Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Nova Vulgata

1 Machabæorum 25:41

Tunc dicet et his, qui a sinistris erunt: "Discedite a me, maledicti, in ignem aeternum, qui praeparatus est Diabolo et angelis eius.

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- Nave's Topical Bible - Afflicted;   Beneficence;   Commandments;   Death;   Demons;   Duty;   Fire;   Hell;   Hospitality;   Hypocrisy;   Jesus, the Christ;   Jesus Continued;   Judgment;   Neighbor;   Opportunity;   Prisoners;   Punishment;   Reward;   Satan;   Sin;   Unfaithfulness;   Wicked (People);   Works;   Scofield Reference Index - Day (of Destruction);   Thompson Chain Reference - Angels;   Destiny;   Eternal;   Everlasting;   Evil;   Fire;   Future State of the Wicked;   Future, the;   Punishment;   Words of Christ;   The Topic Concordance - Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ;   Curses;   Damnation;   Devil/devils;   Eternal Life;   Hell;   Inheritance;   Judgment;   Kingdom of God;   Punishment;   Separation;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Anger of God, the;   Condemnation;   Death, Eternal;   Devil, the;   Fire;   Hell;   Judgment, the;   Punishment of the Wicked, the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Angel;   Devil;   Hell;   Hospitality;   Judgment;   Marriage;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Angels;   Assurance;   Church;   Curse;   Demons;   Hell;   Hospitality;   Jesus christ;   Judgment;   Satan;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Angel;   Animals;   Curse, Accursed;   Eternal Life, Eternality, Everlasting Life;   Eternal Punishment;   Ethics;   Hell;   Hospitality;   Immortality;   Jesus Christ;   Judgment, Day of;   Kingdom of God;   Lake of Fire;   Satan;   Wages;   Wealth;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Angel;   Annihilation;   Destructionists;   Holiness of God;   Immutability of God;   Joy;   Judgment, Last;   Meditation;   Universalists;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Angel;   Daemon;   Eternal Death;   Judgment, the Final;   Prophecy;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Atonement, Day of;   Devil;   Gadara;   Topheth;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Alms;   Devil, Satan, Evil, Demonic;   Devil;   Everlasting Punishment;   Flock;   Hospitality;   Judgment Day;   Kingdom of God;   Left Hand;   Life;   Love;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Naked;   Resurrection;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Angel;   Anger (Wrath) of God;   Devil;   Ethics;   Evil;   Love, Lover, Lovely, Beloved;   Messiah;   Olives, Mount of;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Acceptance;   Alms;   Angels;   Character;   Claims (of Christ);   Condemnation (2);   Consciousness;   Curse;   Day of Judgment;   Demon;   Demon, Demoniacal Possession, Demoniacs;   Devil ;   Doctrines;   Eternal Fire (2);   Eternal Life (2);   Eternal Punishment;   Evil (2);   Fear ;   Fire ;   Guilt (2);   Heart;   Humanity of Christ;   Imagination;   Immortality (2);   Israel, Israelite;   Judgment;   Man (2);   Matthew, Gospel According to;   Merit;   Necessity;   Obedience (2);   Parousia (2);   Place (His Own);   Preaching Christ;   Preparation;   Punishment (2);   Quotations (2);   Redemption (2);   Religious Experience;   Resurrection of the Dead;   Righteous, Righteousness;   Sanctify, Sanctification;   Satan (2);   Sin (2);   Social Life;   Socialism;   Soul;   Sympathy;   Tares ;   Wealth (2);   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Angels;   Hell;   Judgement;   Matthew, Gospel by;   Sheep;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Angel;   Fire;   Judge;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Angel;   Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Devil;   Judgment the day of;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Angels;   Sa'tan;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Fire;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Destructionists;   Devil;   Fire;   Judgment;   Justice;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Angel;   Creed;   Everlasting;   Fire;   Furnace;   Hell;   Punishment, Everlasting;   Ruler;   Unquenchable Fire;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Demonology;   Fall of Angels;   Gehenna;  


- Chip Shots from the Ruff of Life - Devotion for October 7;   Every Day Light - Devotion for February 18;  

Parallel Translations

Clementine Latin Vulgate (1592)
Tunc dicet et his qui a sinistris erunt : Discedite a me maledicti in ignem �ternum, qui paratus est diabolo, et angelis ejus :
Jerome's Latin Vulgate (405)
Tunc dicet et his qui a sinistris erunt: Discedite a me maledicti in ignem �ternum, qui paratus est diabolo, et angelis ejus:

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

them: Matthew 25:33

Depart: Matthew 7:23, Psalms 6:8, Psalms 119:115, Psalms 139:19, Luke 13:27

ye cursed: Deuteronomy 27:15-26, Deuteronomy 28:16-68, Psalms 119:21, Jeremiah 17:5, Galatians 3:10-13, Hebrews 6:8

everlasting: Matthew 25:46, Matthew 3:12, Matthew 13:40, Matthew 13:42, Matthew 13:50, Mark 9:43-48, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Revelation 14:10, Revelation 14:11, Revelation 20:10-15

prepared: John 8:44, Romans 9:22, Romans 9:23, 2 Peter 2:4, 1 John 3:10, Jude 1:6, Revelation 12:7-9

Reciprocal: Genesis 4:14 - from thy Genesis 9:25 - Cursed Genesis 41:32 - established by Leviticus 13:57 - shalt burn Leviticus 22:3 - from my Leviticus 27:28 - no devoted Numbers 12:10 - the cloud Deuteronomy 11:28 - General Deuteronomy 15:9 - sin unto thee Deuteronomy 27:26 - Cursed Deuteronomy 29:21 - separate Judges 5:23 - the angel 1 Samuel 18:12 - departed 1 Samuel 28:15 - God 2 Kings 9:34 - this cursed woman 2 Kings 13:23 - neither cast he 2 Kings 17:20 - until he had cast Job 15:30 - the flame Psalms 1:5 - sinners Psalms 5:5 - thou Psalms 9:17 - The wicked Psalms 21:9 - Thou Psalms 28:3 - Draw Psalms 37:22 - cursed Psalms 138:6 - afar off Psalms 145:20 - all the wicked Proverbs 21:13 - at Ecclesiastes 8:12 - surely Isaiah 9:18 - wickedness Isaiah 26:11 - fire Isaiah 30:33 - ordained Isaiah 33:14 - everlasting Isaiah 34:5 - the people Jeremiah 23:39 - cast Zechariah 5:3 - the curse Matthew 5:22 - hell Matthew 5:26 - Thou Matthew 7:13 - that Matthew 13:30 - burn Matthew 18:8 - everlasting Matthew 25:34 - Come Mark 9:44 - the fire Mark 11:21 - General Luke 8:31 - the deep Luke 12:5 - power Luke 12:9 - shall Luke 12:59 - thou shalt Luke 13:25 - I know Luke 16:24 - for John 8:21 - whither John 14:24 - that Acts 1:25 - go 1 Corinthians 6:3 - judge 1 Corinthians 16:22 - Anathema Galatians 1:8 - let Philippians 3:19 - end 2 Thessalonians 1:8 - flaming 1 Timothy 5:21 - the elect Hebrews 2:14 - the devil Hebrews 10:27 - fiery James 2:13 - he 1 Peter 5:8 - the devil 2 Peter 2:14 - cursed 2 Peter 3:7 - the heavens 1 John 3:18 - let Revelation 20:15 - was cast Revelation 22:3 - there

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Then shall he also say unto them on his left hand,.... The goats, the foolish virgins, and slothful and wicked servants,

depart from me: a like expression is used by him to preachers of the word, and professors of religion, that are mere nominal ones. Matthew 7:23 and such are intended here, who professed to be on Christ's side, had been in his visible church, and hoped to have been with him for ever; but having nothing but the lamp of a profession, and some external works to trust to, they are bid to be gone from him; they are banished his presence, which is what is commonly called the punishment of loss; the loss of the presence of God, Father, Son, and Spirit, angels, and saints; and is thought to be greater than the punishment of sense, hereafter expressed. The character given of them, which is the reverse of the former, is,

ye cursed; for having sinned against God, and his righteous law, they are cursed by it, which curses everyone that is under its works, as these were, and do not perfectly fulfil whatsoever it requires; and so were justly rejected of God, and hated by him: and therefore are condemned and sent,

into everlasting fire: by which is meant, the wrath of God; and the phrase expresses the intolerable fierceness of it, and its perpetual continuance; the sense of which, without intermission, will ever be felt in the conscience; and is the punishment of sense, the wicked will for ever endure: it may also intend the pit and prison of hell, where these torments will be for ever inflicted; and so hell is called by the Jews k, the hell יקידות עלם, "eternal fire", or "everlasting burning": and is here said to be

prepared for the devil and his angels; for Satan, or Beelzebub, the prince of devils, and all his principalities and powers under him: it is not said to be prepared for these persons, though it was, and who were foreordained to this condemnation, but for the devil and his angels; showing, that the same punishment will be inflicted on hypocrites and carnal professors, as on the devils themselves; and it is indeed of such, that the devouring fire, and everlasting burnings are spoken, in Isaiah 33:14, to which this passage seems to have some respect; for no where else is mention made of this everlasting fire: it is not said neither when it was prepared. It is a notion of the Jews l, that the angels were created on the second day; and it should seem by them, that they fell the same day; hence it is a prevailing opinion among them m, that hell was made on the second day of the creation; though at, other times, they reckon hell among the seven things which were created before the world was n, and which may be reconciled together: for as heaven, the place of the saints' happiness, was prepared from the foundation of the world, or on the first day of its creation, though the happiness itself was provided long before; so hell, the place of the torments of the devils and wicked, though it was not made or prepared until the second day of the creation, when, according to this opinion, the angels were made and fell; yet the punishment they were to endure there, was appointed before the world was; and so hell is said to

