the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes Bullinger's Companion Notes
Genealogy of Jesus; Birth of Christ.Chapter 2
Visit of the Magi; Flight to Egypt.Chapter 3
John the Baptist; Jesus' Baptism.Chapter 4
Temptation of Jesus; Beginning of Ministry.Chapter 5
Sermon on the Mount; Beatitudes.Chapter 6
Teachings on Prayer; Treasures in Heaven.Chapter 7
Judging Others; Narrow Gate; Wise Builders.Chapter 8
Miracles of Healing; Calm Sea.Chapter 9
Healing of Paralytic; Call of Matthew.Chapter 10
Mission of the Twelve Apostles; Instructions.Chapter 11
Jesus' Praise of John; Invitation to Rest.Chapter 12
Jesus' Authority; Sabbath Controversies; Parables.Chapter 13
Parables of the Kingdom; Explanation to Disciples.Chapter 14
Feeding the 5,000; Walking on Water.Chapter 15
Traditions Versus Commandments; Healing of Canaanite Woman's Daughter.Chapter 16
Peter's Confession; Jesus Predicts His Death.Chapter 17
Transfiguration; Healing of a Demon-Possessed Boy.Chapter 18
Teachings on Humility; Forgiveness; Church Discipline.Chapter 19
Teachings on Marriage; Rich Young Ruler.Chapter 20
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard; Jesus' Prediction.Chapter 21
Triumphal Entry; Cleansing of the Temple.Chapter 22
Parables of the Wedding Banquet; Questions from Pharisees.Chapter 23
Woes to the Pharisees; Hypocrisy Denounced.Chapter 24
Olivet Discourse; Signs of the End Times.Chapter 25
Parables of the Ten Virgins; Talents; Judgment.Chapter 26
Plot to Kill Jesus; Last Supper; Gethsemane.Chapter 27
Jesus' Trial; Crucifixion; Death and Burial.Chapter 28
Resurrection; Great Commission; Jesus' Appearance.
- Matthew
by E.W. Bullinger
Mat THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW THE STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK AS A WHOLE. "BEHOLD THY KING" (Zechariah 9:9 , Matthew 21:5 ). Matthew 1:1 - Matthew 2:23 . PRE-MINISTERIAL. Matthew 3:1-4 . THE FORERUNNER. Matthew 3:5-17 . THE BAPTISM:WITH WATER. Matthew 4:1-11 . THE TEMPTATION:IN THE WILDERNESS. Matthew 4:12 - Matthew 7:29 . THE KINGDOM Matthew 8:1 - Matthew 16:20 . THE KING Matthew 16:21 - Matthew 20:34 . THE KING Matthew 21:1 - Matthew 26:35 . THE KINGDOM Matthew 26:36-46 . THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN. Matthew 26:47 - Matthew 28:15 . THE BAPTISM:OF SUFFERING (DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION, Matthew 20:22 ). Matthew 28:16-18 . THE SUCCESSORS. Matthew 28:19-20 . POST-MINISTERIAL. NOTES ON MATTHEW''S GOSPEL The Divine purpose in the Gospel by MATTHEW is to set forth the Lord as Jehovah''s King. Hence those events in His ministry are singled out and emphasized which set forth His claims as the Messiah sent to fulfill all the prophecies concerning Him. Compared with Mark and Luke, Matthew has no less than, thirty-one sections which are peculiar to his Gospel; and all more or less bearing on the King and the Kingdom, which are the special subjects of this Gospel. I. Four events connected with His infancy: The Visit of the Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-15 ). The Massacre at Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16-18 ). The Flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:19-22 ). The Return to Nazareth (Matthew 2:23 ). II. Ten Parables: The Tares (Matthew 13:24-30 ). The Labourers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16 ). The Hid Treasure (Matthew 13:44 ). The Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32 ). The Pearl (Matthew 13:45 ). The Marriage of the King''s Son (Matthew 22:1-14 ). The Drag-net (Matthew 13:47 ). The Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13 ). The Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18:23-35 ). The Talents (Matthew 25:14-46 ). III. Two Miracles: The Two Blind Men (Matthew 20:30-34 ). The Coin in the Fish''s Mouth (Matthew 17:24-27 ). IV. Nine Special Discourses: The Sermon on the Mount (Mat 5-7). The Invitation to the Weary (Matthew 11:28-30 ). Idle Words (Matthew 12:36 , Matthew 12:37 ). The Revelation to Peter (Matthew 16:17-19 ). See Appdx-147. Humility and Forgiveness (Matthew 18:15-35 ). His Rejection of that Generation (Matthew 21:43 ). The Eight Woes (23. See Appdx-126). The Prophecy on Olivet (Matthew 24:1-51 ; Matthew 25:1-46 ). See Appdx-155. The Commission and Promise (Matthew 28:18-20 ). See Appdx-167. V. Six events in connection with His Passion: The Conspiracy and Suicide of Judas (Matthew 26:14-16 ; Matthew 27:3-11 ). The Dream of Pilate''s Wife (Matthew 27:19 ). The Resurrection of Saints after His Resurrection (Matthew 27:52 , Matthew 27:53 ). The suggested Plot about His Body (Matthew 27:62-64 ). The Watch at the Sepulchre (Matthew 27:65 , Matthew 27:66 ). The Earthquake on the Resurrection Morning (Matthew 28:2 ). Most of these have to do with the special object of this Gospel. The words and expressions peculiar to this Gospel have the same purpose:such as "the Kingdom of heaven", which occurs thirty-two times, and not once in any other Gospel; "Father in heaven", which occurs fifteen times in Matthew, only twice in Mark, and not once in Luke*; "son of David", ten times in Matthew, three in Mark, and three in Luke; "the end of the age", only in Matthew; "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken", nine times in Matthew, and nowhere else; "that which was spoken", or "it was spoken", fourteen times in Matthew, and nowhere else. + Altogether, Matthew has sixty references to the Old Testament, for the Law and the Prophets were fulfilled in the coming of the Messiah. The verb rheo occurs twenty times in Matthew (fourteen times of the prophets, and six times in the Sermon on the Mount, rendered "say", Matthew 5:21 , Matthew 5:27 , Matthew 5:31 , Matthew 5:33 , Matthew 5:38 , Matthew 5:43 .). The question of modern critics as to the source whence the Evangelists got their material does not arise; for, as in the case of Luke (Matthew 1:3 ), it was revealed to them "from above" (Gr. anothen ); see note there. Hence the Divine purpose in Luke is to present the Lord not merely as "perfect God" (as in Luke 1:32-35 and in John); His birth and infancy in Luke''s Gospel. *Luke 11:2 , "which is in heaven", being omitted by all the critical texts. See Appdx-94. VII. + Mark 13:0 ;Mark 14:0 , "spoken of by Daniel the prophet", being omitted by all the critical texts See Appdx-94. VII. Matthew 1:1 - Matthew 2:23 . PRE-MINISTERIAL. Matthew 1:1-17 . Concerning others. Ancestors. Matthew 1:18-25 . Concerning Jesus Christ. Birth in the Land. Matthew 2:1-12 . Concerning others. The Wise Men. Matthew 2:13-23 . Concerning Jesus Christ. Flight from the Land. Matthew 1:1-17 . CONCERNING OTHERS. ANCESTORS. Matthew 1:1 -. Jesus Christ. - Matthew 1:1 -. David. In Sum. Ascent. - Matthew 1:1 . Abraham. Matthew 1:2-6 -. The Lay Ancestors:Abraham to David (1 Samuel 16:13 ). Fourteen Generations ( v. 17). - Matthew 1:6-11 . The Royal, or Crowned, Ancestors:David (2 Samuel 5:3-5 ) to Josiah. Fourteen Generations ( v . 