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Verse- by-Verse Bible Commentary
New American Standard Bible
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Clarke's Commentary
Verse Psalms 46:6. The heathen raged — There had been terrible wars on all hands, and mighty states were crushed, when the poor Jews were, by the especial favour of God, kept in peace and safety. Kingdoms were moved while they were preserved.
He uttered his voice — These words seem to refer to thunder, lightning, and earthquake. The expressions, however, may be figurative, and refer to the wars and desolations already mentioned. God gave the command; and one empire was cast down, and another was raised up.
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Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "The Adam Clarke Commentary".​commentaries/​acc/​psalms-46.html. 1832.
Bridgeway Bible Commentary
Psalm 46-48 When God saved Jerusalem
Confident in tone and bold in expression, these three psalms express praise to God for delivering Jerusalem from an enemy invasion. One example of such a deliverance was on the occasion of Assyria’s invasion of Judah during the reign of Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:9-37).
No matter what troubles he meets, whether from earthquakes, floods or wars, the person who trusts in God is not overcome by them (46:1-3). He has an inner calmness, likened to a cool refreshing stream that flows gently from God. The Almighty is still in full control, and he gives strength to his people (4-7). God’s power can smash all opposition. Therefore, opponents should stop fighting against him and realize that he is the supreme God, the supreme ruler of the world (8-11).
The psalmist calls upon people of all nations to worship God with reverence and joy. The king who rules over all has come down from heaven, fought for his people and given them victory (47:1-4). Now he is seen returning to heaven to the sound of his people’s praises (5-7). He takes his seat on his throne again, king of the world. All nations are, like Israel, under the rule of the God of Abraham (8-9).
Now that their beloved city Jerusalem has been saved, the people praise its beauty and strength. More than that, they praise the God who saved it (48:1-3). Enemies thought they could destroy Jerusalem, but God scattered them. They were broken in pieces as ships smashed in a storm (4-7). Israel’s people had heard of God’s marvellous acts in the past; now they have seen them with their own eyes (8). In thanks for the victory, the people flock to the temple to praise God. Throughout the towns of Judah, and even in other countries, there is rejoicing (9-11). The citizens of Jerusalem are proud of their city, but they are prouder still of their God who has preserved it (12-14).
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Fleming, Donald C. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Fleming's Bridgeway Bible Commentary".​commentaries/​bbc/​psalms-46.html. 2005.
Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible
"There is a river, the streams whereof make glad the city of God, The holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God will help her, and that right early. The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved: He uttered his voice, the earth melted. Jehovah of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. (Selah)"
"There is a river, etc." The text seems to identify this river as the tabernacles of the Most High, God's dwelling place; but the actual meaning might be, "The river of God's presence and favor,"
Yes indeed, these views are acceptable; but there seems also to be a prophecy of that Eternal City of God that cometh down out of heaven, the New Jerusalem, described in the last chapters of Revelation. The River of Life flows out of the throne of God in that City; and the Tree of Life grows on either side of it, the leaves of which are for the healing of the nations.
There is also something else that fits very beautifully into these wonderful verses. From Isaiah 8, we have this:
"Forasmuch as this people have refused the waters of Shiloah that go softly… now therefore, behold the Lord bringeth upon them the waters of the (Euphrates) River, strong and mighty, even the king of Assyria and all his glory. And it shall come up over all its channels, and go over all its banks; and it shall sweep onward into Judah… and overflow (Isaiah 8:6-8)."
The waters of Shiloah here are the same as those of the Pool of Siloam in the New Testament. "The spring of Gihon, whose waters Hezekiah brought into Jerusalem by a tunnel (2 Chronicles 32:30) are here used as a symbol of God's refreshing presence."
Delitzsch combined in one paragraph the multiple spiritual intimations of these verses:
"When the city of God is threatened and encompassed by foes, still she shall not hunger and thirst, nor fear and despair; for the river of grace and of God's ordinances and promises flows with its rippling waves through the holy place, where the dwelling-place, or tabernacle, of the Most High is pitched."
