Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mateo 7:24

24 "Busa, bisan kinsa nga magapatalinghug niining akong mga pulong ug magatuman niini, mahisama siya sa usa ka tawong but-an nga nagtukod sa iyang balay ibabaw sa bato;

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Commandments;   Faith;   Hearers;   Jesus Continued;   Readings, Select;   Religion;   Righteous;   Rock;   Wisdom;   Word of God;   Scofield Reference Index - Christ;   Parables;   Thompson Chain Reference - Bible, the;   Christianity;   Church;   Foundation, Spiritual;   Obedience;   Obedience-Disobedience;   Parables;   Security-Insecurity;   Spiritual;   Truth;   Wisdom;   Wisdom-Folly;   Word;   Word of God;   The Topic Concordance - Foundation;   Hearing;   Obedience;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Houses;   Parables;   Rocks;   Scriptures, the;   Steadfastness;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - House;   Parable;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - House;   Rock;   Sermon on the mount;   Water;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Gospel;   Hear, Hearing;   Jesus Christ;   Life;   Word;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Palestine;   Parable;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Family;   Foundation;   Instruction;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Rock;   Sermon on the Mount;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Ethics;   House;   Mss;   Parable;   Rock;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Authority of Christ;   Building ;   Caesarea Philippi;   Circumstantiality in the Parables;   Doctrines;   Elect, Election ;   Example;   Fear ;   Hearing;   Heat ;   House (2);   Ideas (Leading);   Imagination;   Indolence;   James ;   Judgment;   Law of God;   Man (2);   Mission;   Nature and Natural Phenomena;   Old Testament (I. Christ as Fulfilment of);   Premeditation;   Proverbs ;   Retribution (2);   Rock ;   Rock (2);   Sanctify, Sanctification;   Saying and Doing;   Self-Examination;   Sermon on the Mount;   Stone;   Way;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Rock;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Build;   Rock;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Build;   James, Epistle of;   Sermon on the Mount, the;  


- Daily Light on the Daily Path - Devotion for October 13;   Every Day Light - Devotion for November 22;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

whosoever: Matthew 7:7, Matthew 7:8, Matthew 7:13, Matthew 7:14, Matthew 5:3-12, Matthew 5:28-32, Matthew 6:14, Matthew 6:15, Matthew 6:19-21, Matthew 12:50, Luke 6:47-49, Luke 11:28, John 13:17, John 14:15, John 14:22-24, John 15:10, John 15:14, Romans 2:6-9, Galatians 5:6, Galatians 5:7, Galatians 6:7, Galatians 6:8, James 1:21-27, James 2:17-26, 1 John 2:3, 1 John 3:22-24, 1 John 5:3-5, Revelation 22:14, Revelation 22:15

a wise: Job 28:28, Psalms 111:10, Psalms 119:99, Psalms 119:130, Proverbs 10:8, Proverbs 14:8, James 3:13-18

which: 1 Corinthians 3:10, 1 Corinthians 3:11

Reciprocal: Genesis 6:22 - General Genesis 26:5 - General Exodus 12:50 - as the Lord Leviticus 20:8 - And ye Leviticus 26:3 - General Deuteronomy 13:18 - to keep Joshua 1:8 - observe Joshua 2:21 - And she bound 2 Chronicles 31:21 - prospered Ezra 7:10 - to do it Job 8:15 - it shall not stand Job 42:9 - did Psalms 27:5 - set me Psalms 32:6 - in the floods Psalms 40:2 - set Psalms 119:34 - I shall Psalms 119:100 - because Proverbs 8:34 - watching Proverbs 10:17 - the way Proverbs 10:25 - an Proverbs 12:7 - the house Proverbs 15:32 - heareth Ecclesiastes 1:6 - The wind Song of Solomon 8:7 - waters Isaiah 2:3 - he will teach Isaiah 4:6 - for a covert Isaiah 32:2 - an hiding Ezekiel 33:31 - and they Matthew 11:29 - my Matthew 25:2 - General Matthew 28:20 - them Ephesians 3:17 - grounded Philippians 4:9 - do Colossians 1:23 - grounded Colossians 2:7 - built Hebrews 5:9 - unto Hebrews 11:8 - obeyed 2 Peter 1:10 - if

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine,.... The comparison in this, and the following verses, is the concluding part of our Lord's discourses upon the mount, which are meant by these sayings, or doctrines, he here speaks of; and as he had in some foregoing verses chiefly respect to preachers, so here, to hearers, his disciples and followers in general. The subject of this comparison, in Luke 6:47 is, "whosoever cometh unto me"; as all that are given to Christ by the Father will do, sooner or later: such whom he encourages to come to him, are they that labour and are heavy laden; and they that come aright, come as poor perishing sinners; they believe in him, give up themselves to him, to be saved by him with an everlasting salvation; all which is owing to efficacious grace. These hear his sayings, as doctrines, not merely externally, but internally, having ears to hear given unto them, so as to understand them, love them, believe them, feel the power, taste the sweetness, and have a delightful relish of them; and such an one hears them,

and doth them: he is not only an hearer, but a doer of the word of the Gospel; the doctrines of it he receives in the love of them, and exercises faith on them; upon Christ, his grace and righteousness held forth in them, which is the great work and business of a Christian, he is to do, and does do in this life: the ordinances of it he cheerfully obeys; and all the duties of religion he performs from love to Christ, without any view to obtain eternal life hereby, which he only expects from Christ, as his sayings and doctrines direct him. The comparison follows,

