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Bible Dictionaries
Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types
Genesis 22:6 (c) This represents the judgment of GOD.
Abraham representing GOD, the Father, was going forth to sacrifice His son.
Isaac in this case represents the sinner.
The fire and the wood represent GOD's wrath poured out at Calvary.
The ram represents the Lord JESUS who took the place of Isaac (the sinner), and died in his stead.
Fire when used as a type usually indicates wrath, judgment, punishment or other expressions of anger. (See also Numbers 11:12; Numbers 21:28; Judges 6:21; Isaiah 10:16; Jeremiah 4:4; Isaiah 66:15).
Exodus 3:2 (c) This may be taken as an illustration of the fact that Israel, though under the judgment of GOD from time to time, was not and would not be destroyed by the Lord. He punished them severely with the fire of His wrath many times, but He has never cast them off completely nor caused them to cease from being His own people.
Exodus 12:8 (c) We may understand this to represent the judgment of GOD on the Lord JESUS at Calvary when He went through the burning billows of GOD's wrath against sin and sinners. When fire is mentioned in connection with sacrifice, it represents the judgment of GOD upon the animal for our sakes. The animal in each case represents in some manner the Lord JESUS who is the Lamb of GOD. (See also Leviticus 1:8, Leviticus 1:12, Leviticus 1:17; Leviticus 3:5; Leviticus 9:24; Judges 6:21).
Exodus 19:18 (c) Probably we may take this to mean that GOD dwells in the midst of the holiest of judgment. His glory, His brightness, His justness destroy all evidences of sin, evil, wickedness and every other thing that does not conform to His holy character. (See Deuteronomy 4:11; Deuteronomy 9:15; Deuteronomy 18:16; Isaiah 47:14).
Leviticus 6:9-13 (c) Our Lord is telling us by this message that Calvary was to be always effective day and night. Any time any person wants to come to the Lord JESUS to be saved, He will find that He is ready any hour of the day or night, and that the precious Blood of His sacrifice is available on every occasion, no matter when nor where.
Leviticus 10:1 (c) We may understand from this expression "strange fire," human energies, human devices, human judgments, human exercises, human decisions which did not come and do not come from GOD. We see this graphically displayed in the expression "They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." John 16:2. The true fire is mentioned in Numbers 16:46. That fire was taken from off the altar of incense for that fire came down from GOD, and was holy fire. The two sons of Aaron should have used that fire for their censors. Instead of this they rebelled against GOD, they refused to obey GOD's rule and follow GOD's order. They substituted their own judgment and desires for the plain command of GOD. They were earnest, they were zealous, they were apparently doing that which priests should do, but the fact that they used unlawful fire, strange fire, proved that their hearts were wrong.
Leviticus 10:2 (c) It is only natural that the judgment of GOD should have fallen on these two men who, as leaders of Israel, were apparently carrying out GOD's will, and yet in their hearts were rebels against GOD's law. GOD will not have as a substitute for His Word any of our schemes, plans and zealous efforts. When we substitute our judgment for GOD's judgment, we may expect only the wrath of GOD. (See also Numbers 3:4; Numbers 26:61; 2 Kings 1:10-12).
Leviticus 16:13 (c) Here we see the sweet savour of the sacrifice of Calvary. This lovely perfume caused by the offering up of CHRIST Himself on the Cross fills Heaven, the holy of holies. It also fills the hearts of those who have enthroned CHRIST as Lord and King.
Numbers 16:46 (c) This unusual passage reveals in more detail the same truth that we found in Leviticus 10:2 We find in chap16, vss 6,7, that the rebellious men took censers, placed in them incense of their own making, and fire of their own procuring. Aaron took his censer, placed the holy incense in it, and put the holy fire from off the altar in it. All those with the false fire and the false incense were killed, while Aaron with the true incense and the true fire, lived. Notice this same truth also described in1Ch 15:13. Judgment fell upon Uzza as described in1Ch 13:10, because he and David imitated the Philistines in handling the ark of GOD. In1Ch 15:13 David discovered his mistake in following the plan of the heathen in doing the work of GOD. He therefore corrected it.