"God will help her, and that quite early" The marginal reference or the last phrase here is, "At the dawn of morning"; and significantly, Isaiah stated that, "When men arose early in the morning, these (the whole army of Sennacherib) were all dead bodies" (Isaiah 37:36). This is a very strong link in the chain of evidence that binds these words to that great deliverance in 701 B.C.
"The nations raged, etc." "This means that in the past the thing that has regularly happened is that the "heathen have raged," etc.; but God had only to utter his voice, and as a result, men and nations have collapsed before Him. God controls all the raging of the nations and their tumults."
"Jehovah of hosts is with us" "If God be for us, who can be against us," is the New Testament echo of this confidence. The great security is in God. Just as the coneys, a little animal often mentioned in the Old Testament, are very weak, but occupy impregnable dwelling places in the rocks; just so men also are weak, vulnerable, insecure apart from God; but "in Him," they are secure, safe, invincible, and unconquerable.
"The God of Jacob is our refuge" According to Kidner, this refrain probably should also have been inserted at the end of Psalms 46:3, thus marking the three divisions of the psalm as a refrain. He also noted that, "The word `refuge' in this refrain, here and in Psalms 46:11, is distinct from the word so rendered in Psalms 46:1. Here it implies inaccessible height; hence the New English Bible rendition, `Our high stronghold'"
Coffman's Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. All other rights reserved.
Coffman, James Burton. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible".​commentaries/​bcc/​psalms-46.html. Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. 1983-1999.
Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible
The heathen raged - The nations were in commotion, or were agitated like the waves of the sea. This language would well describe the consternation of the nations when the Assyrians went forth to conquest, and when, having subdued so many other kingdoms, they made war on Jerusalem. Compare Isaiah 36:18-20.
The kingdoms were moved - That is, those who were invaded, as well as those that made the invasion. There was a general convulsion or shaking among the nations of the earth.
He uttered his voice - God spoke; he gave command; he expressed his will. Compare Genesis 1:3; Habakkuk 3:6.
The earth melted - The very earth seemed to melt or dissolve before him. Everything became still. The danger passed away at his command, and the raging world became calm. The Bible abounds in language of this kind, showing the absolute power of God, or his power to control all the raging elements on land and ocean by a word. Compare the notes at Psalms 33:9. See also Psalms 107:25, Psalms 107:29; Matthew 8:26.
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Barnes, Albert. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible".​commentaries/​bnb/​psalms-46.html. 1870.
Calvin's Commentary on the Bible
6The peoples raged Since the Church of God is never without enemies, and these very powerful, and such as consequently fight against her with cruel and unbridled fury, the prophet now confirms from experience the doctrine which he had advanced concerning the impregnable character of the divine protection. He then deduces from it this general ground of consolation, That it belongs continually to God to restrain and quell all commotions, and that his arm is strong enough to break all the efforts of the enemy. This passage, I admit, might be understood in a more general sense, as meaning that the city of God is liable to be assailed by many storms and tempests; but that by the favor of God she is, nevertheless, always preserved in safety. It is, however, more probable, as I have already said at the beginning, that the Psalmist is here speaking of some notable deliverance, in which God had given a striking proof of the power and favor which he exercises in the constant preservation of the Church. Accordingly, he relates what had taken place, namely, that the enemies of the Church came with a dreadful host to waste and destroy it; but that immediately, by the voice of God, they, as it were, melted and vanished away. From this we derive an invaluable ground of consolation, when it is said, That although the whole world rise up against us, and confound all things by their increased madness, they can be brought to nought in a moment, as soon as God shows himself favorable towards us. The voice of God, no doubt, signifies his will or command; but the prophet, by this expression, seems to have an eye to the promises of God, by which he has declared, that he will be the guardian and defender of the Church. At the same time, let us observe the contrast which is here stated between the voice of God and the turbulent commotions of the kingdoms of this world.
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Calvin, John. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Calvin's Commentary on the Bible".​commentaries/​cal/​psalms-46.html. 1840-57.
Smith's Bible Commentary
Psalms 46:1-11
Psalms 46:1-11 :
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea ( Psalms 46:1-2 );
Because God is my refuge and strength, I will not fear any kind of calamity that may befall me, or catastrophe.
