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Bible Dictionaries
Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types
This word is used as a type of many and varies things in the Scriptures. Since it occurs so often, and in so many ways, it will not be possible to give all the Scripture references pertaining to it. The typical meanings most used are presented with a few Scriptures as examples.
Genesis 3:15 (b) This is a type of the utter defeat that shall be brought upon Satan by the Lord JESUS CHRIST.
Genesis 49:26 (a) This type is used to represent the superiority of this great man of GOD. He was to receive the best of GOD's blessings above his brethren, as in the dream the sheaves bowed down to his sheaf, and the stars made obeisance to him. (See Deuteronomy 33:16).
Exodus 29:10 (a) The figure in this case indicates that the entire animal is to be taken as an offering, as the head is the important and directing power of the body. (See Leviticus 4:4; Leviticus 8:14).
Deuteronomy 28:44 (b) By this figure we understand that the nations were to rule over Israel and the people of Israel were to be slaves to their neighbors.
Joshua 2:19 (b) The type in this passage is one that is quite often used throughout the Scriptures indicating that the whole person is to blame and is guilty in the sin that is committed. The head is taken as a type of the entire person, his body, soul and spirit. (See1Sa 25:39; 2 Samuel 1:16; 2 Chronicles 6:23).
2 Samuel 1:2 (c) The placing of earth upon the head was a sign of deep grief, sorrow, shame and humiliation. It was commonly practiced by the Israelites and by others. (See2Sa 15:32; Joshua 7:6).
2 Samuel 22:44 (2). This passage is evidently a type or picture of the crowning glory of the Lord JESUS. David often speaks in this manner about the Messiah. CHRIST is to be supreme, He is to be the sovereign over all the creation. The word is used often about the Saviour in His glory, grandeur and majestic power.
2 Kings 2:3 (c) The type is used in this place to describe the leadership of Elijah over Elisha. Elisha was subservient to Elijah. His life was directed by Elijah. Now the master of Elisha was to be taken away from him.
2 Kings 19:21 (b) Here we see a picture of the contempt with which Assyria was to be held by Israel. GOD compares Israel to a weak young woman, and her attitude as that of showing perfect disdain for the great nation and army of Assyria. (See also Isaiah 37:22).
2 Kings 25:27 (c) This is a beautiful way of saying that the imprisoned king was released from his confinement, and was given, just out of courtesy, a throne on which to sit in Babylon. No power accompanied this honor, it was only a mark of the king's favor.
Psalm 3:3 (c) By this figure David is expressing his belief in the GOD of Heaven, and his confidence that his GOD would restore him to his throne.
Psalm 22:7 (c) This action on the part of those who surrounded the Cross indicated their contempt of the Lord JESUS. It showed how they despised Him in their hearts.
Psalm 23:5 (b) David uses this type to show that GOD Himself had made CHRIST the Lord of Heaven and earth, a King and a Priest. It also indicates that David gave GOD the credit for making him the King of Israel.
Psalm 24:7 (b) This picture is taken from the records of wars. When the conqueror came back to the walled city the gate of the city was raised to admit the victor. So David is describing the return to glory of the Lord JESUS after His success at Calvary.
Psalm 44:14 (b) This action on the part of the nations among whom Israel is scattered indicates their contempt of the Jew. These unfortunate people throughout the world are the objects of derision, and this is indicated by the action mentioned.
Psalm 60:7 (c) This strange passage may mean that GOD's constant acts of forgiveness toward Ephraim, and the many times He restored the nation to a place of prominence prove the character of GOD, and magnified His righteous acts and judgments.
Psalm 68:21 (b) Here we see a type of the complete mastery that GOD would have over the enemies of Israel.
Psalm 110:7 (a) This type asserts without question that CHRIST JESUS will be on the throne of the world and will rule and reign without competition.
Proverbs 25:22 (a) There was a custom in Palestine which is referred to by this type. When the fire in one home went out, the friend would go to a neighbor carrying an earthen vessel on the head, and would borrow a few coals of fire with which to rekindle his own fire. If the neighbor was unusually kind, he would not give his unfortunate neighbor just a few coals, but would give him a good quantity. These would be carried back in the vessel on the head. The Lord takes advantage of this custom to remind us that when our neighbor is in an unfortunate position mentally or otherwise, we are to be unusually kind and liberal with him. Then he will find it difficult to hold a grudge against one who has been so helpful. (See Romans 12:20).
Song of Solomon 2:6 (c) A figure of the tender love of the Lord JESUS for His church. (See also Song of Solomon 8:3).
Song of Solomon 5:2 (c) This probably is a picture of the diligence and constancy of the Lord JESUS in serving His people, the Church, all day and night.
