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Hosea 12:12
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(12-13) Yakub melarikan diri ke tanah Aram, dan Israel memperhambakan diri untuk mendapat isteri, ya, untuk mendapat isteri ia menjadi gembala.
Jikalau Gilead itu tempat kedudukan fusuk, maka di Gilgal juga diperbuat jahat belaka! Mereka itu sudah mempersembahkan korban kepada lembu jantan, dan lagi segala mezbah mereka itu jadi seperti timbunan batu dan kersik di dalam alur-aluran bendang.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
Jacob: Genesis 27:43, Genesis 28:1 - Genesis 29:35, Deuteronomy 26:5
Israel: Genesis 32:27, Genesis 32:28
served: Genesis 29:18-28, Genesis 31:41
Reciprocal: Genesis 28:2 - Arise Genesis 28:10 - General Genesis 29:20 - served Genesis 29:30 - served Genesis 30:26 - my wives Genesis 31:24 - the Syrian Genesis 31:40 - General Ruth 4:10 - have I Proverbs 18:22 - findeth a wife
And remouyng thence vnto a mountayne that was eastwarde from Bethel, he pitched his tent, hauyng Bethel on the west syde, & Hai on the east: and there he buyldyng an aulter vnto the Lorde, dyd call vpon the name of the Lorde.
[And] the there was a famine in that lande, and therfore went Abram downe into Egypt, that he myght soiourne there, for there was a greeuons famine in the lande.
Abraha aunswered: For I thought [thus] surely the feare of God is not in this place, and they shal slaye me for my wyues sake.
And the men of the place asked [him] of his wyfe. And he sayde, she is my sister: for he feared to say, she is my wyfe, lest the men of the place shoulde haue kylled hym, because of Rebecca, whiche was beautifull to the eye.
And Dauid sayd in his heart, I shall perishe one day by the hand of Saul: therefore is there nothing better for me, then to flee and saue my self in the land of the Philistines, and Saul shall ceasse and seeke me no more in all the coastes of Israel, and so shall I escape out of his hand.
He that feareth men shall haue a fall: but who so putteth his trust in the Lorde, is without daunger.
And feare ye not them, which kyll the body, but are not able to kyll the soule. But rather feare hym, which is able to destroy both soule and body in hell.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
And Jacob fled into the country of Syria,.... Or, "field of Syria" m; the same with Padanaram; for "Padan", in the Arabic language, as Bochart has shown, signifies a field; and "Aram" is Syria, and is the word here used. This is to be understood of Jacob's fleeing thither for fear of his brother Esau, the history of which is had in
Genesis 28:1; though some interpret this of his fleeing from Laban out of the field of Syria into Gilead, Genesis 31:21; and so make it to be introduced as an aggravation of the sin of the inhabitants of Gilead, that that place, which had been a refuge and sanctuary to their ancestor in his distress, should be defiled with idolatry; but the words will not bear such a construction, and the following seem to militate against it:
and Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he kept [sheep]; and so the last clause is supplied by the Targum, Jarchi, and Kimchi: this was after his flight into Syria, and before he fled from Laban, whom he served seven years for Rachel; and then served him by keeping his sheep seven years more for the same: though it may be understood of his two wives, thus; he served seven years for a wife, for Rachel intentionally, but eventually it was for Leah; and then he kept sheep seven years more for his other wife Rachel; the history of this is in Genesis 29:1. This is mentioned to show the meanness of Jacob the ancestor of the Israelites, from whom they had their original and name; he was a fugitive in the land of Syria; there he was a Syrian ready to perish, a very poor man, obliged to serve and keep sheep for a wife, having no dowry to give; and this is observed here to bring, down the pride of Israel, who boasted of their descent, which is weak and foolish for any to do; and to show the goodness of God to Jacob, and to them, in raising him and them from so low an estate and condition to such eminency and greatness as they were; and to upbraid their ingratitude to the God of their fathers, and of their mercies, whom they had revolted from, and turned to idols.
m שדה ארם "agrum Aram", Montanus; "in agrum Syriae", Vatablus, Drusius, Rivet, Schmidt.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
And Jacob fled into the country of Syria - Jacob chose poverty and servitude rather than marry an idotatress of Canaan. He knew not from where, except from God’s bounty and providence, he should have “bread to eat, or raiment to put on” Genesis 28:20; “with his staff alone he passed over Jordan” Genesis 32:10. His voluntary poverty, bearing even unjust losses Genesis 31:39, and “repaying the things which he never took,” reproved their dishonest traffic; his trustfulness in God, their mistrust; his devotedness to God, their alienation from Him, and their devotion to idols. And as the conduct was opposite, so was the result. Ill-gotten riches end in poverty; stable wealth is gained, not by the cupidity of man, but by the good pleasure of God. Jacob, having “become two bands,” trusting in God and enriched by God, returned from Syria to the land promised to him by God; Israel, distrusting God and enriching himself, was to return out of the land which the Lord his God had given him, to Assyria, amid the loss of all things.
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Hosea 12:12. Served for a wife — Seven years for Rachel.
For a wife he kept sheep.] Seven years for Leah; having been cheated by Laban, who gave him first Leah, instead of Rachel; and afterwards made him serve seven years more before he would confirm his first engagement. Critics complain of want of connection here. Why is this isolated fact predicted? Thus, in a detached sentence, the prophet speaks of the low estate of their ancestors, and how amply the providence of God had preserved and provided for them. This is all the connection the place requires.