Now a few years ago people were predicting that California was going to drop off into the Pacific Ocean, and people had visions of great tidal waves rolling down through into San Joaquin Valley, and this whole thing being inundated in a tremendous flood. And actually, there were many people who moved from California as a result of these prophecies and some of these visions and dreams. Some of those that moved, it was good riddance. California has enough kooks already. But a lot of people were really terrified because of these prophecies and visions of the catastrophes and calamities that were going to befall California. And actually... of course, it's really weird. They had visions of this whole coastal area just dropping, you know, into the Pacific. They saw that from the San Andreas fault line, their visions, from the San Andreas fault line westward here, we were all going to just, you know, drop into the ocean. And some of them actually had gone to the area of Wrightwood and had row boats and ropes and everything else that they were gonna, you know, if you could get that far inland, then they were going to tow you up the mountain and keep you safely there in the Victorville area and all, on the other side of the fault line. And it was interesting. There were a lot of prophecies written about it and all. Back in the late sixties there was quite a bit of, quite a few of churches having doom prophecies and so forth that people were giving within it.
And so, of course, they would bring these pictures of people envisioned the destruction and catastrophe, and they would say, "What are you going to do, Chuck? Are you going to move?" I said, "No." "What are you going to do?" I said, "I am going to get my surfboard ready and when that tidal wave comes in, I am going to have a wild ride, you know." "Oh no, no. It is serious, Chuck. It's serious, you know." And I said, "Well, if you want me to get serious, I'll tell you this, God is my refuge and my strength. He is a very present help in trouble and I will not fear, though the mountains be removed and cast into the midst of the sea. So what!"
You know if God is your refuge and your strength, you don't need to fear. People can you know come around with all kinds of doomsday notions and prophecies, but it doesn't stir me. It doesn't worry me. Now, I wouldn't blame God if He did shake California off into the Pacific, at least Hollywood and San Francisco. And I think He would be justified in doing so. But my trust is in God, always. Now, I don't care where you go, you can't really escape. You can't really run from danger. Face it, living is dangerous. No matter where you are you are surrounded with danger, and you can't really hide from danger. What you can have is the security of God, no matter what calamity or catastrophe may befall. Your life can be hid in Christ, in God, and thus secure. And if an earthquake comes and this whole place is leveled and I end up under the rubble of it all, the only thing that is going to end up under the rubble is this dumb old body. Me, I'll be soaring. So, because God is my refuge and strength, I cannot fear.
Though the waters of the sea roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof ( Psalms 46:3 ).
For there is something far more permanent than this earth and its uncertainties.
There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God ( Psalms 46:4 ),
In Ezekiel, in the description of the city of God, he speaks of the river that he saw that came out from under the throne of God. In the book of Revelation we are told also about the river in the city of God. And on either side of the river there are these trees that bear twelve manner of fruit. A different fruit every month. Tell me I'm not going to enjoy heaven. The leaves of the trees are for the healings of the nations. "There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God." Now this is what those in the Old Testament were looking for. It says that these all died in faith not having received the promise, but having seen it a far off they claimed it and they said, "I am just a stranger and a pilgrim here, I am looking for a city which hath foundation, whose maker and builder is God." And we need to have a light touch with this world and realize that we are just strangers and pilgrims; we are passing through. But we are looking for a city which hath foundation, whose maker and builder is God. There is a city with a stream. The river and the streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place of [his dwelling] the dwelling of the Most High. And God is in the midst of her ( Psalms 46:4-5 );
The glorious city of God, and He is dwelling in the midst of that city. And I plan to be there. And if the mountains are removed and cast into the sea, I'll be there that much sooner. I am not going to be here much longer at the best. Should we find glorious solutions for the world problems, should we be able to solve our energy crisis, our economic crisis, our diplomatic crisis, and all of the other crisis in which we are faced with today, I am not going to be around too much longer anyhow. I might be around twenty, twenty-five years. God forbid thirty. But I am not looking for a utopia here. I am looking for the city of God, where God dwells in the midst of that city.
[that city] will never be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. The heathen raged ( Psalms 46:5-6 ),
This is speaking of the Tribulation period before the great establishing of Christ upon the earth.