17). Matthew 1:12-16 . The Lay Ancestors:Jeconiah to Christ. Fourteen Generations ( v . 17). Matthew 1:17 -. Abraham. - Matthew 1:17 -. David. In Sum. Descent. - Matthew 1:17 . Jesus Christ Matthew 1:18-25 . CONCERNING JESUS CHRIST. HIS BIRTH. Matthew 1:18-19 . Begetting. Matthew 1:20 . The angel of Jehovah. Matthew 1:21 . Prophecy delivered. Matthew 1:22-23 . Prophecy quoted. Matthew 1:24 . The angel of Jehovah. Matthew 1:25 . Birth. Matthew 2:1-12 . CONCERNING OTHERS. THE WISE MEN. Matthew 2:1 . The Wise Men. Arrival. Matthew 2:2 . The Star. Notification. Matthew 2:3 . Herod hears of the Wise Men. Matthew 2:4 . His Question to Rulers. "Where ?" Matthew 2:5-6 . Their Answer. Matthew 2:7 -. His Question to the Wise Men. "What Time ?" - Matthew 2:7-8 . Their Mission. 9-. Wise Men hear Herod. - Matthew 2:9-11 . The Star. Guiding. Matthew 2:12 . The Wise Men. Departure. Matthew 2:13-23 . CONCERNING JESUS CHRIST. FLIGHT FROM THE LAND. Matthew 2:13 -. The Angel. - Matthew 2:13 . His Command to Joseph. Matthew 2:14 . Joseph''s Obedience. Event. Matthew 2:15 -. Christ''s abode. Egypt. - Matthew 2:15 . Prophecy fulfilled. Matthew 2:16 . Herod''s wrath and crime. Event. Matthew 2:17-18 . Prophecy fulfilled. Matthew 2:19 . The Angel. Matthew 2:20 . His Command. Event. Matthew 2:21 . Joseph''s Obedience. Matthew 2:22-23 -. Christ''s abode. Nazareth. - Matthew 2:23 . Prophecy fulfilled. Matthew 3:1-4 . THE FORERUNNER. Matthew 3:1 -. John. Time. - Matthew 3:1 . His Proclamation. Matthew 3:2 . Subject. Repentance. Matthew 3:3 -. Isaiah. - Matthew 3:3 -. His cry. - Matthew 3:3 . Subject. Preparation. Matthew 3:4 . John. Manner. Matthew 3:5-17 . BAPTISM. Matthew 3:5 . The Coming of the People to John. Matthew 3:6 . Their Baptism. Matthew 3:7-9 . John''s Warning. Matthew 3:10-12 . John''s Threatening. Matthew 3:13 . The Coming of Messiah to John. Matthew 3:14-17 . His Baptism. Matthew 3:10-12 . JOHN''S THREATENING. Matthew 3:10 . Warning. The "Ax" and the "Fire". Matthew 3:11 -. John''s Baptism. - Matthew 3:11 -. Christ and John. - Matthew 3:11 . Christ''s Baptism. Matthew 3:12 . Warning. The "Fan" and the "Fire". Matthew 4:1-11 . THE TEMPTATION. Matthew 4:1-3 -. Before the Temptation. - Matthew 4:3-10 . The Separate Temptations. Matthew 4:11 . After the Temptation. Matthew 4:3-10 . THE SEPARATE TEMPTATIONS. Matthew 4:3 . = Temptation. "If Thou be". Matthew 4:4 -. Answer. "It is written". - Matthew 4:4 . Scripture. Deuteronomy 8:3 . Deuteronomy 8:5 , Deuteronomy 8:6 . Temptation. "If Thou be". Matthew 4:7 -. Answer. "It is written". - Matthew 4:7 . Scripture. Deuteronomy 6:16 . Deuteronomy 6:8 , Deuteronomy 6:9 . Temptation. "If Thou wilt". Matthew 4:10 -. Answer. "It is written". - Matthew 4:10 . Scripture. Deuteronomy 6:13 ; Deuteronomy 10:20 . Matthew 4:12 - Matthew 26:35 . THE LORD''S FOUR-FOLD MINISTRY. Matthew 4:12 - Matthew 7:29 . THE FIRST PERIOD. Subject:The Proclamation of The Kingdom, and Call to Repentance (Matthew 4:17 ). "Sermon on the Mount" unnamed (Matthew 5:1 - Matthew 7:29 ). The Laws of the Kingdom. Matthew 8:1 - Matthew 16:20 . THE SECOND PERIOD. Subject:The Proclamation of The King. His Person as "Lord"(Matthew 8:2 , Matthew 8:6 , Matthew 8:8 ) and "Man" 8:20). Miracles of Creation, manifesting His Deity; and of Compassion, declaring His Humanity. Matthew 16:21 - Matthew 20:34 . THE THIRD PERIOD. Subject:The Rejection of The King. Parabolic Miracles (Luke 17:14 ; Blind men, Matthew 20:30-34 ). Matthew 21:1 - Matthew 26:35 . THE FOURTH PERIOD. Subject:The Rejection of The Kingdom. Parables and Teaching as to the coming change of Dispensation, while the Kingdom should be in abeyance . The Sermon on the Mount (Olives), Matthew 24:1 - Matthew 25:46 . Miracles: Parabolic and Prophetic:Lazarus (John 11:0 ), and the withered Fig-tree (Mark 11:12-14 , Mark 11:20 , Mark 11:21 ). Matthew 4:12 Mark 7:29 . THE FIRST PERIOD OF THE MINISTRY. PROCLAMATION OF THE KINGDOM. Matthew 4:12-15 . The Lord. Departure to Galilee. Matthew 4:16 . Dept of the great darkness. The People sitting in it. Matthew 4:17 . The Kingdom proclaimed. Words. Matthew 4:18-22 . Disciples called. Matthew 4:23 -. The Kingdom proclaimed. Works. Matthew 4:24-25 . Fame of the "Great Light". The People following it. Matthew 5:1 - Matthew 7:29 . Disciples taught. Matthew 4:18-22 . DISCIPLES CALLED. Matthew 4:18 . Two Brethren (Peter and Andrew). Matthew 4:19 . Their Call. Matthew 4:20 . Their Obedience. Matthew 4:21 -. Two Brethren (James and John). - Matthew 4:21 . Their Call. Matthew 4:22 . Their Obedience. Matthew 5:1 - Matthew 7:29 . DISCIPLES TAUGHT. "THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT". Matthew 5:1-2 . Introduction. Matthew 5:3-12 . Characters. True Happiness. Matthew 5:13-16 . True Disciples. Matthew 5:17 - Matthew 7:12 . The Kingdom. Its Laws. Matthew 7:13-14 . The Kingdom. Entrance into it. Matthew 7:15-23 . False Teachers. Matthew 7:4-27 . Characters. True Wisdom. Matthew 7:28-29 . Conclusion. Matthew 5:3-12 . CHARACTERS. Matthew 5:3 . Heirs of the Kingdom. Matthew 5:4 . Mourners. Reward for Mourners. Matthew 5:5 . Inheritance. Earthly. Matthew 5:6 . True righteousness. Matthew 5:7 . Fruits of righteousness. Matthew 5:8 . Inheritance. Heavenly. Matthew 5:9 . Peacemakers. Reward for Peacemakers. Matthew 5:10-12 . Heirs of the Kingdom. Matthew 5:13-16 . TRUE DISCIPLES. Matthew 5:13 . In the earth. Salt. Matthew 5:14 -. The Light. - Matthew 5:14 . In the earth. A City. Matthew 5:15-16 . A Lamp. Matthew 5:17 - Matthew 7:12 . THE KINGDOM (THE LAWS OF IT). Matthew 5:17-20 . They fulfill the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 5:21-48 . They transcend the Law of Moses. Matthew 6:1 - Matthew 7:11 . They excel the Traditions of the Elders. Matthew 7:12 . They fulfill the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 