Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Jerome's Latin Vulgate

1 Machabæorum 23:16

Væ vobis duces cæci, qui dicitis: Quicumque juraverit per templum, nihil est: qui autem juraverit in auro templo, debet.

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- Nave's Topical Bible - Blindness;   Church;   Ecclesiasticism;   Hypocrisy;   Minister, Christian;   Pharisees;   Satire;   Teachers;   Temple;   The Topic Concordance - Blindness;   Guidance;   Hypocrisy;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Blindness, Spiritual;   Oaths;   Pharisees, the;   Swearing, Profane;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Debtor;   Pharisees;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Hypocrisy;   Matthew, gospel of;   Oath;   Pharisees;   Tradition;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Anger;   Blindness;   Ethics;   Fool, Foolishness, Folly;   Worship;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Supralapsarians;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Pharisees;   Scribes;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Blindness;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Oaths;   Salutation;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Hypocrite;   Judas Iscariot;   Scribes;   Sin;   Text of the New Testament;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Anger (2);   Children of God;   Claim;   Common Life;   Courage;   Discourse;   Error;   Gold;   Guide;   Judgment;   Law (2);   Law of God;   Leading;   Loans;   Mental Characteristics;   Metaphors;   Nation (2);   Oath;   Organization (2);   Paradox;   Profaning, Profanity;   Reality;   Sabbath ;   Sanctify, Sanctification;   Self-Control;   Teaching of Jesus;   Temple (2);   Woe;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Blindness;   Oath;   Scribes;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Pharisee;   Scribe;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Pharisees;   Scribe;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Oath,;   Scribes;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Blind;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Assideanis;   Gold;   Vow;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - Jesus of Nazareth;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Authority in Religion;   Blindness;   Debt;   Guide;   Matthew, the Gospel of;   Oath;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Hypocrisy;  

Parallel Translations

Nova Vulgata (1979)
Vae vobis, duces caeci, qui dicitis: "Quicumque iuraverit per templum, nihil est; quicumque autem iuraverit in auro templi, debet".
Clementine Latin Vulgate (1592)
V� vobis duces c�ci, qui dicitis : Quicumque juraverit per templum, nihil est : qui autem juraverit in auro templo, debet.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

ye blind: Matthew 23:17, Matthew 23:19, Matthew 23:24, Matthew 23:26, Matthew 15:14, Isaiah 56:10, Isaiah 56:11, John 9:39-41

Whosoever shall swear by the temple: Matthew 5:33, Matthew 5:34, James 5:12

it is: Matthew 15:5, Matthew 15:6, Mark 7:10-13

he is: Galatians 5:3

Reciprocal: Genesis 42:15 - By the life Exodus 20:7 - take Leviticus 21:18 - a blind man Numbers 30:2 - to bind Proverbs 16:22 - the instruction Isaiah 5:13 - because Isaiah 5:20 - them Isaiah 9:16 - the leaders Isaiah 42:19 - Who is blind Jeremiah 4:22 - For my Ezekiel 13:3 - foolish Hosea 4:6 - because Zechariah 5:3 - sweareth Zechariah 11:17 - Woe Malachi 2:9 - but Matthew 5:19 - shall teach Matthew 5:36 - shalt Matthew 6:23 - If Matthew 21:27 - We cannot tell Mark 1:22 - as the Mark 11:33 - We Luke 6:39 - Can John 9:40 - Are John 10:1 - He Romans 2:19 - art confident 1 Timothy 1:7 - understanding

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Woe unto you, you blind guides,.... Meaning the same persons, the Scribes and Pharisees, as before, though not named, who pretended to be "guides of the blind", Romans 2:19 but were them selves blind, and so very unfit to be guides of others; they were as they were born, ignorant of divine things, of God in Christ, of the true Messiah, of the true meaning of the Scriptures, of the spirituality of the law, and of the Gospel of Christ; and the way of salvation by him; and their minds were blinded by the God of this world, and with a greedy, and insatiable covetousness after the things of it, of which Christ here gives an instance:

which say, whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; meaning either that it was no sin to use such an oath, or it was not binding upon a man: he might choose whether he would abide by what he swore by the temple he would do; and thus they ignorantly, and wickedly encouraged vain swearing and perjury. It was usual with them to swear by the temple: take an instance or two.

"Says R. Jochanan p, היכלא, "by the temple", it is in our hands; but what shall I do?''

The gloss upon it is;

"it is an oath by the temple of God, that it is in our power to reveal the illegitimacy of the families of the land of Israel.''

"Says R. Zechariah ben Hakatzab q, המעון הזה, "by this habitation" (meaning the temple), her hand was not removed from my hand from the time the Gentiles entered into Jerusalem, to the time they went out.''

Jarchi and Bartenora's note on it is, this is an oath. Again,

"says R. Simeon ben Gamaliel r, המעון הזה, "by this habitation"; I will not rest this night until they (doves) are sold for pence apiece.''

The gloss on it is, "he swore by the sanctuary."

But whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is guilty; or is bound, or is a debtor, to make good his oath; he cannot be excused, but must be obliged to fulfil it; or if he does not, he is guilty of perjury. This is to be understood not of the gold that covered any part of the temple; nor of the golden vessels in it; but of the gold, or money, or gifts which were offered for the service of the temple: and the sense is, that whosoever swore by "Korban", and that this, or that should be as "Korban", he should not go back from it; he was obliged to give it. This showed the covetous disposition of these men, who made nothing of oaths that were swore by the temple; but those that were made by the "Korban", or the gifts of it, were binding, because their interest was in it; it was for their gain.

p T. Bab. Kiddushin, fol. 71. 1. q Misn. Cetubot, c. 2. sect. 9. Juchasin, fol. 56. 1. r T. Bab. Bava Bathra, fol 166. 1. Misn. Ceritot, c. 1. sect. 7. Vid. c. 6. sect. 3.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Whosoever shall swear ... - See the notes at Matthew 5:33-37.

The temple - See the notes at Matthew 21:12.

It is nothing - It amounts to nothing - it is not binding.

The gold of the temple - Either the golden vessels in the temple - the candlestick, etc.; or the gold with which the doors and other parts of the temple were covered; or the gold in the treasury. This, it seems, they considered far more sacred than any other part of the temple, but it is not known why.

He is a debtor - He is bound to keep his oath. He is guilty if he violates it.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Matthew 23:16. Whosoever shall swear by the gold — The covetous man, says one, still gives preference to the object of his lust; gold has still the first place in his heart. A man is to be suspected when he recommends those good works most from which he receives most advantage.

Is bound thereby, i.e. to fulfil his oath.

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