The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge ( Psalms 46:6-7 ).
Here is an interesting sweep, "The Lord of hosts, the God of Jacob." It is sort of an all-inclusive sweep. "The Lord of hosts," the hosts actually include the angelic hosts. Now we are told in the book of Revelation in chapter 5, as the angels join in to sing the chorus of the praise unto God, the song of praise for His worthiness to take the scroll, and it says, "And a hundred million plus millions of angels joined in singing, 'Worthy is the Lamb to receive glory and honor and dominion and authority and might and power.'" So the hosts, vast hosts of heaven; the Lord of hosts, Jehovah of hosts is with us.
And then he... that can be very... the Lord of hosts can be very remote from me, and see, that's vast. That's universal. That's way out here. And that can be quite impersonal to me. But he brings the sweep down and he says, "The God of Jacob is our refuge." Now in bringing the sweep down to the God of Jacob, now it's coming down to my level. The Lord of hosts is with us, but the God of Jacob is our refuge.
Jacob was not the most honorable man who ever lived. He took advantage of his brother's hunger and weakness, and traded a pot of red porridge for the birthright. Later he disguised himself to smell and to feel like his brother to go in and deceive his aged blind father, in order that he might steal his brother's blessing. He so incurred the wrath of his brother that his brother found only one solace, and he said, "I am going to kill that rat, as soon as Dad dies." And he was just comforting himself with the thought I am going to kill him. And so Jacob, knowing that his brother was out for vengeance and blood, fled to his uncle. And there with his uncle, he began to manipulate the wealth of the family, until Jacob, actually, when he started back home, was leaving with most of his uncle's wealth. He was cunning, he was conniving, he was deceitful. And yet, God said that he was the God of Jacob.
Now, I like that lower sweep, because in that lower sweep it includes me. If He can be the God of Jacob, He can also be my God. Because, you see, I am not the most upright, wonderful, gracious person whoever lived. I've had my times, but I really don't think that I have been crooked as Jacob. So the fact that God would sweep a little lower than me gives me comfort and gives me hope. The Lord of hosts; vast, universal. The God of Jacob; down to my level.
Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the eaRuth ( Psalms 46:8 ).
Now, this is talking of the Kingdom Age, going ahead. First of all, the desolations when we come back to the earth, we are going to see the desolations on the earth that result from the Great Tribulation period. I do believe that a part of the Kingdom Age will be the rebuilding process of the earth that has been ravaged during the Great Tribulation. "Come behold the desolations that he hath made in the earth."
But he has made the wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaks the bow, and he cuts the spear in two; he burns the chariot in the fire ( Psalms 46:9 ).
And so the glorious Kingdom Age where they will beat their swords into plow shears and their spears into pruning hooks, and they will study war no more. The glorious thousand years of peace upon the earth as we dwell together in God's glorious kingdom. Living together in that glorious age, where righteousness covers the earth as waters cover the sea. Oh, what a glorious anticipation we have of that neat, neat time. Living on this earth, rejuvenated for the glorious kingdom of Christ.
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the eaRuth ( Psalms 46:10 ).
Just be still. Know that God is gonna work His purposes. The day will come; He will be exalted.
The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge ( Psalms 46:11 ). "
Copyright © 2014, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, Ca.
Smith, Charles Ward. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Smith's Bible Commentary".​commentaries/​csc/​psalms-46.html. 2014.
Dr. Constable's Expository Notes
Psalms 46
The psalmist magnified the Lord as His people’s secure defense. Some writers believed that King Hezekiah wrote this psalm after Yahweh’s deliverance from Sennacherib. [Note: E.g., ibid.] Wiersbe also believed Hezekiah may have written Psalms 47, 48. [Note: Ibid.] Just as Zion was secure because God dwelt there, so His people were safe because He resided among them.
"To Alamoth" in the title probably means female voices were to sing this psalm since the Hebrew word alamot means "maidens."
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Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Dr. Constable's Expository Notes".​commentaries/​dcc/​psalms-46.html. 2012.
Dr. Constable's Expository Notes
2. God’s presence in Zion 46:4-7
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Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Dr. Constable's Expository Notes".​commentaries/​dcc/​psalms-46.html. 2012.