5:21-48 . THEY TRANSCEND THE LAW OF MOSES. Matthew 5:21-26 . The Law of Murder. Commandant VI. Matthew 5:27-32 . The Law of Adultery. Commandant VII. Matthew 5:33-37 . The Law of Perjury. Commandant III. Matthew 5:38-42 . The Law of Retaliation. (Exodus 21:25 .Leviticus 24:20 . Deuteronomy 19:21 .) Deu 19:43-48 . The Law of Love. (Leviticus 19:18 .) Matthew 6:1 - Matthew 7:11 . THEY EXCEL THE TRADITION OF THE ELDERS. Matthew 6:1 . Introduction. Matthew 6:2-4 . As to Alms giving. Matthew 6:5-15 . As to Prayer. Matthew 6:16-18 . As to Fasting. Matthew 6:19-24 . As to Riches. Matthew 6:25-34 ; Matthew 7:1-11 . As to Cares, &c. Matthew 8:1 - Matthew 16:13 . THE SECOND PERIOD OF THE MINISTRY. PROCLAMATION OF THE KING. Matthew 8:19 ; Mat 8:38 . The Lord. His Person. Proclaimed as "Lord" and "Son of Man". Witness and Evidences begun. Miracles and Calls. Matthew 10:1-42 . Mission of the Twelve begun. Matthew 11:1-2 . Miracles. Matthew 11:3-6 . Effects. Matthew 11:7-30 . Teaching. Matthew 12:1-8 . Results. Opposition of Pharisees. Matthew 12:9-13 . Miracles. Matthew 12:14-50 . Effects. Matthew 13:1-53 . Teaching. Matthew 13:54-58 . Results. Opposition of His own kindred. Matthew 14:1-12 . Mission of John Baptist ended. Matthew 14:13-36 . Miracles. Matthew 15:1-2 . Effects. Matthew 15:3-11 . Teaching. Matthew 15:12-20 . Result. Opposition of Pharisees. Matthew 15:21-39 . Miracles. Matthew 16:1-4 . Effect. Matthew 16:5-12 . Teaching. Matthew 16:13-16 . Result. Opposition complete. Matthew 16:17-20 . The Lord, Messiah. Declared. Witness and Evidences ended. Matthew 8:5-13 . THE PALSY. Matthew 8:5-7 . Servant sick. Matthew 8:8-9 . Word. Sufficiency. Matthew 8:10-12 . The Divine Command. Matthew 8:13 -. Word. Efficacy. - Matthew 8:13 . Servant healed. Matthew 8:1 - Matthew 9:38 . THE LORD. HIS PERSON. PROCLAIMED AS "LORD" AND "SON OF MAN" (Matthew 8:20 ). MIRACLES AND CALLS. Matthew 8:1-4 . The Leper. Matthew 8:5-13 . The Palsy. Matthew 8:1-16 . Matthew 8:14-15 . The Fever. Four Miracles. Matthew 8:16 . Many. Matthew 8:17 . Testimony. (Isaiah.) Matthew 8:18-22 . Disciples. Waverers. Matthew 8:23-27 . The Storm. Matthew 8:28-31 . Two Deu 8:23 ; Deuteronomy 9:8 . Deu 8:32-34 . The Swine. Four Miracles. Matthew 9:1-8 . The Palsy. Matthew 9:9 . Disciple. True. (Matthew.) Matthew 9:10-17 . Testimony. (People). Matthew 9:18-26 . Two Women. Matthew 9:27-31 . Two Blind Men. Matthew 9:18-35 . Matthew 9:32-34 . Dumb demon. Four Miracles. Matthew 9:35 . Many. Matthew 9:36-37 . Testimony. (His own.) Matthew 9:38 . Disciples. (Prayer for.) Matthew 8:18-22 . DISCIPLES. WAVERERS. Matthew 8:18-19 . A Scribe. Forwardness. Matthew 8:20 . Discouragement. Matthew 8:21 . A Disciple. Backwardness. Matthew 8:22 . Encouragement. Matthew 8:23-27 . THE STORM. Matthew 8:23-24 -. Tempest arising. - Matthew 8:24 . The Lord asleep. Matthew 8:25 . Disciples awakening Him. Matthew 8:26 -. Disciples reproached by Him. - Matthew 8:26 -. The Lord arising. - Matthew 8:26 . Tempest calmed. Matthew 9:1-8 . THE PALSY. Matthew 9:1-2 -. Palsied Man brought. - Matthew 9:2 . Forgiveness declared. Matthew 9:3 . Scribes. Evil thoughts entertained. Matthew 9:4 . Scribes. Evil thoughts challenged. Matthew 9:5-6 . Forgiveness. Power claimed. Matthew 9:7-8 . Palsied Man healed. Matthew 9:10-17 . TESTIMONY. TWO QUESTIONS. Matthew 9:10-11 . Question of Pharisees to His disciples. Matthew 9:12 . Proverb. An- Matthew 9:13 . Application. swer. Matthew 9:14 . Question of John''s disciples to Him. Matthew 9:15 . Proverb. An- Matthew 9:16-17 . Application. swer. Matthew 9:18-26 . TWO WOMEN. Matthew 9:18-19 . The Ruler''s daughter. Dead. Matthew 9:20-21 . The Woman''s faith. Exercised. Matthew 9:22 . The Woman''s faith. Rewarded. Matthew 9:23-26 . The Ruler''s daughter. Raised. Matthew 9:27-31 . TWO BLIND MEN. Matthew 9:27 . Blind men. Their prayer. Matthew 9:28-30 -. The Lord. Compliance. - Matthew 9:30 . The Lord. Command. Matthew 9:31 . Blind men. Their disobedience. Matthew 10:1-42 . MISSION OF THE TWELVE (BEGUN). Matthew 10:1-4 . Mission. Matthew 10:5-6 . Injunctions. Matthew 10:7-13 . Their reception. Matthew 10:14-15 . Their rejection. Matthew 10:16 -. Mission. - Matthew 10:16-17 -. Injunctions. - Matthew 10:17-39 . Their rejection. Matthew 10:40-42 . Their reception. Matthew 10:17-39 . THEIR REJECTION. Matthew 10:17-23 . Enmity. Matthew 10:24-33 . Encouragement. Matthew 10:34-36 . Enmity. Matthew 10:37-39 . Encouragement. - Matthew 10:17-23 . ENMITY. - Matthew 10:17-18 . Enmity. Men. Matthew 10:19-20 . Promise. Defence. Matthew 10:21-22 -. Enmity. Brethren. - Matthew 10:22 . Promise. Endurance. Matthew 10:24-33 . ENCOURAGEMENT. Matthew 10:24-25 . Encouragement. Matthew 10:26 . "Fear not". Matthew 10:27 . Encouragement. Matthew 10:28 . "Fear not". Matthew 10:29-30 . Encouragement. Matthew 10:31 . "Fear not". Matthew 10:32-33 . Encouragement. Matthew 11:7-30 . TEACHING. Matthew 11:7-9 . Ministry of John. Matthew 11:10 . Word of God. Fulfillment of "Messenger". Matthew 11:11-13 . Ministry of John. Matthew 11:14-15 . Word. of God. Fulfillment of Elijah. Matthew 11:16-24 . Ministry of Messiah. Matthew 11:25-30 . Will of God. Rest in. Matthew 11:28-30 . REST. OURS. GIVEN AND FOUND. Matthew 11:28 -. Our burden heavy. - Matthew 11:28 . His rest given. Matthew 11:29 -. Command. "Take", &c. - Matthew 11:29 -. Command. Reason. "For". - Matthew 11:29 . Our rest found. Matthew 11:30 . His burden light. Matthew 12:9-13 . MIRACLES. Matthew 12:9-10 -. Withered hand. - Matthew 12:10 -. Question of the enemies. - Matthew 12:10 . Purpose. Accusation. Matthew 12:11-12 . Questions of the Lord''s. Matthew 12:13 . Withered hand. Matthew 12:14-50 . EFFECTS. Matthew 12:14 . Proposed destruction of the Lord by enemies. Matthew 12:15-21 . The Word of God. Fulfilled. Matthew 12:22 . Miracle (demoniac) wrought. Matthew 12:23-37 . Miracle. Consequences. Matthew 12:38-45 . The Word of God. Better than a sign. Matthew 12:46-50 . Proposed capture by kindred. Matthew 12:23-37 . MIRACLE. CONQUENCES. Matthew 12:23 . People. Amazement. Matthew 12:24-37 . Pharisees. Blasphemy. Matthew 12:24-37 . PHARISEES. BLASPHEMY. Matthew 12:24-30 . Confutation. Matthew 12:31-37 . Condemnation. Matthew 12:24-30 . CONFUTATION. Matthew 12:24-26 . Illustration. Divided kingdom. Matthew 12:27-28 . Application. Matthew 12:29 . Illustration. Strong man''s house. Matthew 12:30 . Application. Matthew 