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Bible Commentaries
Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes Bullinger's Companion Notes
John the Baptist; Jesus' Baptism and Temptation.Chapter 2
Healing of Paralytic; Call of Matthew. Questions about Fasting and SabbathChapter 3
Healing on Sabbath; Choosing the Twelve.Chapter 4
Parables of the Sower; Calming the Storm.Chapter 5
Healing of the Demoniac; Jairus' Daughter; Bleeding Woman.Chapter 6
Rejection at Nazareth; Feeding 5,000; Walking on Water.Chapter 7
Traditions vs. Commandments; Healing of a Deaf Man.Chapter 8
Feeding 4,000; Peter's Confession; Prediction of Suffering.Chapter 9
Transfiguration; Healing of a Possessed Boy; Teachings.Chapter 10
Teachings on Divorce; Rich Young Ruler; Jesus Predicts Death.Chapter 11
Triumphal Entry; Cleansing of the Temple.Chapter 12
Parables of Tenants; Questions on Resurrection; Greatest Commandment.Chapter 13
Olivet Discourse; Signs of the End Times.Chapter 14
Anointing at Bethany; Last Supper; Gethsemane.Chapter 15
Trial before Pilate; Crucifixion; Death.Chapter 16
Resurrection; Appearances; Great Commission.
- Mark
by E.W. Bullinger
Mar THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK. THE STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK AS A WHOLE. "BEHOLD MY SERVANT" (Isaiah 42:1 ). Mark 1:1-8 . THE FORERUNNER. Mark 1:9-11 . THE BAPTISM:WITH WATER. Mark 1:12-13 . THE TEMPTATION:IN THE WILDERNESS. Mark 1:14-20 . THE KINGDOM Mark 1:21 - Mark 8:30 . THE KING Mark 8:31 - Mark 10:52 . THE KING Mark 11:1 - Mark 14:25 . THE KINGDOM Mark 14:26-42 . THE AGONY:IN THE GARDEN. Mark 14:43 - Mark 16:14 . THE BAPTISM:OF SUFFERING (DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION). Mark 16:15-20 . THE SUCCESSORS. For the New Testament and the order of the Books, see Appdx-95 . For the Inter-relation of the Four Gospels, see the Structure on p. 1304. For the Diversity of the Four Gospels, see Appdx-96 . For the Unity of the Four Gospels, see Appdx-97 . For the Fourfold Ministry of the Lord, see Appdx-119 . For words used only in Mark, see some 70 recorded in the notes. MARK is a Roman (Latin) surname. His Hebrew forename was John (Acts 12:12 ). He was a cousin of Barnabas (Colossians 4:10 ). His mother''s name was "Mary" (Acts 12:12 ; see Appdx-100 ). What may be gathered of his history can be learnt only by the Scripture references to him (cp. Acts 4:36 ; Acts 12:12 ; Acts 13:5 , Acts 13:13 ; Acts 15:37-39 . Colossians 4:10 . 2 Timothy 4:11 . Mark was not the young man mentioned in ch. Mark 14:51 , Mark 14:52 . See the notes there. His Gospel was not derived, as alleged, from any human sources; such assertions are at the best only conjectures. It was given to him, as Luke''s Gospel was given to him, "from above" (Luke 1:3 ). This precludes all theories about "copying" and human "inditing" and "transcribing". There are other reasons for the omission and inclusion of certain events, which depend on, and are to be gathered from, the Divine perfections of the Word of God. Such omissions and inclusions are to be explained by the special presentation of the Lord as Jehovah''s Servant and not by the conflicting and uncertain speculations as to the "sources" of this Gospel. To this special presentation of the Lord, in Mark, is due the fact that while He is addressed as "Lord" in the other three Gospels 73 times; by His disciples 37 times, and by others 36 times (5 of which are rendered "Sir"); He is addressed as such in the Gospel of Mark, only twice; once by the Woman (a Greek or Gentile), Mark 7:28 , where it should be rendered "Sir"; and Mark 9:24 , where "Lord" is omitted by all critical texts (see Appdx-94 . VI) as well as by the ancient Syriac version (see Appdx-94 , p. 136, note 3). Moreover, He is spoken of as such by the Holy Spirit through the Evangelist only twice (Mark 16:19 , Mark 16:20 ), but that was after His ascension into heaven. To this presentation of the Lord in this Gospel as Jehovah''s servant, are due also the minute references to His activities, not only to what He said, but how He said it; what He did, and how He did it. These are not due to any "peculiarity" of the human writer, but to the Divine supplements of the Holy Spirit. Hence we are told:--- How the disciples were sent forth "two and two" (Mark 6:7 ); How the centurion "stood by, over against" the Lord (Mark 15:39 ); How the people were made to sit "in ranks" (Mark 6:40 ); How the Lord went to pray (Mark 1:35 ); How He withdrew "to the sea" (Mark 3:7 ); and how He "sat in the boat, on the sea" (Mark 4:1 ); How He was in the stern, asleep "on a pillow" (Mark 4:38 ); how He sat (Mark 12:41 ; Mark 13:3 ). We are told also of the fear, astonishment, and sore amazement of the disciples (Mark 4:41 ; Mark 6:51 ; Mark 10:24 , Mark 10:26 ); and of the effect of the Lord''s words and works on the People (Mark 2:2 ; Mark 3:10 , Mark 3:20 ; Mark 4:1 ; Mark 5:21 , Mark 5:31 ; Mark 6:31 , Mark 6:33 ; Mark 8:1 ). The activities and movements of "Jehovah''s Servant" are always prominent, from the very "beginning"; which without any preface, introduces the public ministry of the Lord, setting forth on the one hand the very height of His Divine power (Mark 1:27 , Mark 1:31 ; Mark 2:12 ; Mark 3:10 ; Mark 5:29 ; Mark 6:56 ; Mark 7:37 ); and on the other the depth of His feelings as man-His fatigue, &c. (Mark 4:38 ; Mark 11:12 ; Mark 14:36 ); His sympathies and compassion (Mark 6:34 ; Mark 8:2 ); His love (Mark 10:21 ); His composure (Mark 4:38-40 ; Mark 15:5 ); His seeking solitude (Mark 1:35 ; Mark 6:30-32 ); His wonder (Mark 6:6 ); His grief (Mark 3:5 ); His sighing (Mark 7:34 ; Mark 8:12 ); His anger and displeasure (Mark 3:5 ; Mark 10:14 ). See note on "immediately" (Mark 1:12 ). The four Gospels are treated in The Companion Bible not as four culprits brought up on a charge of fraud, but as four witnesses whose testimony is to be received.