Judges 6:21 (c) This fire indicates the judgment of GOD expressed through CHRIST JESUS, the Rock, which tries every man's work to see of what sort it is, and this takes place at the judgment seat of CHRIST. (See1Co 3:13).
Judges 9:15 (b) The anger of Abimelech was to be poured out on Israel. He would prove to be their enemy after they appointed him their leader.
1 Kings 19:12 (c) Three great calamities are mentioned in this passage, and each one represents some form of the judgment of GOD. The Lord is telling us that He does not speak to people through such calamities, but rather through His Word. It is the Word of GOD which brings conviction of sin. Calamities only bring the fear of death and the fear of punishment. Great calamities cause "the cry of distressed nature." The Word of GOD causes the cry of a convicted soul who realizes his sin against GOD.
2 Kings 2:11 (c) This strange picture probably teaches us that those of us who go to Heaven go because of and by virtue of the wrath of GOD which fell upon the Saviour, thereby bringing to us forgiveness, cleansing and fitness.
Job 18:5 (c) This probably refers to the usefulness and the ministry of wicked men, all of which shall be brought to an end, and their works burned up.
Job 41:19 (c) This metaphor may describe the terrific power and the force of the jaws of this tremendous animal. Or it may refer in prophecy to modern weapons of war which actually do spout fire, both from the front and from the rear.
Psalm 39:3 (b) This is a type of the strong desire in the heart of the Psalmist to make known GOD's goodness, and His grace. He just could not keep still.
Psalm 66:12 (b) Here is described the great sufferings and tribulations of the people when they disobeyed the Lord.
Proverbs 6:27 (b) In this way the Lord is telling us that the secret life is revealed by its effects on the outward life. That which men see outwardly is a result of what is done secretly. (See also Isaiah 9:18).
Proverbs 16:27 (b) By this figure we understand that the words of this person injure and harm the hearer.
Isaiah 9:5 (b) Here is indicated the fact that the coming of CHRIST would mean sorrow, division and trouble on the earth. (See also Matthew 10:34).
Isaiah 31:9 (b) This is a type of the judgment of GOD which rested in Zion, the place where GOD put His Name. GOD deals with the nations according to the manner in which they dealt with Israel. (See Matthew 25:41-46; Isaiah 33:14).
Isaiah 33:14 (a) No doubt this is a plain reference to the fires of hell. Men have made a type out of it saying it refers to a burning conscience. Nowhere is this indicated in the Scripture. The fire is always presented to us as real flame, both in hell and in the lake of fire.
Isaiah 43:2 (b) Here the word is a genuine type and it refers to earthly sorrows, sufferings and difficulties. GOD has not promised to keep us out of the fires of difficulty. He has promised to preserve us from any injurious effects when these tragedies come into our lives.
Isaiah 50:11 (b) This is a type of self-illumination, home-made philosophy, individual reasonings. All such end in disappointment, for only GOD's Word and GOD's plan would endure.
Isaiah 66:24 (a) No doubt this actually represents the eternal judgment of GOD in the lake of fire. There is literal fire in hell, which is in the heart of this earth. There is literal fire in the lake of fire, where sinners are sent after the judgment of the Great White Throne. Here is expressed to the fullest extent the righteous justice and judgment of GOD, whereby the sinner suffers forever because of his wickedness, his rebellion, and his refusal to believe GOD.
Jeremiah 5:14 (a) This is a type of the power of the Word of GOD when spoken by a servant of GOD in the power of the Spirit of GOD. The Word of GOD destroys the enemy. The word spoken by the Saviour in Gethsemane caused the enemy to fall backward to the ground. The Word of GOD spoken by Peter caused Ananias and Sapphira to die. (See also Exodus 20:19; Deuteronomy 5:25; Hebrews 2:2-3).