12:31-37 . CONDEMNATION. Matthew 12:31-32 . Words. Forgiven and unforgiven. Matthew 12:33 . Illustration. Trees. Matthew 12:34 -. Expostulation. - Matthew 12:34 . Reason. Matthew 12:35 . Illustration. Characters. Matthew 12:36-37 . Words. Justified and condemned. Matthew 12:38-45 . THE WORD OF GOD. BETTER THAN A SIGN. Matthew 12:38-40 . Sign given. Asked for. (Historic.) Matthew 12:41-42 . Application. Matthew 12:43-45 -. Sign given. Unasked. (Experimental.) - Matthew 12:45 . Application. Matthew 12:41-42 . APPLICATION. Matthew 12:41 -. Persons. Ninevites ("rise"). - Matthew 12:41 -. Reason. Proclamation of Jonah. - Matthew 12:41 . Greater reason. Matthew 12:42 -. Person. Queen of the South ("rise"). - Matthew 12:42 -. Reason. Wisdom of Solomon. - Matthew 12:42 . Greater reason Matthew 12:43-45 -. SIGN GIVEN. UNASKED. Matthew 12:43 -. The going out of an unclean spirit. - Matthew 12:43 . Action. Seeking rest. Matthew 12:44 -. Return. Purposed. - Matthew 12:44 . Condition of house. Matthew 12:45 -. The going out of an unclean spirit. - Matthew 12:45 -. Action. Seeking other spirits. - Matthew 12:45 . Condition of house. Matthew 12:46-50 . PROPOSED CAPTURE BY KINDRED. Matthew 12:46 . Mother and brethren. (Natural.) "Without". Matthew 12:47 . Their will. Reported (Mark 3:21-31 ). Mar 3:48 . The Lord''s Question. Matthew 12:49 . Mother and brethren. (Spiritual.) "Within". Matthew 12:50 . God''s will. Declared. Mat 12:1-53 . TEACHING. Matthew 12:1-2 . Place. Departure. "Out of the house". Matthew 12:3-9 . ONE Parable. (The Sower.) Matthew 12:10-23 . Question of Disciples. Answer not understood. Matthew 12:24-33 . THREE Parables. "Another", "Another", "Another". Matthew 12:34-35 . Multitudes. Matthew 12:36 -. Place. Departure. "Into the house". - Matthew 12:36-43 . Disciples. Matthew 12:44-50 . THREE Parables. "Again", "Again", "Again". Mat 12:51 . Question to Disciples. Answer understood. Mat 12:52 . ONE Parable. (The Scribe.) Mat 12:53 . Place. Departure. "Thence". Matthew 13:10-23 . QUESTION OF DISCIPLES. Matthew 13:10-17 . Colloquy. Matthew 13:18-23 . Interpretation of Parable. Matthew 13:10-17 . COLLOQUY. Matthew 13:10 . Question of Disciples. Put. Matthew 14:1-12 . MISSION OF JOHN BAPTIST ENDED. Matthew 14:1-2 . Herod hearing of John. Matthew 14:3-11 . John''s Death. Matthew 14:12 -. John''s burial. - Matthew 14:12 . Jesus hearing of Herod. Matthew 14:11-12 . Answer. Reason. "Because". Matthew 14:13 -. Question of Disciples. Answered. - Matthew 14:13-17 . Answer. Reason. "Because". Matthew 12:13-17 . ANSWER. REASON. - Matthew 12:13 . Condition of the People. Apathy. Matthew 12:14-15 . Prophet. Isaiah. Foreseen. Matthew 12:16 . Condition of Disciples. Happy. Matthew 12:17 . Prophets. Desired to see and hear. Matthew 13:18-23 . INTERPRETATION OF THE SOWER. Matthew 13:18-20 -. Interpretation. Wayside. Stony ground. - Matthew 13:20-22 -. Interpretation. Thorns. - Matthew 13:22-23 -. Interpretation. Good ground. - Matthew 13:23 . Interpretation. Matthew 13:36-43 . DISCIPLES. Matthew 13:36 -. Disciples come. - Matthew 13:36 . Explanation requested. Matthew 13:37 -. The Lord''s answer. - Matthew 13:37-43 . Explanation given ( vv . -37-39). Application made ( vv . 40-43). Matthew 13:54-58 . RESULTS. OPPOSITION OF HIS OWN KINDRED. Matthew 13:54 -. "His own country." - Matthew 13:54 . His words. - Matthew 13:54 -. Effect of His teaching. "Astonished." - Matthew 13:54 . Question. "Whence", &c. Matthew 13:55 -. Father. (Male.) - Matthew 13:55 -. Mother. (Females.) - Matthew 13:55 . Brethren. (Males.) Matthew 13:56 -. Sisters. (Females.) - Matthew 13:56 . Question. "Whence", &c. Matthew 13:57 -. Effect of His teaching. "Offended". - Matthew 13:57 . "His own country." Matthew 13:58 . "His works." Matthew 14:1-12 . MISSION OF JOHN BAPTIST ENDED. Matthew 14:1-2 . Herod hearing of John. Matthew 14:3-11 . John''s Death. Matthew 14:12 -. John''s burial. - Matthew 14:12 . Jesus hearing of Herod. Matthew 14:3-11 . JOHN''S DEATH. Matthew 14:3 . Herod''s imprisonment of John (from enmity). Matthew 14:4 . Reason. John''s reproof. John''s death desired. Matthew 14:5 -. Herod''s imprisonment of John (from fear). - Matthew 14:5 . Reason. People''s opinion. Matthew 14:6 . Opportunity given. Matthew 14:7 . Herod''s promise to Herodias. Made. Matthew 14:8 . John''s head asked. John''s death effected. Matthew 14:9-10 . Herod''s promise to Herodias. Kept. Matthew 14:11 . John''s head given. Matthew 14:13-36 . MIRACLES. Matthew 14:13 -. Departure from the people. - Matthew 14:13 . Concourse. Matthew 14:14 . Many miracles. Feeding the Five Thousand. Matthew 14:22-23 . Departure from the people. Matthew 14:24-33 . One Miracle. Walking on the Sea. Matthew 14:34-35 -. Concourse. - Matthew 14:35-36 . Many Miracles. Matthew 14:15-21 . ONE MIRACLE. FEEDING THE FIVE THOUSAND. Matthew 14:15 . Multitudes. Hungry. Matthew 14:16 . "Give ye them". Matthew 14:17 . Supply. Insufficient. Matthew 14:18-19 -. Supply. Sufficient. - Matthew 14:19 . "He gave". Matthew 14:20-21 . Multitudes. Filled. Matthew 14:24-33 . ONE MIRACLE. WALKING ON THE SEA. Matthew 14:24 -. The ship. - Matthew 14:24 . The wind. Contrary. Matthew 14:25-31 . The miracle. Wrought. Matthew 14:32 -. The ship. - Matthew 14:32 . The wind. Ceased. Matthew 14:33 . The miracle. Effect. Matthew 14:25-31 . THE MIRACLE WROUGHT. Matthew 14:25 . The Lord walking on the sea. Matthew 14:26 . Disciples troubled. Matthew 14:27 . Be not afraid. Matthew 14:28-29 . Peter essaying to walk, &c. Matthew 14:30 . Peter afraid. Matthew 14:31 . Wherefore didst thou doubt. Matthew 15:3-11 . TEACHING. Matthew 15:3 . Pharisees. Transgression. Matthew 15:4 . God''s Commandment. Matthew 15:5-6 . "Ye say". Matthew 15:7 . Pharisees. Hypocrisy. Matthew 15:8-9 . God''s Word. Matthew 15:10-11 . "I say". Matthew 15:12-20 . RESULT. OPPOSITION OF THE PHARISEES. Matthew 15:12 . Disciples. Report. Opposition of Pharisees. Matthew 15:13-14 . The Lord. Explanation of opposition. Matthew 15:15 . Disciples. Peter''s request. Matthew 15:16-20 . The Lord. Explanation of statement. Matthew 15:21-39 . MIRACLES. Matthew 15:21 . Departure. Matthew 15:22-28 . Miracle. Woman of Canaan. Matthew 15:29 . Departure. Matthew 15:30-38 . Miracle. The Four Thousand. Matthew 15:39 . Departure. Matthew 15:22-28 . MORACLE. WOMAN OF CANAAN. Matthew 15:22 . Woman. Her prayer. "Have mercy". Matthew 15:23 -. The Lord. No answer. No