Lectionary Calendar
Friday, July 26th, 2024
the Week of Proper 11 / Ordinary 16
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Bible Commentaries
Job 7

Haydock's Catholic Bible CommentaryHaydock's Catholic Commentary

Verse 1

Warfare. Hebrew, "is it not determined" (Haydock) for some short space, as the Levites had to serve from 30 to 50 years of age; (Numbers iv. 3., and viii. 25.) and the days of a hireling are also defined and short, Isaias xvi. 14. (Amama) --- No soldier or hireling was ever treated so severely as Job. Yet they justly look for the term of their labours. Septuagint have Greek: peiraterion. Old Vulgate tentatio. "Is not the life of man a temptation?" (Calmet) --- Palæstra, school, or time given to learn the exercise of a soldier and wrestler; or of one who has to prepare himself for a spiritual warfare, and for heaven. (Haydock) --- Are we not surrounded with dangers? and may we not desire to be set at liberty? The Vulgate is very accurate, (Calmet) and includes all these senses. (Haydock) --- A soldier must be obedient even unto death, and never resist his superior. (Worthington) --- Hireling, who has no rest till the day is spent. (Calmet)

Verse 3

And have. Hebrew, "they have appointed for me." (Calmet) --- God treats me with more severity, as even the night is not a time of rest for me, and my months of service are without any present recompense. (Haydock)

Verse 4

And again. Hebrew, "and the night be completed, I toss to and fro," (Haydock) or "I am disturbed with dreams, (Calmet) till day break." Vulgate insinuates that night and day are equally restless to a man in extreme pain. (Haydock) --- As I find no comfort, why may I not desire to die? (Menochius) --- I desire to be dissolved, as being much better, said St. Paul. [Philippians i. 23.]

Verse 6

Web. Hebrew, "the weaver’s shuttle," chap. xvi. 23., and Isaias xxxviii. 12. (Haydock) --- The pagans have used the same comparison. But they make the three daughters of Necessity guide the thread of life. (Plato, Rep. xii.; Natal. iii. 6.) --- Septuagint, "my life is swifter than speech." Tetrapla, "than a runner." (Calmet) --- Hope. Heu fugit, &c. Ah! time is flying , never to return! (Haydock)

Verse 7

Wind. What is life compared with eternity, or even with past ages? (Calmet) --- "What is any one? Yea, what is no one? Men are the dream of a shadow," says Pindar; (Pyth. viii. Greek: Skias onar onthropoi) "like the baseless fabric of a vision." (Shakespeare)

Verse 8

Eyes, in anger, (Calmet) or thy mercy will come too late when I shall be no more.

Verse 9

Hell, or the grave. (Menochius) --- He was convinced of the resurrection. But he meant that, according to the natural course, we can have no means of returning to this world after we are dead.

Verse 10

More. This may be explained both of the soul and of the body, Psalm cii. 16. The former resides in the body for a short time, and then seems to take no farther notice of it (Calmet) till the resurrection.

Verse 11

Mouth. I will vent my bitter complaints before I die. (Haydock)

Verse 12

Sea. Ungovernable and malicious. Some of the ancients looked upon the sea as a huge animal, whose breathing caused the tides. (Strabo i.; Solin xxxii.) --- They represented its fury as proverbial. "Fire, the sea, and woman are three evils;" and they call the most savage people sons of Neptune. (Agel. xv. 21.) --- Am I so violent as to require such barriers? Am I capacious, or strong enough to bear such treatment? (Calmet)

Verse 15

Hanging. Protestants, "strangling and death, rather than my life," or Marginal note, "bones." (Haydock) --- Any species of Death would be preferable to this misery. (Calmet) --- Who would not entertain the same sentiments, if the fear of worse in the other world did not withhold him? But Job had reason to hope that his sorrows would end with his life. (Haydock) --- It is thought that he was dreadfully tempted to despair. (Calmet) --- Yet he resisted manfully, and overcame all attempts of the wicked one.

Verse 16

Hope of surviving this misery. (Haydock)

Verse 17

Magnify him, or put his to such severe trials. He is not worthy of thy attention. (Calmet) --- Hebrews ii. 6. (Haydock)

Verse 18

Suddenly. During his whole life, he is exposed to dangers; (Calmet) of if, at first, he taste some comfort, that is presently over. The greatest saints have experienced this treatment. (Haydock)

Verse 20

Sinned. I acknowledge my frailty. (Menochius) --- How may I obtain redress? (Calmet) --- Job’s friends maintained that he was guilty. But he does not acquiesce in their conclusion, that these sufferings were precisely in punishment of some crime, though he acknowledges that he is not without his faults. (Haydock) --- Shall. Hebrew also, "what have I done to thee?" I have only hurt myself. But this reasoning is nugatory. Though God loses nothing by our sins, they are not less offensive to him, as the rebel does his utmost to disturb the order which he has established. The sinner indeed resembles those brutal people, who hurl darts against the sun, which fall upon their own heads, chap. iii. 8. (Calmet) --- Opposite, as a butt to shoot at. (Haydock) --- Myself. Hebrew was formerly "to thee," till the Jews changed it, as less respectful. (Cajetan) --- Septuagint still read, "and why am I a burden to thee?" (Haydock) as I am under the necessity of complaining, in my own defence. (Calmet) --- I throw my grief upon the Lord, that He may support me, Psalm liv. 23., and 1 Peter v. 7. (Pineda)

Verse 21

Be. He lovingly expostulates with God, and begs that he would hasten his deliverance, lest it should be too late. (Calmet)

Verse 30


Bibliographical Information
Haydock, George Leo. "Commentary on Job 7". "Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/hcc/job-7.html. 1859.
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