Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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La Bible Ostervald

Exode 17:9

Et Moïse dit à Josué: Choisis-nous des hommes; sors, et combats contre Amalek; demain je me tiendrai au sommet de la colline, avec la verge de Dieu dans ma main.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Miracles;   Prayer;   Thompson Chain Reference - Joshua;   Moses' Rod;   Rod;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Amalekites, the;   Armies of Israel, the;   Desert, Journey of Israel through the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Aaron;   Amalekites;   Joshua;   Rephidim;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Amalekites;   Baal;   Joshua the son of nun;   Moses;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Joshua, Theology of;   War, Holy War;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Amalekite;   Joshua;   Rephidim;   Sinai;   Wars of the Lord, the Book of the;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Aaron;   Amalekites;   Joshua;   Moses;   Pentateuch;   Purim;   Rephidim;   War;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Amalekite;   Army;   Exodus, Book of;   Head;   Joshua;   Moses;   Mount Sinai;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Amalek, Amalekites;   Government;   Joshua;   Massah and Meribah;   Moses;   Zin;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Amalek, Amalekites ;   Joshua ;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Mordecai;   Mount amalek;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Joshua;   Journeyings of israel from egypt to canaan;   Rephidim;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Aaron;   Am'alekites,;   Josh'ua;   Pu'rim;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Agag;   Joshua;   Rephidim;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - On to Sinai;   On to Canaan;   Moses, the Man of God;   Hebrew Monarchy, the;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Amalek;   Army;   Choose;   Intercession;   Moses;   Purim;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Aaron;   Army;   Elohist;   Etiquette;   High Place;   Ise (Isi, Jose) ben Judah;   Joshua (Jehoshua);   Moses;   Purim;  

Parallel Translations

Louis Segond (1910)
Alors Mo�se dit � Josu�: Choisis-nous des hommes, sors, et combats Amalek; demain je me tiendrai sur le sommet de la colline, la verge de Dieu dans ma main.
La Bible David Martin (1744)
Et Mo�se dit � Josu� : choisis-nous des hommes, et sors pour combattre contre Hamalec, et je me tiendrai demain au sommet du coteau, et la verge de Dieu sera en ma main.
Darby's French Translation
Et Mo�se dit � Josu�: Choisis-nous des hommes, et sors, combats contre Amalek; demain je me tiendrai sur le sommet de la colline, la verge de Dieu dans ma main.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

unto Joshua: Exodus 17:13, Exodus 24:13, Numbers 11:28, Numbers 13:16, Oshea, Jehoshua, Deuteronomy 32:44, Hoshea, Called Jesus, Acts 7:45, Hebrews 4:8

Choose: Numbers 31:3, Numbers 31:4

the rod: Exodus 4:2, Exodus 4:20

Reciprocal: Exodus 7:20 - he lifted Exodus 17:10 - and Moses Exodus 32:17 - Joshua Exodus 33:11 - his servant Numbers 13:8 - Oshea Numbers 20:8 - the rod Numbers 27:18 - Take thee Deuteronomy 1:38 - which standeth Joshua 1:1 - Joshua 2 Samuel 18:1 - numbered 1 Chronicles 7:27 - Jehoshuah Psalms 56:9 - When Psalms 68:11 - Lord Ezekiel 13:5 - have not

Gill's Notes on the Bible

And Moses said unto Joshua,.... The son of Nun, who was his minister, and was a man of war from his youth, trained up in the art of war, and afterwards succeeded Moses, and was captain of the armies of Israel, and fought at the head of them, and subdued the Canaanites. Moses knew he was a fit person for the present purpose, and therefore gave him the following orders:

choose us out men; the stoutest and most courageous, best able to bear arms, and engage in war; for the multitude in common was not qualified for such service, nor was there any necessity of engaging them all in it:

and go out; out of the camp, and meet them at some distance, that the women and children might not be terrified with the enemy:

fight with Amalek; for their cause was just, Amalek was the aggressor, Israel was on the defensive part; and should it be asked where they had arms to fight with, it may be remembered that the Egyptian army that was drowned in the Red sea, and whose bodies were cast upon the shore, might furnish them with a large quantity of armour, which they stripped them of, and arrayed themselves with:

tomorrow I will stand upon the top of the hill, with the rod of God in my hand: on the top of Mount Horeb or Sinai, where he might be seen by the army of Israel with that rod in his hand, lifted up as a banner, by which God had done so many wonderful things; and by which they might be encouraged to hope that victory would go on their side, and this he promised to do "tomorrow", the day following; for sooner a select body of men could not be taken out from the people, and accoutred for war, and go forth to meet the enemy.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Joshua - This is the first mention of the great follower and successor of Moses. He died at the age of 110, some 65 years after this transaction. His original name was Hosea, but Moses calls him by the full name, which was first given about forty years afterward, as that by which he was to be known to succeeding generations. From this it may perhaps be inferred that this portion of Exodus was written, or revised, toward the end of the sojourn in the wilderness.

The rod of God - See Exodus 4:20. The hill is supposed to be the height now called Feria an the north side of the plain Er Rahah; (or, Jebel Tahuneh over Feiran. Palmer).

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Exodus 17:9. Moses said unto Joshua — This is the first place in which Joshua the son of Nun is mentioned: the illustrious part which he took in Jewish affairs, till the settlement of his countrymen in the promised land, is well known. He was captain-general of the Hebrews under Moses; and on this great man's death he became his successor in the government. Joshua was at first called Hoshea, Numbers 13:16, and afterwards called Joshua by Moses. Both in the Septuagint and Greek Testament he is called Jesus: the name signifies Saviour; and he is allowed to have been a very expressive type of our blessed Lord. He fought with and conquered the enemies of his people, brought them into the promised land, and divided it to them by lot. The parallel between him and the Saviour of the world is too evident to require pointing out.

Top of the hill — Probably some part of Horeb or Sinai, to which they were then near.

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