the First Sunday of Lent
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Read the Bible
Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari
Hosea 10:3
Bible Study Resources
- Nave'sDictionaries:
- BridgewayEncyclopedias:
- InternationalParallel Translations
Sungguh, sekarang mereka berkata: "Kita tidak mempunyai raja lagi, sebab kita tidak takut kepada TUHAN. Apakah yang dapat dilakukan raja bagi kita?"
Sekarang boleh mereka itu berkata demikian: Tiadalah raja pada kita; sebab kita tiada takut akan Tuhan, maka apa gerangan seorang raja boleh berbuat akan kita?
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
We have: Hosea 10:7, Hosea 10:15, Hosea 3:4, Hosea 11:5, Hosea 13:11, Genesis 49:10, Micah 4:9, John 19:15
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 12:25 - ye and 2 Kings 15:30 - and smote Ezekiel 19:14 - she hath Hosea 13:10 - where
Set vp a token in the lande, blowe the trumpets among the heathen, prouoke the nations agaynst her, call the kyngdomes of Ararat, Menni, and Ascanez, agaynst her, set the prince agaynst her, bryng as great a sort of terrible horses agaynst her as yf they were grashoppers.
They of the house of Thogarma brought vnto thee at the time of thy marte, horses, coursers, and mules.
Gill's Notes on the Bible
For now they shall say, we have no king,.... This they would say, either when they had one; but by their conduct and behaviour said they had none; because they had no regard unto him, no affection for him, and reverence of him; but everyone did what was right in his own eyes: or during the interregnum, between the murder of Pekah, which was in the twentieth year of Jotham, and the settlement of Hoshea, which was in the twelfth of Ahaz; see 2 Kings 15:30; or when the land of Israel was invaded, and their king was shut up in prison, and Samaria besieged, so that it was as if they had no king; they had none to protect and defend them, to sally out at the head of them against the enemy, and fight their battles for them; or rather when the city was taken, the altars broke down, their images spoiled, and they and their king carried captive:
because we feared not the Lord: did not serve and worship him, but idols; and this sin, casting off the fear of the Lord, was the source and cause of all their troubles and sorrows; of the invasion of their land; of the besieging and taking their city, and having no king to rule over them, and protect them:
what then should a king do to us? if they had one, he could be of no service to them; for since they had offended God, the King of kings, and made him their enemy, what could an earthly king, a weak mortal man, do for them, or against him? it was now all over with them, and they could have no expectation of help and deliverance.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
For now they shall say, we have no king - These are the words of despair, not of repentance; of people terrified by the consciousness of guilt, but not coming forth out of its darkness; describing their condition, not confessing the iniquity which brought it on them. In sin, all Israel had asked for a king, when the Lord was their king; in sin, Ephraim had made Jeroboam king; in sin, their subsequent kings were made, without the counsel and advice of God; and now as the close of all, they reflect how fruitless it all was. They had a king, and yet, as it were, they had no king, since, God being angry with them, he had no strength to deliver them. And now, without love, the memory of their evil deeds crushes them beyond hope of remedy. They groan for their losses, their sufferings, their fears, but do not repent. Such is the remorse of the damned. All which they had is lost; and what availed it now, since, when they had it, they feared not God?
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Hosea 10:3. We have no king — We have rejected the King of kings; and had we any king, he would be of no service to us in this state, as he would be a captive like ourselves; nor could we have the approbation of God, as we now justly lie under his displeasure.