Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Nova Vulgata

1 Machabæorum 22:23

In illo die accesserunt ad eum sadducaei, qui dicunt non esse resurrectionem, et interrogaverunt eum

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Infidelity;   Jesus, the Christ;   Resurrection;   Sadducees;   Thompson Chain Reference - Faith-Unbelief;   Infidelity;   Materialism;   Sadducees;   Sects, Jewish;   The Topic Concordance - Marriage;   Resurrection;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Resurrection, the;   Sadducees, the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Marriage;   Sadducees;   Widow;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Heaven;   Pharisees;   Priest;   Resurrection;   Sadducees;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Intermediate State;   Resurrection;   Sadducees;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Hutchinsonians;   Resurrection;   Sadducees;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Immortality;   Marriage;   Sadducees;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Heir;   Jude, the Epistle of;   Sadducees;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Levirate Law, Levirate Marriage;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Resurrection;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Marriage;   Resurrection;   Sadducees;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Boyhood of Jesus;   Immortality (2);   Israel, Israelite;   Judgment;   Levirate Law ;   Marriage (Ii.);   Power;   Resurrection;   Resurrection of the Dead;   Sadducees (2);   Temptation;   Wisdom of Christ;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Sadducees;   Zechariah, Prophecy of;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Sadducees;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Sad'ducees;   Widow;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Resurrection;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Husband's Brother;   Resurrection;   Sadducees;  


- Every Day Light - Devotion for December 16;  

Parallel Translations

Clementine Latin Vulgate (1592)
In illo die accesserunt ad eum sadduc�i, qui dicunt non esse resurrectionem : et interrogaverunt eum,
Jerome's Latin Vulgate (405)
In illo die accesserunt ad eum sadduc�i, qui dicunt non esse resurrectionem: et interrogaverunt eum,

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

same: Mark 12:18-27, Luke 20:27-40

the Sadducees: Matthew 3:7, Matthew 16:6, Acts 4:1, Acts 5:17, Acts 23:6-8

which: 1 Corinthians 15:12-14, 2 Timothy 2:18

Reciprocal: Genesis 38:8 - General Psalms 62:4 - consult Isaiah 52:14 - many Matthew 16:1 - Sadducees Mark 8:11 - Pharisees John 11:24 - I know Acts 23:8 - General Hebrews 6:2 - resurrection

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Ver. 23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, ] Quickly after the Pharisees and Herodians had left him and which shows, that the Herodians and Sadducees were not the same; but that the Sadducees were a distinct sect, both from the Pharisees and the Herodians. These understanding that the former had not succeeded, came with a knotty question, with which they had often puzzled the Pharisees, and hoped they should nonplus Christ with it, showing the absurdity of the doctrine of the resurrection, an article which they denied; as it follows,

which say, that there is no resurrection of the dead: they denied that there were angels and spirits, and the immortality of the soul; they affirmed, that the soul died with the body, and that there was no future state: the rise of this sect, and of these notions of their's, was this, as the Jews relate w.

"Antigonus, a man of Socho, used to say, be not as servants, that serve their master on account of receiving a reward, but be as servants that serve their master, not on account of receiving a reward; and let the fear of heaven (God) be upon you, so that your reward may be double in the world to come: this man had two disciples, who altered his words, and taught the disciples, and the disciples their disciples, and they stood and narrowly examined them, and said, what did our fathers see, to say this thing? Is it possible, that a labourer should work all day, and not take his reward at evening? But if our fathers had known that there is another world, and that there is תהיית המתים, "a resurrection of the dead", they would not have said thus: they stood and separated from the law, and of them there were two parties, the Sadducees and Baithusites; the Sadducees on account of Sadoc, and the Baithusites on account of Baithus.''

The Syriac version reads, "and they said" and the Ethiopic version also, "saying, there is no resurrection of the dead"; taking the sense to be, that they at this time declared their sense of this doctrine, and according to a settled notion of their's, affirmed before Christ, that there was no such thing; that never any was raised from the dead, nor never will; and they were desirous of entering into a controversy with him about it:

and asked him; put the following question to him, in order to expose the weakness and absurdity of such a doctrine.

w Abot R. Nathan, c. 5. fol. 3. 1.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Conversation of Jesus with the Sadducees respecting the resurrection - See also Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-38.

