Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 21st, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Read the Bible

Jerome's Latin Vulgate

1 Machabæorum 24:51

et dividet eum, partemque ejus ponet cum hypocritis: illic erit fletus et stridor dentium.

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- Nave's Topical Bible - Commandments;   Gnashing of Teeth;   God Continued...;   Hypocrisy;   Impenitence;   Jesus Continued;   Minister, Christian;   Procrastination;   Self-Delusion;   Servant;   Sorrow;   Teeth;   Watchfulness;   Weeping;   Wicked (People);   Thompson Chain Reference - Eternal;   Everlasting;   Future State of the Wicked;   Future, the;   Gnashing of Teeth;   Hypocrites;   Portion of the Wicked;   Punishment;   Readiness-Unreadiness;   Religion;   Religion, True-False;   Righteous-Wicked;   Teeth, Gnashing of;   Unreadiness;   Wicked, the;   Words of Christ;   The Topic Concordance - Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ;   Servants;   Waiting;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Drunkenness;   Hypocrites;   Long-Suffering of God, the;   Ministers;   Parables;   Punishments;   Second Coming of Christ, the;   Self-Delusion;   Watchfulness;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Parable;   Prophecy;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Perseverance;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Eternal Punishment;   Hell;   Hypocrisy;   Second Coming of Christ;   Slave, Slavery;   Wages;   Watchfulness;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Destructionists;   Jews;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Luke, Gospel of;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Hypocrite;   Jesus Christ;   Kingdom of God;   Olives, Mount of;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Condemnation (2);   Doctrines;   Drunkenness (2);   Eternal Punishment;   Gnashing of Teeth ;   Judgment;   Merit;   Metaphors;   Owner ;   Portion ;   Property (2);   Punishment (2);   Readiness;   Restoration;   Social Life;   Steward, Stewardship;   Talents ;   Torment (2);   Unity (2);   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Matthew, Gospel by;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Chief parables and miracles in the bible;   Jerusalem;   Matthew;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Cut;   Teeth;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Destructionists;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Appoint;   Asunder;   Cut;   Gnash;   Hypocrisy;   Jesus Christ (Part 2 of 2);   Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia - Alliances;  

Parallel Translations

Nova Vulgata (1979)
et dividet eum partemque eius ponet cum hypocritis; illic erit fletus et stridor dentium.
Clementine Latin Vulgate (1592)
et dividet eum, partemque ejus ponet cum hypocritis : illic erit fletus et stridor dentium.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

cut him asunder: or, cut him off

and appoint: Job 20:29, Isaiah 33:14, Luke 12:46

there: Matthew 8:12, Matthew 22:13, Matthew 25:30, Luke 13:28

Reciprocal: Leviticus 14:41 - into an unclean place Deuteronomy 29:21 - separate Job 8:13 - the hypocrite's Job 15:34 - the congregation Psalms 26:9 - Gather not Psalms 64:7 - suddenly Jeremiah 13:25 - thy lot Zechariah 11:8 - in Malachi 1:14 - cursed Matthew 6:2 - as Matthew 13:50 - wailing Acts 7:54 - they gnashed Ephesians 6:9 - knowing 1 Peter 2:1 - hypocrisies Revelation 16:10 - they

Gill's Notes on the Bible

And shall cut him asunder,.... The Persic version renders it, "he shall separate him from himself": he shall separate soul and body by death; he shall take away all his gifts and talents from him; and remove him from his place and office, and from the church of God, and communion of the saints, and out of this world. Some think the allusion is to the cutting up of the sacrifices, and dividing them into pieces; and the sense is, that this wicked servant should have no share in the sacrifice of Christ; but should fall himself a victim to divine justice, and be used as sacrifices were; or, in other words, be severely punished for his sins; though the allusion seems rather to be to the manner of punishing treacherous and unfaithful persons, by dismembering them, cutting them in pieces, or in two: and so the Arabic version renders it, "he shall cut him in the middle": this was certainly a way of putting persons to death; though some say it was not known to the Jews; but the following instances show the contrary. Mention is made of some that were sawn asunder, Hebrews 11:37 and the Jews say b, that Isaiah was sawn asunder by Manasseh; and such a kind of death is spoken of in the Targum c; where it is said, that

"the priests went before Mordecai, and proclaimed, saying, whoever does not salute, or wish prosperity to Mordecai, and to the Jews, הדמין יתעביד "he shall be cut into pieces", and his house be made a dunghill.''

