the Last Week after Epiphany
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Read the Bible
Simplified Cowboy Version
John 3
Jesus and Nick
1 There was a Jewish leader and Pharisee named, Nicodemus, or Nick for short.
2 He didn't want anyone to see him talking to Jesus, so one evening after dark, he sought him out and said, "Hey boss, we all know you are from God because of the miracles you can do."3 But Jesus said, "I'm telling you the truth, unless you are born again, you will never see the inside of God's ranch."
4 "What in the world are you talking about?" Nick exclaimed. "How can a grown man go back to the womb and be born again?"
5 Jesus said, "I promise you, no one can get on God's outfit unless they are born of water and Spirit.
6 Humans can only make humans, but the Holy Spirit can give birth to spiritual life. 7 So don't think it strange when I say, 'You've gotta be born again.' 8 Let me explain it this way, you can hear the wind, but can't tell where it comes from. It goes wherever it wants, but you can't explain it. Same thing goes for the Holy Spirit."9 "How can this happen though?" Nick asked.
10 Jesus said, "Aren't you one of Israel's teachers? How is it that you cannot understand something as simple as this?
11 We tell you the things we have seen and done, but y'all don't believe a word we say. 12 And if you won't believe me about things you can touch and feel, how are you going to believe me about spiritual things? 13 Nobody has ever gone to heaven and come back, but the Top Hand rode down from heaven to help y'all. 14 And just like Moses lifted up that bronze snake on a pole to heal everyone, so the Top Hand will be strung up also. 15 And everyone who sees and believes in him will live forever on God's outfit."16 "This is how much the Boss loves his hands, he sent his only Son, the Top Hand, that everyone who believes in him shall not perish, but live forever on God's outfit.
17 For the Boss didn't send the Top Hand to point out people's faults, but to save them from their sins. 18 Nothing will be held against a cowboy who believes, but the one who doesn't, everything will be held against him. 19 And this is why they will be judged harshly, God shined a light down into this dark world to show people the way to him, but people were more interested in the dark than the light. They like things that happen in the dark. 20 Sorry people hate the light because they are afraid that people will see them for who they really are. 21 But those who want to ride the right way are not afraid to come into the light."John the Baptizer Talks More about Jesus
22 Then Jesus and his cowboys left Jerusalem and went out into the countryside. Jesus stuck around there for a while baptizing people.
23 John was out near Aenon doing his baptizing. He was there because there was plenty of water to baptize. 24 (This was before John was thrown in the slammer.) 25 Some of John's crew and some Jews got to squabblin' over being religiously clean. 26 They went to John and said, "Boss, the guy you pointed out as the Top Hand is now baptizing people like you did. Folks are going to him instead of coming to us."27 John replied, "No one has anything unless God gives it to 'em.
28 Don't forget that I told y'all that I ain't the Top Hand. I'm just bustin' a trail for him. 29 When a man gets married, the best man isn't offended when everyone goes to talk to the groom. He's just happy to stand up with him and hear the vows that are made. I'm very happy for his success and now my life has been made complete. 30 It's his time to shine, and time for me to saddle up and ride away. My job is done. 31 He's rode down from heaven and is greater than anyone else that has ever stepped foot on this earth. 32 He tells folks what he knows, but nobody listens or believes him. 33 Anyone who believes what he says knows God's truth. 34 That's because God sent him and he speaks with God's words. The Top Hand is given the Spirit without any limitations. 35 The Boss loves the Top Hand, who is his only son, and has put him in charge of everything. 36 Whoever believes in God's Son will live forever. And anyone who doesn't do what the Top Hand says, will never make it onto God's outfit. Those who do not choose God's outfit choose a forever death instead of eternal life."Simplified Cowboy Version
The Simplified Cowboy Version. Copyright ©2021 by Kevin Weatherby. Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide. For quotations over 500 verses or questions, please email admin@savethecowboy. com or write to Save the Cowboy, Attn: Bible Rights, PO Box 428 Kiowa, CO 80117.