claim. - Matthew 15:23 . Woman. Disciples'' prayer. "Send her away". Matthew 15:24 . The Lord. Answer. Explanation of silence. Matthew 15:25 . Woman. Prayer. "Lord help." Matthew 15:26 . The Lord. Answer delayed. Matthew 15:27 . Woman. Plea. Confession. I have no claim. Matthew 15:28 . The Lord. Answer. Healing given. Matthew 16:1-4 . EFFECTS. Matthew 16:1 . Sign desired. Matthew 16:2-3 -. Discernment. (Positive.) - Matthew 16:3 . Discernment. (Negative.) Matthew 16:4 . Sign refused. Matthew 16:5-12 . TEACHING. Matthew 16:5 . Bread. Forgetfulness. Matthew 16:6 . Leaven. Warning. Matthew 16:7-10 . Bread. Remembrance. Matthew 16:11-12 . Leaven. Instruction. Matthew 16:13-16 . RESULT. OPPOSITION COMPLETED. Matthew 16:13 . Question. Who say men ? Matthew 16:14 . Answer to Disciples. Matthew 16:15 . Question. Who say ye ? Matthew 16:16 . Answer to Peter. Matthew 16:17-20 . JESUS. THE MESSIAH DECLARED. WITNESS AND EVIDENCES. ENDED. Matthew 16:17 . Divine revelation. Matthew 16:18 -. The Foundation itself. Peter''s Confession. - Matthew 16:18-19 . The Foundation. To be built on. Matthew 16:20 . Divine Injunction. Matthew 16:21 - Matthew 20:34 . THE THIRD PERIOD OF THE MINISTRY. THE REJECTION OF THE KING. Matthew 16:21 - Matthew 17:13 . SUFFERINGS. First Announcement. Matthew 17:14-21 . Miracle. The lunatic son. Matthew 17:22-23 . SUFFERINGS. Second Announcement. Matthew 17:24-27 . Gentiles. Authority. Sons free. Matthew 18:1-35 . Discipleship. Little child. Matthew 19:1-12 . Pharisees. Question. Matthew 19:13-15 . Discipleship. Little children. Matthew 19:16-26 . Certain man. Question. Matthew 19:27 - Matthew 20:16 . Discipleship. Rewards. Matthew 20:17-19 . SUFFERINGS. Third Announcement. Matthew 20:20-27 . Gentiles. Authority. Brethren free. Matthew 20:28 . SUFFERINGS. Fourth Announcement. Matthew 20:29-34 . Miracle. Blind man. Matthew 16:21-28 . THE SUFFERINGS AND GLORY. FORETOLD. Matthew 16:21 -. Sufferings. His Own. - Matthew 16:21 . Glory. Resurrection. Matthew 16:22 . Peter''s rebuke of the Lord. Matthew 16:23 . Peter''s rebuke by the Lord. Matthew 16:24-26 . Sufferings. Matthew 16:27-28 . Glory. Kingdom. Matthew 17:1-9 . THE GLORY FORESHOWN. THE TRANSFIGURATION. Matthew 17:1 -. The Ascent. - Matthew 17:1 . Disciples taken up. Matthew 17:2 . The Vision. Matthew 17:3 . The Lord. Accompanied. Matthew 17:4 . Voice. Peter''s. Matthew 17:5 . Voice. The Father''s. Matthew 17:6-7 . The Vision. Ended. Matthew 17:8 . The Lord. Alone. Matthew 17:9 -. The Descent. - Matthew 17:9 . Disciples. Charged. Matthew 17:10-13 . THE SUFFERINGS AND GLORY. Matthew 17:10 . Disciples. Question, re Elijah. Matthew 17:11 . The Lord. Admission. Matthew 17:12 . The Lord. Addition. Matthew 17:13 . Disciples. Explanation, re John the Baptist. Matthew 17:14-21 . MIRACLE. THE LUNATIC SON. Matthew 17:14-15 . Request made. Matthew 17:16 . Disciples'' inability. Complaint. Matthew 17:17 -. Unbelief. Deplored. - Matthew 17:17-18 . Request granted. Matthew 17:19 . Disciples'' inability. Inquiry. Matthew 17:20-21 . Unbelief. Explained. Matthew 17:24-27 . GENTILES. AUTHORITY. SONS FREE. Matthew 17:24 . Tribute inquired about. Matthew 17:25 . Their own exempted. Matthew 17:26 -. But of foreigners. - Matthew 17:26 . Their own free. Matthew 17:27 . Tribute paid. Matthew 18:1-35 . DISCIPLESHIP. LITTLE CHILD. Matthew 18:1-6 . Instruction. Humility. Matthew 18:7-9 . Offences. One''s self. Matthew 18:10-14 . Instruction. Humility. Matthew 18:15-20 . Offences. Brethren. Matthew 18:21-22 . Instruction. Forgiveness. Matthew 18:23-34 . Offences. Fellow-servants. Matthew 18:35 . Application. Matthew 18:23-34 . OFFENCE. FELLOW-SERVANTS. Matthew 18:23-25 . Action of King. Debt owing. Matthew 18:26 . Appeal for delay. Granted. Matthew 18:27 . Conduct. Compliance. Matthew 18:28 . Action of Servant. Debt demanded. Matthew 18:29 . Appeal for delay. Refused. Matthew 18:30 . Conduct. Non-compliance. Matthew 18:31 . Action of Servant. Reported. Matthew 18:32-33 . Appeals. Contrasted. Matthew 18:34 . Conduct. Punished. Matthew 19:1-12 . PHARISEES. QUESTION. Matthew 19:1-2 . The Cause. Miracles wrought. Matthew 19:3 . Inquiry. To tempt. Matthew 19:4-6 . Answer. Original purpose. Matthew 19:7 . Inquiry. To tempt further. Matthew 19:8-9 . Answer. Mosaic sufferance. Matthew 19:10-12 . The Consequence. Disciples instructed. Matthew 19:13-15 . DISCIPLESHIP. LITTLE CHILDREN. Matthew 19:13 -. Request for His hands to be laid. - Matthew 19:13 . Rebuked by Disciples. Matthew 19:14 . Encouraged by Christ. Matthew 19:15 . Request granted. Matthew 19:16-26 . A CERTAIN MAN. QUESTION. Matthew 19:16 . Young Man. Question. "What ?", &c. Matthew 19:17 . The Lord. Answer. "Keep", &c. Matthew 19:18 -. Young Man. Question. "Which ?" - Matthew 19:18-19 . The Lord. Answer. All. (Tenth omitted.) Matthew 19:20 . Young Man. Question. "What ?", &c. Matthew 19:21 . The Lord. Answer. The Tenth enforced. Matthew 19:22 . Young Man. Went away. Matthew 19:23-24 . The Lord. Application. Matthew 19:25 . Disciples. Question. "Who then ?", &c. Matthew 19:26 . The Lord. Answer. God. Matthew 19:27 - Matthew 20:16 . DISCIPLESHIP. REWARDS. Matthew 19:27 . The first chosen (John 15:16 ). The Twelve. Inquiry. "We". Matthew 19:28 . Agreement with them. Twelve thrones. Matthew 19:29 . Others. Matthew 19:30 . Prophecy. First, last; last, first. Matthew 20:1 . The servants first hired. The Twelve. The Parable. Matthew 20:2 . Agreement with them. Matthew 20:3-7 . Others. (Third, sixth, ninth, and eleventh hours.) Matthew 20:8 . Prophecy fulfilled. Matthew 20:9 . Others. The last called. Rewarded first. Matthew 20:10 . Agreement with the first chosen. Matthew 20:11-15 . The first chosen. Their complaint. Matthew 20:16 . Prophecy fulfilled. The "many" are first (in order). The few are last (in order). Matthew 20:20-27 . GENTILES. AUTHORITY. BRETHREN FREE. Matthew 20:20-21 . Pre-eminence sought for two brethren. Matthew 20:22-23 . Pre-eminence. Refusal. Matthew 20:24 . Indignation of the ten. Matthew 20:25-26 -. Pre-eminence. Instruction. For Gentiles, not for brethren. - Matthew 20:26-27 . True pre-eminence defined. Matthew 20:29-34 . MIRACLE. TWO BLIND MEN. Matthew 20:29-30 -. The two blind men. Sitting. - Matthew 20:30 . Request, and cry for healing. Matthew 20:31 . Rebuke of multitude. - Matthew 20:31 . Rebuke useless. Matthew 20:32-34 -. Request granted. Healing given. - Matthew 20:34 . The two blind