Jeremiah 20:9 (a) When Jeremiah decided that he would not speak again for GOD, he found that the Word of GOD hidden in his heart and mind was just too valuable and too precious to keep. He must speak to be refreshed. It was a burning in his soul. (See also Psalm 39:3).
Jeremiah 48:45 (a) Here is a type of the hatred of the enemies of Moab who planned the destruction of that nation.
Jeremiah 51:58 (c) Probably this represents the vain labors of the inhabitants of Babylon as they sought to prevent its destruction by the invading enemy.
Ezekiel 1:4 (b) This may be a picture of the mighty power, the destroying force of GOD in His righteous anger and judgment. The four living creatures are four symbols or types of CHRIST. (See Ezekiel 1:13).
Ezekiel 10:6-7 (b) No doubt this fire represents the consuming power and judgment of GOD which was to be poured out on disobedient Israel. (See also Ezekiel 21:31; Ezekiel 22:20; Ezekiel 24:12; Ezekiel 28:18; Amos 5:6; Amos 7:4).
Ezekiel 36:5 (a) This is a type of GOD's wrath against the enemies of Israel for their hatred of His people. (See also Ezekiel 38:19).
Daniel 7:9 (a) Wheels always represent motion or progress. This fire must represent the action of GOD in judging the people. His righteousness and His holiness destroy all pretense, hypocrisy and sin before Him.
Daniel 10:6 (a) By this is represented the piercing look of our Lord in the day of judgment, He destroys all hypocrisy by the look of His eye. (See also Revelation 1:14).
Hosea 7:6 (a) This is a type of the burning passion of sin which ruled the lives of the people of Israel.
Obadiah 1:18 (a) By this is represented the wrath of Israel against the people of Esau, their enemies. This same kind of truth is found in Zechariah 12:6, where Israel punishes all her foes.
Habakkuk 2:13 (a) By this figure GOD is telling us that those who build up violence and hatred in their sinful rebellion shall not see their labor succeed.
Zechariah 3:2 (a) The unclean sinner (Joshua), is taken out of the company of those who are under the wrath of GOD, and who are to be punished by GOD. He is clothed in GOD's righteousness after being delivered, and becomes one of GOD's servants, a priest of and for GOD. It is a picture of that blessed experience which we call the "new birth"; we too are made priests of GOD.
Zechariah 13:9 (c) Probably this is a picture of the destruction of Jerusalem when most of Israel were slain and only a few survived. Titus slaughtered the Jews on that terrible occasion. Those living in the country districts escaped.
Malachi 3:2 (a) This is a type which represents the way GOD puts His people through trouble and sorrow in order to make them pure, in order to remove evil from their lives.
Matthew 3:10 (b) Here is a real type of the genuine and real fire in hell into which all hypocrites and professing Christians will be sent for eternal punishment. (See also Matthew 7:19; Matthew 13:42, Matthew 13:50).
Matthew 25:41 (a) This fire is not a type but is real, literal fire of hell. (See also Matthew 18:8; Mark 9:44).
Luke 22:56 (c) This may be taken as a type of a backslider who having lost his love for the Lord seeks to warm himself by the attractions of the world. He seeks satisfaction in the pleasures, the business, and the various pursuits of the men of this world.
John 15:6 (a) This fire is used by the Lord JESUS to describe the fierce criticism and the repudiation which fellow-men will give to those who profess to be Christians, but live like sinners. Such men who take the place of belonging to CHRIST, but do not walk with the Lord are repudiated as Christian leaders. It is men who gather them, and men who burn them. This has nothing whatever to do with the salvation of the soul, nor with eternal conditions. It relates entirely to this life, and to the rejection which is given to a Christian leader who lives for the Devil.
Acts 2:3 (b) This may be taken as a symbol of the power and the anointing of GOD by the Spirit. This purging, cleansing power is for both saint and sinner, therefore the tongues are cloven. The Spirit of GOD convicts both the sinner and the Christian and He reveals the will of GOD to both.
1 Corinthians 3:13 (a) Here we find a type of the judgment and the discerning power of GOD at the Throne. By means of His piercing investigation and His thorough understanding, all that is not profitable to GOD will be burned up.