Dr. Constable's Expository Notes
When nations lifted themselves up in opposition to God and Israel, the Lord overthrew them (cf. Psalms 2:1-2). His mighty word even caused the earth to melt, a figurative description of the awesome power of God (cf. Genesis 1). Therefore the God who preserved Jacob would also protect the Israelites. He controls the unseen armies of heaven. He is a Person to whom His people can flee for refuge when enemies attack.
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Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Dr. Constable's Expository Notes".​commentaries/​dcc/​psalms-46.html. 2012.
Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
The Heathen raged,.... As they did at Christ's first coming, against him, his Gospel, and people; and which continued during the three first centuries; and then the Pagan kingdoms belonging to the Roman empire were removed; since then another sort of Heathens, the Papists, have raged, in violent persecutions and bloodshed of the saints and martyrs of Jesus, and will rage again, about and at the downfall of Babylon; see Revelation 11:18;
the kingdoms were moved; either from their Pagan or Papal religion, and became subject to Christ. So it was at the downfall of Rome Pagan; and so it will be at the downfall of Rome Papal; when the kings of the earth shall hate the whore, make her desolate, and burn her flesh with fire. Or they shall be destroyed; that is, those that shall be gathered together in Armageddon, to make war with the Lamb; see
Revelation 16:14;
he uttered his voice, the earth melted; like wax, as the inhabitants of the earth do at the voice of his thunder, and as antichrist will at the breath of his mouth; and all within the Romish jurisdiction, signified by "the earth", as it often is in the book of the Revelation, when the voice of the mighty angel shall be heard, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen", Revelation 18:1.
The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernised and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rights Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.
A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855
Gill, John. "Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible".​commentaries/​geb/​psalms-46.html. 1999.
Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible
Confidence in God. | |
6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. 7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. 8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth. 9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. 10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
These verses give glory to God both as King of nations and as King of saints.
I. As King of nations, ruling the world by his power and providence, and overruling all the affairs of the children of men to his own glory; he does according to his will among the inhabitants of the earth, and none may say, What doest thou? 1. He checks the rage and breaks the power of the nations that oppose him and his interests in the world (Psalms 46:6; Psalms 46:6): The heathen raged at David's coming to the throne, and at the setting up of the kingdom of the Son of David; compare Psalms 2:1; Psalms 2:2. The kingdoms were moved with indignation, and rose in a tumultuous furious manner to oppose it; but God uttered his voice, spoke to them in his wrath, and they were moved in another sense, they were struck into confusion and consternation, put into disorder, and all their measures broken; the earth itself melted under them, so that they found no firm footing; their earthly hearts failed them for fear, and dissolved like snow before the sun. Such a melting of the spirits of the enemies is described, Judges 5:4; Judges 5:5; and see Luke 21:25; Luke 21:26. 2. When he pleases to draw his sword, and give it commission, he can make great havoc among the nations and lay all waste (Psalms 46:8; Psalms 46:8): Come, behold the works of the Lord; they are to be observed (Psalms 66:5), and to be sought out, Psalms 111:2. All the operations of Providence must be considered as the works of the Lord, and his attributes and purposes must be taken notice of in them. Particularly take notice of the desolations he has made in the earth, among the enemies of his church, who thought to lay the land of Israel desolate. The destruction they designed to bring upon the church has been turned upon themselves. War is a tragedy which commonly destroys the stage it is acted on; David carried the war into the enemies' country; and O what desolations did it make there! Cities were burnt, countries laid waste, and armies of men cut off and laid in heaps upon heaps. Come and see the effects of desolating judgments, and stand in awe of God; say, How terrible art thou in thy works!Psalms 66:3. Let all that oppose him see this with terror, and expect the same cup of trembling to be put into their hands; let all that fear him and trust in him see it with pleasure, and not be afraid of the most formidable powers armed against the church. Let them gird themselves, but they shall be broken to pieces. 3. When he pleases to sheathe his sword, he puts an end to the wars of the nations and crowns them with peace, Psalms 46:9; Psalms 46:9. War and peace depend on his word and will, as much as storms and calms at sea do, Psalms 107:25; Psalms 107:29. He makes wars to cease unto the end of the earth, sometimes in pity to the nations, that they may have a breathing-time, when, by long wars with each other, they have run themselves out of breadth. Both sides perhaps are weary of the war, and willing to let it fall; expedients are found out for accommodation; martial princes are removed, and peace-makers set in their room; and then the bow is broken by consent, the spear cut asunder and turned into a pruning-hook, the sword beaten into a ploughshare, and the chariots of war are burned, there being no more occasion for them; or, rather, it may be meant of what he does, at other times, in favour of his own people. He makes those wars to cease that were waged against them and designed for their ruin. He breaks the enemies' bow that was drawn against them. No weapon formed against Zion shall prosper,Isaiah 54:17. The total destruction of Gog and Magog is prophetically described by the burning of their weapons of war (Ezekiel 39:9; Ezekiel 39:10), which intimates likewise the church's perfect security and assurance of lasting peace, which made it needless to lay up those weapons of war for their own service. The bringing of a long war to a good issue is a work of the Lord, which we ought to behold with wonder and thankfulness.