men. Following. Matthew 21:1 - Matthew 26:35 . THE FOURTH PERIOD. THE KINGDOM REJECTED. Matthew 21:1-7 . Bethphage. Arrival and Departure. Matthew 21:8-11 . Jerusalem. The first entry into. Matthew 21:12-16 . In the temple. Cleansing. Matthew 21:17 . Bethany. Return to. Matthew 21:18-22 . Jerusalem. Return to. Matthew 21:23 - Matthew 25:46 . In the temple and on Olivet. Prediction. Matthew 26:1-17 -. Bethany. Return to. Mat 26:-17-29 . Jerusalem. The Last Super. Matthew 26:30-35 . In the Mount of Olives. Prediction. Matthew 21:1-7 . BETHPHAGE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE. Matthew 21:1 . Mission of Two Disciples. Begun. Matthew 21:2-3 . Commission given. Matthew 21:4-5 . Fulfillment of Prophecy. Matthew 21:6 . Commission carried out. Matthew 21:7 . Mission of Two Disciples. Ended. Matthew 21:8-11 . JERUSALEM. FIRST ENTRY. Matthew 21:8 . Action. Matthew 21:9 . Cry. Made. Matthew 21:10 . Cry. Effect. Matthew 21:11 . Action. Matthew 21:12-16 . IN THE TEMPLE. CLEANSING. Matthew 21:12 . Miracle. Cleansing. Matthew 21:13 . Scripture fulfilled. Matthew 21:14-16 -. Miracle. Healing. - Matthew 21:16 . Scripture fulfilled. Matthew 21:18-22 . JERUSALEM. RETURN TO. Matthew 21:23 - Matthew 25:46 . IN THE TEMPLE. TEACHING. Matthew 21:23 - Matthew 22:46 . Priests and Elders. Controversy. Matthew 23:1-12 . Teaching. Crowds and Disciples. Moral. Matthew 23:13-39 . Scribes and Pharisees. Denunciation. Matthew 24:1 - Matthew 25:46 . Teaching. Disciples. Prophetic. Matthew 21:23-46 ; Matthew 22:1-46 . PRIESTS AND ELDERS. CONTROVERSY IN TEMPLE. Matthew 21:23-27 . Questions. Chief Priests and Elders. Matthew 21:28-44 . Parables. Two Sons and Vineyard. Matthew 21:45 . Conviction. Matthew 21:46 . Conspiracy. Matthew 22:1-14 . Parable. Marriage of King''s Son. Matthew 22:15-46 . Questions. Pharisees and Sadducees. Matthew 21:23-27 . QUESTIONS. CHIEF PRIESTS AND ELDERS. Matthew 21:23 . Their question. Put. Matthew 21:24-25 -. His question. Put. - Matthew 21:25-26 -. Their reasoning. - Matthew 21:26 . Their reason. Matthew 21:27 -. His question. Unanswered. - Matthew 21:27 . Their question. Answered. Matthew 21:28-44 . PARABLES. Matthew 21:28-32 . The Two Sons. Disobedience. Matthew 21:33-44 . The Husbandmen. Rebellion. Matthew 21:28-32 . THE TWO SONS. DISOBEDIENCE. Matthew 21:28 -. Appeal for opinion. - Matthew 21:28-30 . The Two Sons. Contrasted. Matthew 21:31 -. Appeal for decision. - Matthew 21:31 -. The Two Sons. Answer. - Matthew 21:31-32 . Application. Matthew 21:33-44 . THE HUSBANDMEN. Matthew 21:33-41 . The Parable. Given. Matthew 21:42 . The Scripture cited (Psalms 118:22 ). Psa 118:43 . The Parable. Its application. Matthew 21:44 . The Scripture cited. (Isaiah 8:14 ). Matthew 21:33-41 . THE PARABLE GIVEN. Matthew 21:33 . The Owner making his vineyard. Matthew 21:34-39 . The Husbandmen. Conduct. Matthew 21:40 . The owner coming to His Vineyard. Matthew 21:41 . The Husbandmen. Judgment. Matthew 22:1-14 . PARABLES. MARRIAGE OF THE KING''S SON. Matthew 22:1-7 . The bidden Guests. Matthew 22:8-14 . The substituted Guests. Matthew 22:1-7 . THE BIDDEN GUESTS. Matthew 22:1-3 -. Call to those bidden. First call. - Matthew 22:3 . Servants sent. Refused. Matthew 22:4 . Call to those bidden. Second call. Matthew 22:5-7 . Servants sent. Ill Treated. Matthew 22:8-14 . THE SUBSTITUDED GUESTS. Matthew 22:8 . The bidden Guests. Not worthy. Matthew 22:9 . Other Guests to be substituted. Matthew 22:10 . Other Guests substituted. Matthew 22:11-14 . The intruding Guest. Detected. Matthew 22:15-46 . QUESTIONS. PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES. Matthew 22:15-22 . The Pharisees'' Question. Civil. Matthew 22:23-33 . The Sadducees'' Question. Religious. Matthew 22:34-40 . The Pharisee''s Question. Moral. Matthew 22:41-46 . The Lord''s Question and Answer. Matthew 22:15-22 . THE PHARISEES'' QUESTION. Matthew 22:15 . Counsel taken. Matthew 22:16-17 . Their Question. as to Tribute. Matthew 22:18-19 -. His demand. - Matthew 22:19 . Their compliance. Matthew 22:20 . His Question. The Matthew 22:21 -. Their Reply. Argument. - Matthew 22:21 . Their Question answered. Matthew 22:22 . Departure taken. Matthew 22:23-33 . THE SADDUCEES'' QUESTION. Matthew 22:23 . Sadducees'' error. Denial of Resurrection. Matthew 22:24-28 . Resurrection. Questioned. Matthew 22:29 . Sadducees'' error. Ignorance of Scripture. Matthew 22:30-33 . Resurrection. Proved. Matthew 22:34-40 . THE PHARISEES'' QUESTION. Matthew 22:34-36 . The Great Commandment. Question. Matthew 22:37-38 . Answer. The First:Love of God. Severally. Matthew 22:39 . Answer. The Second:Love Neighbour. Matthew 22:40 . The Great Commandment. Jointly. Matthew 22:41-46 . THE LORD''S QUESTION AND ANSWER. Matthew 22:41-42 -. His Question:"Whose Son is Messiah ?" - Matthew 22:42 . The Answer:"The Son of David." Matthew 22:43-44 . David''s Words. Matthew 22:45 . His Question:"How is He his Son ?" Matthew 22:46 . Their Answer:not given. Matthew 23:1-12 . TEACHING. IN THE TEMPLE. MULTITUDES AND DISCIPLES. (MORAL.) Matthew 23:1-2 . Self-exaltation. Scribes. (Session.) Matthew 23:3-4 . "Do not ye" what they bid. Matthew 23:5-7 . Self-exaltation. Scribes. (Works.) Matthew 23:8-11 . "Be not ye" like them. Matthew 23:12 . Self-exaltation. Scribes. (Application.) Matthew 23:13-39 . SCRIBES AND PHARISEES. Matthew 23:13-33 . Denunciation. The Eight Woes. Matthew 23:34-39 . Prophecy. Matthew 23:13-33 . DENUNCIATION. THE EIGHT WOES. Matthew 23:13-15 . Their treatment of the living. Matthew 23:16-22 . False swearing. Matthew 23:23 . Hypocrites. Matthew 23:24 . Blind guides. Matthew 23:25-28 . False cleansing. Matthew 23:29-33 . Their treatment of the dead. Matthew 23:13-15 . THE TREATMENT OF THE LIVING. Matthew 23:13 . Proselytes. The honest hindered. Matthew 23:14 -. Incrimination. - Matthew 23:14 . Condemnation. Matthew 23:15 . Proselytes. Those made, made worse. Matthew 23:34-39 . PROPHECY. Matthew 23:34 . Prophets. Future sending. Matthew 23:35 . Result. Matthew 23:36 . "I say unto you". Matthew 23:37 . Prophets. Past sending. Matthew 23:38 . Result. Matthew 23:39 . "I say unto you". Matthew 24:1 - Matthew 25:26 . TEACHING. DISCIPLES. PROPHETIC. Matthew 24:1 -. Place. Departure from the Temple. Matthew 24:1 . Disciples come to show. Matthew 24:2 . Prophecy. General. Matthew 24:3 -. Place. Arrival at the Mount of Olives. Matthew 24:3 . Disciples come to ask. Matthew 24:4 - Matthew 25:26 . Prophecy. Particular. - Matthew 24:3 . DISCIPLES COME TO ASK. - Matthew 24:3 -. First Question:WHEN shall these things ( v . 