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Hosea 10:14
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maka keriuhan perang akan timbul di antara bangsamu, dan segala kubumu akan dihancurkan seperti Salman menghancurkan Bet-Arbel pada hari pertempuran: ibu beserta anak-anak diremukkan.
Maka sebab itu gempita perang selalu akan berlaku atas bangsamu, dan segala kota bentengmu akan dibinasakan, seperti Bait-Arbel sudah dibinasakan oleh Salman pada masa perangnya, tatkala ibu dihancurkan serta dengan segala anaknya laki-laki.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
shall a: Hosea 13:16, Isaiah 22:1-4, Isaiah 33:14, Amos 3:8, Amos 9:5
and all: 2 Kings 17:16, 2 Kings 18:9, 2 Kings 18:10, Jeremiah 48:41, Nahum 3:12, Habakkuk 1:10
as: 2 Kings 18:33, 2 Kings 19:11-13
the mother: Hosea 13:16, Genesis 32:11, Isaiah 13:16-18, Jeremiah 13:14, Nahum 3:10
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 22:6 - thou shalt not 1 Samuel 22:19 - men 2 Kings 8:12 - dash 2 Kings 17:3 - Shalmaneser Psalms 137:9 - and dasheth Isaiah 17:3 - fortress Isaiah 17:9 - General Jeremiah 20:16 - let him Jeremiah 48:13 - as the Hosea 9:13 - shall Hosea 11:6 - the sword Amos 3:14 - I will Amos 5:5 - seek Matthew 2:16 - and slew
And the Auims which dwelt in Hazarim, euen vnto Azza, the Caphthorims whiche came out of Caphthor, destroyed them, and dwelt in their steade.
Phathzusim, and Casluim, of which came the Philistines and the Caphthorites.
At the same time shall the Lord take in hande agayne to recouer the remnaunt of his people, whiche shalbe left aliue from the Assirians, Egyptians, Arabians, Morians, Elamites, Chaldees, Antiochians, & from the Ilandes of the sea,
This is the worde that was shewed to Ieremie concernyng all the Iewes which dwelt in Egypt, at Migdol, at Thaphnis, at Noph, and in the lande of Pathures.
At the same tyme when he shalbe there to destroy the whole lande of the Philistines, he shall make waste both Tyrus, Sidon, and the residue of their ayde: for the Lorde wyll destroy the Philistines, the remnaunt of the Ile of Caphtor.
Are ye not as the Ethiopians vnto me O children of Israel, sayth the Lorde? haue not I brought vp Israel out of the lande of Egypt? & the Philistines from Cappadocia, and the Syrians from Cyrene?
Gill's Notes on the Bible
Therefore shall a tumult arise among thy people,.... Because of their wickedness and vain confidence, the Assyrian army should invade them; which would cause a tumultuous noise to be made throughout the tribes in all cities and towns, a cry, a howling, and lamentation; especially among fearful and timorous ones as women and children; who would be thrown into a panic at hearing the news of a powerful foreign enemy entering their country, and laying waste all before them; a voice of clamour, as Jarchi observes, crying, flee, flee:
and all thy fortresses shall be spoiled; the strong holds, in which they put their confidence for safety; everyone of these should be taken and demolished by the enemy, in all parts of the kingdom; so that there should be none left to flee unto no place of retreat:
as Shalman spoiled Betharbel in the day of battle; that is, Shalmaneser king of Assyria, his name being abbreviated, as Bethaven is called Aven, Hosea 10:8; who had lately, though there in no account of it elsewhere, spoiled this place, demolished its fortresses, and destroyed the inhabitants of it; which is thought to be either the city of Arbel beyond Jordan, in the Apocrypha:
"Who went forth by the way that leadeth to Galgala, and pitched their tents before Masaloth, which is in Arbela, and after they had won it, they slew much people.'' (1 Maccabees 9:2)
which Josephus k calls a city of Galilee, and sometimes a village; and which, according to him, was not far from Sipphore, and in lower Galilee near to which thieves and robbers dwelt in caves and dens, difficult to come at; and so a Jewish writer l places Arbel between Sipphore and Tiberias; and elsewhere m mention is made of the valley of Arbel, near to these places: and Jerom n says, there was the village Arbel beyond Jordan, on the borders of Pella, a city of Palestine; and another of this name in the large plain, nine miles from the town of Legio: and he also speaks of an Arbela, the border of the tribe of Judah to the east; perhaps the same with Harbaalah, whence Arbela, or the mount of Baalah, Joshua 15:11; now one or other of these places might be laid waste by this king of Assyria, in the first year of Hoshea, when he came up against him, and made him tributary: though some think Arbela in Assyria or Armenia is meant, famous for the utter defeat of Darius by Alexander, four hundred years after this, when it might have been rebuilt, and become considerable again: some of the Jewish writers o say there was a place near Nineveh so called; Benjamin of Tudela says p, from Nineveh to Arbel is one "parsa", or four miles: and others q think Samaria itself is meant; but that cannot be, since the destruction of that city is here prophesied of, which should be as this: some conjecture it was the temple of a deity called Arbel, as Schmidt: but, be it what or where it will, here was a great devastation and slaughter made; which at this time was well known, and to which the desolation that would be made in the land of Israel is compared. The Vulgate Latin version is, "as Salmana was wasted by the house of him who judged Baal in the day of battle"; which patrons and defenders of interpret of the slaughter of Zalmunna by Jerubbaal, that is, Gideon; but the names of the one and the other are very different; nor does the text speak of the slaughter of a prince, but of the destruction of a city, and not of Shalman, but of Arbel; and refers not to an ancient, but recent history. Mr. Whiston r places the spoil of Arbela in the year 3272 A.M. or before Christ 732;
the mother was dashed in pieces with [her] children: women big with child, or having their children in their arms, had no mercy shown them, but were destroyed together; so it had been at Arbel, and would be again in Israel, which was dreadful to think of: according to Kimchi and Ben Melech, Arbel was the name of a great man in those days, whose family, meant by beth or a house, was thus cruelly destroyed.