מסדרא מן עלמין, "be ordained from eternity", because of their sins o.

k Targum in Isa. xxxiii. 14. l Targum Jon. in Gen. i. 26. Pirke Eliezer, c. 4. m Targum in Cant. viii. 6. T. Bab. Pesach. fol. 54. 1. Zohar in Gen. fol. 13. 3. & 30. 2. & in Exod. fol. 61. 4. & in Deut. fol. 120. 1. Bereshit Rabba, sect. 4. fol. 4. 1. & sect. 21. fol. 19. 1. Shemot Rabba, sect. 15. fol. 101. 4. Tzeror Hammor, fol. 1. 2. & 121. & 1. 2. & 130. 3. n T. Bab. Pesach. fol. 54. 1. & Nedar. fol. 39. 2. Zokar in Lev. fol. 14. 4. Targum Jon. in Gen iii. 24. o Targum in Isa. xxx. 33.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

On the left hand - The wicked.

Ye cursed - That is, you who are devoted to destruction, whose characters deserve everlasting punishment, and who are about to enter into it. “To curse” is the opposite of “to bless.” It implies a negation of all the blessings of heaven, and a positive infliction of eternal sufferings.

Everlasting fire - “Fire,” here, is used to denote punishment. The image is employed to express extreme suffering, as a death by burning is one of the most horrible that can be conceived. The image was taken, probably, from the fires burning in the Valley of Hinnom. See the notes at Matthew 5:22. It has been asked whether the wicked will be burned in literal fire, and the common impression has been that they will be. Respecting that, however, it is to be observed:

1.That the main truth intended to be taught refers not to the manner of suffering, but to the certainty and intensity of it.

2.That the design, therefore, was to present an image of terrific and appalling suffering - an image well represented by fire

3.That this image was well known to the Jews Isaiah 66:24, and therefore expressed the idea in a very strong manner.

4.That all the truth that Christ intended to convey appears to be expressed in the certainty, intensity, and eternity of future torment.

5.That there is no distinct affirmation respecting the mode of that punishment, where the mode was the subject of discourse.

6.That to us it is a subject of comparatively little consequence what will be the mode of punishment.

The fact that the wicked will be eternally punished, cursed of God, should awe every spirit, and lead every man to strive most earnestly to secure his salvation. As, however, the “body” will be raised, it is not unreasonable to suppose that a mode of punishment will be adopted suited to the body - perhaps bearing some analogy to suffering here, in its various forms of flames, and racks, and cold, and heat, and disease, and ungratified desire, and remorse - perhaps the concentration of all earthly woes, all that makes man miserable here, poured upon the naked body and spirit of the wicked in hell forever and ever.

Prepared for the devil - The devil is the prince of evil spirits. This place of punishment was suited for him when he rebelled against God, Jude 1:6; Revelation 12:8-9.

His angels - His messengers, his servants, or those angels that he drew off from heaven by his rebellion, and whom he has employed as his “messengers” to do evil. The word may extend also to all his followers - fallen angels or people. There is a remarkable difference between the manner in which the righteous will be addressed, and the wicked. Christ will say to the one that the kingdom was prepared for them; to the other, that the fire was not prepared for “them,” but for another race of beings. they will inherit it because they have the same character “as the devil,” and are therefore suited to the same place - not because it was originally “prepared for them.”

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 25:41. Depart from me, ye cursed — Or, Ye cursed! depart. - These words are the address of the king to the sinners; and contain the reason why they are to be separated from blessedness: Ye are cursed, because ye have sinned, and would not come unto me that ye might have life. - No work of piety has proceeded from your hand, because the carnal mind, which is enmity against me, reigned in your heart; and ye would not have me to reign over you. Depart! this includes what some have termed the punishment of loss or privation. Ye cannot, ye, shall not be united to me - Depart! O terrible word! and yet a worse is to come.

Into everlasting fire — This is the punishment of sense. Ye shall not only be separated from me, but ye shall be tormented, awfully, everlastingly tormented in that place of separation.

Prepared for the devil and his angels — The devil and his angels sinned before the creation of the world, and the place of torment was then prepared for them: it never was designed for human souls; but as the wicked are partakers with the devil and his angels in their iniquities, in their rebellion against God, so it is right that they should be sharers with them in their punishment. We see here, plainly, why sinners are destroyed, not because there was no salvation for them, but because they neglected to receive good, and do good. As they received not the Christ who was offered to them, so they could not do the work of righteousness which was required of them. They are cursed, because they refused to be blessed; and they are damned, because they refused to be saved.

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