the First Week of Lent
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Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari
Hosea 9:2
Bible Study Resources
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Tempat pengirikan gandum dan tempat pemerasan anggur tidak akan memberi mereka makan, dan anggur akan mengecewakan mereka.
Bahwa pelubur dan apitan anggurpun tiada lagi akan mengenyangkan mereka itu, dan air anggur baharupun akan menipu mereka itu.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
floor: Hosea 2:9, Hosea 2:12, Isaiah 24:7-12, Joel 1:3-7, Joel 1:9-13, Amos 4:6-9, Amos 4:5-11, Micah 6:13-16, Haggai 1:9, Haggai 2:16
winepress: or, winefat
Reciprocal: Numbers 18:27 - the corn Hosea 3:1 - love flagons Joel 1:10 - the new Joel 1:12 - joy Amos 5:17 - in
And God blessed them, and God sayde vnto them: be fruitefull, & multiplie, and replenishe the earth, & subdue it, and haue dominion of the fisshe of the sea, and foule of the ayre, & of euery lyuing thing that moueth vpon the earth.
And so out of the grounde the Lorde God had shapen euery beast of the field, and euery foule of the ayre, and brought it vnto man, that he myght see howe he woulde call it. For lykewyse as man hym selfe named euery lyuyng thyng, euen so was the name therof.
But flesh in the life therof [which is] the blood therof, shall ye not eate.
God spake also vnto Noah, & to his sonnes with hym, saying:
Noah also began to be an husbandman, and planted a vineyarde.
And Ham the father of Chanaan, seeyng the nakednesse of his father, tolde his two brethren without.
And Sem and Iapheth takyng a garment, layde it vpon their shoulders, and commyng backwarde, couered the nakednesse of their father, namely their faces beyng turned away, lest they should see their fathers nakednesse.
And when they departed, the feare of God fel vpon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue the sonnes of Iacob.
And I wyll sende peace in the lande, and ye shall lye downe without any man to make you afrayde: And I wyll ridde euyll beastes out of the lande, and there shall no sworde go throughout your lande.
I wyll also sende in wylde beastes vpon you, which shall robbe you of your children, and destroy your cattell, and make you fewe in number, and cause your hye wayes to be desolate.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
The floor and the winepress shall not feed them,.... Though their expectations from their worship of idols were large, they should find themselves mistaken; for there would not be a sufficiency of corn on the floor, nor of wine in the press, to supply them with what was necessary for their sustenance; either through a blight upon their fields and vineyards, or through the invasion of an enemy, treading them down, and spoiling and foraging them: or else supposing a sufficient quantity of corn and wine got in; yet those blessings should be either turned into curses, or carried off by the enemy, that they should do then, no good; or if they enjoyed them, yet they should receive no nourishment from them; but should become lean, and look like starved and famishing creatures in the midst of plenty; by all which it would appear that their idols could neither give them a sufficiency of provisions, nor make those nourishing to them they had:
and the new wine shall fail in her; in the congregation or land of Israel: or, "shall lie to her" s; shall not answer their expectations, but disappoint and deceive them; whereas they expected great plenty from the promising prospect of the vines, these by one means or another should be destroyed, so that they would yield but little, and balk them; see Habakkuk 3:17.
s יכחש בה "mentietur in ea", Pagninus, Montanus, Zanchius; "mentietur isti", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Liveleus, Schmidt.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
The floor and winepress shall not feed them - God turneth away wholly from the adulterous people, and telleth others, how justly they shall be dealt with first for this. “Because she loved My reward, and despised Myself, the reward itself shall be taken away from her.” When the blessings of God have been abused to sin, He, in mercy and judgment, takes them away. He cut them off, in order to show that He alone, who now withheld them, had before given them. When they thought themselves most secure, when the grain was stored on the floor, and the grapes were in the press, then God would deprive them of them.
And the new wine shall fail in her, or shall fail her - Literally, “shall lie to her.” It may be, he would say, that as Israel had lied to his God, and had “spoken lies against Him” Hosea 7:13, so, in requital, the fruits of the earth should disappoint her, and holding out hopes which never came to pass, should, as it were, lie to her, and in the bitterness of her disappointment, represent to her her own failure to her God. The prophet teaches through the workings of nature, and gives, as it were, a tongue to them .