Matthew 22:23

The same day came the Sadducees - For an account of the Sadducees, see the notes at Matthew 3:7.

No resurrection - The word “resurrection” usually means the raising up the “body” to life after it is dead, John 11:24; John 5:29; 1 Corinthians 15:22. But the Sadducees not only denied this, but also a future state, and the separate existence of the soul after death altogether, as well as the existence of angels and spirits, Acts 23:8. Both these doctrines have commonly stood or fallen together, and the answer of our Saviour respects both, though it more distinctly refers “to the separate existence of the soul, and to a future state of rewards and punishments,” than to the resurrection of the body.

Matthew 22:24

Saying, Master, Moses said ... - Deuteronomy 25:5-6. This law was given by Moses in order to keep the families and tribes of the Israelites distinct, and to perpetuate them.

Raise up seed unto his brother - That is, the children shall be reckoned in the genealogy of the deceased brother; or, to all civil purposes, shall be considered as his.

Matthew 22:25-28

There were with us seven brethren - It is probable that they stated a case as difficult as possible; and though no such case might have occurred, yet it was supposable, and in their view it presented a real difficulty.

The difficulty arose from the fact, that they supposed that, substantially, the same state of things must take place in the other world as here; that if there is such a world, husbands and wives must be there reunited; and they professed not to be able to see how one woman could be the wife of seven men.

Matthew 22:29

Ye do err, not knowing ... - They had taken a wrong view of the doctrine of the resurrection.

It was not taught that people would marry there. The “Scriptures,” here, mean the books of the Old Testament. By appealing to them, Jesus showed that the doctrine of the future state was there, and that the Sadducees should have believed it as it was, and not have added the absurd doctrine to it that people must live there as they do here. The way in which the enemies of the truth often attempt to make a doctrine of the Bible ridiculous is by adding to it, and then calling it absurd. The reason why the Saviour produced a passage from the books of Moses Matthew 22:32 was that they had also appealed to his writings, Matthew 22:24. Other places of the Old Testament, in fact, asserted the doctrine more clearly Daniel 12:2; Isaiah 26:19, but he wished to meet them on their own ground. None of those scriptures asserted that people would live there as they do here, and therefore their reasoning was false.

Nor the power of God - They probably denied, as many have done since, that God could gather the scattered dust of the dead and remould it into a body. On this ground they affirmed that the doctrine could not be true - opposing reason to revelation, and supposing that infinite power could not reorganize a body that it had at first organized, and raise a body from its own dust which it had at first raised from nothing.

Matthew 22:30

Neither marry ... - This was a full answer to the objections of the Sadducees.

But are as the angels of God - That is, in the manner of their conversation; in regard to marriage and the mode of their existence.

Luke adds that they shall be “equal with the angels.” That is, they shall be elevated above the circumstances of mortality, and live in a manner and in a kind of conversation similar to that of the angels. It does not imply that they shall be equal in intellect, but only “in the circumstances of their existence,” as that is distinguished from the way in which mortals live. He also adds, “Neither do they die any more, but are the children of God; being the children of the resurrection,” or being accounted worthy to be raised up to life, and therefore “sons of God raised up to him.”

Matthew 22:31, Matthew 22:32

As touching ... - That is, in proof that the dead are raised.

The passage which he quotes is recorded in Exodus 3:6, Exodus 3:15, This was at the burning bush (Mark and Luke). Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had been dead for a long time when Moses spoke this - Abraham for 329 years, Isaac for 224 years, and Jacob for 198 years - yet God spake then as being still “their God.” They must, therefore, be still somewhere living, for God is not the God of the dead; that is, it is absurd to say that God rules over those who are “extinct or annihilated,” but he is the God only of those who have an existence. Luke adds, “all live unto him.” That is, all the righteous dead, all of whom he can be properly called their God, live unto his glory. This passage does not prove directly that the dead “body” would be raised, but only by consequence. It proves that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had an existence then, or that their souls were alive. This the Sadducees denied Acts 23:8, and this was the main point in dispute. If this was admitted - if there was a state of rewards and punishments - then it would easily follow that the bodies of the dead would be raised.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 22:23. The same day — Malice is ever active; let it be defeated ever so often, it returns to the charge. Jesus and his Gospel give no quarter to vice; the vicious will give no quarter to him or it.

The Sadducees — For an account of these see on Matthew 16:1.

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