2) be ? - Matthew 24:3 -. Second Question:WHAT the sign of Thy Parousia . - Matthew 24:3 . Third Question:WHAT [the sign] of the consummation of the age ? Matthew 24:4 - Matthew 25:26 . PROPHECY. PARTICULAR. Matthew 24:4-6 . Answer to the First Question. Matthew 24:7-28 . Answer to the Second Question. Matthew 24:29 - Matthew 25:26 . Answer to the Third Question. Matthew 24:4-6 . ANSWER TO THE FIRST QUESTION. Read with Mark 13:5-7 . Luke 21:8 , Luke 21:9 . Luke 21:4 . Warning. The beginning. Matthew 24:5 . Many Antichrists. Matthew 24:6 -. Rumours of Wars. - Matthew 24:6 . Warning. Not the end. Matthew 24:7-28 . ANSWER TO THE SECOND QUESTION. Matthew 24:7-8 . The Tribulation. The birth-pangs. Read this with Mark 13:8 , and Luke 21:10 , Luke 21:11 . Luke 21:9-14 . Tribulation. General. Read this with Matthew 24:15-20 . The Second Sign. Mark 13:9-23 , Mark 13:21-28 . The Great Tribulation. not Luke 21:0 . Matthew 24:7 For nation, &c. See Appdx-117. II. Quoted from Isaiah 19:2 . famines, and pestilences. Fig Paronomasia . Gr. limoi kai loimoi. Eng. dearths and deaths, in divers = Gr. kata = in [different] places. Matthew 24:8 the = a. sorrows = birth-pangs. Matthew 24:9-14 . TRIBULATION. GENERAL. Matthew 24:9 . Proclamation. The Gospel of the Kingdom. Matthew 24:10 . Consequences. Stumbling. Matthew 24:11 -. False Prophets. Arising. - Matthew 24:11 . False Prophets. Deception. Matthew 24:12 . Consequence. Coldness. Matthew 24:13-14 . Promise. The Gospel of the Kingdom. Matthew 24:15-20 . THE SECOND SIGN. Matthew 24:15 . Warning. The Second Sign. Matthew 24:16-18 . Direction. Flight. Matthew 24:19 . Commiseration. Matthew 24:20 . Direction. Prayer and Flight. Matthew 24:21-28 . THE GREAT TRIBULATION. Matthew 24:21-22 . The Great Tribulation. Beginning. Matthew 24:23 . Warning. "If they shall say". Matthew 24:24 -. False Messiahs and false prophets. - Matthew 24:24 . Their object. Matthew 24:25-26 . Warning. "If they shall say". Matthew 24:27-28 . The Great Tribulation. The End. Matthew 24:29 - Matthew 25:46 . THE ANSWER TO THE THIRD QUESTION. Matthew 24:29-30 . The Son of man. Shining forth. The Third Sign. Matthew 24:31 . The gathering of the elect (Israel). Matthew 24:32-41 . Parables and Type. The Fig-tree, and Noah. Matthew 24:42-44 . Warning. "Watch therefore". Matthew 24:45-51 . Servants. Parable. Matthew 25:1-12 . Parable. The Ten Virgins. Matthew 25:13 . Warning. "Watch therefore". Matthew 25:14-30 . Servants. Parable. Matthew 25:31 . The Son of man. On His throne. Matthew 25:32-46 . The gathering of the nations. (Gentiles). Matthew 24:29-30 . THE SON OF MAN. SHINING FORTH. THE THIRD SIGN. Read this with Mark 13:24-27 . Luke 21:25-28 . Luke 21:29 . Heaven. Sun darkened. Matthew 24:30 -. The Son of man. The Third Sign. - Matthew 24:30 -. Earth. Mourning. - Matthew 24:30 . The Son of man. Himself. Matthew 24:32-41 . PARABLES AND TYPE. Matthew 24:32 . Parable. The Fig-tree. Matthew 24:33 . The application. Matthew 24:34 . Time. Nearness. Matthew 24:35-36 . Divine certainty. Creature ignorance. Matthew 24:37 . Type. The days of Noah. Matthew 24:38 . The application. Matthew 24:39 -. Time. Suddenness. - Matthew 24:39-41 . Divine certainty. Creature ignorance. Matthew 24:42-44 . WARNING. "WATCH THEREFORE". Matthew 24:42 -. Warning. "Watch". - Matthew 24:42 . Reason. Matthew 24:43 -. Thief. Knowledge of. - Matthew 24:43 . Thief. Action against. Matthew 24:44 -. Warning. "Be ready". - Matthew 24:44 . Reason. Matthew 24:45-51 . SERVANTS. PARABLE. Matthew 24:45 -. The faithful and wise servant. - Matthew 24:45 . His duties performed. Matthew 24:46 . His lord''s coming. Matthew 24:47 . His reward. Matthew 24:48 . The evil servant. Matthew 24:49 . His duties neglected. Matthew 24:50 . His lord''s coming. Matthew 24:51 . His punishment. Matthew 25:1-12 . PARABLE. THE TEN VIRGINS. Matthew 25:1-2 . The ten. Matthew 25:3 . The five foolish. Matthew 25:4 . The five wise. Matthew 25:5 -. The Bridegroom tarrying. - Matthew 25:5 . The ten sleeping ones. Matthew 25:6 -. The Cry. - Matthew 25:6 . The Call. Matthew 25:7 . The ten. Matthew 25:8 . The five foolish. Matthew 25:9 . The five wise. Matthew 25:10 . The Bridegroom coming. Matthew 25:11-12 . The five foolish ones. Matthew 25:14-30 . SERVANTS. PARABLE. THE MASTER. Matthew 25:14-15 . The Master. Departure. Commission. Matthew 25:16-18 . Servants. Conduct. Described. Matthew 25:19 . The Master. Return. Reckoning. Matthew 25:20-30 . Servants. Conduct. Judged Matthew 25:20-30 . SERVANTS. CONDUCT JUDGED. Matthew 25:20 . Reckoning. Matthew 25:21 -. Commendation. - Matthew 25:21 . Reward. Matthew 25:22 . Reckoning. Matthew 25:23 -. Commendation. - Matthew 25:23 . Reward. Matthew 25:24-25 . Reckoning. Matthew 25:26-27 . Condemnation. Matthew 25:28-30 . Punishment. Matthew 25:32-46 . THE GATHERING OF THE NATIONS (GENTILES). Matthew 25:32 . The Gathering. Matthew 25:33 . Stationing. Matthew 25:34 . Right hand. Blessed. Matthew 25:35-36 . Reason. Matthew 25:37-39 . Inquiry. Matthew 25:40 . Answer. Matthew 25:41 -. Stationing. - Matthew 25:41 . Left hand. Cursed. Matthew 25:42-43 . Reason. Matthew 25:44 . Inquiry. Matthew 25:45 . Answer. Matthew 25:1-35 . BETHANY. RETURN TO. Matthew 25:1-2 . The Passover. Two days before. Matthew 25:3-5 . Conspiracy of Chief Priests, Scribes, and Elders. Matthew 25:6-13 . The second Anointing. Matthew 25:14-16 . Conspiracy of Judas Iscariot. Matthew 25:17-35 . The Passover. One day before. Matthew 26:3-10 . JUDAS. REMORSE. Matthew 26:3 . Remorse. Matthew 26:4 . Confession. Money Matthew 26:5 -. Restoration. returned. - Matthew 26:5 . Suicide. Matthew 26:6 . Price of blood. Matthew 26:7-8 . Purchase. Money Matthew 26:9 . Price of blood. spent. Matthew 26:10 . Purchase. Matthew 26:6-13 . THE SECOND ANOINTING. Matthew 26:6-7 . The woman [Unnamed]. Historic. Matthew 26:8 . Indignation. Matthew 26:9 . Reasoning. Matthew 26:10 . Reprehension. Matthew 26:11 . Reasoning. Matthew 26:12-13 . The woman. Prophetic. Matthew 26:17-29 . JERUSALEM. THE LAST SUPPER. - Matthew 26:17-19 . The preparation. Matthew 26:20-25 . The Supper. Prediction. Betrayal. Matthew 26:26-29 . The New Covenant. - Matthew 26:17-19 . THE PREPARATION. - Matthew 26:17 . Preparation. Inquiry. Matthew 26:18 . Command. Matthew 