Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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La Bible Ostervald

Exode 17:10

Et Josué fit comme Moïse lui avait dit, pour combattre contre Amalek. Moïse, Aaron et Hur montèrent au sommet de la colline.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Hur;   Miracles;   Prayer;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Amalekites, the;   Desert, Journey of Israel through the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Aaron;   Amalekites;   Hur;   Joshua;   Rephidim;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Amalekites;   Baal;   Joshua the son of nun;   Moses;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Joshua, Theology of;   War, Holy War;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Amalekite;   Hur;   Joshua;   Rephidim;   Sinai;   Wars of the Lord, the Book of the;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Aaron;   Amalekites;   Hur;   Moses;   Purim;   Rephidim;   War;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Amalekite;   Army;   Exodus, Book of;   Hur;   Joshua;   Moses;   Mount Sinai;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Aaron;   Amalek, Amalekites;   Hur;   Joshua;   Massah and Meribah;   Moses;   Numbers, Book of;   Zin;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Amalek, Amalekites ;   Hur;   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Ensign;   Hur;   Mordecai;   Mount amalek;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Journeyings of israel from egypt to canaan;   Rephidim;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Am'alekites,;   Hup'pim;   Pu'rim;   Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary - Agag;   Joshua;   Miriam;   Rephidim;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - On to Sinai;   On to Canaan;   Moses, the Man of God;   Hebrew Monarchy, the;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Aaron;   Amalek;   Hur;   Intercession;   Moses;   Purim;   Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia - Aaron;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Army;   Hur;   Joshua (Jehoshua);   Purim;  

Parallel Translations

Louis Segond (1910)
Josu� fit ce que lui avait dit Mo�se, pour combattre Amalek. Et Mo�se, Aaron et Hur mont�rent au sommet de la colline.
La Bible David Martin (1744)
Et Josu� fit comme Mo�se lui avait command�, en combattant contre Hamalec; mais Mo�se et Aaron et Hur mont�rent au sommet du coteau.
Darby's French Translation
Et Josu� fit comme Mo�se lui avait dit, pour combattre contre Amalek; et Mo�se, Aaron, et Hur mont�rent au sommet de la colline.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

Joshua: Joshua 11:15, Matthew 28:20, John 2:5, John 15:14

and Moses: Exodus 17:9

Hur: Exodus 17:12, Exodus 24:14

Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 18:3 - succour

Gill's Notes on the Bible

So Joshua did as Moses had said to him,.... He singled out some proper persons for the battle, and arrayed them with armour, and led them forth out of the camp, and went forth at the head of them:

and fought with Amalek; upon both armies meeting, a battle ensued:

and Moses, Aaron, and Hur, went up to the top of the hill; to the top of Mount Sinai or Horeb, not so much to see the battle fought, as to be seen by Joshua and the people of Israel, especially Moses with the rod in his hand lifted up, that they might behold it, and be encouraged through it to hope for and expect victory; and the other two went up with him to assist him in holding up his hands with the rod, as appears by what follows. Aaron, it is well known, was his brother, but who Hur was is not so clear, though no doubt a very eminent and principal man. There was an Hur, the son of Caleb, who descended from Judah in the line of Phares and Hezron, and which Hur was the grandfather of Bezaleel 1 Chronicles 2:5, but whether the same with this cannot be said with certainty; it is most likely that he was the husband of Miriam, as Josephus says w, and so the brother-in-law of Moses and Aaron; though some Jewish writers say x that he was their sister's son, the son of Miriam.

w Antiqu. l. 3. c. 2. sect. 4. x Pirke Eliezer, c. 45. Shalshalet Hakabala, fol. 7. 1.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Hur - Again mentioned with Aaron, in Exodus 24:14. He was grandfather of Bezaleel, the great sculptor and artificer of the tabernacle, Exodus 31:2-5, and belonged to the tribe of Judah. (See 1 Chronicles 2:18-20.)

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Exodus 17:10. Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up — It is likely that the Hur mentioned here is the same with that Hur mentioned 1 Chronicles 2:19, who appears from the chronology in that chapter to have been the son of Caleb, the son of Ezron, the son of Pharez, the son of Judah. The rabbins and Josephus say he was the brother-in-law of Moses, having married his sister Miriam. He was a person in whom Moses put much confidence; for he left him conjoint governor of the people with Aaron, when he went to confer with God on the mount, Exodus 24:14. His grandson Bezaleel was the chief director in the work of the tabernacle; see Exodus 31:2-5.

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