Song of Solomon 5:11 (c) The beautiful purity of CHRIST, as well as His supreme value, are represented in this picture. The same figure was used in regard to the image which Nebuchadnezzar saw and in which he was the head of gold. This indicated that his kingdom and his own personal self were to he the finest, the greatest, the most powerful of all kingdoms mentioned or represented by the image. So CHRIST JESUS and His kingdom, His Gospel, His business, and everything connected with Him is supreme purity, marvelous power and magnificence.
Song of Solomon 7:5 (c) Here CHRIST JESUS is represented as being the supreme authority and power, having the ascendancy over all others. Carmel is probably the greatest mountain ridge in Palestine. It was on this peak that Elijah and Elisha saw the mighty power of GOD, and the enemies of GOD saw the wrath of GOD, as well as His wonderful display of vengeance. CHRIST JESUS embodies all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. To Him has been given all judgment. Because of this He is likened to Mount Carmel.
Isaiah 1:5 (a) This is a type of the mind and the thoughts. The Lord is telling us that all the thoughts, plans and meditations of His people were evil, therefore their hearts or their feelings were evil as well.
Isaiah 59:17 (a) GOD has in a wonderful way made provision in CHRIST JESUS for projecting the thoughts which emanate from the mind. CHRIST is our salvation. As we put on CHRIST He turns our thoughts to heavenly things, and enables us to think GOD's thoughts after Him. (See Ephesians 6:17).
Daniel 2:38 (a) This is a type of Nebuchadnezzar and his kingdom, which was more excellent than any of the other world kingdoms that would follow.
Habakkuk 3:13 (a) By this figure the Lord is informing us that He will destroy the leaders of His enemies so that their kings and their captains will go down in utter defeat. It may also be taken as a prophecy of the destruction of Satan.
Matthew 21:42 (a) CHRIST is the chief of all Christians. He is the originator, the designer and the builder of His church. All the structure of GOD's church rests on JESUS CHRIST, His Word, His work, and His character. Any building outside of CHRIST is a structure on sinking sand. (See Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; 1 Peter 2:7).
Matthew 27:39 (b) This action indicated the derision of the people against the Saviour. It showed that they held Him in contempt. (See Mark 15:29).
Luke 7:38 (a) This is a type of great humility for the hair of the woman is her glory. She took that which was most precious to her, that which marked her beauty and her sweetness, bowed her head at JESUS' feet, and wiped the tears with her hair. By this act she revealed her utter humiliation in His presence, and her trust in Him.
Luke 21:28 (b) This is a picture of victory, joy and anticipated blessing. It is a figure that represents courage, hope and expectancy.
John 13:9 (b) Evidently Peter wanted his thoughts, his works, and his walk to be, all of them, cleansed by our precious Lord. The feet represent the walk, the hands represent the work, and the head represents the will. Peter would have all of this in complete submission and subjection to His blessed Lord.
1 Corinthians 11:3-4 (a) The Lord JESUS is the sovereign Master of every Christian, and also of the Church. In the home, and a godly home is intended in this passage, the man is the authority in charge but not as a "boss," but rather as a leader and guide for the family. The Lord JESUS came as a servant of GOD, though He Himself was GOD and so He followed out all the will, plan, and purpose of GOD, His Father.
1 Corinthians 12:21 (a) Here we see a picture of Christian relationships. The leader of the church, or the pastor, cannot get along without the janitor, the organist, the usher, and all the other various members of the church.
Ephesians 1:22 (a) This figure represents the Lord JESUS as the reigning power in the church. His Word is supreme, His will is sovereign. Every other person who claims to be a lord over the church is a usurper, a traitor to CHRIST, and a curse to men. (See Ephesians 4:15; Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18; Colossians 2:10).
Colossians 2:19 (a) This is a true type of CHRIST JESUS, the founder, the leader, and the Lord of the church.
Revelation 1:14 (a) By this we learn of the age of our Lord JESUS who was "from the beginning," and who is the "Ancient of days." We learn from this that the Lord JESUS has eternal experience, good judgment, wonderful discretion, and therefore knows exactly what to do under every circumstance.
Revelation 9:7 (a) Here we see a type of the host of warriors led by men who have received their power from GOD to punish the inhabitants of the earth.
Revelation 13:1 (a) This hydra-headed monster represents the antichrist. The seven heads probably represent the seven hills of Rome from which there emanates the tremendous power of the great apostate church. It seems from this figure that the antichrist will emerge from the Roman power under the leadership of ten mighty men, and that by these the world will be brought into complete subjection with the exception of GOD's people who refuse to thus bow.
Revelation 17:9 (a) We are told quite plainly here the meaning of this type. The Roman power is situated on seven hills, and is already ruling with despotism and cruelty over many millions of helpless subjects.
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Watson, Walter. Entry for 'Head'. Wilson's Dictoinary of Bible Types.​dictionaries/​eng/​wdt/​h/head.html. 1957.