Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 30th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Read the Bible

Nova Vulgata

1 Machabæorum 22:7

Rex autem iratus est et, missis exercitibus suis, perdidit homicidas illos et civitatem illorum succendit.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Anger;   Covetousness;   Feasts;   Hospitality;   Jesus, the Christ;   Jesus Continued;   Kingdom of Heaven;   Wicked (People);   The Topic Concordance - Kingdom of God;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Call of God, the;   Parables;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Feasts;   Parable;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Parables;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Christ, Christology;   Church, the;   Lord's Supper, the;   Mission;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Marriage;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Call, Calling;   Election;   Hour;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Kingdom of God;   Marriage;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Angels;   Army (2);   Circumstantiality in the Parables;   Courtesy;   Doctrines;   Dropsy;   Householder;   Invitation;   Judgment;   Lazarus;   Luke, Gospel According to;   Marriage;   Matthew, Gospel According to;   Mental Characteristics;   Murder (2);   Redemption (2);   Sacraments;   Service;   Wandering Stars;   Wealth (2);   Morrish Bible Dictionary - 38 Murderer Manslayer Assassin;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Marriage;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Marriage;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Calling;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - Jesus of Nazareth;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Bid;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Marriage;  

Parallel Translations

Clementine Latin Vulgate (1592)
Rex autem cum audisset, iratus est : et missis exercitibus suis, perdidit homicidas illos, et civitatem illorum succendit.
Jerome's Latin Vulgate (405)
Rex autem cum audisset, iratus est: et missis exercitibus suis, perdidit homicidas illos, et civitatem illorum succendit.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

he was: Matthew 21:40, Matthew 21:41, Daniel 9:26, Zechariah 14:1, Zechariah 14:2, Luke 19:27, Luke 19:42-44, Luke 21:21, Luke 21:24, 1 Thessalonians 2:16, 1 Peter 4:17, 1 Peter 4:18

his: Deuteronomy 28:49-68, Isaiah 10:5-7, Isaiah 13:2-5, Jeremiah 51:20-23, Joel 2:11, Joel 2:25, Joel 3:2, Luke 19:27

Reciprocal: Leviticus 13:57 - shalt burn Leviticus 14:45 - break down Deuteronomy 28:52 - General Psalms 2:5 - Then Psalms 21:9 - in his Psalms 74:7 - cast fire into thy sanctuary Proverbs 17:11 - General Isaiah 5:9 - Of a truth Isaiah 24:12 - General Isaiah 29:3 - General Isaiah 42:24 - General Isaiah 63:10 - he was Isaiah 65:12 - will I Isaiah 65:15 - the Lord Isaiah 66:15 - the Lord Jeremiah 5:10 - ye up Jeremiah 21:4 - and I Jeremiah 22:7 - I Jeremiah 32:29 - and set Jeremiah 34:22 - I will command Jeremiah 43:10 - my servant Ezekiel 5:8 - even I Hosea 10:10 - and the Zechariah 11:6 - I will no Zechariah 13:8 - two Malachi 4:6 - lest Mark 12:9 - he will Luke 3:20 - General Luke 13:3 - ye shall Luke 14:21 - being Luke 19:43 - the days Luke 20:16 - destroy John 11:48 - and the Acts 13:41 - for

Gill's Notes on the Bible

But when the king heard thereof,.... Of this maltreatment, and barbarous usage of his servants, their cries coming up into his ears, and their blood calling for vengeance at his hands; and he full well knowing what they did unto them, and upon what account, being the omniscient God; and observing their malignity and wickedness,

he was wroth: who, though slow to anger, bears much, and suffers long; yet was now highly incensed and provoked, and stirred up all his wrath, determining to take vengeance on such a vile generation of men. Christ, when he was here on earth, was sometimes provoked by the Jews, through their unbelief, their obstinacy, and the hardness of their hearts and was angry with them, being grieved for them, Mark 3:5, but then was not the proper time to execute his wrath; he then appeared as the Lamb of God, to take away the sin of the world; he came to save men, and not to destroy their lives, nor to condemn the world: when his martyr Stephen was suffering, he was seen by him standing at the right hand of God, being risen from his seat, as one incensed at the usage his servant met with from the wicked Jews; but the time of his vengeance was not yet come, more patience and forbearance were to be exercised towards them: but now his kingdom came with power, and he appears as the Lion of the tribe of Judah; and pours out his wrath to the uttermost upon them, destroys their city and temple, and puts an end to their civil and ecclesiastical state, and cuts them off from being a nation; and now it was, that he ordered these his enemies, who would not have him to rule over them, brought before him, and slain in his presence; and in all this, he showed his kingly power and authority; and by removing the sceptre from them, and all show of dominion and government, made it fully appear that he, the Messiah, was come. Well had it been for them, had they taken the advice of the Psalmist, "Kiss the Son", the Son of God, believe in him as such, embrace him as the Messiah, yield subjection and obedience to his word and ordinances, "lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little", Psalms 2:12. But now his wrath was kindled very much, and was poured out like fire, and there was no standing before it; the day of the Lord burned like an oven, and destroyed the Jews root and branch: the manner and means, in and by which this utter ruin was brought about, are as follow:

and he sent forth his armies; not the angels, who are the armies and hosts of heaven; nor desolating judgments only, as pestilence and famine, though the latter was severely felt by the Jews, but chiefly the Roman armies are here meant; called "his", because they came by the Lord's appointment and permission; and were used by him, for the destruction of these people:

and destroyed those murderers; of Christ and his apostles, as their fathers had been of the prophets before them:

and burnt up their city; the city of Jerusalem, the metropolis of the Jews, and where the principal of these murderers dwelt; and which was burnt and destroyed by the Roman army, under Titus Vespasian. And a worse punishment than this, even the vengeance of eternal fire, may all the neglecters of the Gospel, and persecutors of the ministers of it expect, from him, whose vengeance is, and who will repay it; for if judgment began at the house of God, the people of the Jews who were so called, what will be the end of them that obey not the Gospel of Christ? How sore a punishment shall they be thought worthy of, who trample under foot the Son of God, count his blood a common thing, and do despite to the Spirit of grace? If the law, when transgressed; demanded a just recompense of reward, or inflicted deserved punishment, how shall the neglecters of the great salvation revealed in the Gospel escape?

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

But when the king heard ... - This doubtless refers to the Jews and to Jerusalem. They were murderers, having slain the prophets; and God was about to send forth the armies of the Romans under his providential direction, and to burn up their city. See the notes at Matthew 24:0.

Wroth - Angry; displeased.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 22:7. But when the king — HIMSELF or, this very king. I have added εκεινος on the authority of nine of the most ancient MSS. and nearly one hundred others; the later Syriac, six copies of the Itala, and some of the fathers. Several printed editions have it, and Griesbach has received it into the text.

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