Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mateo 8:17

17 Kini tuman sa gisulti pinaagi sa profeta nga si Isaias, nga nag-ingon, "Gikuha niya ang atong mga kaluyahon ug gipas-an niya ang atong mga sakit."

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- Nave's Topical Bible - Jesus, the Christ;   Miracles;   Prophecy;   Quotations and Allusions;   Scofield Reference Index - Faith;   Miracles;   Thompson Chain Reference - Burden-Bearer;   Christ;   Fulfilment of Prophecy;   Health-Disease;   Infirmities;   Prophecy;   Saviour, Christ Our;   Sin-Saviour;   Sufferings of Christ;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Sickness;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Fulfilled;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Disease;   Healing;   Matthew, gospel of;   Predestination;   Quotations;   Servant of the lord;   Suffering;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Redeem, Redemption;   Servant of the Lord;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Diseases;   Jesus Christ;   Matthew, the Gospel According to;   Miracles;   Old Testament;   Prophet;   Sacrifice;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Fulfill;   Infirmity;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Isaiah, Book of;   Matthew, Gospel According to;   Mss;   Quotations;   Servant of the Lord;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Attributes of Christ;   Consolation;   Cures;   Dependence;   Discipline (2);   Disease;   Foresight;   Interpretation;   Isaiah;   Marks Stigmata;   Matthew, Gospel According to;   Nationality;   Necessity;   Old Testament (I. Christ as Fulfilment of);   Popularity ;   Quotations (2);   Septuagint;   Solitude;   Sorrow, Man of Sorrows;   Union with God;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Leper;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Kingdom of christ of heaven;   Kingdom of god;   Kingdom of heaven;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Bear;   Disease;   Infirmity;   Lamb of God;   Quotations, New Testament;   Servant of Yahweh (the Lord);   Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia - Accommodation;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Capernaum;  


- Daily Light on the Daily Path - Devotion for October 27;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

it might: Matthew 1:22, Matthew 2:15, Matthew 2:23

Himself: Isaiah 53:4, 1 Peter 2:24

Reciprocal: Genesis 22:6 - laid it Song of Solomon 5:2 - my head Ezekiel 4:4 - thou shalt bear Matthew 4:14 - it Matthew 4:23 - healing Matthew 12:17 - it Luke 4:40 - when Galatians 6:2 - Bear Hebrews 4:15 - we have

Gill's Notes on the Bible

That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet,.... In Isaiah 53:4 "He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows", here rendered,

himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses: very agreeable to the Hebrew text, הוא, "he himself", not another; נשא, "took up", upon himself voluntarily, freely, as a man lifts up a burden, and takes it on his shoulders; חלינו, "our infirmities", diseases, sicknesses, whether of body or soul, ומכאבינו סבלם, "and bare", or carried, as a man does a burden upon his back, "our sicknesses", or diseases, which occasion pain and sorrow. And that these words are spoken of the Messiah, the Jews themselves own; for among the names they give to the Messiah, "a leper" is one; which they prove from this passage u.

"The Rabbins say, "a leper" of the house of Rabbi is his name; as it is said, "surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted". Says R. Nachman, if he is of the living, he is as I am, as it is said, Jeremiah 30:21 Says Rab, if of the living, he is as our Rabbi, the holy.''

Upon which last clause the gloss is,

"If the Messiah is of them that are alive, our Rabbi the holy is he, "because דסובל תחלואים he bears infirmities".''

Elsewhere w they say,

"There is one temple that is called the temple of the sons of afflictions; and when the Messiah comes into that temple, and reads all the afflictions, all the griefs, and all the chastisements of Israel, which come upon them, then all of them shall come upon him: and if there was any that would lighten them off of Israel, and take them upon himself, there is no son of man that can bear the chastisements of Israel, because of the punishments of the law; as it is said, "surely he hath borne our griefs", c.''

And in another ancient book x of their's, God is represented saying to the Messiah,

"Nyrwvy lwbot, "wilt thou bear chastisements", in order to remove their iniquities? (the iniquities of the children of God,) as it is written, "surely he hath borne our griefs": he replied, "I will bear them with joy".''

Hence it is manifest, that according to the mind of the ancient Jews, this passage belongs to the Messiah, and is rightly applied to him by the evangelist. But the difficulty is, how it had its accomplishment in Christ's healing the bodily diseases of men since Isaiah speaks not of his actions and miracles, but of his sufferings and death; and not of bearing the diseases of the body, as it should seem, but of the diseases of the mind, of sins, as the Apostle Peter interprets it, 1 Peter 2:24. To remove which, let it be observed, that though the prophet chiefly designs to point out Christ taking upon him, and bearing the sins of his people, in order to make satisfaction for them, and to save them from them; yet so likewise, as to include his bearing, by way of sympathy, and taking away by his power, the bodily diseases of men, which arise from sin; and which was not only an emblem of his bearing and taking away sin, but a proof of his power and ability to do it: for since he could do the one, it was plain he could do the other.

u T. Bab. Sanhedrim, fol. 98. 2. w Zohar in Exod. fol. 85. 2. x Pesikta in Abkath Rochel, l. 1. par. 2. p. 309. Ed. Huls.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

That it might be fulfilled ... - This passage is found in Isaiah 53:4. Our English translation of that important passage is, “Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.” The Greek in Matthew is an exact translation of the Hebrew, and the same translation should have been made in both places. In Isaiah 53:1-12, Isaiah fully states the doctrine of the atonement, or that the Messiah was to suffer for sin. In the verse quoted here, however, he states the very truth which Matthew declares. The word translated “griefs” in Isaiah, and “infirmities” in Matthew, means properly, in the Hebrew and Greek, “diseases of the body.” In neither does it refer to the disease of the mind, or to sin. To bear those griefs is clearly to bear them away, or to remove them. This was done by his miraculous power in healing the sick. The word rendered “sorrows” in Isaiah, and “sicknesses” in Matthew, means “pain, grief, or anguish of mind.” To “carry” these is to sympathize with the sufferers; to make provision for alleviating those sorrows, and to take them away. This he did by his precepts and by his example; and the cause of all sorrows - “sin” - he removed by the atonement. The passage in Isaiah and Matthew, therefore, mean precisely the same thing. See “Magee on Atonement,” and the notes at Isaiah, Isaiah 53:0.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 8:17. Himself took our infirmities — The quotation is taken from Isaiah 53:4, where the verb nasa signifies to bear sin, so as to make atonement for it. And the rabbins understand this place to speak of the sufferings of the Messiah for the sins of Israel; and say that all the diseases, all the griefs, and all the punishments due to Israel shall be borne by him. See Synopsis Sohar. Christ fulfils the prophecies in all respects, and is himself the completion and truth of them, as being the lamb and victim of God, which, bears and takes away the sin of the world. The text in Isaiah refers properly to the taking away of sin; and this in the evangelist, to the removal of corporeal afflictions: but, as the diseases of the body are the emblems of the sin of the soul, Matthew, referring to the prediction of the prophet, considered the miraculous healing of the body as an emblem of the soul's salvation by Christ Jesus.

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