II. As King of saints, and as such we must own that great and marvellous are his works,Revelation 15:3. He does and will do great things,
1. For his own glory (Psalms 46:10; Psalms 46:10): Be still, and know that I am God. (1.) Let his enemies be still, and threaten no more, but know it, to their terror, that he is God, one infinitely above them, and that will certainly be too hard for them; let them rage no more, for it is all in vain: he that sits in heaven, laughs at them; and, in spite of all their impotent malice against his name and honour, he will be exalted among the heathen and not merely among his own people, he will be exalted in the earth and not merely in the church. Men will set up themselves, will have their own way and do their own will; but let them know that God will be exalted, he will have his way will do his own will, will glorify his own name, and wherein they deal proudly he will be above them, and make them know that he is so. (2.) Let his own people be still; let them be calm and sedate, and tremble no more, but know, to their comfort, that the Lord is God, he is God alone, and will be exalted above the heathen; let him alone to maintain his honour, to fulfil his own counsels and to support his own interest in the world. Though we be depressed, yet let us not be dejected, for we are sure that God will be exalted, and that may satisfy us; he will work for his great name, and then no matter what becomes of our little names. When we pray, Father, glorify thy name, we ought to exercise faith upon the answer given to that prayer when Christ himself prayed it, I have both glorified it and I will glorify it yet again. Amen, Lord, so be it.
2. For his people's safety and protection. He triumphs in the former: I will be exalted; they triumph in this, Psalms 46:7; Psalms 46:7 and again Psalms 46:11; Psalms 46:11. It is the burden of the song, "The Lord of hosts is with us; he is on our side, he takes our part, is present with us and president over us; the God of Jacob is our refuge, to whom we may flee, and in whom we may confide and be sure of safety." Let all believers triumph in this. (1.) They have the presence of a God of power, of all power: The Lord of hosts is with us. God is the Lord of hosts, for he has all the creatures which are called the hosts of heaven and earth at his beck and command, and he makes what use he pleases of them, as the instruments either of his justice or of his mercy. This sovereign Lord is with us, sides with us, acts with us, and has promised he will never leave us. Hosts may be against us, but we need not fear them if the Lord of hosts be with us. (2.) They are under the protection of a God in covenant, who not only is able to help them, but is engaged in honour and faithfulness to help them. He is the God of Jacob, not only Jacob the person, but Jacob the people; nay, and of all praying people, the spiritual seed of wrestling Jacob; and he is our refuge, by whom we are sheltered and in whom we are satisfied, who by his providence secures our welfare when without are fightings, and who by his grace quiets our minds, and establishes them, when within are fears. The Lord of hosts, the God of Jacob, has been, is, and will be with us--has been, is and will be our refuge: the original includes all; and well may Selah be added to it. Mark this, and take the comfort of it, and say, If God be for us, who can be against us?
These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website.
Henry, Matthew. "Complete Commentary on Psalms 46:6". "Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible".​commentaries/​mhm/​psalms-46.html. 1706.