26:19 -. Obedience. - Matthew 26:19 . Preparation. Effected. Matthew 26:20-25 . THE SUPPER. PREDICTION. BETRAYAL. Matthew 26:20-21 . Prediction. Betrayal. Matthew 26:22 . Question of all. Matthew 26:23 . Answer. Matthew 26:24 . Prediction. Matthew 26:25 -. Question of one. - Matthew 26:25 . Answer. Matthew 26:30-35 . THE FIRST PREDICTION OF PETER''S DENIALS. Matthew 26:30-32 . The Stumbling of all. Matthew 26:33 . The disclaimer of Peter. Matthew 26:34 . The Denial of one. Matthew 26:35 . The disclaimer of all. Matthew 26:36-46 . THE AGONY. Matthew 26:36 -. Arrival. - Matthew 26:36-38 . Purpose. Stated. Matthew 26:39-45 . Purpose. Effected. Matthew 26:46 . Departure. Matthew 26:47 - Matthew 28:15 . THE BAPTISM OF SUFFERING. (Matthew 20:22 , Matthew 20:23 ). Matthew 26:47 - Matthew 27:34 . The Betrayal. Matthew 27:35-54 . The Crucifixion. Matthew 27:55-66 . The Burial. Matthew 28:1-15 . The Resurrection. Matthew 26:47 - Matthew 27:54 . THE BETRAYAL. Matthew 26:47-56 . Judas. Treachery. Matthew 26:57 . The Lord. Led to Caiaphas. Matthew 26:58 . Peter. Following. Matthew 26:59-66 . The Lord before Caiaphas. Matthew 26:67-68 . Personal abuse. Matthew 26:69-75 . Peter. Denial. Matthew 27:1-2 . The Lord. Delivered to Pilate. Matthew 27:3-10 . Judas. Remorse. Matthew 27:11-26 . The Lord before Pilate. Matthew 27:27-34 . Personal abuse. Matthew 26:47-56 . JUDAS. TREACHERY. Matthew 26:47 . Judas with the crowd. Matthew 26:48-54 . Acts of two disciples. Treachery and zeal. Matthew 26:55-56 -. The Lord to the multitudes. - Matthew 26:56 . Act of all the disciples. Desertion. Matthew 26:59-66 . THE LORD BEFORE CAIAPHAS. Matthew 26:59-61 . False witnesses. Sought. Matthew 26:62-64 . Examination. Matthew 26:65-66 -. False witnesses. Superseded. - Matthew 26:66 . Condemnation. Matthew 26:62-64 . EXAMINATION. Matthew 26:62 . Question. Matthew 26:63 . Silence. - Matthew 26:63 . Adjuration. Matthew 26:64 . Speech. Answer. Matthew 26:69-75 . PETER. DENIAL. Matthew 26:69-74 -. Peter. Three denials. - Matthew 26:74 . A cock crowing. Matthew 26:75 -. Peter. Denial. Remembered. - Matthew 26:75 -. A cock crowing. (The word of the Lord.) - Matthew 26:75 . Peter. Repentance. Matthew 26:69-74 -. PETER. THREE DENIALS. Matthew 26:69 . First challenge. A maid. Matthew 26:70 . First denial. Matthew 26:71 . Second challenge. Another [maid]. Matthew 26:72 . Second denial. Matthew 26:73 . Third challenge. Bystanders. Matthew 26:74 -. Third denial. Matthew 26:3-10 . JUDAS. REMORSE. Matthew 26:3 . Remorse. Matthew 26:4 . Confession. Money Matthew 26:5 -. Restoration. returned. - Matthew 26:5 . Suicide. Matthew 26:6 . Price of blood. Matthew 26:7-8 . Purchase. Money Matthew 26:9 . Price of blood. spent. Matthew 26:10 . Purchase. Matthew 27:11-26 . THE LORD BEFORE PILATE. Matthew 27:11 -. The Lord before the Governor. - Matthew 27:11 -. Pilate. Question. - Matthew 27:11 . The Lord. Answer. Matthew 27:12 -. Rulers. Accusation. - Matthew 27:12 . The Lord. Silence. Matthew 27:13 . Pilate. Question of the Lord. Matthew 27:14 . The Lord. Silence. Matthew 27:15-25 . Pilate. Remonstrance with the People. Matthew 27:26 . The Lord delivered by the Governor. Matthew 27:15-25 . PILATE. REMONSTRANCE WITH THE PEOPLE Matthew 27:15-16 . Release of one. Customary. Custom Matthew 27:17-18 . Question as to preference. existing. Matthew 27:19 . Advice of Pilate''s wife to Pilate. Matthew 27:20 . Release of Barabbas. Persuasion. Custom Matthew 27:21-23 . Question as to preference. acted on. Matthew 27:24-25 . Advice of Pilate to the People. Matthew 27:27-34 -. PERSONAL ABUSE. Matthew 27:27 . Place. Praetorium. Matthew 27:28-32 . Treatment. Crown and Cross. Matthew 27:33 . Place. Golgotha. Matthew 27:34 . Treatment. The bitter cup. Matthew 27:28-32 . TREATMENT. Matthew 27:28 . Clothing. Changed. Matthew 27:29-30 . Crown and Sceptre. Matthew 27:31 . Clothing. Re-changed. Matthew 27:32 . Cross. Matthew 27:35-54 . THE CRUCIFIXION. Matthew 27:35-37 . The parting of the garments. Matthew 27:38-44 . After the parting of the garments. Matthew 27:45-54 . The three hours'' darkness. Matthew 27:35-37 . THE PARTING OF THE GARMENTS. Matthew 27:35 -. The crucifixion. - Matthew 27:35 . God''s writing fulfilled. Matthew 27:36 . The watching. Matthew 27:37 . Man''s writing put up. Matthew 27:38-44 . AFTER THE PARTING OF THE GARMENTS. Matthew 27:38 . The two lestai (robbers). Brought. Matthew 27:39-40 . The Reviling of the Passers-by. Matthew 27:41-43 . The Mocking of the Rulers. Matthew 27:44 . The two lestai (robbers). Reviling. Matthew 27:45-54 . THE THREE HOURS DARKNESS. Matthew 27:45 . Sign in heaven. Darkness. Matthew 27:46 . Cry. "Eli, Eli". Matthew 27:47-49 . Misunderstanding of Bystanders. Matthew 27:50 . Cry. Repeated. Matthew 27:51-53 . Signs on earth. Veil, earthquake, &c. Matthew 27:54 . Understanding of Centurion and others. Matthew 27:47-49 . MISUNDERSTANDING OF BYSTANDERS. Matthew 27:47 . The Call, Eli, Eli . Misunderstood. Matthew 27:48 . Giving to drink. Matthew 27:49 . The Response. Waited for. Matthew 27:55 - Matthew 28:15 . MISUNDERSTANDING OF BYSTANDERS. Matthew 27:55-66 . Burial. Matthew 28:1-15 . Resurrection. Matthew 27:55-66 . BURIAL. Matthew 27:55-56 . The Women. Mary and the others. Matthew 27:57 . Joseph of Arimathaea. Matthew 27:58 -. His application to Pilate. - Matthew 27:58 . Pilate''s compliance. Matthew 27:59-60 . Tomb. Body placed. Matthew 27:61 . The Women. Mary and the others. Matthew 27:62 . Chief Priests and Pharisees. Matthew 27:63-64 . The application to Pilate. Matthew 27:65 . Pilate''s compliance. Matthew 27:66 . Tomb secured. Matthew 27:1-15 . RESURRECTION. Matthew 27:1 . The Women. Seeing. Matthew 27:2-4 . Events at the Sepulchre. Matthew 27:5-10 . The Women. Seeking. Matthew 27:11-15 . Events in the city. Matthew 28:2-4 . EVENTS AT THE SEPULCHRE. Matthew 28:2 -. Effect. Earthquake. - Matthew 28:2 . Cause. Action. Matthew 28:3 . Cause. Appearance. Matthew 28:4 . Effect. Terror of the Watch. Matthew 28:5-10 . THE WOMEN. SEEKING. Matthew 28:5-6 . Words of the angel. Matthew 28:7 . Their Commission. Matthew 28:8 -. Their departure. - Matthew 28:8 . Their mission. Matthew 28:9-10 -. Words of the Lord. - Matthew 28:10 . His commission. Matthew 28:11-15 . EVENTS IN THE CITY. Matthew 28:11 . The Watch. Their report. Matthew 28:12 . Bribe offered. Matthew 28:13-14 . The Watch. Report falsified. Matthew 28:15 . Bribe accepted.