Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mateo 12:4

4 naunsa nga misulod man siya sa balay sa Dios ug mikaon sa mga tinapay nga binutang-sa-atubangan-sa-Dios, nga supak man unta sa kasugoan ang pagkaon niya niini ug sa iyang mga kauban, gawas sa mga sacerdote lamang?

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Accusation, False;   Church;   David;   Ecclesiasticism;   Form;   Jesus, the Christ;   Pharisees;   Priest;   Sabbath;   Shewbread (Showbread);   Tradition;   Thompson Chain Reference - Bread;   Hallowed Bread;   Shewbread;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Priests;   Shewbread;  


- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Temple;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Christ, Christology;   Feasts and Festivals of Israel;   Jesus Christ;   Priest, Christ as;   Sabbath;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Bread;   Shewbread;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Jesus Christ;   Samuel, the Books of;   Shewbread;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Ahimelech;   Harmony of the Gospels;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Preparation Day;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Mss;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Discourse;   Dropsy;   Error;   Israel, Israelite;   Law;   Law of God;   Man (2);   Perplexity;   Quotations (2);   Sabbath ;   Shewbread (2);   Sinners;   Temple (2);   Winter ;   Wisdom of Christ;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Bread;   Nob;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Phar'isees,;   Sabbath;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - Jesus of Nazareth;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - House of God;   Law in the New Testament;   Sabbath;   Shewbread, the;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Showbread;  


- Every Day Light - Devotion for November 20;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

the shew-bread, Exodus 25:30, Leviticus 24:5-9

but: Exodus 29:32, Exodus 29:33, Leviticus 8:31, Leviticus 24:9

Reciprocal: Exodus 40:23 - General Leviticus 22:10 - General 1 Samuel 21:4 - hallowed bread 1 Samuel 21:6 - gave him 1 Chronicles 23:29 - for the showbread Luke 4:27 - saving Luke 6:3 - what

Gill's Notes on the Bible

How he entered into the house of God,.... Not the temple, which was not then built; but the tabernacle, which was then at Nob, the city of the priests, and which probably adjoined to Abimelech's house:

and did eat the shewbread; for that this is meant by the hallowed bread, in 1 Samuel 21:6 is certain; though R. Joseph Kimchi n thinks it was the bread of the thank offering; to which R. Levi ben Getsom o seems to incline: but the general sense of the Jewish doctors p is, that it was the showbread; and which is very clear from that text, and is rightly affirmed by Christ;

which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests: see Leviticus 24:5 and so the Jews say that this bread אסור לזרים, "is forbidden to strangers" q; that is, to any but the priests, which, after the burning of the frankincense, was divided equally among them: that course of priests that came into the service had six cakes, and that which went out six; though the high priest had a right to half himself, but he did not use to take it, it being judged not to his honour to do so r. No hint is here given, nor in the history, in 1 Samuel 21:1 that it was on the sabbath day that David came to Ahimelech, and ate the showbread; but this is observed, and disputed, by the Jewish writers. Some indeed are in a doubt about it; but others s readily give into it, that it was on the sabbath day, which he chose to flee in, for the greater safety and preservation of his life: and indeed it seems reasonable it should be on that day; since on that day only the showbread was removed from the table, and other loaves put in the room. One of their writers t says,

"that showbread was not to be eaten, but on the day, and night of the sabbath day; and on the going out of the sabbath day; and on the going out of the sabbath David came there.''

Now our Lord's argument stands thus, that if David, a holy, good man, and, the men that were with him, who were men of religion and conscience, when in great distress, through hunger, ate of the showbread, which was unlawful for any to eat of but priests, the high priest himself assenting to it; then it could not be criminal in his disciples, when an hungred, to pluck, rub, and eat a few ears of corn, which were lawful for any man to eat, even though it was on the sabbath day: and for the further vindication of them, he adds,

n Apud R. David Kimchi in 1 Sam. xxi. 6. o In ib. p T. Bab. Menachot, fol. 95. 2. R. David Kimchi, Abarbinel & Laniado in 1 Sam. xxi. 6. q Laniado & Abarbinel in ib. r Maimon. Hilch. Tamidin, c. 4. sect. 12. 14. s Bemidbar Rabba Parash. 23. fol. 231. 9. Laniado Cli Jaker, fol. 226. 4. & 227. 2, 3, 4. & Jelammedenu in ib. t R. Isaiah in 1 Sam. xxi. 5.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

How he entered into the house of God - That is, the “tabernacle,” the temple not being then built.

Have ye not read in the law? - In the law, or in the books of Moses.

Profane the Sabbath - He referred them to the conduct of the priests also. On the Sabbath days they were engaged, as well as on other days, in killing beasts for sacrifice, Numbers 28:9-10. Two lambs were killed on the Sabbath, in addition to the daily sacrifice. The priests must be engaged in killing them, and making fires to burn them in sacrifice, whereas to kindle a fire was expressly forbidden the Jews on the Sabbath, Exodus 35:3. They did that which, for other persons to do, would have been “profaning” the Sabbath. Yet they were blameless. They did what was necessary and commanded. This was done in the very temple, too, the place of holiness, where the law should be most strictly observed.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 12:4. Matthew 12:3; Matthew 12:3.

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