
So Abraham left the country of Chaldea and went to live in Haran. After Abraham's father died, God sent him to this place where you now live.
"Then he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. From there, after his father died, God had him move to this country in which you are now living.
Then he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. From there, after his father died, God had him move to this country in which you are now living.
So Abraham left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. After his father died, God brought him out of that place, into this land where you are now living.
Then Abraham left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. After his father died, Abraham came and settled in this land where you now live.
So he left the land of the Kasdim and lived in Haran. After his father died, God made him move to this land where you are living now.
Then going out of the land of the Chaldeans he dwelt in Charran, and thence, after his father died, he removed him into this land in which *ye* now dwell.
"So Abraham left the country of Chaldea. He went to live in Haran. After his father died, God sent him to this place, where you live now.
Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran. And after that his father was dead, God brought him from thence into this land, wherein ye now dwell,
Then Abraham left the land of the Chalde''ans and he came and settled in Ha''ran and from thence, after his father''s death, God removed him into this land in which you now live.
And so he left his country and went to live in Haran. After Abraham's father died, God made him move to this land where you now live.
Then he went out from the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. And from there, after his father died, he caused him to move to this land in which you now live.
Then going out from the land of the Chaldeans, he lived in Haran. And after his father died, God moved him from there into this land in which you now live.
Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Haran: and from thence, when his father was dead, God removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell:
Then he came out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and went into Haran; and from there, when his father was dead, he was guided by God into this land, where you are living now:
Then he came out of the land of the Kasdim, and lived in Haran. From there, when his father was dead, God moved him into this land, where you are now living.
So he left the country of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. Then after the death of his father, God had him move to this country where you now live.Genesis 11:31; 12:4-5;">[xr]
Then went forth Abraham from the land of the Kaldoyee, and came and dwelt in Charan: and from thence, his father being dead, Aloha caused him to pass into this land in which you dwell to-day.
And then Abraham departed from the land of the Chaldeans, and came and dwelt in Charran. And from there, after his father had died, God removed him to this land, in which ye this day dwell.
Then came he out of the lande of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, whe his father was dead, he brought hym into this lande wherin ye nowe dwell.
Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Haran: and from thence, when his father was dead, God removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell:
Then he came out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and lived in Haran. From there, when his father was dead, God moved him into this land, where you are now living.
And coming out of the land of the Chaldeans, he dwelt in Haran. And from thence, after his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell.
"Thereupon he left Chaldaea and settled in Haran till after the death of his father, when God caused him to remove into this country where you now live.
Thanne he wente out of the loond of Caldeis, and dwelte in Carram. And fro thens aftir that his fader was deed, he translatide him in to this loond, in which ye dwellen now.
Then he came out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Haran: and from there, when his father was dead, [God] removed him into this land, wherein you now dwell:
Then he came from the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran. And from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land in which ye now dwell.
Then he went out from the country of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. After his father died, God made him move to this country where you now live.
Then he came out of the land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Haran. And from there, when his father was dead, He moved him to this land in which you now dwell.
So Abraham left the land of the Chaldeans and lived in Haran until his father died. Then God brought him here to the land where you now live.
He went from the land of the Chaldeans and lived in Haran. After his father died, he came to this country where you now live.
Then he left the country of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. After his father died, God had him move from there to this country in which you are now living.
Then, coming forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, he dwelt in Haran; and, from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, in which, ye, now dwell;
Then he went out of the land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Charan. And from thence, after his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein you now dwell.
Then he departed from the land of the Chalde'ans, and lived in Haran. And after his father died, God removed him from there into this land in which you are now living;
Then came he out of the londe of Chaldey and dwelt in Charran. And after that assone as his father was deed he brought him into this lande in which ye now dwell
`Then having come forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, he dwelt in Haran, and from thence, after the death of his father, He did remove him to this land wherein ye now dwell,
The wente he out of the lande of the Caldees, and dwelt in Haran. And from thece, whan his father was deed, he brought him ouer in to this londe (where ye dwell now)
thereupon he went out of Chaldea, and dwelt in Charran: from thence, after his father's death, he removed him to this very country where you now dwell.
"So he left the country of the Chaldees and moved to Haran. After the death of his father, he immigrated to this country where you now live, but God gave him nothing, not so much as a foothold. He did promise to give the country to him and his son later on, even though Abraham had no son at the time. God let him know that his offspring would move to an alien country where they would be enslaved and brutalized for four hundred years. ‘But,' God said, ‘I will step in and take care of those slaveholders and bring my people out so they can worship me in this place.'
So Abe did just that and stayed in Haran until his daddy had died. Then God led him to the land where we now live.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
came: Genesis 11:31, Genesis 11:32, Genesis 12:4, Genesis 12:5, Isaiah 41:2, Isaiah 41:9
Reciprocal: Genesis 29:4 - Of Haran Genesis 30:25 - and to 2 Kings 19:12 - Haran Isaiah 23:13 - land Jeremiah 50:1 - the land Ezekiel 23:23 - the Chaldeans Ezekiel 27:23 - Haran
no shrub or plant of the field was yet in the earth, and no herb of the field had yet sprouted, for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground,
Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive and remain with man forever, because he is indeed flesh [sinful, corrupt—given over to sensual appetites]; nevertheless his days shall yet be a hundred and twenty years."
