the First Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
The Church Pulpit Commentary Church Pulpit Commentary
The Blessed Man Meditates on God's Law.Chapter 2
God's Anointed King Reigns Over Nations.Chapter 3
David's Morning Prayer During Absalom's Rebellion.Chapter 4
Evening Prayer for Deliverance and Peace.Chapter 5
Morning Prayer for Guidance and Protection.Chapter 6
Prayer for Mercy During Illness and Distress.Chapter 7
Prayer for Deliverance From Persecution and False Accusations.Chapter 8
God's Majesty in Creation and Human Dignity.Chapter 9
Praise for God's Justice and Deliverance of the Oppressed.Chapter 10
Prayer for God to Act Against the Wicked.Chapter 11
Trust in God's Righteous Judgment.Chapter 12
Prayer for Deliverance From Lies and Oppression.Chapter 13
Cry for Help and Trust in God's Salvation.Chapter 14
The Folly of Denying God; God's Concern for the Righteous.Chapter 15
The Character of Those Who Dwell With God.Chapter 16
A Song of Trust in God's Protection and Guidance.Chapter 17
Prayer for Protection From Enemies and Vindication.Chapter 18
David's Song of Thanksgiving for Deliverance.Chapter 19
God's Glory in Creation and His Perfect Law.Chapter 20
Prayer for the King's Victory in Battle.Chapter 21
Thanksgiving for the King's Victories Granted by God.Chapter 22
A Cry of Anguish and a Song of Praise.Chapter 23
The Lord Is My Shepherd; A Psalm of Trust.Chapter 24
The King of Glory and His Righteous People.Chapter 25
Prayer for Guidance, Forgiveness, and Deliverance.Chapter 26
Declaration of Integrity and Trust in God.Chapter 27
Confidence in God Amid Adversity.Chapter 28
Prayer for Help and Thanksgiving for Deliverance.Chapter 29
The Voice of God in the Storm; A Psalm of Glory.Chapter 30
Thanksgiving for Healing and Deliverance From Death.Chapter 31
Prayer for Deliverance and Confidence in God.Chapter 32
The Joy of Forgiveness and Protection From Trouble.Chapter 33
Praise for God's Creative Power and Sovereign Rule.Chapter 34
Praise and Exhortation to Trust in God's Deliverance.Chapter 35
Prayer for Vindication and Protection From Enemies.Chapter 36
The Wickedness of Man and the Lovingkindness of God.Chapter 37
Exhortation to Trust in God and Do Good.Chapter 38
Prayer of Repentance for Sin and Plea for Healing.Chapter 39
Reflection on the Brevity of Life and Trust in God.Chapter 40
Thanksgiving for Deliverance and Prayer for Continued Help.Chapter 41
Blessing on the Righteous and Prayer for Mercy in Sickness.Chapter 42
Longing for God Amid Distress and Separation.Chapter 43
Prayer for Deliverance and Hope in God.Chapter 44
Communal Lament Over Defeat and Plea for God's Help.Chapter 45
A Royal Wedding Song Celebrating the King.Chapter 46
God Is Our Refuge and Strength, Even Amid Trouble.Chapter 47
Praise to God, the King of All the Earth.Chapter 48
Praise for the Beauty and Strength of Jerusalem.Chapter 49
Wisdom Psalm: The Folly of Trusting in Wealth.Chapter 50
God's Judgment on His People's Faithfulness.Chapter 51
David's Prayer of Repentance After His Sin With Bathsheba.Chapter 52
A Rebuke of the Wicked and Trust in God's Steadfast Love.Chapter 53
The Fool Says There Is No God; God's Judgment on the Wicked.Chapter 54
Prayer for Deliverance From Enemies.Chapter 55
Prayer for God's Help Amid Betrayal and Fear.Chapter 56
Trust in God Despite Persecution and Suffering.Chapter 57
Prayer for Mercy and Confidence in God's Protection.Chapter 58
Judgment on the Wicked and Confidence in God's Justice.Chapter 59
Prayer for Deliverance From Enemies Who Lie in Wait.Chapter 60
Lament Over Defeat in Battle and Prayer for Victory.Chapter 61
Prayer for God's Protection and Guidance.Chapter 62
Trust in God Alone for Salvation and Security.Chapter 63
A Psalm of Thirsting for God in the Wilderness.Chapter 64
Prayer for Protection From Secret Plots of Enemies.Chapter 65
Praise for God's Providence in Nature and Redemption.Chapter 66
Praise for God's Mighty Works and Deliverance.Chapter 68
Praise for God's Power and Victories.Chapter 69
A Cry for Deliverance and Reproach From Enemies.Chapter 70
Prayer for Help and Speedy Deliverance.Chapter 71
Prayer for God's Help Throughout Life's Trials.Chapter 72
A Royal Psalm for the King's Justice and Righteousness.Chapter 73