And elsewhere d it is said of a wicked man, that they put him upon a carpenter's block, and מנסרים בו, "sawed him asunder"; and he cried out, woe, woe, woe, that I have provoked my Creator. This was also a punishment used among the Heathens, as Gataker e, and others out of Heathen writers, have shown. It must not here be understood literally, that this wicked servant should be put to such a corporeal death; but that he should be punished in the severest manner, and should be the object of the fierce wrath and sore displeasure of God;

and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. Luke says, "with the unbelievers" Luke 12:46: very likely both phrases were used by Christ; intimating, that such as make a profession of him, and have only a form of godliness, without the power of it, and are wicked and hypocritical men, will share the same fate with those that believe not; and the portion of these is the lake which burns with fire and brimstone; see Revelation 21:8 or all such persons are intended, who put on the mask of religion, and do not answer to the character they bear: and are unfaithful to the trust reposed in them, and therefore will made examples of righteous judgment, and have their part in the lowest hell:

there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth:

Revelation 21:8- :

b T. Hieros. Sanhedrin, fol. 28. 3. & T. Bab. Yebamot, fol. 49. 2. c Targum in Esth. viii. 15. d Bereshit Rabba, sect. 65. fol. 58. 4. e Adversaria, p. 455.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

This passage is, in fact, “a parable,” though it is not expressly so called. The design is to show that his disciples should act as if they were each moment expecting his return. This he illustrates by the conduct of a servant who did not expect his master soon to return, who acted with great impropriety, and who was accordingly punished.

Matthew 24:45

Who, then, is a faithful and wise servant ... - By the conduct of a faithful and wise servant Jesus intends to denote a faithful Christian, a servant of God, or a teacher of religion.

Whom his lord - His master.

The word here has no reference to God. It means the “lord” or master of the servant. Applied to Christian teachers, in the spiritual meaning of the parable, it refers to “Christ,” who has appointed them as teachers, and who is their Lord and Master, John 13:13-14.

Over his household - His family. Christian ministers are the servants of God appointed over the church, the family of Christ, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; 1 Corinthians 3:5; 1Co 4:1-2; 1 Corinthians 12:28.

Meat in due season - The word “meat” here means food of all kinds. When the Bible was translated into English, the word included, as the original does, all kinds of provisions requisite to support and nourish life.

In due season - As they need it, or in the accustomed times. This was the office of a steward. Among the ancients this office was often filled by a “slave” - one who had shown himself trusty and faithful. The duty was to have a general superintendence over the affairs of the family. Applied to Christian ministers, it means that they are to feed the flock of God, to “minister” to their needs, and to do it as they need it, John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28; 1 Corinthians 4:1-2.

Matthew 24:47

Shall make him ruler ... - Shall confirm his appointment over his household, and, as a reward, shall place him over all his property.

This does not mean that ministers will have a higher rank or office, but is a circumstance of “the parable” or story, designed to show the effect of faithfulness. Faithful servants of Christ shall be rewarded. This will be done by His approbation, and by the rewards of the heavenly world.

Matthew 24:48

That evil servant - If that servant, so appointed, having this office, should be evil or wicked.

Say in his heart - Secretly suppose.

Delayeth his coming - Will not return in a long time; or does not return as soon as was expected, and perhaps may not at all.

Matthew 24:49

Smite his fellow-servants ... - This is the conduct of a wicked servant, who, supposing he would not be called to account, and abusing his authority, gave himself up to oppression, carousing, and debauchery.

It is designed to represent the conduct of ministers who are unfaithful and overbearing, and who abuse their trust in the church.

Matthew 24:51

Shall cut him asunder - This kind of punishment was anciently practiced.

Sometimes it was done by the sword. sometimes by saws. It was practiced among the Chaldeans Daniel 2:5; Daniel 3:29, and among the Hebrews, 2 Samuel 12:31; 1Sa 15:33; 1 Kings 3:25; Hebrews 11:37. It was also practiced by the Egyptians and Romans. It is not, perhaps, here to be taken literally, but signifies that the wicked servant should be severely punished.

Hypocrites - See the notes at Matthew 6:2. They are spoken of here as the worst of people.