k Antiqu. l. 12. c. 11. sect. 1. & l. 14. c. 15. sect. 4. In Vita sua, sect. 69. p. 922, 934. l Juchasin, fol. 65. 1. m T. Hieros. Beracot, fol. 2, 3. & Taaniot, fol. 69. 2. Shirhashirim Rabba, fol. 34. 3. n De locis Heb. fol. 87. L. o Juchasin, ut supra. (fol. 65. 1.) p Itinerar. p. 62. q Juchasin, ib. (fol. 65. 1.) R. Joseph Kimchi in David Kimchi in loc. r Chronological Tables, cent. 8.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
Therefore shall a tumult arise among thy people - Literally, “peoples.” Such was the immediate fruit of departing from God and trusting in human beings and idols. They trusted in their own might, and the multitude of their people. That might should, through intestine division and anarchy, become their destruction. As in the dislocated state of the Roman empire under the first emperors, so in lsrael, the successive usurpers arose out of their armies, armies , “the multitude of their mighty ones,” in whom they trusted. The “confused noise” of “war” should first “arise in” the midst of their own “peoples.” They are spoken of not as one, but as many; “peoples,” not, as God willed them to be, one people, for they had no principle of oneness or stability, who had no legitimate succession, either of kings or of priests; who had “made kings, but not through” God. Each successor had the same right as his predecessor, the right of might, and furnished an example and precedent and sanction to the murderer of himself or of his son.
All thy fortresses shall be spoiled - Literally, “the whole of thy fortresses shall be wasted.” He speaks of the whole as one. Their fenced cities, which cut off all approach, should be one waste. They had forsaken God, their “fortress and deliverer,” and so He gave up their fortresses to the enemy, so that all and each of them were laid waste. The confusion, begun among themselves, prepared for destruction by the enemy. Of this he gives one awful type.
As Shalman spoiled - (or wasted) Beth-Arbel in the day of battle “Shalman” is, no doubt, “Shalmaneser king of Assyria,” who came up against Hoshea, early in his reign, “and he became a servant to him and brought him a present 2 Kings 17:3. Shalman” being the characteristic part of the name , the prophet probably omitted the rest, on the ground of the rhythm. “Beth-Arbel” is a city, which the Greeks, retaining, in like way, only the latter and characteristic half of the name, called Arbela .
Of the several cities called Arbela, that celebrated in Grecian history, was part of the Assyrian empire. Two others, one “in the mountain-district of Pella” , and so on the East side of Jordan, the other between Sepphoris and Tiberias , (and so in Naphthali) must, together with the countries in which they lay, have fallen into the bands of the Assyrians in the reign of “Tiglath-pileser,” who “took - Gilead and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali” 2 Kings 15:29, in the reign of Pekah. The whole country, East of Jordan, being now in the hands of Shalmaneser, his natural approach to Samaria was over the Jordan, through the valley or plain of Jezreel. Here was the chief wealth of Israel, and the fittest field for the Assyrian horse. Over the Jordan then, from where Israel itself came when obedient to God, from where came the earlier instruments of God’s chastisements, came doubtless the host of Shalmaneser, along the “great plain” of Esdraelon. “In that plain” also lay an “Arbela,” “nine miles from Legion” . Legion itself was at the Western extremity of the plain, as Scythopolis or Bethshean lay at the East .
It was about fifteen miles West of Nazareth , and ten miles from Jezreel . Beth-Arbel must accordingly have lain somewhere in the middle of the valley of Jezreel. Near this Arbela, then, Israel must have sustained a decisive defeat from Shalmaneser. For the prophet does not say only, that he “spoiled Beth-Arbel,” but that he did this “in a day of battle.” Here Hosea, probably in the last years of his life, saw the fulfillment of his own earlier prophecy; and “God brake the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel” Hosea 1:5.
The mother was dashed to pieces on the children - It was an aggravation of this barbarity, that, first the infants were dashed against the stones before their mother’s eyes, then the mothers themselves were dashed upon them. Syrians 2 Kings 8:12, Assyrians , Medes Isaiah 13:16, Babylonians Psalms 137:8-9, used this barbarity. India has borne witness to us of late, how pagan nature remains the same.
It may be that, in the name “Betharbel,” the prophet alludes to the name “Bethel.” : As “Betharbel,” i. e., “the house,” or it may be the idolatrous “temple of Arbel,” rescued it not, but was rather the cause of its destruction, so shall Bethel. The holy places of Israel, the memorials of the free love of God to their forefathers, were pledges to “them,” the children of those forefathers, that, so long as they continued in the faith of their fathers, God the Unchangeable, would continue those same mercies to them. When they “turned” Bethel, “the house of God,” into Bethaven, “house of vanity,” then it became, like Betharbel, literally, “house of ambush of God,” the scene and occasion of their desolation.
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Hosea 10:14. Shall a tumult arise — The enemy shall soon fall upon thy people, and take all thy fortified places.
As Shalman spoiled Beth-arbel — Some think that this refers to Jerubbaal, or Gideon's victory over Zalmunna, general of the Midianites; see Judges 7:1-21. Others think that an allusion is made here to the destruction of Arbela, a city of Armenia, by Shalmaneser, here called Shalman; and this while he was only general of the Assyrian forces, and not yet king. I think the history to which this refers is unknown. It seems that it was distinguished by some remarkable ferocities.
The mother was dashed in pieces upon her children. — But when, where, how, and by whom, still remain unknown. Conjecture in such a case must be useless.