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Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari
Hosea 11:7
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Umat-Ku betah dalam membelakangi Aku; mereka memanggil kepada Baal dan berhenti meninggikan nama-Ku.
Tiada pernah umat-Ku kembali kepada-Ku dengan sempurna; jikalau disebutkannya nama Allah taala sekalipun, tiada juga diberinya hormat kepada-Nya.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
are bent: Hosea 4:16, Hosea 14:4, Psalms 78:57, Psalms 78:58, Proverbs 14:14, Jeremiah 3:6, Jeremiah 3:8, Jeremiah 3:11, Jeremiah 8:5, Jeremiah 14:7, they called me, Hosea 11:2, Hosea 7:16, 2 Chronicles 30:1-11, Psalms 81:11, Amos 5:4-6, Amos 5:14, Amos 5:15
none at all would exalt him: Heb. together they exalted not
Reciprocal: Psalms 99:5 - Exalt Isaiah 26:10 - and will not Isaiah 27:8 - thou wilt Isaiah 50:2 - when I came Jeremiah 2:19 - and thy Jeremiah 5:23 - a revolting Jeremiah 6:29 - in vain Jeremiah 7:13 - and I called Jeremiah 14:10 - have they Jeremiah 15:6 - thou art Jeremiah 31:22 - backsliding Zephaniah 1:6 - turned Matthew 22:3 - and they would not Matthew 23:37 - and ye Luke 13:34 - and ye
God saide: let vs make man in our image, after our lykenesse, and let them haue rule of the fisshe of the sea, & of the foule of the ayre, and of cattell, & of all the earth, and of euery creepyng thyng that creepeth vpon the earth.
And the Lorde God sayde: Beholde, the man is become as one of vs, in knowing good and euyll: And now lest peraduenture he put foorth his hande, and take also of the tree of lyfe and eate, and lyue for euer.
Of these were the Iles of the gentiles deuided in their landes, euery one after his tongue, and after his kinrede, in their nations.
These are the children of Ham in their kinredes, in their tongues, countreys, and in their nations.
And so these are the kinredes of the chyldren of Noah after their generations in their peoples: and of these were the nations deuided in the earth after the flood.
And when they went foorth from the east, they founde a playne in the lande of Sinar, and there they abode.
And they sayd: Go to, let vs buylde vs a citie and a towre, whose toppe may reache vnto heauen, and let vs make vs a name, lest peraduenture we be scattered abrode into the vpper face of the whole earth.
But the Lorde came downe to see the citie and towre whiche the chyldren of men buylded.
And Sem liued after he begat Arphaxad fiue hundreth yeres, and begat sonnes and daughters.
Arphaxad liued fiue and thirtie yeres, and begat Selah.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
And my people are bent to backsliding from me,.... There is a propensity in thorn to it, through prevailing corruption in them; they are inclined unto it, the bias of their minds is that way; they are bent upon it, and pertinaciously abide in it; nor will they be reclaimed from it, by all the means and methods made use of, even though they had been, and professed themselves to be the people of God. Some understand this, not of their backsliding and aversion from God; but either of his return to them, or of their return to him, rendering the words, "and my people are in suspense" a; like a man that hangs in the air, as Aben Ezra, neither ascends nor descends; that is, they are in doubt of what should be done to thorn, or they themselves should do: either "about my return" b; that is, to them; whether after all they may expect that God would be kind and merciful to them, so Abarbinel: or "about return to me" c; whether they should or not, inclining rather not to return. So the Targum,
"my people divide (or hesitate) to return to my law;''
with which Jarchi agrees, paraphrasing it,
"when the prophets instruct them to return unto me, they are in suspense whether to return or not;''
but Aben Ezra and Kimchi observe the word is always used in a bad sense, of aversion or backsliding, and that the word is in another form when used for repentance or returning;
though they called them to the most High; that is, the prophets of the Lord called them to turn from their idols, and return to the most high God, the true and the living God, from whom they had backslidden, and to his true worship, they had neglected and forsaken:
none at all would exalt [him]; the most high God, and give him the praise and glory due to his name; but, on the other hand, extolled their idols, and ascribed all their good things to them: or "none would exalt them" d the prophets of the Lord that called them; would not give that honour to them that was due to their office, or pay any regard to them, or to their admonitions and advice, but depreciated them, and reproached and persecuted them: or "none at all would lift up": that is, their head, as Aben Ezra, toward the heaven, and to God in it, to whom they were called; but kept looking on the earth, and to earthly things, particularly to their idols; and did not lift up or erect their ears, to hearken to what was said to them, but were deaf to all counsel and reproof. The Targum is,
"they walked not in an erect stature.''
Agreeably to which the former clause may be rendered, as by some, "and they called them to things above"; but none would look upwards;
a תלואים "suspensi haerent", Junius Tremellius "suspensi", Montanus, Schmidt. b למשובתי "ad reditum meum", V. L. c "Circa redire ad me", Castalio. d לא ירומם "eos non exaltabit", Schmidt.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
And My people are bent to backsliding from Me - Literally, “are hung to it!” as we say, “a man’s whole being “hangs” on a thing.” A thing “hung to” or “on” another, sways to and fro within certain limits, but its relation to that on which it is hung, remains immovable. Its power of motion is restrained within those limits. So Israel, so the sinner, however he veer to and fro in the details and circumstances of his sin, is fixed and immovable in his adherence to his sin itself. Whatever else Israel did, on one thing his whole being, as a nation, depended, on “backsliding” or aversion from God. The political existence of Israel, as a separate kingdom, depended on his worship of the calves, “the sin wherewith” Jeroboam “made Israel to sin.” This was the ground of their “refusing to return” Hosea 11:5, that, through habitual sin, they were no longer in their own power: they were fixed in evil.
Though they called them to the most High - Literally, “called him.” As one man, the prophets called Israel; as one man, Israel refused to return; “none at all would exalt” Him, literally, “together he exalteth Him not.”
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Hosea 11:7. Though they called them to the Most High — Newcome is better: "And though they call on him together because of the yoke, he will not raise it. He shall receive no refreshment." See the metaphor, Hosea 11:4.