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Bible Dictionaries
King James Dictionary
LAY, pret. of lie. The estate lay in the county of Hartford.
When Ahab heard these words, he rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his head, and fasted and lay in sackcloth.
1 Kings 21 .
LAY, pret. and pp. laid. L. loco, whence locus, Eng. ley or lea. The primary sense is to send or throw hence this word is the L. lego, legare, differently applied Gr. to lie down.
1. Literally, to throw down hence, to put or place applied to things broad or long, and in this respect differing from set. We lay a book on the table, when we place it on its side, but we set it on the end. We lay the foundation of a house, but we set a building on its foundation.
He laid his robe from him. Jonah 3 .
Soft on the flowery herb I found me laid.
A stone was brought and laid on the mouth of the den.
Daniel 6 .
2. To beat down to prostrate. Violent winds with rain lay corn and grass.
3. To settle to fix and keep from rising. A shower lays the dust.
4. To place in order to dispose with regularity in building as, to lay bricks or stones in constructing walls.
5. To spread on a surface as, to lay plaster or paint.
6. To spread or set as, to lay snares.
7. To calm to appease to still to allay.
After a tempest, when the winds are laid.
8. To quiet to still to restrain from walking as, to lay the devil.
9. To spread and set in order to prepare as, to lay a table for dinner.
10. To place in the earth for growth.
The chief time of laying gilliflowers, is in July.
11. To place at hazard to wage to stake as, to lay a crown or an eagle to lay a wager.
12. To bring forth to exclude as, to lay eggs.
13. To add to join.
Woe to them that join house to house, that lay field to field. Isaiah 5 .
14. To put to apply.
She layeth her hand to the spindle. Proverbs 31 .
15. To asses to charge to impose as, to lay a tax on land to lay a duty on salt.
16. To charge to impute as, to lay blame on one to lay want of prudence to one's charge.
17. To impose, as evil, burden, or punishment.
The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53 .
18. To enjoin as a duty as, to lay commands on one.
19. To exhibit to present or offer as, to lay an indictment in a particular county.
20. To prostrate to slay.
The leaders first he laid along.
21. To depress and lose sight of, by sailing or departing from as, to lay the land a seaman's phrase.
22. To station to set as, to lay an ambush.
23. To contrive to scheme to plan.
To lay a cable, to twist or unite the strands.
To lay apart, to put away to reject.
Lay apart all filthiness. James 1 .
1. To lay aside, to put off or away not to retain.
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset us. Hebrews 41 .
2. To discontinue as, to lay aside the use of any thing.
To lay away, to reposit in store to put aside for preservation.
To lay before, to exhibit to show to present to view. The papers are laid before Congress.
1. To lay by, to reserve for future use.
Let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him. 1 Corinthians 16 .
2. To put away to dismiss.
Let brave spirits not be laid by, as persons unnecessary for the time.
3. To put off.
And she arose and went away, and laid by her veil. Genesis 38 .
1. To lay down, to deposit, as a pledge, equivalent or satisfaction to resign.
I lay down my life for the sheep. John 10 .
2. To give up to resign to quit or relinquish as, to lay down an office or commission.
3. To quit to surrender the use of as, to lay down one's arms.
4. To offer or advance as, to lay down a proposition or principle.
To lay one's self down, to commit to repose.
I will both lay me down in peace and sleep - Psalms 4 .
To lay hold of, to seize to catch. To lay hold on, is used in a like sense.
To lay in, to store to treasure to provide previously.
To lay on, to apply with force to inflict as, to lay on blows.
To lay open, to open to make bare to uncover also, to show to expose to reveal as, to lay open the designs of an enemy.
To lay over, to spread over to incrust to cover the surface as, to lay over with gold or silver.
1. To lay out, to expend as, to lay out money, or sums of money.
2. To display to discover.
He takes occasion to lay out bigotry and false confidence in all its colors. Obs.
3. To plan to dispose in order the several parts as, to lay out a garden.
4. To dress in grave clothes and place in a decent posture as, to lay out a corpse. Shakespeare uses to lay, forth.
5. To exert as, to lay out all one's strength. So with the reciprocal pronoun, to lay one's self out, is to exert strength.
1. To lay to, to charge upon to impute.
2. To apply with vigor.
3. To attack or harass. Obs.
4. To check the motion of a ship, and cause her to be stationary.
To lay together, to collect to bring to one place also, to bring into one view.
To lay to heart, to permit to affect greatly.
To lay under, to subject to as, to lay one under restraint or obligation.
1. To lay up, to store to treasure to reposit for future use.
Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Matthew 6 .
2. To confine to the bed or chamber. He is laid up with the gout.
To lay siege, to besiege to encompass with an army.
To lay wait, to station for private attack to lay in ambush for.
To lay the course, in sailing, is to sail towards the port intended, without gibing.
To lay waste, to destroy to desolate to deprive of inhabitants, improvements and productions.
To lay the land, in seamen's language, is to cause the land apparently to sink or appear lower, by sailing from it the distance diminishing the elevation.
1. To bring or produce eggs.
Hens will greedily eat the herb that will make them lay the better.
2. To contrive to form a scheme. Unusual.
To lay about, to strike or throw the arms on all sides to act with vigor.
To lay at, to strike or to endeavor to strike.
The sword of him that layeth at him cannot hold. Job 41 .
1. To lay out, to purpose to intend. he lays out to make a journey.
2. To take measures.
I made strict inquiry wherever I came, and laid out for intelligence of all places.
To lay upon, to importune. Obs.
LAY, n.
1. That which lies or is laid a row a stratum a layer one rank in a series reckoned upward as a lay of wood.
A viol should have a lay of wire-strings below.
2. A bet a wager. Little used.
3. Station rank. Not used.
LAY, n. L. locus. See Lay, the verb. The words which signify place, are from verbs which express setting or laying. It is written also ley, and lea, but less properly.
A meadow a plain or plat of grass land.
A tuft of daisies on a flowery lay.
The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea.
LAY, n. Gr. to sound. L. laudo, plaudo.
A song as a loud or soft lay immortal lays.
It is used chiefly in poetry.
LAY, a. L. laicus, Gr. from people.
Pertaining to the laity or people, as distinct from the clergy not clerical as a lay person a lay preacher a lay brother.
Dictionary of Words from the King James Bible. Public Domain. Copy freely.
Material presented was supplied by Brandon Staggs and was derived from the KJV Dictionary found on his website located at
The unabridged 1828 version of this dictionary in the SwordSearcher Bible Software.
Entry for 'Lay'. King James Dictionary.