The Prosperity of the Wicked and God's Ultimate Justice.Chapter 74
Lament Over the Destruction of the Temple and Plea for Help.Chapter 75
Thanksgiving for God's Justice and Judgment.Chapter 76
Praise for God's Power and Defense of Jerusalem.Chapter 77
A Lament and Meditation on God's Faithfulness.Chapter 78
A Recital of Israel's History and God's Faithfulness.Chapter 79
Lament Over the Destruction of Jerusalem.Chapter 80
Prayer for Restoration of God's People.Chapter 81
A Call to Listen to God and Avoid Idolatry.Chapter 82
God's Judgment of Unjust Rulers.Chapter 83
Prayer for God to Judge Israel's Enemies.Chapter 84
Longing for God's Presence in the Temple.Chapter 85
Prayer for Revival and Restoration.Chapter 86
David's Prayer for Mercy and Help.Chapter 87
Praise for Jerusalem, the City of God.Chapter 88
A Desperate Cry for God's Help Amid Suffering.Chapter 89
God's Covenant With David and Lament Over Its Apparent Failure.Chapter 90
Moses' Prayer for God's Mercy and Eternal Wisdom.Chapter 91
Confidence in God's Protection and Care.Chapter 92
A Song of Praise for God's Goodness and Righteousness.Chapter 93
God Reigns in Majesty and Power.Chapter 94
Prayer for God's Justice and Vengeance on the Wicked.Chapter 95
A Call to Worship and Obedience to God.Chapter 96
A New Song of Praise for God's Glory Among the Nations.Chapter 97
The Lord's Reign and Righteous Judgment Over the Earth.Chapter 98
A Song of Joy for God's Salvation and Justice.Chapter 99
God's Reign in Holiness and Justice.Chapter 100
A Psalm of Thanksgiving and Praise.Chapter 101
David's Commitment to Live Righteously as King.Chapter 102
A Lament for God's Mercy and Restoration of Zion.Chapter 103
Praise for God's Compassion and Forgiveness.Chapter 104
Praise for God's Creation and Sustaining Power.Chapter 105
Recital of God's Faithfulness to Israel.Chapter 106
Confession of Israel's Sins and God's Mercy.Chapter 107
Thanksgiving for God's Deliverance From Distress.Chapter 108
A Psalm of Confidence in God's Help and Victory.Chapter 109
Prayer for Vindication and Judgment on Enemies.Chapter 110
The Lord's Promised Victory and Eternal Priesthood.Chapter 111
Praise for God's Righteous Deeds and Faithfulness.Chapter 112
Blessings of the Righteous Who Fear the Lord.Chapter 113
Praise for God's Exaltation of the Lowly.Chapter 114
God's Power Displayed in the Exodus.Chapter 115
Glory to God Alone for His Help and Protection.Chapter 116
Thanksgiving for Deliverance From Death.Chapter 117
Praise the Lord, All Nations!Chapter 119
A Meditation on God's Law and Its Blessings.Chapter 120
Prayer for Deliverance From Lies and Deceit.Chapter 121
Trust in God's Help and Protection.Chapter 122
Joy in Going to the House of the Lord.Chapter 123
Prayer for Mercy Amid Scorn and Contempt.Chapter 124
Thanksgiving for God's Help Against Enemies.Chapter 125
Trust in God's Protection and Peace for the Righteous.Chapter 126
Joyful Remembrance of God's Restoration.Chapter 127
Dependence on God for Life's Blessings.Chapter 129
Confidence in God's Justice Amid Persecution.Chapter 130
A Cry for God's Mercy and Redemption.Chapter 131
Humility and Trust in God's Care.Chapter 132
A Prayer for God to Remember David's Devotion.Chapter 133
The Blessing of Unity Among God's People.Chapter 134
A Call to Praise God in His Sanctuary.Chapter 136
A Recital of God's Steadfast Love and Deeds.Chapter 137
A Lament for Jerusalem's Destruction in Exile.Chapter 138
Thanksgiving for God's Faithfulness and Protection.Chapter 139
Praise for God's Omniscience and Omnipresence.Chapter 140
Prayer for Protection From Evil Men.Chapter 141
Prayer for God's Help and Guarding of Righteous Speech.Chapter 142
A Cry for Help When Trapped in a Cave.Chapter 143
Prayer for Deliverance and Guidance in Adversity.Chapter 144
Prayer for Deliverance and Blessing on the Nation.Chapter 145
Praise for God's Greatness, Mercy, and Kingdom.Chapter 146
Trust in God, not Princes; His Care for the Needy.Chapter 147
Praise for God's Restoration of Jerusalem and Care for Creation.Chapter 148
Call for All Creation to Praise the Lord.Chapter 149
Praise the Lord with Song and Dance, Celebrating His People.Chapter 150
Final Call to Praise God with All Instruments and Voices.
