the Last Week after Epiphany
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Read the Bible
Simplified Cowboy Version
1 John 5
1 Anyone who believes Jesus is the one who was sent to save us all gets the right to be children of God. If you love a father, then you also love his son.
2 We can know we love God's kids if we love God and do what he says to do. 3 Of course we love God. And if we love him, we are going to obey him just like we would any great father. What he asks us to do is not too hard. 4 Shoot, we're just glad that because we are God's kids, we can defeat the world and its ways. We do this by our faith in him. 5 Who can defeat the whole world? The cowboy who believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God.6 Jesus proved who he was when he was baptized in water and shed his blood on the cross. Not just one or the other, but by both. The Holy Ghost confirms that this is true.
7 There are three witnesses to who Jesus was: 8 the Holy Ghost, the water, and the blood that was shed. 9 If three witnesses on earth would validate a truth, then these three witnesses confirm the truth of who Jesus is. But really, we have only to listen to God, because he told us himself that Jesus was his Son. 10 Anyone who believes in Jesus knows this to be true. Those who don't believe in Jesus are just calling God a liar.11 This is what God said, he has given us eternal life and it is only found in his Son.
12 If you ride with the Son, you will ride forever. If you don't, then you won't.The Forever Ride
13 I'm telling you all this so you can be sure you have eternal life by your ride with Jesus.
14 We are courageous when we come before God because we know he loves us and listens to our needs. We know he will take care of us. 15 If he hears us and listens to us, then we know he will give us what we ask of him.16 If you see a fellow cowboy doing something he shouldn't, you should pray for him and God will hear the prayer and bring him back. That's not to say there is a possibility someone could do something so heinous that God would turn their back on them. Possibly something as bad as turning their backs on God. Praying for that guy probably wouldn't do a lot of good.
17 Listen, we are all going to mess up and that is what it means to sin. But God is better as saving than we are at sinning . . . to an extent.18 Anyone who truly rides for God as one of his kids doesn't keep on intentionally sinning. Jesus keeps them safe from the devil.
19 We know we ride for God even though everyone else rides for the devil.
20 We know Jesus came to show us who his Father is. We ride for him every day because we know him and he knows us. This is what it means to have eternal life.
21 Cowboys, keep a far distance from anything that looks like a false god.
Simplified Cowboy Version
The Simplified Cowboy Version. Copyright ©2021 by Kevin Weatherby. Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide. For quotations over 500 verses or questions, please email admin@savethecowboy. com or write to Save the Cowboy, Attn: Bible Rights, PO Box 428 Kiowa, CO 80117.