Weeping and gnashing of teeth - See the notes at Matthew 8:12-13. The unfaithful and wicked minister of God, who lives without expectation or fear of judgment, shall suffer the severest punishment inflicted on sinners in the world of woe.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 24:51. Cut him asunder — This refers to an ancient mode of punishment used in several countries. Isaiah is reported to have been sawed ASUNDER. That it was an ancient mode of punishment is evident from what Herodotus says: that Sabacus, king of Ethiopia, had a vision, in which he was commanded μεσους διαταμειν, to cut in two, all the Egyptian priests, lib. ii. And in lib. vii. where Xerxes ordered one of the sons of Pythius μεσον διαταμειν, to be cut in two, and one half placed on each side of the way, that his army might pass through between them. See Raphelius also, in his notes from Herodotus and Polybius. This kind of punishment was used among the Persians: see Daniel 2:5; Daniel 3:29. Story of Susannah, ver. 55, 59. See also 2 Samuel 12:31, and 1 Chronicles 20:3. It may also have reference to that mode of punishment in which the different members were chopped off seriatim, first the feet, then the hands, next the legs, then the arms, and lastly the head. This mode of punishment is still in use among the Chinese. But we find an exact parallel among the Turks, in the following passage from W. Lithgow's Travels, p. 153. London 4to. edit. "If a Turk should happen to kill another Turk, his punishment is thus: After he is adjudged to death, he is brought forth to the market place; and a blocke being brought hither of four foot high, the malifactor is stript naked, and then laid thereon with his belly downward; they draw in his middle together so small with running cords that they strike his body a - two with one blow: his hinder parts they cast to be eaten by hungry dogs kept for the same purpose; and the forequarters and head they throw into a grievous fire, made there for the same end. And this is the punishment for manslaughter."

This is the very same punishment, and for the same offence, as that mentioned by our Lord, the killing of a fellow servant-one of the same nation, and of the same religion.

THE reader has no doubt observed, in the preceding chapter, a series of the most striking and solemn predictions, fulfilled in the most literal, awful, and dreadful manner. Christ has foretold the ruin of the Jewish people, and the destruction of their polity; and in such a circumstantial manner as none else could do, but He, under whose eye are all events, and in whose hands are the government and direction of all things. Indeed he rather declared what he would do, than predicted what should come to pass. And the fulfilment has been as circumstantial as the prediction. Does it not appear that the predicted point was so literally referred to by the occurring fact, by which it was to have its accomplishment, as to leave no room to doubt the truth of the prediction, or the certainty of the event by which it was fulfilled? Thus the wisdom of God, as also his justice and providence, have had a plenary manifestation.

But this wisdom appears, farther, in preserving such a record of the prediction, and such evidence of its accomplishment, as cannot possibly be doubted. The New Testament, given by the inspiration of God, and handed down uncorrupted from father to son, by both friends and enemies, perfect in its credibility and truth, inexpungable in its evidences, and astonishingly circumstantial in details of future occurrences, which the wisdom of God alone could foreknow - that New Testament is the record of these predictions. The history of the Romans, written by so many hands; the history of the Jews, written by one of themselves; triumphal arches, coins, medals, and public monuments of different kinds, are the evidence by which the fulfilment of the record is demonstrated. Add to this the preservation of the Jewish people; a people scattered through all nations, yet subsisting as a distinct body, without temple, sacrifices, or political government; and who, while they attempt to suppress the truth, yet reluctantly stand forth as an unimpeachable collateral evidence, that the solemn record, already alluded to, is strictly and literally true! Who that has ever consulted the Roman historians of the reigns of Vespasian and Titus, the history of Josephus, and the 24th chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel, and who knows any thing of the present state of the Jews over the face of the earth, or even of those who sojourn in England, can doubt for a moment the truth of this Gospel, or the infinite and all - comprehensive knowledge of Him who is its author! Here then is one portion of Divine Revelation that is incontrovertibly and absolutely proved to be the truth of God. Reader! if he, who, while he predicted the ruin of this disobedient and refractory people, wept over their city and its inhabitants, has so, minutely fulfilled the threatenings of his justice on the unbelieving and disobedient, will he not as circumstantially fulfil the promises of his grace to all them that believe? The existence of his revelation, the continuance of a Christian Church upon earth, the certainty that there is one individual saved from his sins by the grace of the Gospel, and walking worthy of his vocation are continued proofs and evidences that he is still the same; that he will fulfil every jot and tittle of that word on which he has caused thee to trust; and save to the uttermost all that come unto the Father by him. The word of the Lord endureth for ever; and they who trust in him shall never be confounded.

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