- Psalms
by Editor - James Nisbet
Psalms 1:2 God’s Revealed Will
Psalms 1:3 Three Aspects of Godly Character
Psalms 2:1 The Ideal King
Psalms 3:5 God’s Protection of the Helpless in Sleep
Psalms 4:4 Self-Communion
Psalms 5:7 Worship a Sight of God
Psalms 6:10 An Intolerant Psalmist
Psalms 7:12 The Patient God
Psalms 8:4 God Mindful of Man
Psalms 9:10 They that know God trust Him
Psalms 10:17-18 A Sympathetic God
Psalms 11:3 Foundations
Psalms 12:5 Good Cheer for Bad Times
Psalms 13:1 Seeming Desertion—Its Cause and Cure
Psalms 14:1 No God!
Psalms 15:5 The Godly Man
Psalms 16:3 His Delights are with the Sons of Men
Psalms 17:15 Satisfied
Psalms 18:28 Light in the Darkness
Psalms 19:12 Secret Faults
Psalms 20:5 God’s Name
Psalms 21:13 Thanksgiving for Victory
Psalms 22:19 The Greatest of the Passion Psalms
Psalms 22:20 The Power of the Dog
Psalms 23:4 The Abiding Presence
Psalms 24:1-2 The Earth is the Lord’s
Psalms 25:14 The Open Secret
Psalms 26:8‘Domus, O quam Dilecta!’
Psalms 26:8 The Place where Thine Honour dwelleth
Psalms 27:1‘Dominus Illuminatio Mea’
Psalms 27:11 A Docile Learner
Psalms 28:1 A Silent God
Psalms 29:10 The Blessing of Peace
Psalms 30:12 Joy for Heaviness; Gladness for Sackcloth
Psalms 31:20 God’s Promise
Psalms 32:3-4 The Comfort of Repentance
Psalms 33:18‘Thou, God, Seest Me!’
Psalms 34:1-8‘Benedicam Domino’
Psalms 35:25 Mean Prayers
Psalms 36:1-2 Guilt!
Psalms 37:3 Remedies for Despondency
Psalms 38:2 In a Sore Plight
Psalms 39:12-13 The Pilgrim’s Prayer
Psalms 40:7 The Self-Consecration of Messiah
Psalms 41:5; Psalms 41:10 Human Foes and Divine Friend
Psalms 42:1 Athirst for God
Psalms 43:3 Light and Truth
Psalms 44:14 Why do God’s Saints Suffer?