I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. Luke says, "he is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation a rock". Every believer is a builder; the house he builds, is his own soul, and the salvation of it; in order to which he digs deep, till he comes to a rock, to a good foundation; he searches diligently into the Scriptures of truth; he constantly attends the ministry of the word; he inquires of Gospel preachers, and other saints, the way of salvation; which having found, he lays the whole stress of his salvation on the rock of ages, which rock is Christ: he makes him the foundation of all his hopes of eternal life and happiness; which is the foundation God has laid in Zion; and which has been laid ministerially by the prophets of the Old, and the apostles of the New Testament; and by believers themselves, when they build their faith and hope upon it. This foundation, the person, blood, and righteousness of Christ, is as a rock, firm and strong, will bear the whole weight that is laid upon it; it is sure and certain, it will never give way; it is immoveable and everlasting; the house built upon it stands safe and sure.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Jesus closes the sermon on the mount by a beautiful comparison, illustrating the benefit of attending to his words. It was not sufficient to “hear” them; they must be “obeyed.” He compares the man who should hear and obey him to a man who built his house on a rock. Palestine was to a considerable extent a land of hills and mountains. Like other countries of that description, it was subject to sudden and violent rains. The Jordan, the principal stream, was annually swollen to a great extent, and became rapid and furious in its course. The streams which ran among the hills, whose channels might have been dry during some months of the year, became suddenly swollen with the rain, and would pour down impetuously into the plains below. Everything in the way of these torrents would be swept off. Even houses, erected within the reach of these sudden inundations, and especially if founded on sand or on any unsolid basis, would not stand before them. The rising, bursting stream would shake it to its foundation; the rapid torrent would gradually wash away its base; it would totter and fall. Rocks in that country were common, and it was easy to secure for their houses a solid foundation. No comparison could, to a Jew, have been more striking. So tempests, and storms of affliction and persecution, beat around the soul. Suddenly, when we think we are in safety, the heavens may be overcast, the storm may lower, and calamity may beat upon us. In a moment, health, friends, comforts may be gone. How desirable, then, to be possessed of something that the tempest cannot reach! Such is an interest in Christ, reliance on his promises, confidence in his protection, and a hope of heaven through his blood. Earthly calamities do not reach these; and, possessed of religion, all the storms and tempests of life may beat harmlessly around us.

There is another point in this comparison. The house built upon the sand is beat upon by the floods and rains; its foundation gradually is worn away; it falls, and is borne down the stream and is destroyed. So falls the sinner. The floods are wearing away his sandy foundation; and soon one tremendous storm shall beat upon him, and he and his hopes shall fall, for ever fall. Out of Christ; perhaps having “heard” his words from very childhood; perhaps having taught them to others in the Sunday school; perhaps having been the means of laying the foundation on which others shall build for heaven, he has laid for himself no foundation, and soon an eternal tempest shall beat around his naked soul. How great will be that fall! What will be his emotions when sinking forever in the flood, and when he realizes that he is destined forever to live and writhe in the peltings of that ceaseless storm that shall beat when “God shall rain snares, fire, and a horrible tempest” upon the wicked!

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 7:24. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine — That is, the excellent doctrines laid down before in this and the two preceding chapters. There are several parables or similitudes like to this in the rabbins. I shall quote but the two following: -

Rabbi Eleasar said, "The man whose knowledge exceeds his works, to whom is he like? He is like a tree which had many branches, and only a few roots; and, when the stormy winds came, it was plucked up and eradicated. But he whose good works are greater than his knowledge, to what is he like? He is like a tree which had few branches, and many roots; so that all the winds of heaven could not move it from its place." Pirke Aboth.

Elisha, the son of Abuja, said, "The man who studies much in the law, and maintains good works, is like to a man who built a house, laying stones at the foundation, and building brick upon them; and, though many waters come against it, they cannot move it from its place. But the man who studies much in the law, and does not maintain good words, is like to a man who, in building his house, put brick at the foundation, and laid stones upon them, so that even gentle waters shall overthrow that house." Aboth Rab. Nath.

Probably our Lord had this or some parable in his eye: but how amazingly improved in passing through his hands! In our Lord's parable there is dignity, majesty, and point, which we seek for in vain in the Jewish archetype.

I will liken him unto a wise man — To a prudent man - ανδρι φρονιμω, to a prudent man, a man of sense and understanding, who, foreseeing the evil hideth himself, who proposes to himself the best end, and makes use of the proper means to accomplish it. True wisdom consists in getting the building of our salvation completed: to this end we must build on the Rock, CHRIST JESUS, and make the building firm, by keeping close to the maxims of his Gospel, and having our tempers and lives conformed to its word and spirit; and when, in order to this, we lean on nothing but the grace of Christ, we then build upon a solid rock.

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