So the LORD said, "I will destroy (annihilate) mankind whom I have created from the surface of the earth—not only man, but the animals and the crawling things and the birds of the air—because it [deeply] grieves Me [to see mankind's sin] and I regret that I have made them."
God said to Noah, "I intend to make an end of all that lives, for through men the land is filled with violence; and behold, I am about to destroy them together with the land.
"For behold, I, even I, will bring a flood of waters on the earth, to destroy all life under the heavens in which there is the breath and spirit of life; everything that is on the land shall die.
And after the seven days [God released the rain and] the floodwaters came on the earth.
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, on that same day all the fountains of the great deep [subterranean waters] burst open, and the windows and floodgates of the heavens were opened.
It rained on the earth for forty days and forty nights.
The flood [the great downpour of rain] was forty days and nights on the earth; and the waters increased and lifted up the ark, and it floated [high] above the land.
All living beings that moved on the earth perished—birds and cattle (domestic animals), [wild] animals, all things that swarm and crawl on the earth, and all mankind.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans,.... The same with Mesopotamia; so Pliny says b, that
"because of Babylon the head of the Chaldean nation---the other part of Mesopotamia and Assyria is called Babylonia.''
And he places Babylon in Mesopotamia; it was out of Ur, in the land of the Chaldeans particularly, that Abraham came, upon his first call:
and dwelt in Charan: according to the Jewish writers c, he dwelt here five years:
and from thence, when his father was dead; who died in Haran, as is said in Genesis 11:32 and that it was after the death of Terah his father, that Abraham went from thence, is manifest from Genesis 11:31 and yet a Jew d has the impudence to charge Stephen with a mistake, and to affirm, that Abraham went from Haran, whilst his father was yet living; proceeding upon a false hypothesis, that Terah begat Abraham when he was seventy years of age: but Philo the Jew is expressly with Stephen in this circumstance; he says e,
"I think no man versed in the laws can be ignorant, that Abraham, when he first went out of the land of Chaldea, dwelt in Charan; ÏÎµÎ»ÎµÏ ÏηÏανÏÎ¿Ï Ïε Î±Ï ÏÏ ÏÎ¿Ï ÏαÏÏÎ¿Ï ÎµÎºÎµÎ½Î¸Î¹ "but his father dying there", he removed from thence:''
and so says Stephen:
he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell; the land of Canaan; see Genesis 12:5 or "he removed himself", as the Ethiopic version renders it; or rather "God removed him", as the Syriac version reads, and so one copy in the Bodleian library; for it was by the order and assistance, and under the direction and protection of God, that he came into that land: after the words
wherein ye now dwell, Beza's ancient copy adds, "and our fathers that were before us".
b De Urbibus, l. 6. c. 26. c Seder Olam Rabba, c. 1. p. 2. Ganz Tzemach David, par. 1. fol. 5. 2. d R. Isaac Chizzuk Emuna, par. 2. c. 61. p. 448. e De Migratione Abrahami, p. 415.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
Land of the Chaldeans - From Ur of the Chaldees, Genesis 11:31.
When his father was dead - This passage has given rise to no small difficulty in the interpretation. The difficulty is this: From Genesis 11:26, it would seem that Abraham was born when Terah was 70 years of age. âAnd Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.â From Genesis 12:4, it seems that Abraham was 75 years of age when he departed from Haran to Canaan. The age of Terah was therefore but 145 years. Yet in Genesis 11:32, it is said that Terah was 205 old when he died, thus leaving 60 years of Terahâs life beyond the time when Abraham left Haran. Various modes have been proposed of explaining this difficulty:
(1) Errors in ânumbersâ are more likely to occur than any other. In the âSamaritanâ copy of the Pentateuch, it is said that Terah died in Haran at the age of 105 years, which would suppose that his death occurred 40 years before Abraham left Haran. But the Hebrew, Latin, Vulgate, Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic read it as 205 years.
(2) It is not affirmed that Abraham was born just at the time when Terah was 70 years of age. All that the passage in Genesis 11:26 proves, according to the usual meaning of similar expressions, is, that Terah was 70 years old before he had any sons, and that the three were born subsequently to that. But which was born first or what intervals intervened between their birth does not appear. Assuredly, it does not mean that all were born precisely at the time when Terah was 70 years of age. Neither does it appear that Abraham was the oldest of the three. The sons of Noah are said to have been Shem, Ham, and Japheth Genesis 5:32; yet Japheth, though mentioned last, was the oldest, Genesis 10:21. As Abraham afterward became much the most distinguished, and as he was the father of the Jewish people, of whom Moses was writing, it was natural that he should be mentioned first if it cannot be proveD that Abraham was the oldest, as assuredly it cannot be, then there is no improbability in supposing that his birth might have occurred many years after Terah was 70 years of age.
(3) The Jews unanimously affirm that Terah relapsed into idolatry before Abraham left Haran; and this they denominate âdeath,â or a moral death (Kuinoel). It is certain, therefore, that, from some cause, they were accustomed to speak of Terah as âdeadâ before Abraham left him. Stephen only used language which was customary among the Jews, and would employ it, doubtless, correctly, though we may not be able to see precisely how it can be reconciled with the account in Genesis.
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Acts 7:4. When his father was dead — Genesis 11:26; Genesis 11:26.