Psalms 45:3-4 Messiah’s Conquests
Psalms 46:1 God a Strong Refuge
Psalms 47:7‘Worship the King’
Psalms 48:8 The City of Our God
Psalms 49:18 Success
Psalms 50:3; Psalms 50:21 The Silence of God
Psalms 51:10 A Clean Heart
Psalms 51:17 Acceptable Sacrifices
Psalms 52:9 The Name to Trust in
Psalms 53:1-2 The Folly of Atheism
Psalms 54:1 The Name that Saves
Psalms 55:22 A Burden-bearing God
Psalms 56:8‘He Careth for You’
Psalms 57:7‘My Heart is Fixed’
Psalms 58:1-5‘Faith in Righteousness’
Psalms 58:1 Set on being Righteous
Psalms 59:10 The Merciful God
Psalms 60:12‘God is our refuge and our strength’
Psalms 61:2 The Rock of Ages
Psalms 62:2 Faith Triumphant
Psalms 62:5 Waiting upon God
Psalms 63:1 Man’s Relation to God
Psalms 64:1 God the Defence of the Persecuted
Psalms 65:2 The Hearer of Prayer
Psalms 66:14 Testimony for God
Psalms 67:3 God’s Name be Praised
Psalms 68:13 A Hymn of Triumph
Psalms 68:28 Divine Strength
Psalms 69:23 Misused Privileges an Occasion of Falling
Psalms 70:1 God the Hope of the Despairing
Psalms 71:16 A Motto for the New Year
Psalms 72:8 Messiah’s Reign
Psalms 73:15-16 The Rectifying Influence of the Sanctuary
Psalms 74:11 God as Silent and Inactive
Psalms 74:16 Alternations and Consolations
Psalms 75:7 A Psalm of the Divine Judgment
Psalms 76:9 Divine Judgment and its Lessons
Psalms 77:4 The Psalm of the Sleepless Night
Psalms 78:19‘Limiting the Holy One’
Psalms 79:8 God the Hope of the Distressed
Psalms 80:17 The Divine Man
Psalms 81:12-13 Abandoned of God
Psalms 82:8 God as Judge
Psalms 83:3‘Thy Hidden Ones’
Psalms 84:10 Delight in God’s House
Psalms 85:8 Listening to God
Psalms 86:3 Daily Prayer
Psalms 87:1 The Holy Hills
Psalms 88:5 Free among the Dead
Psalms 89:49 The Failure of Faith
Psalms 90:16 A Message of Undying Hope
Psalms 91:13 Victor in Life’s Battle
Psalms 92:12 Palm-Tree Christians
Psalms 93:1 The Kingdom of God
Psalms 94:19 Good Thoughts in Bad Times
Psalms 95:1; Psalms 95:6 Worship and Rest
Psalms 96:7 The Excellence of the Gospel
Psalms 97:10 Life and Character
Psalms 98:1 The New Song
Psalms 99:8 Pardon with Punishment
Psalms 100:5 Divine Goodness and Truth
Psalms 101:2 The Hallowing of Family Life
Psalms 102:16 God’s Home in Zion
Psalms 103:5 Life’s Perpetual Renewal
Psalms 104:34 Sweet Thoughts of God
Psalms 105:17 God’s Previsions
Psalms 106:24 Man’s Acceptance or Rejection of God
Psalms 107:7 The Right Road
Psalms 108:10 Opened City Gates
Psalms 109:8 Responsibility of Office
Psalms 110:4 The Order of Melchizedek
Psalms 111:9 Reverence toward God
Psalms 112:1 Who is Blessed?
Psalms 113:1 The Lord’s Name be Praised!
Psalms 114:7-8‘The God that doeth Wonders’
Psalms 115:16 Heaven and Earth Contrasted
Psalms 116:8 God’s Deliverance
Psalms 117 The Shortest Psalm
Psalms 118:17 The Cry of Faith and Joy
Psalms 119:18 Wondrous Things
Psalms 119:50 Comfort and Life
Psalms 119:71 The Discipline of Pain
Psalms 119:94 Salvation
Psalms 119:113 A Good Hater
Psalms 120:1 A Case of Distress
Psalms 121:1 Help from the Hills
Psalms 122:1 Joy in Public Worship
Psalms 122:2 Within the Gates
Psalms 123:2 God’s Faithful Servants
Psalms 124:8 The Divine Helper
Psalms 125:2 God’s Encompassing
Psalms 126:2 Godly Mirth
Psalms 127:2‘If he sleep, he shall do well’
Psalms 128 The Picture of a Godly Man
Psalms 129:8 God’s Blessing
Psalms 130:7 Plenteous Redemption
Psalms 131:2 A Hymn of Heart’s-Ease
Psalms 132:6 The Sacred Ark
Psalms 133:1 Christian Unity
Psalms 134:1; Psalms 134:3 Mutual Benediction
Psalms 135:1 Sentiment and Argument
Psalms 136:1‘His Mercy Endureth for Ever’
Psalms 137:4 No Heart to Sing
Psalms 138:2 God’s Wonderful Word
Psalms 139:1-2 The Indwelling God
Psalms 140:5-6 God the Soul’s Refuge
Psalms 141:2 Incense and Offering
Psalms 142:7 The Victory of Faith
Psalms 143:7-11 Rest and Service
Psalms 144:1‘It God be for Me, Who can be against Me?’
Psalms 145:15 For a Harvest Festival
Psalms 146:2 The Praise Book of the Jewish Church
Psalms 147:2-5 God’s Building
Psalms 148:14 Near unto God
Psalms 149:1 A Hymn of Salvation
Psalms 150:1-3; Psalms 150:6 Hallelujah!
Psalms 150:1-3; Psalms 150:6 ( Second Outline)