1 Corinthians 3:15 (a) People are saved by grace alone, with no reference of any kind to merit or to good works. There are those whose works after they are saved are not what they should be. Sometimes the works are really wicked, sometimes they are just injurious, and sometimes they are just of no value at all to GOD or man. Sometimes these works are works of charity, in which GOD is omitted, and therefore have no value to GOD. At the judgment throne, all such works are burned up. The person, however, is saved (by the skin of his teeth). He gets into Heaven because he trusted the Lord JESUS CHRIST, and the sacrifice of the Saviour made it possible for GOD to blot out his sins. He lives in Heaven with no crown, no reward, no works to his credit. He is there wholly on the basis of GOD's grace, but receives no reward for service rendered.
Hebrews 1:7 (a) The angels of GOD permit no foolishness nor pretext. They demand honesty and genuineness. Therefore, they are compared to flaming fire which destroys all dross, and leaves only that which has GOD's approval.
2 Thessalonians 1:8 (a) The Lord JESUS is described in this passage as returning to earth with omnipotent power, with holiness and purity. His presence will destroy every form of evil, wickedness and sin. His righteousness will take vengeance on the unrighteous sinners who had no use for Him on the earth. This will be a terrible day of judgment when sinners receive from the reigning CHRIST that just due which rebels should receive.
Hebrews 11:34 (a) This type reveals the severe persecution which was endured by faithful men of GOD in the Old Testament. (See Daniel 3:17).
James 3:6 (a) By this type there is revealed the destructive power of an evil tongue. The tongue of the ungodly, and sometimes the tongue of the godly, sears and injures the hearts, the souls and the lives of others. Words are sometimes like poisoned arrows. They injure and destroy those who hear them.
James 5:3 (a) This represents the terrible remorse that shall burn the heart and the soul of the one who rebels against GOD.
1 Peter 1:7 (a) Here is represented the persecution which is to be endured in the life of that one who will live godly in CHRIST JESUS. The world does not want him. Society will not receive him. The business world sneers at him.
Judges 1:23 (a) Probably the meaning of this is that there are those who are close to eternity, very near to being sent to hell. They are about through with this life. These are to be reached for the Lord, even though their lives have been wasted. Let us remember that in the Gospel work, as long as there is life there is hope.
Revelation 3:18 (a) The Lord is telling us by this picture that all the blessings which He is offering to us have been tested through the centuries, and are worthy of our complete trust.
Revelation 4:5 (a) The Holy Spirit is presented to us in this manner, both because of the illumination which He gives in a seven-fold manner, and also because of His power which is seen in seven ways. (See also Revelation 1:4).
Revelation 8:5 (c) This may represent the terrible judgment of GOD, and His fierce wrath against sin and sinners. He sends His angels to execute His decrees upon men. The mountains in verse Revelation 8:8 are a figure to represent the amount and the stupendous volume of the wrath of GOD which men must endure who reject him.
Revelation 9:17 (b) By this type there is probably conveyed to us some idea of the burning and destroying power of these messengers of GOD. The breastplate was for keeping GOD's servants from being injured. The fire from the mouth describes the withering power of their words as they spoke GOD's messages. (See also Revelation 11:5).
Revelation 15:2 (b) By this type is described the transparent judgments of GOD. There is no trickery or hidden evidence here. There is no hypocrisy in GOD's presence. GOD's fierce anger is displayed in all its justice, righteousness and purity.
Revelation 20:10 (a) This reference, as all other references to fire in hell indicates literal, actual fire. This is not a type. (see vss. Revelation 20:14-15: also Revelation 21:8. The fire described in Luke 16:24 is literal fire. Those who seek to spiritualize the word, and make it mean the "torment of a conscience" have no ground whatever for their philosophy).
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Watson, Walter. Entry for 'Fire'. Wilson's Dictoinary of Bible Types.​dictionaries/​eng/​wdt/​f/fire.html. 1957.