Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 23rd, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Filipino Cebuano Bible

Mga Gawa 28:20

20 Busa, tungod niining maong hinungdan, gipangayo ko ang pagpakigkita kaninyo ug pagpakigsulti kaninyo, sanglit tungod man sa ginalauman sa Israel gigapos ako karon niining talikala."

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Chains;   Hope;   Paul;   Thompson Chain Reference - Fetters;  


- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Rome;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Hope;   Rome;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Ordination;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Chain;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Palace;   Philippians, the Epistle to the;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Acts;   Chains;   Future Hope;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Advocate;   Faith;   Hope;   Nero;   Ships and Boats;   Vulgate;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Acts of the Apostles (2);   Arts;   Chain, Bonds;   Chains;   Israel;   Pre-Eminence ;   King James Dictionary - About;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Chains;   Christ;   Hope;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Rome,;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Hope;   Punishments;  

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

this cause: Acts 28:17, Acts 10:29, Acts 10:33

for the: Acts 23:6, Acts 24:15, Acts 26:6, Acts 26:7

this chain: That is, the chain with which he was bound to the "soldier that kept him" (Acts 28:16); a mode of custody which Dr. Lardner has shown was in use among the Romans. It is in exact conformity, therefore, with the truth of St. Paul's situation at this time, that he declares himself to be "an ambassador in a chain," ום [Strong's G1722], בכץףוי [Strong's G254], (Ephesians 6:20); and the exactness is the more remarkable, as בכץףיע [Strong's G254], a chain is no where used in the singular number to express any other kind of custody. Acts 26:29, Ephesians 3:1, Ephesians 4:1, Ephesians 6:20, Philippians 1:13, Colossians 4:18, 2 Timothy 1:10, 2 Timothy 2:9, Philemon 1:10, Philemon 1:13

Reciprocal: Jeremiah 14:8 - the hope Jeremiah 17:13 - the hope Jeremiah 40:1 - bound Matthew 27:2 - bound Acts 12:6 - bound Acts 21:11 - So shall Acts 21:33 - be Acts 24:21 - Touching Ephesians 2:12 - having 2 Timothy 1:16 - my Hebrews 10:34 - in my

Gill's Notes on the Bible

For this cause therefore have I called for you,.... To let them know the true state of his case; that though he was a prisoner, it was not for any crime he had done, much less any of a capital nature; and that as he was no scandal to his country, so neither did he intend to raise any against it, or say or do anything which might bring it into contempt and danger: as well as

to see [you] and speak with [you]; and keep up and maintain a free and friendly conversation together:

because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain; which was then upon him, and he pointed to; the true reason of which was, because he had preached that the Messiah the tribes of Israel were hoping and waiting for, and who is the only solid foundation of the hope of eternal life and salvation, was already come; and that he had suffered and died, and rose again from the dead, and that Jesus of Nazareth was he; see Jeremiah 14:8. And this title well agrees with Jesus Christ, who in the New Testament is called "our hope", and "the hope of glory", 1 Timothy 1:1, and he is the hope of every Israelite indeed, of every sensible sinner, of every regenerated person, whether Jew or Gentile; and such are encouraged to hope in him for grace here, and glory hereafter: and whereas they see themselves lost and undone, and that there is no salvation for them by their own works, and that there is salvation in Christ, they are directed and encouraged to hope in him for it; because it is a work finished by him, and is complete in him; it is of free grace and favour bestowed; it is wrought out for the chief of sinners; and such as they themselves are, are invited by himself to look to him for it; and the Gospel declaration is, that whoever believes in him shall be saved: they see themselves to be sinners, and that there is no hope of the forgiveness of their sins from an absolute God, or the absolute mercy of God out of Christ, but that the blood of Christ was shed for the remission of sins, and that God, for Christ's sake, does forgive sins: wherefore they hope in him for it; to which they are encouraged by the proclamation of the grace of God, as a forgiving God in Christ; by the promises of forgiveness in the covenant of grace; by the Gospel declaration of it; by its being entirely of free grace, through the blood of Christ; and by the many instances of the worst of sinners who have been favoured with it: these Israelites, indeed, also see themselves unrighteous creatures, and that they cannot be justified before God by works of righteousness done by them; but that there is a righteousness wrought out by Christ, which is acceptable and well pleasing to God; is freely bestowed on men, and is imputed to all sorts of men, even to the ungodly; wherefore they hope in him for it, and lay hold on this object of hope set before them: in a word, they have hope of eternal life on his account, that being the gift of God through him; and it being the will of God, that whoever believes in him should have it; and it being in the power and right of Christ to bestow it; and they having also his Spirit as the earnest and pledge of it; as well as have his righteousness as their title to it, his grace as their meetness for it, and have a share both in his intercession and in his preparations of it: moreover, the apostle taught that there would be a general resurrection of the dead, upon which would succeed a state of everlasting happiness for the righteous; and which was the hope of the tribes of Israel in common, especially of every Israelite indeed: now these things had irritated the carnal Jews against him, who could not rest till they had been the means of bringing him into the condition he now was; nor were they content with this, without having his life.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Because that for the hope of Israel - On account of the hope which the Jews cherish of the coming of the Messiah; of the resurrection; and of the future state. See this explained in the notes on Acts 23:6.

I am bound with this chain - See the notes on Acts 26:29. Probably he was attached constantly to a soldier by a chain.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Acts 28:20. For the hope of Israel I am bound, c.] As if he had said: This, and this alone, is the cause of my being delivered into the hands of the Romans I have proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah; have maintained that though he was crucified by the Jews, yet he rose again from the dead; and, through him, I have preached the general resurrection of mankind: this all Israel professes to hope for; and yet it is on this account that the Jews persecute me. Both the Messiah and the resurrection might be said to be the hope of Israel; and it is hard to tell which of them is here meant: see Acts 13:6; Acts 24:15; Acts 24:21; Acts 26:6. It is certain that, although the Jews believed in the general resurrection, yet they did not credit it in the manner in which Paul preached it; for he laid the foundation of the general resurrection on the resurrection of Christ.

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